evil women MGTOW MGTOW paradox misogyny nightstorm sex sexy robot ladies vaginas white knights

Do MGTOWers just want to cuddle? (Possibly with robots?)

MGTOW nightmare: Sexy robot ladies turn out to be stuck-up bitches.

Are MGTOWers all a bunch of closet romantics? In a recent discussion of some research which concluded that men value kissing and cuddling more than women in long-term relationships, a number of the regulars on confessed that they … actually missed the affections of women.

BeijaFlor reported

I’ve gotten along for decades without sex OR cuddling. And I miss the cuddling, the snuggly affectionate feel of a loving partner, FAR more than I miss the sex. That’s one reason why I don’t call the call-girls; all they offer is the sex.

Golem added:

I’m going to have to agree with the touch thing, too. Hell, I can cut my own hair, but I’ll still drop the cash to have it done with a wash and a scalp massage just for the contact.

That’s actually just really … sad.

Even Nightstorm2516 — the legendary theorist of the Mousetrap Vagina – offered a poignant confession of his own:

I don’t know anyone elses reasoning for cuddling over sex but my own personal reason would be a huge deprivation in my life of affection. I get zero from women so thats a no-go for me. My male friends think hugging is gay via society programming so men show affection by “bumping fists” and “being cool”. My dad IS anti-affection. My mom showed me some affection, but she was so busy working to the bones, I don’t think I ever got enough. My sister and brother never showed me any love.

I think I value cuddling just because its something I never got to do. 26 Years without affection.. dam thats a long time.

That’s actually sort of heartbreaking – at least until I remember that this is the same guy who once argued that vaginas were like strange venom-injecting mousetraps:

This poison … creeps into the male brain and literally makes him stupid, it shuts down his intellect, and activates all his hormones for more pussy. She’s got the bastard. Now she can slowly but surely take all his wealth and keep pumping more poison into him.

It sucks – I mean really, genuinely sucks — that you got no affection from your parents, dude. But if you view women as monsters secretly plotting to entrap you with their vagina-poison, you’re not likely to get a lot of affection from them.

If you want to live a life that has more to it than bitterness and misery, get yourself off of and find a good therapist.

And whatever you do, don’t listen to avoidwoman, MGTOWforums’ budding futurist, who thinks he’s got a woman-free solution to the affection deficit: perfectly realistic robogirls, which he predicts will be here in 2030. (Let’s just hope they’re a bit more reliable than the Cherry 2000 model.)

Yep, we’re back to the topic of sexy robot ladies.

In several comments in the thread, starting with this one, avoidwomen explained his waiting game:

I personally don’t even care for sex and I never want it. I would love romance, such as cuddling and kissing but not with human women, only women substitutes! …

I will get the chance to cuddle as much as I want by 2030 with robogirls and probably earlier when VR technology becomes advanced enough for the simulation to feel realistic. …

The few times I got the chance to be romantic with women, I really enjoyed it and never thought of going “further” or being “sexual” whatsoever. …

Then we got a reminder of just why he’s not getting affection from real, live human women:

Nowdays I just avoid women like the snakes they are! …

I am no white knight in real life, I will not protect a woman. But when VR and robogirls come, I will hold them in my arms. My robogirl will protect me outside the house and inside the house, I will cuddle and hold her. 🙂

Someday, his robotic princess will come.


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13 years ago

NWO: Actually, that relationship broke up. Too bad, it was my fault, he was a sweet guy and deserved better. Now I have a fuckbuddy to slap the shit out of me. 🙂 And even that relationship is far happier and more functional than any relationship you’ll ever have.

I am puzzled that NWO seems to think my five-month-long romantic relationship consisted of nothing but kinky sex and blogging. There were a lot more cuddles, dude. Cuddles and kisses and watching movies together and gaming and doing homework together.

13 years ago

@NWO –

You misunderstand me. Probably willfully.

Think of it this way: Let’s say we have two groups of people. Group A is responsible for 100% of car crashes. Group B is responsible for 0% of car crashes. Our first inclination may be to say “Group B are better drivers than group A.” But then we find out there is a confounding variable: Group B never drives. So we can’t say if they are better drivers than group A or not, because the lack of car crashes is due to a lack of driving.

Again, I will say it – people who hurt children are monsters (and FYI, I consider sleeping with 14 year olds to be “hurting.”)

Should there be campaigns focused on women to prevent child abuse? Absolutely.

But that doesn’t change the fact that I strongly suspect, were both parents’ equally contributing to childcare, the gender gap would disappear. This is not a “women are evil” phenomenon, this is a “people sometimes do evil things to children, and because women are around children more, a higher percentage of evil things done to children are done by women.”

Kind of like saying “men are more likely to be rapists” doesn’t mean “men are evil,” it means “men are more likely to be socially conditioned to be sexually aggressive, and therefore a higher percentage of sexually aggressive acts are committed by men.”

The point? Taking kids away from women (as a group, just because of the statistic, this does NOT apply to individual cases of child abuse committed by a woman) won’t solve the problem, it will just shift who the abuser is.

13 years ago

NWO, a word problem for you:

Car A traveled 100 miles. Car B traveled 50 miles. Car C traveled 75 miles. Which one went fastest?

Come on, no excuses now.

13 years ago

theLaplaceDemon: You’re just trying to confuse NWO with ‘facts.’ He will not let mere reality penetrate (heh, penetrate, get it?) his LogicShield!

13 years ago

A father and his son are in a car crash. The father is killed. When the son gets to the hospital, the doctor says, “I can’t operate, this is my son!”

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

If not. explain to me why you would try to flesh out a reason for women behavior for killing a child when you won’t afford the same soul searching for a man. Hell, Thomas Ball smacked his child and split her lip and you can’t muster up any sympathy at all.

