antifeminism evil women idiocy manginas masculinity misogyny MRA patriarchy rape rapey reactionary bullshit

Alcuin in Wonderland

The Intellectual Renaissance of Western Patriarchy: One big sandwich joke.

At first glance, Alcuin’s blog would seem to be some sort of parody. The blog’s slogan – “Promoting the Intellectual Renaissance of Western Patriarchy” – seems so over-the-top pretentious that even the smuggest of would-be intellectuals wouldn’t be able to post it with a straight face.

But if Alcuin is a troll, he’s a dedicated one, and one (at least based on my less-than-exhaustive survey of his blog) who never seems to break character.  So I’m assuming he’s real. Which makes him a pompous ass with a lot of irritating ideas he’s somehow convinced himself are new and interesting. Take (please!) his recent post “Back Where They Belong.” And yes, “they” mean who you think, and “where they belong” means where you think.

Men should run the government, business, education, and religion. Women should stay at home. Young unmarried women can briefly work as kindergarten and elementary teachers, but there are no reasons why men can’t usually do this as well.

I’m not sure if Alcuin understands that women actually hold most of the jobs that currently exist, and that removing virtually all of them from the workplace would cause the economy to implode like, well, Alcuin, if you suddenly removed all of his idiocy. Also, how many kindergarten teachers do we really need?

As long as women run things, men will continue to be sidelined and slandered because feminism is a zero-sum movement.

Women … run things?

There can be no peace between the sexes until women are back where they belong. The sexes are meant to complement each other rather than compete and put one another down.

Yes, and the best way to show how the sexes “are meant to complement each other rather than … put one another down” is for one of the sexes to, er, put the other down by sending them back into the home.

Women have no business being lawyers, judges, educators, doctors, bureaucrats, writers, or religious leaders. Their attempted leadership in these areas, an illegitimate coup d’etat, is destroying our society.

I agree. Lady Pope is doing a terrible job of dealing with all those abuse cases!

Sadly, they prefer to enjoy their present situation, and let society rot, than go back where they belong and participate in building things again. Much like enjoying the concert on the sinking Titanic – though in this case, don’t expect chivalrous men to jump into the cold water so the ladies can have space on the lifeboats.

A little Titanic humor always enlivens a dull rant, eh?

Knock knock!

Who’s there!

An iceberg!

Damn, I guess we shouldn’t have kept going in zero visibility in a part of the ocean where icebergs had been recently sighted, in our ship that doesn’t have enough lifeboats for everyone!

I crack myself up sometimes. Back to Alcuin:

Feminism is a hate movement that brings out the worst in women.

Unlike the Men’s Rights movement, a hate movement that brings out the best in men!

It hates women because it hates femininity and motherhood, the chief characteristics of what it means to be a genuine woman. It brings out the worst in women by turning them into men, or trying to masculate them.

Damn you, feminism! Don’t go masculating those ladies! First they want to wear pants, and the next thing you know they’re growing ironic mustaches and using Axe Detailers instead of loofahs and subscribing to Bass Fishing Monthly.

It hates men because it blames everything on men, and regards masculinity in men to be evil. It emasculates men at the same time. Gays and, much more secondarily, manginas, are somewhat acceptable to the gynocracy, especially when the furniture needs moving or some bitch can’t pay her own bills.

Because when you need furniture moved, or some money, you call … the gays? Is this some new gay stereotype I’m not aware of? I mean, manginas, sure, manginas are furniture-movers and money-to-bitches conduits extraordinaire. That’s how they get access to pussy, after all.

But what’s the incentive for the gays?  They don’t need pussy; they’d, presumably, prefer to spend their money on tiny dogs and gym memberships than on some bitch’s bills; and while gays may have strong opinions about where the furniture should go, are they really interested in carrying it there themselves?

Women generally use men, and feminism continues this grand tradition. A man’s value is defined according to his use to women. Deeper than that, feminism regards men in the same way that the Nazis regarded Jews – men are Untermensch and cannot be granted the same rights and privileges that women are.

And … now we’ve got Nazis.

Feminism aims to bring men down, as it is a zero-sum movement. It doesn’t simply aim to improve the lot of women through, for instance, education, but seeks to exclude men from education.

