
At first glance, Alcuin’s blog would seem to be some sort of parody. The blog’s slogan – “Promoting the Intellectual Renaissance of Western Patriarchy” – seems so over-the-top pretentious that even the smuggest of would-be intellectuals wouldn’t be able to post it with a straight face.
But if Alcuin is a troll, he’s a dedicated one, and one (at least based on my less-than-exhaustive survey of his blog) who never seems to break character. So I’m assuming he’s real. Which makes him a pompous ass with a lot of irritating ideas he’s somehow convinced himself are new and interesting. Take (please!) his recent post “Back Where They Belong.” And yes, “they” mean who you think, and “where they belong” means where you think.
Men should run the government, business, education, and religion. Women should stay at home. Young unmarried women can briefly work as kindergarten and elementary teachers, but there are no reasons why men can’t usually do this as well.
I’m not sure if Alcuin understands that women actually hold most of the jobs that currently exist, and that removing virtually all of them from the workplace would cause the economy to implode like, well, Alcuin, if you suddenly removed all of his idiocy. Also, how many kindergarten teachers do we really need?
As long as women run things, men will continue to be sidelined and slandered because feminism is a zero-sum movement.
Women … run things?
There can be no peace between the sexes until women are back where they belong. The sexes are meant to complement each other rather than compete and put one another down.
Yes, and the best way to show how the sexes “are meant to complement each other rather than … put one another down” is for one of the sexes to, er, put the other down by sending them back into the home.
Women have no business being lawyers, judges, educators, doctors, bureaucrats, writers, or religious leaders. Their attempted leadership in these areas, an illegitimate coup d’etat, is destroying our society.
I agree. Lady Pope is doing a terrible job of dealing with all those abuse cases!
Sadly, they prefer to enjoy their present situation, and let society rot, than go back where they belong and participate in building things again. Much like enjoying the concert on the sinking Titanic – though in this case, don’t expect chivalrous men to jump into the cold water so the ladies can have space on the lifeboats.
A little Titanic humor always enlivens a dull rant, eh?
Knock knock!
Who’s there!
An iceberg!
Damn, I guess we shouldn’t have kept going in zero visibility in a part of the ocean where icebergs had been recently sighted, in our ship that doesn’t have enough lifeboats for everyone!
I crack myself up sometimes. Back to Alcuin:
Feminism is a hate movement that brings out the worst in women.
Unlike the Men’s Rights movement, a hate movement that brings out the best in men!
It hates women because it hates femininity and motherhood, the chief characteristics of what it means to be a genuine woman. It brings out the worst in women by turning them into men, or trying to masculate them.
Damn you, feminism! Don’t go masculating those ladies! First they want to wear pants, and the next thing you know they’re growing ironic mustaches and using Axe Detailers instead of loofahs and subscribing to Bass Fishing Monthly.
It hates men because it blames everything on men, and regards masculinity in men to be evil. It emasculates men at the same time. Gays and, much more secondarily, manginas, are somewhat acceptable to the gynocracy, especially when the furniture needs moving or some bitch can’t pay her own bills.
Because when you need furniture moved, or some money, you call … the gays? Is this some new gay stereotype I’m not aware of? I mean, manginas, sure, manginas are furniture-movers and money-to-bitches conduits extraordinaire. That’s how they get access to pussy, after all.
But what’s the incentive for the gays? They don’t need pussy; they’d, presumably, prefer to spend their money on tiny dogs and gym memberships than on some bitch’s bills; and while gays may have strong opinions about where the furniture should go, are they really interested in carrying it there themselves?
Women generally use men, and feminism continues this grand tradition. A man’s value is defined according to his use to women. Deeper than that, feminism regards men in the same way that the Nazis regarded Jews – men are Untermensch and cannot be granted the same rights and privileges that women are.
And … now we’ve got Nazis.
Feminism aims to bring men down, as it is a zero-sum movement. It doesn’t simply aim to improve the lot of women through, for instance, education, but seeks to exclude men from education.
It does? Last I heard, colleges were actually lowering their standards in order to enroll more guys.
Thus the current propaganda about campus rape, and the attempt to make it easier to accuse a university male of rape in the USA. Thanks, government. You are, once again, the handmaiden of misandry.
And handmaidens are bad. Not like Shieldmaidens.
Feminist hate will never be satisfied, so men can’t keep avoiding the issue. We must avoid feminism as much as we can, and educate each other about it and about alternatives.
Generally it is advisable to actually know something about something before trying to “educating” other people about it.
This intellectual Renaissance of Western Patriarchy business is a lot trickier than you might think.