…For HIM?

NWO likes to go beyond the unbelievable.

13 years ago


Impossible! His father had already died. Unless…the doctor was the boy’s biological father because he had had an affair with the boy’s mother, who then tricked her husband into believing that the boy was his own.

Yes, that’s probably what happened. There’s no other possible explanation.

13 years ago

@CB/Spear – Or the kid’s parents were gay men.

@Kathleen – I don’t know why I even bother, sometimes. Sigh.

Arielle Shander
13 years ago

With those dumb MGTOWs’ logic, why don’t they just get a stuffed animal to cuddle with? Robots can’t “love.” They can be programmed to “cuddle,” but they can’t feel affection for the person they’re with. At least those lonesome losers wouldn’t have to wait decades for a teddy bear to be released, so why bother roughin’ it out until 2030?

13 years ago

I was gonna say “kitten” too, just because I hate other people touching me but loooove kitties. Although kitty sleepin’ on your lap can get tiring after a while too. Kitties are way snuggly–snugglier than doggies IMO. They just turn into sacks of snuggle for 16 hours a day.

But yeah, no, these guys don’t deserve kitty snuggles, and would just be all, “CATS ARE LIKE WOMEN BLARRRGGHH!!” anyway.

Also, every time I see the title of this blog post, I think, “Do MGTOWs Dream of S(heep)GTOW?”

That’s all I have to contribute. I’m done with the obtuseitudiness that shows up with the trollerskaters.

13 years ago

OK, except I didn’t see that being said at all, or even implied, in the first 3 quotes posted by David.


Nobody can make and support an argument while being shouted down by a gang of bullies.

Someone shut down the universities! Peer review is just gangs of bullies!

I am fighting for the freedom and dignity of my people.

Se my people free! …to be cleaned up by a gym sock I hide from my wife…

13 years ago

Laplace: Gay men don’t exist. One of the men must have had his sperm stolen.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

If gay men do exist, they were driven to it by women.

13 years ago

Oh, and the robotgirls are ALREADY HERE AND NOW for a few years.

13 years ago

If gay men do exist, they were driven to it by women.

If I recall correctly, it was about when women started wearing pants and became too inspiring of lust. Turns men gay every time.

13 years ago

I wouldn’t trust an MRA with a pet rock.

13 years ago

@Katz and CB – Me and my silly ladybrain logic!

13 years ago

Immodest girls on beaches aside, here is some totally beach-appropriate men’s swimwear!

(To be clear, no, nothing about this link is beach-appropriate or work-appropriate or appropriate for anyone who doesn’t want to know how to keep a thong up with no material going around the dude’s hips. On the other hand, these products will provide all the junk cuddling a man could possibly want, and way way way more.)

13 years ago

Cake! I want cake. Why oh why do I have no cake? I have all the cuddles I want, but no cake.

You should have become Anglican.

Yeah, they probably also think that those “Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them” t-shirts are innocent and hilarious.

I know I do. Yet none of the female friends I’ve given that advice to have yet to start throwing rocks at boys. It’s almost as if they have some sort of perspective on how humans actually behave in a society towards one another….

Also too….

Societal Contract
Societal Contract
13 years ago

A stroll through the manosphere will inevitably lead one to come across what is termed “the societal contract”. There is an unspoken agreement between the sexes that states if a man goes to college, gets a job and refrains from scratching his ass in public, he will be able to secure for himself the woman of his choice as bride. Modern woman has failed to keep up her end of the bargain. She has broken the contract.

The manosphere will be happy to know that a movie has already been made about this;

13 years ago

What my post with all those links is gone? Tsk tsk tsk. Anyway, I’d just like to say, based on my experience with fandom, MGTOW actually love cats to the point where felines are the most fetishized animal among straight male nerds. Google “catgirl”, you’ll see what I mean.

13 years ago

“Yeah, they probably also think that those “Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them” t-shirts are innocent and hilarious.”

As someone who’s had rocks thrown at her, no, no I don’t think that’s funny. Triggering, perhaps, but not funny. Would you? After all, it was boys who threw those rocks at me.

“Society also doesn’t teach girls not to abuse men and children, why aren’t you screaming about that?”

Sure, NWO, go ahead and ignore the rest of what I said. I know it’s inconvenient for you to acknowledge the fact that women are indoctrinated to believe it’s their job to raise babies with love and nurture, regardless of whether they want to even have children. I know it would put a kink in your “arguments” if you had to admit that women have also long been indoctrinated to be nice and sweet to men–sugar and spice and everything nice, right?–to be polite and docile and not tell assholes like you to go fuck yourself with a cactus.

Certainly you could never–HORRORS!–admit to the fact that women are raised in a society that teaches them to be cruel and competitive with each other, to hate and mock other girls that don’t meet the proper “standards” all the while flogging themselves to keep up with those standards–perfect hair, perfect makeup, perfect bodies–no matter how unreasonable those standards are. I mean, if you accepted that, you might have to take a look at the hateful things MRAs say about women who are overweight or who aren’t supermodel pretty or who don’t wear (perhaps can’t afford) nice clothes. Then you might (oh god, it’s terrible, isn’t it?) realize those standards stem from the Patriarchy, and it might shatter your whole world view.

Can’t have that.

Just in case reading context is too difficult–which it obviously is–what I’m saying here is women are taught those things. Every day. It invades every aspect of our lives, from the Play House playsets advertisers advertise to us when we’re five, to the magazines we read as teenagers, which tell us how to be nice and sweet and do what boys want us to do.

Honestly, NWO, you’re not only out of touch with reality, but your responses have little to no relation to what people actually say to you.

13 years ago

Robot cat:
… and the MRA’s and Feminists lived happily ever after, with cuddles for everyone.

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