It does? Last I heard, colleges were actually lowering their standards in order to enroll more guys.

Thus the current propaganda about campus rape, and the attempt to make it easier to accuse a university male of rape in the USA. Thanks, government. You are, once again, the handmaiden of misandry.

And handmaidens are bad. Not like Shieldmaidens.

Feminist hate will never be satisfied, so men can’t keep avoiding the issue. We must avoid feminism as much as we can, and educate each other about it and about alternatives.

Generally it is advisable to actually know something about something before trying to “educating” other people about it.

This intellectual Renaissance of Western Patriarchy business is a lot trickier than you might think.

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Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Woody Allan quote:

“To me,” Mr. Allen said, “there’s no real difference between a fortune teller or a fortune cookie and any of the organized religions. They’re all equally valid or invalid, really. And equally helpful.”

So, again, NWO: is he a Jew or not? He has no use for organized religion, but nearly every one who’s heard of him would identify him as Jewish. Yet, religiously, he’s an agnositc.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Allen, not Allan, dammit.

13 years ago

a larger than average group of harmful recessives

That’s actually happening in a lot of Amish communities now – the rate of intermarriage is so high that kids are being born with all sorts of genetic problems. It’s really causing problems – do they really want to trust the English? What counts as plain in these situations? One of the newsmagazines did a segment about a doctor who is doing his best to both help and be respectful of their lifeways. It was pretty cool.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

Usually feminists give some lame excuse like Christianity is mainstream, or better yet, Christianity is “patriarchal.”

It’s not mainstream or patriarchal?

Hell, I’d use the Bible to define patriarchy.

Also, is “Wiki-smart” a thing now? NWOslave seems to have fallen passionately in love with that term as I’ve read it three times from him in this one thread alone, and that was just from a quick skim…

13 years ago

Also, is “Wiki-smart” a thing now?

Well, if NWO in all his Manly Dudelieness has declared it so, who are we mere feminists to argue?

13 years ago

As for your petulant demands that I provide evidence that I actually make fun of other religions: I simply have nothing to prove to you. What’s more, you don’t seem to understand evidence. Your refusal to see evidence from other websites is actually the only thing that would satisfy your demand, since you could simply dismiss any mocking I do here as tailor-made to deny the conclusion that (as you seem to believe) I’m bigoted against Christians.

I’m pretty sure he keeps demanding that you slag on the Jews specifically because he thinks feminism is run by the Rothschilds, that is to say, that it’s a Jewish conspiracy. He thinks it’s anti-Christian not just because SECULAR VALUES ARGLBLARGL but because of our Zionist masters.

13 years ago

What no Jews? Here let me help ya out. Lenin/communism, run with it.


Societal Contract
Societal Contract
13 years ago

Feminism is a Jewish conspiracy? Yet another reason for me to heart Jews more than Christians or Muslims!

Not only do they NOT try to convert an oriental idol worshipper like me, they also give me the gift of female empowerment.

The Jew in the Lotus.

13 years ago

The Jew in the Lotus.

Hee! :3

13 years ago

C’mon, there’s plenty of stuff Jews and Moslems have done that’s contemptible.

Yeah, that’s true; for example, sometimes Jews and Muslims act like Christians. Also they don’t like bacon, which is pretty contemptible!

13 years ago

You’re oriental and you love Jews? You must be Chinese, then, as they’re the only ones in that part of the world who would be expressly pro-Jewish. FYI, the Chinese, especially the Han, are considered the Jews of Asia, and have historically been just as hated in this part of the world, as the Jews are in their part of the world.

And Jews can be and have been troublesome for Asians. They block freedom of religion by trying to ban the buddhist manji and block freedom of expression by trying to ban korean/japanese/indian nazi chic. I understand the historical baggage the eurasian continent west of the subcontinent has with the Jews, but they should spare the eurasian continent east of the subcontinent their persecution-victim complex which oftentimes borders on a prima donna entitlement complex. They aren’t really hated yet in east asia, as even in the muslim archipelagos of indonesia and malaysia and the southern half of the philippines, any hostility is mostly due to religious solidarity with the ummah than historical grievances (of course there’s the christian nothern half of the Philippines , which seriously believes that the jews are mainly to blame for the Passion, but they tend to keep quite about it except during Lent) but that could change if they continue to be such killjoys.

