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“Feminism was born out of a PR campaign to get women to smoke cigarettes” and other fun “facts” from Reddit

Typical feminists, according to Reddit

A redditor called fxexular has put together an amazing compilation of fun “facts” about feminism from assorted Redditors. It’s a bit like reading the descriptions of an elephant offered by six blind men who are also drunk misogynist assholes. Among my favorites:

feminism, at best, focuses on relatively trivial female issues instead of grotesque male issues and at worst is pure man hate.

feminism. Where the most privileged people in society can whine about their “oppression of opulence.”

Feminism is about strong males using law to further marginalize weak males.

The ruling class uses feminism as a tool to keep men, young men and boy’s down

It’s like pissing in a bucket of water – piss enough, and you’ll dilute the water to mostly piss. “Feminism” is a bucket of piss these days, from all the crazy and ignorant that attached to it over the years, especially the past decade when it became a fad.

feminism destroys men’s confidence and sense of satisfaction in being male.

every feminist is a abuser or a abuser apologist or a shield for other abusers.

Feminists don’t even think of men as human.

Most women and feminists view gay men as accessories.

these feminist nut cases have only one goal: total female supremacy at the expense of men. Fuck every last one of these haggard harpies. Fuck ’em all.

I used to hold doors, I dont anymore. I just let it slam in the face of whoever is behind me b/c I have been publicly embarrassed by many a feminist for being polite.

Feminists are like witches, but this isn’t the The Land of Oz, Dorothy. There are no “good” feminists.

Brainwashed weak feminist men are a favorite of feminists. They don’t treat them very well, but they use them to great effect.

i’m mad as hell at the way men are treated by the feminist gynecocracy

The people who dismiss /mr are like abusers; they’re looking for any excuse to piss all over something they know is logical and true because they can’t handle it emotionally.

Many feminists do hate men and want to emasculate them. While I’m thankful for the few who don’t I feel that their silence allows the groups like NOW to exploit men and women alike for their own aims.

I know it sounds good to believe that feminism was always about equality but go and read up on the first wave suffragettes. They were basically domestic terrorists in many cases.

The feminism of the 60’s also lead to the vitriol hatred of men.

I suspect that the butt-ugly women who started feminism in the 60’s were confronted for the first time with an efficient mating market (after the sexual revolution), and they couldn’t stand “losing” to the pretty girls

[Feminists’] entire shtick is to repeat misinformation and when that fails bust out the unsubstantiated personal attacks

Yeah, no irony there!

I think this one is my favorite, though:

I will never socialize with feminists after I learned the darkness of their philosophy.

Most of these quotes are from the Men’s Rights subreddit. Every quote in fxexular’s list that I went to look at in context had gotten more upvotes than downvotes. So they must be true!

EDITED TO ADD: Oops! Forgot the link. I added it above. And here is is again, just in case.

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13 years ago

I hold the door open for everyone: men, women, Conquistadors on donkeys, babies.

Fuck babies*; they can stop clogging up my route and use the cat door I cut out for that very purpose.

Re: gay men as accessories…lemme save you some heartache–they strenuously object when you try to wear them as a pendant.

Hmm, I’d love to get a few gay men as accessories, but what if they demand that I make them full-on accomplices? Or even ringleaders? DRAMA.

*note for MRAs: this is not meant literally. Babies still can’t consent.

13 years ago

Guess I’m not a real feminist! :p

Obviously not! Real Feminists(tm) spend their days cursing at men and spitting on them and pointedly sleeping with women to totally spite men despite actually being heterosexual. It’s quite a burden, actually.

13 years ago

Fun fact: The guy who posted that comment about doors also happens to be a white supremacist.

Now I’m imagining that episode from Better Off Ted where the automatic doors don’t open for black people because they can’t see them, except the automatic doors are all this guy. 😀

13 years ago

I remember a guy holding a door open for me once and after I thanked him, he said, “If I don’t do it, it’s discrimination.”

Personally, I’d rather open my own doors than deal with that kind of attitude.

13 years ago

Ah yes I remember my childhood well. After springing of Mother Athena’s vagina, I often frolicked among the flowers with my pet unicorn. My other Mother Artemis taught me in the ways of the warrior goddess (using a credit card and using men for all their worth).

And then one day my unicorn disappeared. But my feminist sisters comforted me because as we all know, when we hit puberty we turn into flesh-eating harpies. So I suppose Sparky went to a good cause… my stomach! *insert evil manic fymynyst laugh here*

13 years ago

Lauralot, no need to use Word, we have a regender website for that.

13 years ago

KathleenB, do I have to spit? I never drink enough water and I’m always slightly dehydrated, so that might be tough. 🙁

13 years ago

Hey, this just in; feminists were against the sexual revolution! Tru fax! The sexual revolution was all about men getting more tail and no feminists were in favor of it! At all! Ever!

13 years ago

@Bagelsan: Yes, the spitting is a requirement. Of course you could limit yourself to only spitting upon omega men or men you find sexually unattractive. But then you’d definitely have to take advantage of a beta while riding the alpha cock carousel.

