evil women kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA the spearhead threats western women suck

This means war! Also, cats.

Cats: Also at war with men.

It’s time for another random creepy comment with dozens of upvotes from The Spearhead! This time the commenter is a fella named Rebel, envisioning an epic future battle between the ladies and the dudes.

Women are engaged in a “holy crusade” against the male gender.

If men rise up, they will face an enemy who is willing to die, rather than give an inch. Women are possessed, their brains are anything but human.

They are lost to us.

I read that the universe is trying to acquire consciousness through us humans.

Some force is holding us back in darkness and we know what that force is.

Darth Vader? The CIA? The IRS? Cats? Oh, wait, ladies. Right?

If men revolt, the ensuing fight will come to epic proportions.

What’s at stake: nothing less than civilization.

But there’s a surprise ending! If you’re a dude, and want to avoid this epic battle, you can just move south of the border:

Is there an escape?

I think there is.

It’s called South America.

At least for now.

Hmm. South America didn’t work out so well for (SPOILER ALERT!) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

But I guess Rebel knows this, because he ends with:

But if men are not prepared to fight an unnatural war, they will be reduced to slavery (at least those lucky enough to avoid elimination).


On a completely unrelated note, my cat has taken to drinking out of cups. Putting her whole head in them to do so. It’s the cutest damn thing.

I guess that’s not a completely unrelated note, as she’s been waging an unnatural war against me (and everyone else) since I first took her in as an overgrown kitten, barefoot and pregnant, more than a decade ago. Thankfully I am much larger than she is, otherwise I’d be dead.

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13 years ago

Rutee: Was it Huey Newton who said that the only place for women in the Movement was on their backs? There was a lot of sexism in the civil rights movement – or parts of it, because the SCLC was pretty egalitarian.

There’s a site, can’t find the link right now, that features mugshots of women arrested in civil rights protests. The… astounding dignity in those faces is just amazing.

13 years ago

Is it Godwin’s Law time now?

I do believe it’s Godwin time. I also believe that this is the most ridiculous Godwin of all time (or close to).

Hmmm, what does one do at Godwin time? Crack open a beer? Initiate a solemn ceremony of internet exchanges?

13 years ago

Oh, it’s One Good Man again. Y’know, I’ll never understand why MRAs and other gender-exceptionalists are so quick to call women emotional. The MRM has some deep-seated drama running through its veins, I’ll tell you what.

The politician signs into law one-sided advocacy that ignores the pain of men to help women: Domestic Violence, Rape, Sexual Harrassment, it doesn’t matter. He sees it all as an avenue to destroy his competitors and win an adoring harem, even if it’s only the myth of himself in his own mind. He is the One Good Man, good because of his influence, which he uses to advance women.

Wait a minute … did Typhon Blue just say … that Joe Biden wants a harem? Bizarre. Actually, no, Biden supported and fought for VAWA for a few different reasons. Like, unusually low conviction rates for rapists, paired with unusually high probation rates. Like society’s tendency to blame the victim of rape, rather than the rapist. Like the normalization of rape, to the point where the judge who convicted a group of boys who sexually abused a mentally disabled girl with a baseball bat (to less than two years in a juvenile prison) said that they posed “no threat” to society.

Basically if you read Biden’s thoughts on the need for VAWA, you’ll see him fighting against all the bullshit that MRAs say on here all the time, almost 20 years later. So why might a politician want to enact a law challenging societal attitudes that blame victims for their own rapes and let criminals go unpunished because “boys make mistakes, whatever”?

Because it’s the right thing to do. Because crimes motivated by gender are wrong. And because people like you, AntZ, are afraid to see societal attitudes change, so you keep repeating the same stupid old misogynistic misinformation that people said decades ago to confuse people about what rape is.

Not because he wanted a fucking harem, Jesus Christ.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Thanks, amandajane! Woo hoo! I finally got one! Eat your heart out, MRAs! 🙂

@ Pecunium: OK, foot rubs and sherbert. At the same time, or separately? Also, could I have your secret bon-bon recipe?

13 years ago

@Kathleen B “Was it Huey Newton who said that the only place for women in the Movement was on their backs?” That doesn’t sound like Huey Newton…

Here’s an excerpt from “A Letter from Huey Newton to the Revolutionary Brothers and Sisters about the Women’s Liberation and Gay Liberation Movements”

“I do not remember our ever constituting any value that said that a revolutionary must say offensive things towards homosexuals, or that a revolutionary should make sure that women do not speak out about their own particular kind of oppression. As a matter of fact, it is just the opposite: we say that we recognize the women’s right to be free. We have not said much about the homosexual at all, but we must relate to the homosexual movement because it is a real thing. And I know through reading, and through my life experience and observations that homosexuals are not given freedom and liberty by anyone in the society.”

