evil women kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA the spearhead threats western women suck

This means war! Also, cats.

Cats: Also at war with men.

It’s time for another random creepy comment with dozens of upvotes from The Spearhead! This time the commenter is a fella named Rebel, envisioning an epic future battle between the ladies and the dudes.

Women are engaged in a β€œholy crusade” against the male gender.

If men rise up, they will face an enemy who is willing to die, rather than give an inch. Women are possessed, their brains are anything but human.

They are lost to us.

I read that the universe is trying to acquire consciousness through us humans.

Some force is holding us back in darkness and we know what that force is.

Darth Vader? The CIA? The IRS? Cats? Oh, wait, ladies. Right?

If men revolt, the ensuing fight will come to epic proportions.

What’s at stake: nothing less than civilization.

But there’s a surprise ending! If you’re a dude, and want to avoid this epic battle, you can just move south of the border:

Is there an escape?

I think there is.

It’s called South America.

At least for now.

Hmm. South America didn’t work out so well for (SPOILER ALERT!) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

But I guess Rebel knows this, because he ends with:

But if men are not prepared to fight an unnatural war, they will be reduced to slavery (at least those lucky enough to avoid elimination).


On a completely unrelated note, my cat has taken to drinking out of cups. Putting her whole head in them to do so. It’s the cutest damn thing.

I guess that’s not a completely unrelated note, as she’s been waging an unnatural war against me (and everyone else) since I first took her in as an overgrown kitten, barefoot and pregnant, more than a decade ago. Thankfully I am much larger than she is, otherwise I’d be dead.

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13 years ago

“I read that the universe is trying to acquire consciousness through us humans.”

From an unimpeachable scientific source, no doubt.

13 years ago

I haven’t read a crazy conspiracy theory like this since Radio Free Albemuth.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I read that the universe is trying to acquire consciousness through us humans.

Sid Meiers’ Alpha Centauri is just a game dude.

13 years ago

Magyc: the Gendering! IT’S REAL!

13 years ago

I wonder how surprised he will be to “escape” to South America, only to discover it’s full of women.

13 years ago

β€œI read that the universe is trying to acquire consciousness through us humans.”

Bill Hicks reference. I’ll give him credit for that. Still, Hicks, I’m sure, would have nothing to do with these jokers.

13 years ago

β€œI read that the universe is trying to acquire consciousness through us humans.”

Bill Hicks reference. I’ll give him credit for that. Still, he missed the point. Hicks, I’m sure, would have nothing to do with these idiots.

“Wouldn’t you like to see a positive LSD story on the news? To base your decision on information rather than scare tactics and superstition? Perhaps? Wouldn’t that be interesting? Just for once?

“Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There’s no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we’re the imagination of ourselves. Here’s Tom with the weather.” -Bill Hicks

13 years ago

Shit. Sorry for the double post.

13 years ago

Wow. Just… wow. How the hell do you even respond to shit like this? Other than quite hogging the LSD, of course…

13 years ago

dammnit, QUIT not quite.

13 years ago

I suppose it’s better to watch Bill Hicks, and make references to LSD than actually have to deal with MRA’s who are afraid of having daughters cause they would sexualize and objectify them. It’s escapism, sure, but there’s a time for everything. These fucks make my brain want to take a holiday.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I’m quite hogging the LSD, thank you very much. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to stare at the ceiling for 12 hours.

13 years ago

Ah, yes, women’s brains aren’t human…their brains are actually imported from the planet Gelgamek,

13 years ago

I thought we were from Venus: The land of carbon dioxide, sulfuric acid and Gillette razors.

13 years ago

Captain: /me blows raspberry

13 years ago

Where are genderqueers from? o.O Pluto?

13 years ago

Don’t get me wrong, Bill Hicks was great, but there’s definatly a Nice Guy streak in his act. I can see the more pretentious MRAs quoting him.

13 years ago

Genderqueers come from South America. That’s what they have instead of Ameriskanks. :p

13 years ago

I laught at your cats drinking out of cups – I have chooks that drink coffee from a cup πŸ™‚

13 years ago

I know what planet Rebel comes from. *giggles in a juvenile fashion*

13 years ago

“Where are genderqueers from? o.O Pluto?”

The 13 year old within me has the answer, but I’m not sure if I should even say it. πŸ˜›

Kitten Parade
Kitten Parade
13 years ago

My cat just started doing that too! It really is fucking adorable.

13 years ago

No, that’s where MRAs come from. :p

13 years ago

This, also, is terribly creepy.

Gaze upon my bone-chilling trilby hat!

13 years ago

Shit! Wrong thread.

Stupid tabs!

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