I don’t want to have to pull the references to Zen Buddhist, Hinduist and Shintoist atrocities throughout history again, but if Societal Contract continues to put forward the fallacious idea that the JudeoIslamoChristian religions are particularly more bloodthirsty than the Eastern ones, I guess I won’t have much choice.
Pecunium, it isn’t a ‘vocal minority’ of Christians that seeks to actively proselytize and convert. It is a vocal minority that is willing to actually say the word “Heathen”, perhaps, but conversion remains a huge thing. There seems to be a gentleman’s agreement to cool it with other forms of Christians, but the unsaved… are not so lucky.
The modern era has forced some measure of noninterference into Christianity, but other religions not only had it a step further, to actual syncretic beliefs, but have practiced as such substantially longer. See: China for most of its history an example of what that looks like. True, Confucianism was dominant, but taoism and buddhism still informed a number of spiritual beliefs, taken more as a blend, rather than as single things to be identified with. Hinduism is itself an umbrella of multiple paths of enlightenment that are extremely dissimilar to each other.
Shintoism should take you about 10 seconds, yeah, but it’s practically cheating to choose a religion specifically formed to breed nationalism. It’s not just the Zen Buddhists though. The buddhists in Tibet, who’s name escapes me, traditionally have had major problems with, well, the same child rape problems the catholic church has had. The fighting in Sri Lanka has had ample atrocities committed by the hindus and buddhists (I want to say the local buddhist branch is Mahayana, but I’m probably mistaken; Either way, the Tamil Tigers? Not the nicest bunch of buddhists ever).
For vegan Challah I have once made the recipe on this site http://www.holycowvegan.net/2008/03/eggless-bliss-whole-wheat-vegan-challah.html
It came out decently enough, but I was cooking that for my ex-girlfriend. I myself am not a vegan, so I’m unsure how it would measure up. Though she enjoyed it.
Ah, that’s what I get for going off memory, the Tamil Tigers aren’t the buddhists. I hate my constant memory fails. IT’s really annoying to be able to do shit like explain the differences in Sunni and Shia theology and not remember which is which. Yes, wikipedia will supply that, but it’s still a nuisance.
Rutee: Conversion is a thing, but for most Christians it’s not a big thing, and for most it never was. It’s difficult to see this, because the mythos of christianity is that of converting the heathen in Europe. But the big conversion battles aren’t for new recruits in heathen climes, but the “saving’ of those who aren’t “real christians” and that has been a fairly recent (and sadly, US centered) trope.
Which has been the case since the Reformation.
The mix of christianities in Europe lasted until the late 6th, early 7th centuries (with the Irish and Roman Churches being the last major division in the west) and the various back and forths between iconoclastic, and iconic (with a brief return to official paganism) in the East.
I’d argue that Christianity did engage in blending of local beliefs, even after the, putative, homogenisation of the late-medieval period (and some of the heresies which informed that age, e.g. catharism, are still seen in the here and there). Those places (like the Outremer, or the Raj) where Christianity and non-Christian religions interacted did, in fact, have a modus vivendi (there are more than a few stories of “Frankish Knights”, usually Templars, or Hospitallers, directing “moors” the proper way to orient themselves, that they might be facing Mecca).
Are the Abrahamic religions less tolerant of others? Hard to say. It’s not as if the Hindus and Muslims get along perfectly, nor that Jews aren’t both factional, and not the most tolerant of governors. The predominance of Abrahamic religions in the world (at what… 1/3rd?) aren’t so present there are many places one can look and not see them.
China is one place, but the state’s views on religion are such that it’s hard to say what the level of actual tolerance is. Christianity was pretty completely suppressed in Japan, but was adopted by the Native Americans in Mexico/S. America in ways that most decidedly maintained local cult behaviors, much as it has done everywhere it’s travelled.
As a pastry cook with ties to the Jewish community, I strongly object to applying the name “challah” to eggless bread.
“I don’t want to have to pull the references to Zen Buddhist, Hinduist and Shintoist atrocities throughout history again, but if Societal Contract continues to put forward the fallacious idea that the JudeoIslamoChristian religions are particularly more bloodthirsty than the Eastern ones, I guess I won’t have much choice.”
Silly bwoy/gyal, I’m talking about the aggressive push to convert others to your faith, not political atrocities. The Sri Lankan conflict is not about religion, its about politics and immigration. Neither side is seeking to convert the other to their religious faith or lack thereof.
I’ve spent many years on the inside of the “missionary world” in South Asia. Its definetly a force to be reckoned with and is funded by Western churches and religious orgs.
2 words:
Joshua Project
Thanks for the primer in Platonicism, BlackBloc…that explains why the whole explanation of transubstantiation was “The host literally turns into the body of Christ. Because shut up, that’s why”.
