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“Feminism was born out of a PR campaign to get women to smoke cigarettes” and other fun “facts” from Reddit

Typical feminists, according to Reddit

A redditor called fxexular has put together an amazing compilation of fun “facts” about feminism from assorted Redditors. It’s a bit like reading the descriptions of an elephant offered by six blind men who are also drunk misogynist assholes. Among my favorites:

feminism, at best, focuses on relatively trivial female issues instead of grotesque male issues and at worst is pure man hate.

feminism. Where the most privileged people in society can whine about their “oppression of opulence.”

Feminism is about strong males using law to further marginalize weak males.

The ruling class uses feminism as a tool to keep men, young men and boy’s down

It’s like pissing in a bucket of water – piss enough, and you’ll dilute the water to mostly piss. “Feminism” is a bucket of piss these days, from all the crazy and ignorant that attached to it over the years, especially the past decade when it became a fad.

feminism destroys men’s confidence and sense of satisfaction in being male.

every feminist is a abuser or a abuser apologist or a shield for other abusers.

Feminists don’t even think of men as human.

Most women and feminists view gay men as accessories.

these feminist nut cases have only one goal: total female supremacy at the expense of men. Fuck every last one of these haggard harpies. Fuck ’em all.

I used to hold doors, I dont anymore. I just let it slam in the face of whoever is behind me b/c I have been publicly embarrassed by many a feminist for being polite.

Feminists are like witches, but this isn’t the The Land of Oz, Dorothy. There are no “good” feminists.

Brainwashed weak feminist men are a favorite of feminists. They don’t treat them very well, but they use them to great effect.

i’m mad as hell at the way men are treated by the feminist gynecocracy

The people who dismiss /mr are like abusers; they’re looking for any excuse to piss all over something they know is logical and true because they can’t handle it emotionally.

Many feminists do hate men and want to emasculate them. While I’m thankful for the few who don’t I feel that their silence allows the groups like NOW to exploit men and women alike for their own aims.

I know it sounds good to believe that feminism was always about equality but go and read up on the first wave suffragettes. They were basically domestic terrorists in many cases.

The feminism of the 60’s also lead to the vitriol hatred of men.

I suspect that the butt-ugly women who started feminism in the 60’s were confronted for the first time with an efficient mating market (after the sexual revolution), and they couldn’t stand “losing” to the pretty girls

[Feminists’] entire shtick is to repeat misinformation and when that fails bust out the unsubstantiated personal attacks

Yeah, no irony there!

I think this one is my favorite, though:

I will never socialize with feminists after I learned the darkness of their philosophy.

Most of these quotes are from the Men’s Rights subreddit. Every quote in fxexular’s list that I went to look at in context had gotten more upvotes than downvotes. So they must be true!

EDITED TO ADD: Oops! Forgot the link. I added it above. And here is is again, just in case.

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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Dracula – Shit, what happens when 99.9% of men don’t want it either?

I think even most men who are sexist by normal-Earthling standards would be taken aback by the grand sweep of this bullshit.

13 years ago

That’s an excellent point, Holly. I certainly don’t want to live in the world he dreams of. I was just hoping Mr. Meller could provides some specifics as to how his glorious future would be built and maintained.

Need to know
13 years ago

DKM- I cordially and civilly invite you to entertain any ideas you please about ‘complementarity, harmony, and love’ as regards YOUR OWN relationships with any women who freely choose to associate with you. I also categorically refuse to describe as civil or reasonable any suggestion that naturally all women should give up their rights to suit your personal beliefs.

Further, no, saying you don’t believe women are entitled to equal rights is not civil conversation. You don’t believe we are capable of taking part as full citizens, nor as an equal and cherished partner in a loving and respectful relationship. You make snide asides like ‘your mind, what there is of it’, you call feminists names and describe them in derogatory terms, you liken women who believe in equality to hags, vipers, shrews and more- and you call yourself civil?

You daydream of a world where women are owned- for their own good and that of the species. You warn that if we do not voluntarily stop working for equality we will be forced to submit- and you call yourself civil? You’re only extrapolating, after all, and you don’t think women should be beaten but…

But they shouldn’t have equal rights. They shouldn’t be full citizens under the law.

You may dress up your beliefs in as many pretty words as you please but what you advocate is denying half the human race equality based in what set of reproductive organs they have.
You are talking, let’s be clear, about denying me, ME PERSONALLY, and every other woman and girl on this planet equality. You suggest we submit.

We are not slaves, nor performing animals nor property and to tell us we should consent to less than full equality is in fact pretty goddamned uncivil. Oh and now I’ve used a naughty word so you can have the vapors about that while you’re at it.

Further, if you want to tout the good of the species then refusing to allow the full participation of half the species is stupid. I don’t care what gender the scientist who cures cancer is- so let’s educate and encourage any kid who’s interested to apply themselves.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Susie, only boys can make laws.” Really? As if we have too many smart people in government already?