13 years ago


So your trying to claim I am not culturally Jewish. Never mind that I identify with Atheism and with a culturally Jewish background. Suffice to say, not only does this make you a tremendous ass, but your arbitrarily attempting to assign identity based on… what? That Faith is somehow the determiner of identity? Sorry, but that just doesn’t work. How do we know being culturally Jewish is a “real” thing, when it is an abstract association within human social networks? Simple, we have a huge swath of individuals who identify as so, and there is a chronological . Hell man, secular Jewish culture has existed for over 200 years.

You are in fact denying the obvious existence of many things, such as Yiddish theater. You are denying that bagels, matzah, and many other dishes that were created somehow exist in a vacuum. That the associated foods from many cultures that were picked up into Jewish cuisine as they were spread out clearly mean nothing. That Hebrew, as a language then, must only be considered as something religious?

NWOslave, I think you fail to understand what is culture. Theater, Food, Language and many other things can exist independent of any faith related article. They are all aspects of a shared set of values and knowledge that exist (sometimes with religion, but not uniquely with it) for a group or organization of people.

You are so far behind in your thinking that it dates from the middle ages. I’m quite serious, your belief that faith only takes it form as a yes or no statement is highly indicative of your poor thought pattern. Actually, I’d be unfair to associate your thinking with that of the middle ages. There was still a fair number of theological thought that made up the whole of Revealed theology. It is clear you have a cognitive bias, specifically attentional, due to ignoring information that is in common existence.

I’ve usually been playfully mocking you NWOSlave. But it is absolutely imperative that you understand that. You are factually wrong here. The level that you have ignored empirical fact, and yes, this is fact that is independent of any potential opinion, is extremely indicative of your lack knowledge on the subject of Jewish Culture. Not only have you failed to do proper math in previous threads, but you fail basic cognitive reasoning due to attentional bias. This is basically established fact that you have specifically forgotten or ignored in your statements. Your welcome to attempt to amend it, but you are truly incorrect if you wish to go down this path that you’ve laid out.

Let me further clarify, I am speaking not only as someone who is culturally Jewish, but also as a comparative sociologist. You hold no validity, scientific or otherwise, with your above statement. Snark as you like, but you are not even close to any amount of accuracy.

13 years ago

Bah, 2nd paragraph: A chronology and history of Jewish actions that are not specific in their relation to religious action.

13 years ago


I am questioning your own knowledge of social groups. The Han Chinese are the dominant ethnic identity within China. I’m curious as to what tropes your attempting to assign to both cultural identities that makes you identify them as similar. Note, saying there is ethnic tension that makes them similar is not really unique to any one social grouping.

There has been little movement by Jewish organizations to specifically ban Manji imagery within the borders of sovereign nations of Asia. Nor would I argue that Jewish associated groups that would try to do that represent the entirety of Jewish people. The biggest complaints I’ve seen is people buying pokemon cards, or complaining about Blade of the Immortal due to the symbolic use of the Manji.

Your trying to act like all Jews are “haters of fun” while generalizing a vast swath of individuals. I’d say your opinion is fairly steeped in over-blowing the level of action that some organizations have over symbolic imagery.

13 years ago

Its more than that. There’s a deep global contempt for Christianity because it has set itself up as “the only way” and sought to destroy other religions and entire cultures through aggressive prosylization.

But no worries. Its dying a very quick death and High IQ Asian philosophical systems like Advaita, Buddhism, Vedanta, Yoga, etc are taking its place and filling the intellectual and metaphysical void that Christianity never could.


Knock it off.

Do you like the way NWO insultingly misrepresents religions he doesn’t like? No? Then don’t do it.

Societal Contract
Societal Contract
13 years ago

Juandelacruz, the history of Jews in India.


13 years ago

Juan: You are a racist shithead. I sincerely hope that one day someone will find these posts and use them to publicly humiliate you in some fashion, because you are spouting some truly vile stuff.

protip: it’s asian, not oriental. fuckwit

13 years ago

Um. Jewish is a faith, not a race. You’d be lucky if 5% of the people who subscibe to Judiasm have any Hebrew heritage. Therefore, they have aggressively proslytize people into the Judaic faith.

