creepy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises reactionary bullshit reddit sex

Oh, Reddit, must you be so, so creepy?

From Reddit's Pics Subreddit. Stay classy, Reddit!

No time for a full post today, but I just thought I’d draw your attention to what may be the creepiest fucking Reddit thread I’ve ever seen. (In the past week, anyway.) It’s a discussion in the Pics subreddit of the picture at right here, titled Biggest fear of having a daughter.

A Redditor called SeeingYouHating has assembled a sort of “best-of” — by which I mean “worst-of” — compilation of the creepiest comments in the thread, many of which have, yep, dozens of upvotes.


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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

They all seem to come down to “she’ll have sex someday, and that will make her permanently disgusting.”

13 years ago

they hate their mothers (sexual competition thing) and resent their fathers. best to just send them away and hope they become lesbians.

I have a decent relationship with my mother. Maybe that’s why I’m a lesbian? But then, my partner has a sincerely terrible relationship with her mother a lot of the time and she likes girls too. I don’t know if relationships with your parents do what they think it does.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

It’s like James Dobson, who say that “weak or absent fathers” make their sons gay. Of course, the solution is always more Patriarchy.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I’m glad not everyone in the thread was completely horrible. And I notice that the ones who actually have daughters seemed a lot more likely to say reasonable things, which gives me some hope.

– I think my biggest fear as a father of three daughters (relevant to this post anyway) is that they would never get to experience a loving relationship where they can express themselves sexually because they either lacked the maturity or, for whatever reason, it just didn’t happen.

– I hope to raise my daughter in such a way that she can accept and enjoy her sexuality from a fairly young age but also be keenly aware of the real risks that are associated with it: pregnancy, disease, getting (emotionally) hurt, being thought of as a slut. Eventually, she will have to decide on her own when the rewards are worth the risks and I think it’s best if her judgment isn’t clouded by insecurity, shame, taboos and stigmas.

-My biggest fear is that she’ll grow up to date any of the assholes in this thread who can’t possibly deal with female sexuality.

13 years ago

(quietly bookmarks thread for NSWATM post)

Once again Ozy’s Law is proven: the people who hate women the most also hate men the most.

13 years ago

Man. I have to remember to hug my father tomorrow.

13 years ago

This is just stupid. It is so over the top it comes off as a joke.

13 years ago

Holy crap… There are no words for that level of creep.

13 years ago

Some people should not have kids.

13 years ago

Whenever anyone mentions Dobson, I’m reminded of his theory that a father needs to take his sons into the shower to show them Who Has The Biggest Cock so … so … they won’t turn gay?? Something like that. I’m not sure what happens if dad has one of those bobbin-sized ones or the kids hit puberty and outgrow him … but … right. Dobson.

Anyway …

13 years ago

What the what now? Source?

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Yeah, chocominties, I’ve heard that one too. He apparently has a whole passage in one of his books about how the son should admire his father thick, manly penis, which is supposed to inoculate them against teh ghey. Sometimes you just can’t make up shit that’s weirder than the shit they say in earnest.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I’d do a Google search for the source, but I can’t think of a search term that won’t also generate some very disturbing content–as if this isn’t disturbing enough.

Common Nonsense
Common Nonsense
13 years ago

Wow. I am really grateful now for how well-adjusted my father is. The part where he generically threatened my prom date last May would have been much, much creepier if I’d known he was thinking about me having sex with the dude later.

Thank you for being normal, Dad. ;__;

13 years ago


what an awesome dad

13 years ago

-My biggest fear is that she’ll grow up to date any of the assholes in this thread who can’t possibly deal with female sexuality.

Awesome dad!

13 years ago

why are they crafting a narrative for this picture anyway? it looks so fake and posed… whos snapping a picture of sadgirl doing the hand-over-the-mouth conversation with angrydad leering in the background. who is the uninterested third party with the camera on hand to catch a picture of this scene. nothing about it makes sense.

13 years ago

Here’s the relevant quote from Dobson – I found it on Daily Kos. Essentially Dobson is a sick fuck, but I don’t think that’s news to anyone.

13 years ago

I thought Dobson’s abusive beating of the dog was disturbing, but this showering thing…*shudder* The man has serious issues. From his writing, it’s pretty clear he was abused as a kid and unfortunately was one of those people who internalized it, believed that he deserved it & it made him a better person. Then he went one step further to believing every child needs to be treated like crap in order to be a “decent” adult.

13 years ago

The Dobson quote is messed up. Unsurprisingly he is a pretty messed up person in general. One thing that pops out to me that I haven’t seen anyone mention is this bit:

He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard.

So the son can have the inherently masculine experience of putting a thing into another thing, I guess? Does that even need to be taught–it’s not exactly a father-son bonding experience, you can probably teach a kid once at two years old and they’ve got it for a lifetime. And what does he recommend mothers do, have their daughters stand near men operating jackhammers or something? Have them participate in hot-dog eating contests? Some people just seem to have so many hangups around children and sexuality, they really probably should not have kids.


It is probably a stock photograph: a photograph set up and taken by a photographer in order to be sold for advertising purposes. You can tell by the artificiality of the situation, which is what you noticed, and the overall quality (image quality and lighting, etc.).

13 years ago

If I remember correctly, the shower thing is actually from another Christian parenting expert, quoted approvingly by Dobson in his book. I have to admit, they’re probably on to something. If I’d been forced as a child to stare at my dad’s penis, it would’ve put me off cocks for life.

13 years ago

I saw my dad’s penis as a child, but it was his scrotum I saw more often. He wore boxers with shorts and it used to hang out the bottom. Still does.

13 years ago



13 years ago

I’d do a Google search for the source, but I can’t think of a search term that won’t also generate some very disturbing content–as if this isn’t disturbing enough.


13 years ago

“everyone knows it’s downhill after 12. they hate their mothers (sexual competition thing)-”

This is the part where try imagining the reaction if someone actually said this in front of my mother and I. It mostly consists of several variations of “What.”

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