13 years ago

I usually prefer opening my own doors, too, but that’s because I tend to walk slowly and people stop to hold the door for me when I’m still a ways off. I don’t want to make them wait, but I don’t want to run, either. But that’s my own issue and the awkwardness is probably in my head. I can’t recall any other door-related incidents, even when I wear my feminism-themed shirts out in public.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Bagelsan, how about one of those squirty bottles? You can get ’em for like a buck at Wal-Mart.

13 years ago

Bagelsan: Sorry, it’s mandatory. Article 2, section iii of the Feminist Agenda: A True Feminist ™ is required at all times to expectorate upon members of the lesser gender. You can apply for an exemption, but those can take years, and the fines add up. You could be thrown out of the Vast Feminist Conspiracy for failure to comply with the Agenda, you know.

13 years ago

And the truly sad thing is that some MRA is going to take me seriously and my comments will probably end up all over the skeeviest places on the internet, being trotted out as ‘proof’ of the Feminist Agenda.

13 years ago

I should add that while I’ve never met a woman who femi-sisted ™ on opening her own damn door, I do know of one who will chew men out for NOT racing women to the door and insisting on opening it.

This woman is a pro-life fundamentalist Calvinist, i.e. explicitly anti-feminist.

The vast, vast majority of American dudes and ladies follow the first-person-at-the-door-holds-it policy. Some just never got the memo. And so they fuss. And project.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

What is w/ the obsession w/ door holding? o_O Hold doors for everybody! It’s polite, and it’s nice 🙂 I hold doors whenever somebody’s about to go through behind me or coming in in front of me… o_O

I mean did they just hold doors for women before and let it slam on men before? o_O I don’t think that gives a good impression to women either… it’s kinda like being on a date and being mean to your waiter…

It’s also like how door holding is this big bloody battleground to them in the Gender Wars xD

Ess Bee
Ess Bee
13 years ago

Gee, coming into contact with the ‘MRM’ and the like has re-established one truth I’m always saddened to be faced with, there sure is a lot of lousy reasoning in the world. These ‘facts about feminism’ merely demonstrate the type of beliefs which flow from a dichotomous analysis of life, one which polarizes all views into binary points (rendering both absurd in the process). These individuals generate superficial and stereotypical ideas about the complexities of human psychology and social/political issues, rendering what should be fascinating discussions into dull, mindless idiocy.

It must be tiresome to live within a shroud of irrationality and emotional instability. Both of which, ironically enough, have long been claimed as feminine flaws. Perhaps that’s one of the problems that these individuals have with feminism: they resent and fear the woman within.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I will never socialize with feminists after I learned the darkness of their philosophy.

I think he meant “Darknyss” >_>

13 years ago

Bagelsan, how about one of those squirty bottles? You can get ‘em for like a buck at Wal-Mart.

Hmm, not a bad idea. And in this hot weather a lot of guys might actually thank me for it! …Mwah ha HA! Participate in your own feminist oppression, gently moistened manscum!

13 years ago

I also have the mindset that you should open doors for anyone behind you for the sake of politeness. I especially try to get the door for someone with their hands full or struggling with a heavy package. I have had men act like I’m a weirdo for opening doors for them. Maybe it’s a regional thing, since Joplin is one of the most socially conservative places you’ll find. I also think it’s a generational thing, because younger men seem to have less qualms about a woman holding a door open for them.

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

Sandwiches and holding doors open. Two things guaranteed to get some air time anytime idiot men open their mouths about feminism.

C. Glenn
C. Glenn
13 years ago

Honestly I have to say that with people like you in the world I sorry to be male. I happen to be a very strong supporter of female equality and I am not gay or an accesory. I am just as much of a man if not more than you because I am not scared of equality. I am not affraid to share the benefits of the world with women and with minorities. I understand that there are some really radical women out there but it is garbage like this blog that forces them to that state. My advise to you from one man to another is stand up and open your eyes and see that if you didn’t have a penis life would be harder. No one really wants you to apologise for your gender but rather don’t hide behind it. The fact that you were born with a penis does not give you any talent, skill, or trait that places you above or below anyone else. Keep this in mind the next time you choose to call all who desire equality to be psycho or “bitches” because you only make yourselves look like idiots.

13 years ago

I know one place where opening doors is an egalitarian procedure, in a way that makes all this look like posturing.

The Army. I’ve had generals open the door for me. The rule is (though not stated) the first person to the door holds it for the next person, who (if there are more people coming) passes it to the person behind, until everyone as gone through.

Also, the junior person is the first into any vehicle, which has more than one passenger in the back seat. The driver hold the door. So I’ve had captains and colonels opening car doors so I could get in and closing them behind me when I get out.

And some of them were women.

13 years ago


That sounds kinda awkward. I think I would do the same in that situation. I mean, what he said sounds a little condecending, but at the same time, he’s an older man, and…well, what else can you do but laugh uncomfortably and move on. I’ve gotten argumentative about things that people don’t see what the deal is, but it’s usually when they are clueless about having said something REALLY hurtful, and then insist that I shouldn’t be hurt about it. Like cat-calling for example, or “you sure are good at that, for a girl” and other dimwitted statements.

13 years ago


Descrimination if he doesn’t hold the door, eh? What a jackass.