evil women kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA the spearhead threats western women suck

This means war! Also, cats.

Cats: Also at war with men.

It’s time for another random creepy comment with dozens of upvotes from The Spearhead! This time the commenter is a fella named Rebel, envisioning an epic future battle between the ladies and the dudes.

Women are engaged in a “holy crusade” against the male gender.

If men rise up, they will face an enemy who is willing to die, rather than give an inch. Women are possessed, their brains are anything but human.

They are lost to us.

I read that the universe is trying to acquire consciousness through us humans.

Some force is holding us back in darkness and we know what that force is.

Darth Vader? The CIA? The IRS? Cats? Oh, wait, ladies. Right?

If men revolt, the ensuing fight will come to epic proportions.

What’s at stake: nothing less than civilization.

But there’s a surprise ending! If you’re a dude, and want to avoid this epic battle, you can just move south of the border:

Is there an escape?

I think there is.

It’s called South America.

At least for now.

Hmm. South America didn’t work out so well for (SPOILER ALERT!) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

But I guess Rebel knows this, because he ends with:

But if men are not prepared to fight an unnatural war, they will be reduced to slavery (at least those lucky enough to avoid elimination).


On a completely unrelated note, my cat has taken to drinking out of cups. Putting her whole head in them to do so. It’s the cutest damn thing.

I guess that’s not a completely unrelated note, as she’s been waging an unnatural war against me (and everyone else) since I first took her in as an overgrown kitten, barefoot and pregnant, more than a decade ago. Thankfully I am much larger than she is, otherwise I’d be dead.

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Jill the Spinster
Jill the Spinster
13 years ago

And who does the crappy jobs that Alpha men won’t do? Beta men or non whites? Who decides? The illuminati who are all male anyway?

A class system would evolve even without females and the beta males would sink to the bottom of the barrel again.

13 years ago

The alphas could stop the betas complaining though, by saying ‘at least you don’t live in female land!’. So they think they’re not really betas. Like saying ‘would you rather live in russia, then!?’ when you complain about your rights being taken away.

13 years ago

Bloody hell, giving the trolls a run for their money with the incoherence today, aren’t I? (see above) 🙁

13 years ago

Cats already think they can knit. That’s why when you’re knitting away, you reach little wet bits, look down and see wool all over the room.

13 years ago

Kristin, there is an ant (not an AntZ) in which the male and female are effectively separate asexual species!
Sorry AntZ but they still live together – under a Queen, to boot.

Isn’t the real world and real science SO much cooler than the deluded sci-fi cum evopsych whargarbl AntZ et al come out with?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I wonder if AntZ plays any Sim games… o:

13 years ago

He talks like he thinks all entities that are not merely extensions of the observer’s ego are, because uncontrollable, less than satisfactory.

Oh wait, hold on: not every IRL relationship is tainted. AntZ thinks that, once everyone has VR romantic relationships, they will feel better about their lives and be able to engage in no-pressure long-term friendships with members of the same gender. He even says these dyads should be able to raise children if they want. When told that heterosexuals already do that with members of different genders, they just call it “romance” —the very same relationship that AntZ regards as so horrifying that it would be better to replace the entire thing with VR and in vitro fertilization—he bailed.

13 years ago

Sorry NWO, but no matter how much experience you have, businesses will more than likely choose a fresh out of college graduate. This is usually because:

a) Younger workers tend to be more open to absorbing the company culture and accepting policies as status quo.

b)They usually work for less pay.

c)They tend to be more savvy with new technology, bring a fresh perspective to the work environment and are more open to developing new ways of doing things.

The woman part was just an added bonus really, especially in an engineering job where they are seeking gender balance.

13 years ago

“Men will be free from fear of COLLECTIVE VIOLENCE.”

Are you saying that individual men get beaten up by groups of women??? You make no sense. I think you should be separated from everybody else cos I know a lot of men who would rather not live in a world without women.