13 years ago


Rutee pretty much responded to you a lot better than I could. In my examples, I was talking mostly about worldwide, and in some cases just Canada. Note: I used the word “worldwide” when making references to…you know…the world.

1. No, you won’t. I’m not gonna settle for any “my mental illness hurts more than yours and is more important” bullshit.

2.I was talking about worldwide. Also I fail to see how this is the result of discrimination against men.

3.That is most definitely NOT what I said. Put on your reading glasses.

4. Is that a U.S statistic?

5.I fail to see how men dying younger from cancer is the fault of anyone. Cancer is treated seriously regardless of who has it.

6.You don’t have reproductive rights? So, you don’t have a choice to wear condoms? Can you give me an example of how your reproductive rights have been violated, because as far as I’ve seen, men don’t have any issues with people passing laws on their bodies.

7. Gay rights. Do you know what that is?

8. As I already said, women are in the lead in post-secondary right now in the western world. The rest of the word is the opposite.

9. Right! Men are more often the aggressive ones.

10. Is that in the U.S. or the world?

Damn right, these are my choices. However, I am looking at it from the perspective (where I can) of the planet, not just your country. And worldwide, the stats show the exact opposite of what you just said.

Men’s problems are treated like the default problems. Someone already mentioned there are gender studies. So, what’s your problem?

13 years ago

Speaking of post-secondary education, are there any commenters here who don’t have any? (besides me)

13 years ago

Guys, don’t forget this is the same NWOslave who previous linked to a holocaust denial website to get support for one of his rants.

Pecunium, that’s because he has no center. NWO will quote from a website that denies the holocaust on one day and compare feminism to the holocaust the next. He will swear that women’s sole expression of sexuality is cock-teasing and that this is the reason men are driven to sexual assault… and turn right around and use the other side of his mouth to claim that women are always lying about rape.

He is defined by nothing so much as he complete intellectual inconsistency, lack of integrity, and straight out dishonesty

13 years ago

darksidecat: Thanks for the correction – no clue where I got that quote…

13 years ago

Rutee, in re. “men’s studies departments,” you said: In other words, you claim ideological bias, without actually looking at the data. Good show. That makes your opinions very valuable, in that they are worthless.

Actually, I think AntZ thinks that the role of a department like this is to produce ideological bias, he just wants more of it in his favor. It’s comparable to the way conservatives have politicized science and, when called on it, act like the studies themselves must be biased, they just want more on their side. (For instance, there was that thing a while back where someone wanted to foster a department that “advocated traditional values” or something at a university.) He doesn’t want “studies,” he wants 600 groups on his side dedicated to propaganda.

Anyway, AntZ, since you never acknowledge what I or Nobinayamu say when we write politely, I’m switching to all caps which, as we all know, is cruise control for AWESOME.


if you actually have this wife and two sons, do you tell her that this is what you want? When you bother to get off the internet to pay attention to them, after you’ve had dinner and put them to bed, and convinced the 7 year old that he does have to brush his teeth, and keep cross your fingers that the 7 month old will continue sleeping through the night…

Do you sit down across from your “wife” whom you claim to love and tell her that what you hope for -the penultimate goal of your “work”- is that you will be able to replace her with an artificial womb and digital version of her that can never leave you? That you consider her, as a woman, to be a completely different species than you are and that you long for the day when a wall is constructed down the near-center of the U.S.?



This has to be at least the third time I’ve asked you this. For fuck’s sake, it’s like playing that record where Leonard Nimoy recites nursery rhymes over and over, you’d get more give-and-take from a cat.

13 years ago

I think at Godwin time, everyone should recline on their chaise-longue and eat a bon-bon.

I was under the impression that feminism requires men to join harems, not have them. Having to make sherbet and give foot-rubs for a bunch of women would run you off your feet, so I can see how the oppression of men would be successfully implemented in that regard: but once I have achieved the overthrow of the current world order, I don’t think I’ll be wanting to wait patiently for my sherbet. I’ll be wanting it NOW.

All male feminists interested in acquiring/joining a harem should probably learn an instrument – harpsichord? lute?- or sing. I’d suggest learning to paint and draw, and having a good knowledge of the modern languages, but quite frankly, I don’t think you’ll ever get the opportunity to show off those skills. You’ll be too busy with foot rubs and sherbet.

