douchebaggery feminism idiocy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny music racism rape rapey that's not funny!

Life Before Feminism: The future inspiration for Austin Powers records the worst song in history.

Peter Wyngarde will not make you horny, baby.

Sorry, folks, no regular post until tomorrow. But to tide you over, might I draw your attention to possibly the most offensively misogynist song in history? (Trigger Warning: Iā€™m about to describe what is possibly the most offensively misogynist song in history.) Itā€™s a song recorded in 1970 by British actor Peter Wyngarde ā€“ star of several 60s spy dramas and allegedly an inspiration for Austin Powers.

The music itself is not the problem ā€“ itā€™s peppy and punchy, and sounds like a lot of crime/spy soundtracks from the 60s and 70s. No, the problem comes from, well, it comes from Wyngarde. The star, as Bret at Egg City Radio points out,

chose not to go the easy listening/pop route, instead bizarrely delving into lurid and sometimes flat-out stupid spoken word interludes.

Not just stupid, but offensive. Really offensive. Case in point:

a little three-minute ditty entitled ā€œRapeā€, in which Wyngarde not only seems to extolling the virtues of rape, but also executes a handful of wheedling barf-bag racial stereotypes that would make even Jerry Lewis blush. It must be heard to be believed ā€¦ .

Well, yes and no. The idea that back in 1970 some dude might think it hilarious to do a song that was basically one big rape joke? Not that shocking. That he might add some horrifyingly ā€œfunnyā€ racism into the mix? Also not completely shocking. That the record is mixed in such a way that it is nearly impossible to tell what Wyngarde ā€“ an actor who presumably knows how to enunciate ā€“ is saying? Now thatā€™s a little shocking. I would have thought the record executives behind this cash-in project would have hired a more competent producer.

You can download the whole album at Egg City Radio.

Did I mention that it’s titled “When Sex Leers its Inquisitive Head?”

EDITED TO ADD: Woah, the song is up on YouTube. I didn’t even bother to check, because I assume it violates pretty much all of YouTube’s rules, but here it is. Thanks to Donsie in the comments for the link.

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13 years ago

There you go MRAL, a new post, just for you.

13 years ago

Note to self: read previous thread before commenting.

Paul Birchenough (@Akheloios)

An in the closet homosexual male makes misogynist statements in public? It’s hardly shocking after we’ve seen how many male homosexual politicians are the first to stand up against pro-choice, pro-equal rights, pro-marriage legislation. The misogynist, homophobic and ultra-patriarchal culture of the time was abhorent and that’s what this song stems from..

There’s no excuse for it though, he was an ass, but I will point out that the kharmic feedback seems to have caught him like all the other closeted male homosexuals that make overtly misogynist/homophobic comments in public solely to disguise the fact of their homosexuality.

Not long after this, at the height of his career, one of the top stars of television, he was outed and his career colapsed in ruins. He did nothing of note after that point till the camptastic 1980 film Flash Gordon, where, even then, he had to wear a mask.

Yeah, he’s to blame for making the song, but the misogynistic, homophobic, patriarchal society of the time demanded this sort of rubbish.

13 years ago

What’s ironic is he’s sure to have had more sexy fun time in his life than 99% of all nice guys in spite of, or even because of, his thuggishness/thuggery. Sigh…

13 years ago

JUANDELACRUZ, read what the poster above you just said. Twice if you have to.

13 years ago

Shorter Juan: “this thing I made up is totally ironic!”

13 years ago

His comment hadn’t appeared yet when I made my post. Blame the moderation šŸ˜€ And I miss the 70’s, such a shame I was born in the 80’s…

13 years ago

Honey, when a man and another man love each other very much, they have a special fun time together. Ask when you’re older.

13 years ago

Whatā€™s ironic is heā€™s sure to have had more sexy fun time in his life than 99% of all nice guys in spite of, or even because of, his thuggishness/thuggery. Sighā€¦

You’re right! You and the other Nice Guys should do exactly what he does; I guarantee that the lot of you could collectively get laid more. And it turns the MRA sausage fest into a feature not a bug. šŸ™‚

13 years ago

Okay, I think I’ve got the hang of this now.

NWO is completely out of touch with reality.

AntZ is too.

TAB is likely in touch with himself, at least, owing to how much he loves himself.

And JUAN is a great big racist, homophobic douchecanoe.

Have I got that right? Are there others I have had the pleasure (ahahahaha) of meeting yet?

13 years ago

shesaidwut: Those are the only currently active trolls, but there definitely are others.

13 years ago

Like MRAL! You forgot MRAL. He is the troll with serious problems who needed, and thankfully got, psychological help.

13 years ago

Don’t forget JUAN is a paedophile, and proud of it.

13 years ago

And JUAN is a great big racist, homophobic douchecanoe.

It’s possible he is also 12 and raised by Cylons.

13 years ago

I tell ya, NWO is building cyborgs, you could be pretty close with that theory šŸ˜‰

13 years ago

I was born too late into a world that doesn’t care Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair šŸ˜€

no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

To JUANDELACRUZ : it’ hippies that had flowers in their hairs, not punks, and punks despised the hippie lifestyle.

13 years ago

Punks: anger
Hippies: love

Punks: The Ramones
Hippies: Cat Stevens

Punks: nihilism
Hippies: love

Punks: heroin and amphetamines
Hippies: weed and LSD

Punks: Pissed-off progressives.
Hippies: Happy progressives

13 years ago

You forgot DKM, who is also out of touch with reality, but very much in touch with himself.

13 years ago

Tales From the Cult Film Trenches by Louis Paul

Madeline Smith:

“Peter Wyngarde took quite a shine to me. He was a very, very shy chap, and we became friends. He used me, in the nicest possible way, as his escort, to a number of openings, and closings, and first nights, and things like that for quite a long time. In fact, I am even surprised we lost touch; he was quite a mate. Very, very shy, very, very nice, but a real gentleman.”

13 years ago

but I’m a hippie that loves punk music!

13 years ago

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Right. DKM, yes.

Guess my mind blanked that experience out.

13 years ago

This time we can’t blame Juan. He’s quoting a song that came out in 2006. The lyrics were also highly mocked at the time, for the same reason we’re mocking them here:

13 years ago

Punks: heroin and amphetamines

Ahem. Me and my mates beg to differ.

“I’m a person just like you, but I’ve got better things to do
Than sit around and smoke dope, cause I know I can cope
Laugh at the thought of eating ludes
Laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
Always gonna keep in touch
Never want to use a crutch
I’ve got the straight edge”