Not only are most Jews of Hebrew heritage, the vast majority (80%) belong to the same ethnic subgroup, the Ashkenazim. Judaism is not an evangelical religion and members do not actively proselytize.

How do they get new members? They have this process. You wouldn’t be familiar with it.

13 years ago

I swear I’m going to compile a Book of Learnin’ with all of NWO’s greatest tidbits of information. He’s like a hate-group Karl Pilkington.

13 years ago

“Juan: You are a racist shithead.”

See, now this is exactly what I’m talking about. Anything even remotely critical of Jews, no matter how relatively mild, is always automatically anti-semitic. yeah, right. let me guess, you’re jewish,yourself (one of those so-called “Jewish Princesses” or mated to one, no?

In the words of former Malaysian prime minister, Dr Mahathir Mohammed :
*** “Are we not allowed at all to criticise the Jews if they do things which are wrong?”
***”Are we not allowed to say we’re angry with the Jews? Are the Jews some kind of creatures who cannot be condemned in any way?”
***”but we cannot even say one word about the Jews without being accused of being an anti-Semite.”

“I sincerely hope that one day someone will find these posts and use them to publicly humiliate you in some fashion”

That’ll be the day. In the part of the world that I’m in, people who proclaim much worse stuff than my previous post receive are greated with either applause at best and apathy at worst. Newsflash, not everybody on the planet thinks the jews are the oh-so very-special “chosen people”.

“because you are spouting some truly vile stuff.”

hah, have you ever been to stormfront? i’m vanilla compared to them. you must either be to too sensitive/sensitized or have had a too-sheltered life.

“protip: it’s asian, not oriental. fuckwit”

heh, what an ignoramus you are. the poster i replied to expressly referred to herself as “oriental” in her own post. furthermore, she implied that she was buddhist (“lotus”) and buddhists by and large are confined mainly to east/northeast asia, which has historically always been referred to as the Orient. obviously, I’m aware that NOT ALL ASIANS ARE ORIENTAL since I’M FROM HERE. one can’t call the people from the archipelagos, from the subcontinent, from the levant, from the “-stan” countries, and from the turkish territories, orient, even though, strictly speaking, they are all asian.

13 years ago

“How do they get new members? They have this process. You wouldn’t be familiar with it.”

Oh man. That made my morning. XD

NWO, I don’t know why I’m saying this, since you listen about as well as a cinder block, but I’m Jewish. Not by faith, by birth. I can’t stop being Jewish, even though in terms of belief, I’m agnostic.

The idea of Jews converting outsiders is just hilarious. It’s not necessarily easy to become a Jew, and the notion that people over the centuries would have listened to Jews…I mean, holy cow, man, learn some history. Please. Jews have been persecuted for century upon century. Seriously, the first time the Mongols showed up in Europe (and beat some peeps into the ground, btw) no one knew who they were so it was just decided that they must be Jews, and consequently Jews in Europe were killed as punishment for Mongol actions.

How, precisely, do you think they were converting people through shit like that? Magic? Hypnosis? Free cake?

13 years ago

oh, btw, it was King Vajiradvudh ,Rama VI of Siam (now, Thailand) who called the Chinese the Jews of the East, and no, he didn’t mean it as a compliment.

13 years ago

I have never had Jewish proselytizers. I’ve had Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Baptists, Catholics, and various pagan subgroups (those were mostly online, though), But no one has ever tried to convince me to convert to Judaism. And I’ve never talked to someone who’s had a Jew try to convert them.

I helped with a couple of studies for major Jewish organizations, and not a single respondent ever told me how much happier I would be if I went to Temple. Never had a Muslim try to convert me, either, even though my brother did convert for his fiancee. Funny, how only one of the Big Three has ever bugged me big time about converting, isn’t it?

13 years ago

How, precisely, do you think they were converting people through shit like that? Magic? Hypnosis? Free cake?

In my experience it’s through delicious yummy bagels and french toast made from challah. The way to this girl’s heart is through her carbs*!

*disclaimer: I’m still not Jewish, they just feed me well.

13 years ago

Hey the Chaser boys are coming back:

The Chaser team is returning to ABC TV with an original news analysis show called The Hamster Wheel.

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