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

” “Men will be free from fear of COLLECTIVE VIOLENCE.”

Are you saying that individual men get beaten up by groups of women???”

The proximate enforcers of group violence have always been selected from the group that is being oppressed. There are no exceptions. A well known example is 1930’s Germany. Men oppress men, at the command of the feminist Zeitgeist.

People who say “90% of political leaders are men, so men cannot be oppressed” should imagine what it would be like for women, if 90% of political leaders turned into Michele Bachmann.

“Does he think his wife is the type of person to exploit these things against him?”

None of this will impact my life.

The speciation event will not occur suddenly or by mandate. Those of us who have found perfect partners will live out our lives with them. My sons, however, will have the option to enjoy the same wonderful relationship that I have — but without the awful risk that (if they choose poorly) their wives will invoke female privilege and deprive them of their children, their lives, their liberty, their property, and/or their income.

Also, even if my children choose to partner with a physical person (of either gender), they will have the option to choose a different person for the role of child-care partner based on professional and objective characteristics. Likely, they will select a male as their child-care partner, and thus legally will be full equal parents. Ultimately, this is the most important advantage for men.

The legal right to an equal role in parenting of our children is 90% of the MRM.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

People who say “90% of political leaders are men, so men cannot be oppressed” should imagine what it would be like for women, if 90% of political leaders turned into Michele Bachmann.

You know, when we say women are oppressed, we can and do provide evidence that this is the case.

Provide your evidencet hat men are the oppressed gender, by women, now.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Also, you haven’t responded to my point that you’re a fucking idiot if you think ending gender oppression will end the oppressions that most seriously affect men. You’d be doing women a big favor, sure, but men? Not so much.

13 years ago

MissPrism, that is super-cool!

Antz, your idea has been stolen! BY ANTS!

I wonder if the ants have virtual ant companions to ease the pain of loneliness without taking on the risks of relationships with other ants. Tiny VR headsets would be SO CUTE.

13 years ago

Maybe ants really do have VR headsets but we can’t see them cause they’re soooooooooo tiny.

13 years ago

Truthfully, Zarat, if you actually have this wife and two sons, do you tell her that this is what you want? When you bother to get off the internet to pay attention to them, after you’ve had dinner and put them to bed, and convinced the 7 year old that he does have to brush his teeth, and keep cross your fingers that the 7 month old will continue sleeping through the night…

Do you sit down across from your “wife” whom you claim to love and tell her that what you hope for -the penultimate goal of your “work”- is that you will be able to replace her with an artificial womb and digital version of her that can never leave you? That you consider her, as a woman, to be a completely different species than you are and that you long for the day when a wall is constructed down the near-center of the U.S.?

None of this will impact my life.

None of this will impact anyone’s lives because men and women are not a seperate species. You’re the one claiming to be a magically unpublished scientist, surely you understand what “species” actually means?

Men and women who would like to remain completely seperated from the opposite sex are already free to do so. Nothing’s stopping them. In fact, nothing’s stopping you. Go.

13 years ago

Also, yay! Ami’s here!

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

“You know, when we say women are oppressed, we can and do provide evidence that this is the case.”

1) Make a list of the 10 worst things that can happen to a person. It does not matter what kind of thing you prefer. Violence, health problems, psychiatric problems, extreme poverty, homelessness, social dispossession, youth and adolescent problems, family loss, etc. Then, for each item on your list, find out the proportion of men and women that experience this problem.

2) Make a list of the 10 largest gender-specific public funding initiates. Or 100 largest. Or 1000 largest. Oh wait, make that 2900 largest. All but one of the 2900 gender specific programs, institutes, departments, government commissions, and health programs are WOMEN ONLY. There is only ONE gender specific initiate for men, the Male Studies institute in New York city …. which feminists are fighting to destroy.

13 years ago

“A well known example is 1930′s Germany. Men oppress men, at the command of the feminist Zeitgeist.”