And you say feminists are hateful? You would take away women’s rights to full and equal representation under the law- but it’s okay because you don’t use bad words?

Fuck that.

(Note- My reply is US-centric and I want to acknowledge here that women in other countries often already have fewer rights. Me? I wanna lift everyone up. DKM advocates keeping one half the human race down, permanently, based on their gender- but he says he’s being civil about it so I guess that makes it okay?)

13 years ago

would you rather be in the hands, and submissive to the will, of a man whom you trusted completely, who cherished your mind–what there was of it–your body and beauty, and your spirtual qualties, a man who loved you with everything he had, and that you KNEW that you were the center of his universe;

I don’t do submission. Not my bag in the slightest. And I already have the rest without having to submit to anything except partnership. We’ve been together for 11 years now. Fuck right off. Again.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“There has been venom even when I have AGREED with all of you, for example, when I suggested that maybe women ARE equally good soldiers to men, and the armed forces of the USA, and even our possible adversaries, should be composed exclusively of women! You can’t get more equal than that!”

You seem to have a lot of trouble with this “equal” concept. If someone gives you a basket and asks you to fill it with an equal number of apples and pears, do you proudly hand it back to them filled with nothing but apples?

13 years ago

And, yeah. What Need to Know said, too.

13 years ago

DKM: Sorry, laughing at the pain of people with cancer makes you a vile pustule on the bottom of the collective human arse. Trying to deny woman equal rights with men is just being a douchebag. If believing this makes me a harpy, then so be it.

Societal Contract
Societal Contract
13 years ago

I see that Mr. Meller is a sub who likes his Dom to don vampire gear.

That can be arranged 😉

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

So the guy who says this:

none of my posts degraded women in any way

In the same comment advocates for a society like this:

Women would NOT be allowed to corrupt and paralyse the larger society and economy, would NOT be allowed to run or enforce the law, the arbitaration or mediation apparatus, or sit on juries!

And further states this:

In short, women would have their rights protected, esoecially as it pertains to women’s sphere inside the home, but not the “right” to f**k up the larger society with their lies, their endless demands, their ill bred tantrums, , and their callous and sly sex wiles!

But he’s not degrading women; oh no, not him. He’s just telling it like it is.

Seriously, did you time travel in from the 19th century or something?

Of course, when he says this:

However, with my posts being like this one here, and their postings being like theirs elsewhere else, no challenge exists! My posts are the more civilized and intelligent, no questions asked!

It’s obvious that he’s fucking delusional. The fortunate thing is that virtually no one cares what DKM thinks, and that his ideas are not likely to be adopted any time soon.

13 years ago

I see that Mr. Meller is a sub who likes his Dom to don vampire gear.

That can be arranged 😉

Couldn’t he just reread Twilight to get his misogynistic kinky vampire fix? :p

13 years ago

Just don’t expect me to get involved.

13 years ago

Long time reader, first time poster. I…can’t think of anything to follow that up with, so I’ll just commence with the troll slaying.

Men and women are different

I am VERY hesitant to ask, but different how? Apart from obvious anatomical differences, I can’t think of a single innate difference between the sexes. All other things off of the top of my head are either part of their personality as individuals, a result of environmental factors, or a combination of the two. Nothing at all to suggest that it has anything to do with being female.

In short, women would have their rights protected…

Women would NOT be allowed to corrupt and paralyse[sic] the larger society and economy, would NOT be allowed to run or enforce the law, the arbitaration or mediation apparatus, or sit on juries!

Maybe, and I’m just guessing on this one, maybe taking away someone’s rights isn’t the same thing as protecting said rights. Then again, I use logic, so what do I know.

Other factors and features, like complementarity, harmony, and love, are vastly more important, supersede equality at all times, and lend every pleasure and joy to relations between the sexes!

These are things that are good for relationships between individuals (although I would question “complimentarity”). What you seem to be doing is assuming that all relationships between the sexes is inherently and automatically romantic. This is heteronormative and flat out stupid.

I suppose that I could illustrate this by asking simply, would you rather be in the hands, and submissive to the will, of a man whom you trusted completely, who cherished your mind–what there was of it–your body and beauty, and your spirtual qualties, a man who loved you with everything he had, and that you KNEW that you were the center of his universe; or would you be content with “equality”–equality with a man who was nothing more than a ‘significant other’, a so-called friend with benefits or really nothing but a roomate with whom you experienced occasional “intimacy”?

Alright, I’m going to spell it out simply.
1. Romantic relationships are not automatically heterosexual
2. Relationships between men and women are not always romantic (this may be hard to grasp, but platonic friendships are possible between the sexes).
3. Nobody is obligated to submit themselves to another in a relationship (they can if that is their choice, but it’s not an obligation)
4. Equality != loveless detached relationships. My girlfriend and have an equal partnership, which we are very happy with. We are also deeply in love.