13 years ago

And waving ostrich-feather fans

13 years ago

I’d suggest learning to paint and draw, and having a good knowledge of the modern languages, but quite frankly, I don’t think you’ll ever get the opportunity to show off those skills. You’ll be too busy with foot rubs and sherbet.

No, no, continue learning languages! I must have my harem full of men with sexy accents. *nods firmly*

13 years ago

I love how Antsy thinks men and women are all dying to get away from one another and the only thing tying them together is teh wombz. The only thing the artificial womb will bring about is even more consequence-free banging between the genders and a bunch of MRAs complaining about how the feminists control the artificial wombs, and the only thing that convincing virtual reality mates will bring about is a few gold farmers in FutureWoW hanging out in their coffin apartments 24/7. Successful extensive genetic engineering and pleasure-inducing brain implants will probably come along long before that, though, so there’s just no guessing what happens to human societies past a certain point–except that we can say with certainty that Antsy’s emotionally charged vision of gender apartheid would be highly artificial and unstable and thus never likely to come about in the first place.

13 years ago

Three quarters of the world won’t be able to afford VR anyway, and will carry on as usual.

13 years ago

Yes, but if you actually examine studies of schooling throughout the years, you’ll find that teachers are biased towards male students (Especially white, middle class ones, but when all else is equal, the male ). Female students are hushed up, they’re prevented from contributing, and they’re undervalued. Their talents are told to be nonexistent, they’re hampered in their run to higher education (Much like non-white children) from the get go.

More quantitatively, admissions rates at many schools are skewed male:

13 years ago

I speak English, Russian, and really rusty French: I can play penny-whistle (a lot better than my present skills with the cello), but where I shine is the kitchen.

CB… You have to come up with your own bon-bons. But sherbet is pretty easy. Saladin used to send it to Richard the Lion Hearted.

13 years ago

I’m not sure if gays are descriminated against more then lesbians, or what.

Historically, there’s been more discrimination against gays than lesbians. For instance, many states and countries had anti-sodomy laws, but fewer had laws against lesbian acts (partly because there’s no discrete sexual act you can outlaw, partly because Girl On Girl Is Hot, among other reasons).

Men also face more opposition for behaving in traditionally-female ways, like wearing women’s clothing, than vice versa.

But yes, the gay-rights movement has been led by men and focused on gay, rather than lesbian, issues.

13 years ago

Pecunium, seeing how you are so well-placed to find a spot in a harem come The Revolution, it would be kind to share your bon-bon receipe with CB.
That’s if feminists are allowed to be kind to each other. We might only be allowed to engage in brutal dog-eat-dog competitiveness: in which case, you certainly shouldn’t divulge your sekrit receipe.

I think some peacock feather fans, too. I agree about the sexy accents, but am still not sure how much time for entertaining chat our harem slaves will have. We could alsways timetable it in.

Very liberal French social circles would tolerate singular women dressing in men’s clothing, but the women who tried out Rational Dress aka The Bloomer received so much harrassment on the street they abandoned it after about two years.

13 years ago

Let’s see…
Women are 51% so that would leave 2 extra women per 100 couples, we can assume homosexuality is equally distributed between women and men, Throw out all Omegas, divide Betas by two… subtract asexuals (They’ll just hold hands and cuddle…), toss all genderqueer into a pile of glitter…
DAMNIT MATH IS HARD!!! That;s why I’m an MBA rather than holding a REAL degree. 🙁 🙁 🙁

Also all I can do is the angry Scottish accent.

Good thing I’m willing to sell out all other men for my harem.

13 years ago

ellish: Bon-bon recipes are personal. I can share my recipes for challah,ragout, boiled baby, Bärenjäger cocktails.

I’ll even explain the ways of making filled abelskiver.

But we each have to find our own bob-bons.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

*Imagines being fanned by cute boys holding ostrich feathers as Pecunium makes sherbet*

Wha? … sorry, I must have dozed off. What were we talking about again? Feminism?

13 years ago

But we each have to find our own bob-bons.

When the seeker is ready, the bon-bon will appear.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

CB… You have to come up with your own bon-bons. But sherbet is pretty easy. Saladin used to send it to Richard the Lion Hearted.

That would be no mean feat in the desert…unless traditional sherbert is not frozen?

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Kathleen B and DSC:

I believe it was Stokely Carmichael. In response to a request by women member of SNCC to discuss the position of women in the movement, he allegedly remarked that the position of women in the movement was “prone.” He may have meant “supine.” Others have stated that this was just a bad joke and that Carmichael was in fact a strong supporter of women in the Civil Rights Movement.