What??? I thought it was all Hitler oppressing the Jews. Man, my school history books were all wrong!

13 years ago

“Women will no longer fear the faceless man in the darkness.” should be “Women will no longer fear being harmed by a loved one and then not taken seriously when they go to the cops for help.”

There. Fixed. That’s a lot more likely.

You know, I always hear a great deal of MRA complaining about less qualified women getting their jobs. But they never really get into how they know the woman in question is less qualified. I also find it interesting that most fields are male dominated in the first place, and a lot of what they are complaining about happens to women a great deal more then it happens to men. Assuming they actually experienced real descrimination based on gender, and not in their biased imaginations, it pains me that they are unable to say “shit! now I know how you must feel! lets work together to stop this.” as opposed to “GARRR! FEminists are ruining everything, buah! perpetual victimhood is ours, and you only think…blah blah bleach”


13 years ago

There is only ONE gender specific initiate for men, the Male Studies institute in New York city …. which feminists are fighting to destroy.

Zarat, you are such a ridiculously hyperbolic hot-house orchid. Some feminists made fun of the institute on the internet. How, precisely, does that translate to “…fighting to destroy”?

13 years ago

“1) Make a list of the 10 worst things that can happen to a person. It does not matter what kind of thing you prefer. Violence, health problems, psychiatric problems, extreme poverty, homelessness, social dispossession, youth and adolescent problems, family loss, etc. Then, for each item on your list, find out the proportion of men and women that experience this problem.”

Most violence is committed against men by other MEN. Explain to me how this is an example of women oppressing men.

A major issue with health problems is the general trend of men refusing to see a doctor regularly. Again, how is this an example of women oppressing men?

All of the other points you raise are generally experienced more by women.

13 years ago

The proximate enforcers of group violence have always been selected from the group that is being oppressed. There are no exceptions. A well known example is 1930′s Germany. Men oppress men, at the command of the feminist Zeitgeist.

Yep, because if Nazi Germany was known for anything it was German women forcing men to take women’s jobs so that the Nazi women could stay at home making more good pure bred Nazi female babies who would then force men to start rounding up jews, gypsies and gays because … Feminism!

13 years ago

Blitzgal, it’s our fault because…um…

Oh, I have it. Everything men do, they do at the behest of/to impress women. They beat up other men because women want them to and refuse to get medical care because nothing is sexier than a guy who hasn’t had his blood pressure checked in 10 years. And the Nazi atrocities/WWII were our fault because Hitler was just trying to impress Unity Mitford/Eva Braun/that niece he had an affair with who killed herself.

You see, if you start with the conclusion “Everything is the fault of women” it’s much easier to come up with justifications than if you actually think things through logically.

13 years ago

2) Make a list of the 10 largest gender-specific public funding initiates. Or 100 largest. Or 1000 largest. Oh wait, make that 2900 largest. All but one of the 2900 gender specific programs, institutes, departments, government commissions, and health programs are WOMEN ONLY.

2) Make a list of the 10 largest gender-specific highest paying jobs. Or 100 largest. Or 1000 largest. Oh wait, make that 2900 largest. All but one of the 2900 highest paying jobs, corporations, departments, government commissions, and health programs are run by men with men being the major beneficiary.

Cry me a river over your lost privileges. You have no clue what it actually means to be treated like a second class citizen. You just want to climb up on a cross while yelling “LOOK AT ME!!!”
Grow up.

13 years ago

NWO once again proves he doesn’t understand the law.

Discriminatory effect is not the same as intentional discrimination. People who cannot have their vision corrected to 20/50 (more or less, depending on jurisdiction) are prohibited from obtaining a driver’s license.

There is a discriminatory effect. It is justifiable, because the need to be certain that, at their worst, the people who are operating motor vehicles are able to distinguish obstacles and understand signage at a reasonable distance require some sort of test.

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