You claim you never argued for the enslavement of women, but your ideal romantic model is pretty much that. Sure, it’s more indirect, but it demands the woman submit to the man.

My posts are the more civilized and intelligent, no questions asked!

Wow, if I could convert hubris to electricity, I could power a city for a month with that one sentence alone (although that’s nothing compared to your persecution complex).

13 years ago

Either DKM is a liar, a hypocrite, or he has some severe memory probelm regarding pretty much everything else he has ever said on this blog, and some of the things he said in the same post! You decide!

13 years ago

I choose… All of the above!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I love! When! DKM! Speaks! Like! This! xD

Srsly, I got him so bang on last time w/ my impression xD



Neways, DKM, you seem to have… a reading comprehension issue? o_O

You said that nothing that David has quoted compares to the vile horrible things the regular commenters here have said…

so I’m saying… David gives you something he’s quoted that’s vile from an MRA, you show us one of thoise comments you keep saying ppl make that compares to it :3

How about it? 😀

Or in DKM speak: Indeed! I implore you to take my challenge!


13 years ago

I love! When! DKM! Speaks! Like! This! xD

Oh geez, now I’m totally hearing it in Shatner’s voice… :p

13 years ago

Aw crap. I think David K. Meller’s got a crush on me.

13 years ago

Ami: I’ve called DKM several variations of horrible for his cancer post. That’s probably why I keep getting namechecked on the Evil Feminist List of DOOM!!

comrade svilova
comrade svilova
13 years ago

suppose that I could illustrate this by asking simply, would you rather be in the hands, and submissive to the will, of a man whom you trusted completely, who cherished your mind–what there was of it–your body and beauty, and your spirtual qualties, a man who loved you with everything he had, and that you KNEW that you were the center of his universe; or would you be content with “equality”–equality with a man who was nothing more than a ‘significant other’, a so-called friend with benefits or really nothing but a roomate with whom you experienced occasional “intimacy”?

Actually, I prefer an egalitarian relationship with my girlfriend. I suspect that lesbians aren’t supposed to exist in DKM’s ideal world…

13 years ago

would you rather be in the hands, and submissive to the will, of a man whom you trusted completely, who cherished your mind–what there was of it–your body and beauty, and your spirtual qualties, a man who loved you with everything he had, and that you KNEW that you were the center of his universe;

As a man… you can keep this idiocy. I like women who are equal. I like not having half the population in a degraded circumstance, dependent, by law on the whims of someone else. I can’t explain how disgusting, demeaning, degrading, dehumanising, and downright creepy your fantasy is.

13 years ago

“There has been venom even when I have AGREED with all of you, for example, when I suggested that maybe women ARE equally good soldiers to men, and the armed forces of the USA, and even our possible adversaries, should be composed exclusively of women! You can’t get more equal than that!”

If it was your idea why did you try to fob it off on me?

If you were agreeing why did you say that doing what you suggested would lead to the US losing if such an army were put to the test? Why did you say that if you died in a nuclear fireball in that war you would die happy having gotten the chance to see the proof of your ideas about women come to it’s logical fruition?

That’s some pretty strange definition of, “equally good soldiers”. But, since you have no experience of the army. No experience of what sort of soldiers women actually are, and suffer from the foolish consistency which is the hobgoblin of small minds we can sleep easy in our beds, because your extrapolations have as little chance of happening as does the chance that Fannie Farmer, June Cleaver, and Doris Day rising from the dead and deciding you need a harem of attentive women whom you can dote on as they serve your every wish, physical, emotional, and sexual.


13 years ago

darksidecatEither DKM is a liar, a hypocrite, or he has some severe memory probelm regarding pretty much everything else he has ever said on this blog, and some of the things he said in the same post! You decide!

I’ll take delusional megalomania for $1000, Alex.

13 years ago

Hey Meller, in a recent submission to a very old thread, a woman has posted a long and poorly written screed about the importance of wifely submission under the laws of God and the Bible. She is, according to her post, married, a stay-at-home wife and mother and believes -as you do- that the proper place for a woman is in the home. Now, she’s unavailable but she is very likely a part of a religious organization that has like-minded, single women who share her beliefs.

Instead of sliming and ribbit-ing all over the rest of us, who enjoy the equality and companionship present in our relationships, how about you hop on over to that thread, engage the poster, and find out where and how you can meet these women.

We can be spared your revolting, mucus-coated, delusional, purple-prose filled croaking. And you can find thesweet, old-fashioned girl of your fevered, narcissistic fantasies to love “…as well as you could…”

Everybody wins! Sound good?

13 years ago

,,,man-hating feminists who regard me as subhuman because I possess a Y chromosome!

Funny how you (and others of similar mindset) consider it “hate” when you perceive yourself as being regarded as subhuman for possessing a Y chromosome, but consider it “love” when you regard as subhuman those who do NOT possess a Y chromosome.

13 years ago

Nobinayamu: Where is this recent post?

Pam:…. but… Wimmenz… they aren’t MEN!

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