creepy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises reactionary bullshit reddit sex

Oh, Reddit, must you be so, so creepy?

From Reddit's Pics Subreddit. Stay classy, Reddit!

No time for a full post today, but I just thought I’d draw your attention to what may be the creepiest fucking Reddit thread I’ve ever seen. (In the past week, anyway.) It’s a discussion in the Pics subreddit of the picture at right here, titled Biggest fear of having a daughter.

A Redditor called SeeingYouHating has assembled a sort of “best-of” — by which I mean “worst-of” — compilation of the creepiest comments in the thread, many of which have, yep, dozens of upvotes.


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13 years ago

Here, here was the beating of his hideous hat!

13 years ago

I’m picturing TAB going on a “handsome face” crusade at his college, demanding that intellectuals be graded on their looks so that one knows if they’re truly worthy of being listened to or not, otherwise he and like 4 other students will stop writing essays in protest.

Welp, there goes most modern philosophy right there.

13 years ago

To be fair, VoiP, Socrates claimed to have learned from (GASP) women, so according to our resident trolls and MRAs, he probably isn’t to be trusted anyway. He was indoctrinated by those ancient Greek feminists, after all.

13 years ago

TAB, really? Again? Your obsession is showing, and it ain’t pretty.

13 years ago

“Personally I find this chart to be a more useful indicator…

That is amazing.

“Welp, there goes most modern philosophy right there.”

Depends on what you have a taste for. 😉

I mean in other people, not actually…with…professors.


“He was indoctrinated by those ancient Greek feminists, after all.”

Huh. Guess Feminism IS Older than Dirt.

That, or the Amazons were smoking hot, that’s why Socrates was brainwashed. Yeah, that’s it.

13 years ago

That, or the Amazons were smoking hot, that’s why Socrates was brainwashed. Yeah, that’s it.

You’d be surprised.

13 years ago

Looks like I have myself a belated b-day present. Or perhaps an awkward self-Christmas one.

13 years ago

New T-shirt?

Socrates was a mangina!

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

Those redditer comments remind me a lot of how Quiverfull leaders encourage fathers to “protect the heart” of their daughters. They take them to purity balls, father daughter dances to celebrate virginity. Their hope is that the dad can be a “date” and give the daughter enough male attention she won’t try to get a boyfriend and get other male attention. Their dating rules are so strict, I don’t see why they’re that worried. When unmarried people in their groups go on a date, they have to have a chaperone at all times. Some of them take pictures of themselves on a date, holding a yardstick to show how physically distant they stay during the date.

13 years ago

TAB, if David’s face makes you feel funny in your pants, just say so; there’s nothing wrong with that. This whole “guys, don’t you think this is not sexy?! Let’s talk about how not attractive this picture is!” thing is just silly and transparent.

13 years ago

I think TAB should continue to post, so Spear keeps posting his pretty face.

Also, hey, guess what? THERE ARE (nsfw) SUPER-SKINNY CHICKS TOO.

13 years ago

Bah, link didn’t work. this is the real NSFW nekkid Ozy.

13 years ago

Thanks, Dave and ShitRedditSays, for reminding us that our internets-society is still swimming in shitty misogyny.

“My biggest fear of having a daughter is seeing her thongs in the laundry, and the unspeakable things she is using them for.”

Uh, SPOILERS: she’s covering her vagina with them. There are several non-slutty reasons to own thongs, but I won’t go into them here. Not that it fucking matters to these dorks.

“could not care less if a daughter of mine becomes a lesbian. you could argue that they’ll have a more gratifying emotional life. mostly due to the fact that men are philanders by default, on average.”

Tasty misandry on top of misogyny bonus! Actually, all of these are pretty misandric for implying that the slightest contact with a penis leaves permanent whore-stains on your freshly made girl-human.

13 years ago

These dads are saying a lot about themselves and their relationship with their wives, aren’t they 😛

Also, over here ‘thongs’ means flip-flops – giving a very strange mental picture to “covering her vagina with them” 🙂

13 years ago

Shoes in your laundry would be pretty weird too. At least where I’m from. 😉

13 years ago

You mean you don’t wash your sneakers in the machine? 😉