Societal Contract, I just got this book for my birthday:
It has a couple of vegan french toast recipes in it and even one for vegan omelettes (using silken tofu).
“There is literature online that seems to indicate that jews, at least some jews, believe themselves to be the chosen or “treasured” people of god. Of course there is literature to indicate that the christians, catholics, mormons, and muslims believe that, too. Which is why I try to equally spread around my pointing and laughing, and more importantly, my serious criticism.”
Is there any kind/colour/creed that you do not resent?
Most feminists are misinformed. A guy like you, however, could fit right in even knowing the full, awful truth. Are you trying to become a three star general of the bigots, one day?
JUANDELACRUZ, I study Nazism for a living (as much of a living as one can make in grad school). You’re correct, you are pretty vanilla compared to hardcore Nazis. But that’s the thing: the terrible things in this world aren’t only done by the hard core, but by the “vanilla,” the sympathizers, the people who go “I-don’t-really-mean-to-be-a-bigot, but would you get a load of those people.” Most genocidaires don’t start out monsters, but allow themselves to be made monsters by circumstance: slowly, concession by concession, the “vanilla” allow themselves to be backed into atrocities.
I’m not saying it couldn’t happen to me—it probably could; the Rwanda thing is a perfect illustration of how normal people can be induced almost overnight to commit mass murder. But your juvenile sniggering over a group of people who had the temerity to ask for the Pokemon release in the US to be modified because a symbol in it reminded them of a time when they were almost wiped off the planet denotes that you are a way down that road already.
What I’m saying is, people like you are a menace.
I think Societal Contract wants to know how you might get the same texture without eggs, though. Is that even possible?
Thanks peeps. I found a few recipes at youtube.
I don’t want to reignite the Falafel Wars here, but are they a Jewish or Arab invention?
I imagine everyone in that region, Jewish, Muslim, or Christian, has some version. Food can cross borders pretty easily; a lot of American food is African-American in origin.
Anthony Zarat, the fact that you think that legitimate criticism of belief systems makes me bigoted is down to your ignorance and not my reality.
If that’s too complex for you, just read this:
Kiss my ass, jerk.
Is this going to be the first day without a Manboobz post? Only 3 hours!!!
Most men desire control. Yogis control desire.
Oh noes!!! how will you survive?!!!!
Fuck this shit.
MRAL, new post up, just for you.
Well, not just for you, actually, but a new post is up.
ha perfect timing david
two jumbos…double the fun!
“Bullshit. The Chinese are not the Jews of the world. I’m Jewish and both I and my Korean friends have independently heard that it’s KOREANS who are the Jews of Asia (and/or Jews are the Koreans of not-Asia.”
Did you even bother to check those links before blabbing? (rolls eyes)
“It’s supposed to be mutually insulting (because we’re both cheap) but I think it’s awesome. Korean-Jewish solidarity!”
Yes, you are both insufferable under-restrained attention-whores, judging by the excessive oversaturation of current global pop culture, east and west, by the koreans and jews respectively. Into the seas with both the lot of you >p
“You ripped on Chinese folk there, too.”
And so I did hehehehehehe. Bah, the Han Chinese are the biggest bastards on the planet today. All of us in Asia know that. >)
“haters of fun”
“but the fact that your going off on this huge rant about how Jews annoy you and making a huge deal about it says something.”
Jews (and Israel) have repeatedly publicly attacked Nazi Chic Fashion in Japan, Korea, and India >(
“It just means you’re a failure even at that.”
No, it just means I’m a moderate. Newsflashs, you extremists, not everything in life is pure black or pure white. Life is not a binary zebra, it’s a quantum spectrum.
“Are you against sunny spring days and in favour of kicking puppies?”
No spring at all in my part of the world, only summer all year long (except when it’s stormy half the time) and I love dogs, as my sign under the Chinese Zodiac (ironic indeed) is the Dog and I have four dogs living with me presently.
“What I’m saying is, people like you are a menace.”
Your paranoia is hilarious. You’ve already got the squatter state of Israel and control of the Yankee military-industrial-cultural complex (at least on the east and west coasts) and you’re still not secure? You’ve got bad the mirror-image of the white-extinction-panic that Freepers, Stormfronters, and AmRens, etc. have got bad themselves.
I don’t know what regular challah is like, but the vegan stuff my friend makes is damn tasty. The recipe uses banana as a binder instead of egg.
You can’t see the problem with these three words? Killing millions is not a fucking FASHION STATEMENT! There is no way to to wear a swastika ‘ironically.’ It does not work like that. The symbolism of the Nazis should be consigned to the rubbish tip, not celebrated.