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Do MGTOWers just want to cuddle? (Possibly with robots?)

MGTOW nightmare: Sexy robot ladies turn out to be stuck-up bitches.

Are MGTOWers all a bunch of closet romantics? In a recent discussion of some research which concluded that men value kissing and cuddling more than women in long-term relationships, a number of the regulars on confessed that they … actually missed the affections of women.

BeijaFlor reported

I’ve gotten along for decades without sex OR cuddling. And I miss the cuddling, the snuggly affectionate feel of a loving partner, FAR more than I miss the sex. That’s one reason why I don’t call the call-girls; all they offer is the sex.

Golem added:

I’m going to have to agree with the touch thing, too. Hell, I can cut my own hair, but I’ll still drop the cash to have it done with a wash and a scalp massage just for the contact.

That’s actually just really … sad.

Even Nightstorm2516 — the legendary theorist of the Mousetrap Vagina – offered a poignant confession of his own:

I don’t know anyone elses reasoning for cuddling over sex but my own personal reason would be a huge deprivation in my life of affection. I get zero from women so thats a no-go for me. My male friends think hugging is gay via society programming so men show affection by “bumping fists” and “being cool”. My dad IS anti-affection. My mom showed me some affection, but she was so busy working to the bones, I don’t think I ever got enough. My sister and brother never showed me any love.

I think I value cuddling just because its something I never got to do. 26 Years without affection.. dam thats a long time.

That’s actually sort of heartbreaking – at least until I remember that this is the same guy who once argued that vaginas were like strange venom-injecting mousetraps:

This poison … creeps into the male brain and literally makes him stupid, it shuts down his intellect, and activates all his hormones for more pussy. She’s got the bastard. Now she can slowly but surely take all his wealth and keep pumping more poison into him.

It sucks – I mean really, genuinely sucks — that you got no affection from your parents, dude. But if you view women as monsters secretly plotting to entrap you with their vagina-poison, you’re not likely to get a lot of affection from them.

If you want to live a life that has more to it than bitterness and misery, get yourself off of and find a good therapist.

And whatever you do, don’t listen to avoidwoman, MGTOWforums’ budding futurist, who thinks he’s got a woman-free solution to the affection deficit: perfectly realistic robogirls, which he predicts will be here in 2030. (Let’s just hope they’re a bit more reliable than the Cherry 2000 model.)

Yep, we’re back to the topic of sexy robot ladies.

In several comments in the thread, starting with this one, avoidwomen explained his waiting game:

I personally don’t even care for sex and I never want it. I would love romance, such as cuddling and kissing but not with human women, only women substitutes! …

I will get the chance to cuddle as much as I want by 2030 with robogirls and probably earlier when VR technology becomes advanced enough for the simulation to feel realistic. …

The few times I got the chance to be romantic with women, I really enjoyed it and never thought of going “further” or being “sexual” whatsoever. …

Then we got a reminder of just why he’s not getting affection from real, live human women:

Nowdays I just avoid women like the snakes they are! …

I am no white knight in real life, I will not protect a woman. But when VR and robogirls come, I will hold them in my arms. My robogirl will protect me outside the house and inside the house, I will cuddle and hold her. 🙂

Someday, his robotic princess will come.


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13 years ago

Go the whole hog Ozy – if you lived in another place, time or class, which survival skills are masculine and which feminine 🙂

13 years ago

Meller: I laughed too. I laughed even more at the asinine idea that money is more important to me than my bodily autonomy.

I am considerably more ambitious on this subject than Antz, or many other male poster critics of If you recall, I look forward one day to the emergence of what may almost be called “wifebots”–completely realistic female androids (“gynoids?”), custom designed to mesh with and adapt to each particualar owner’s personality, with superb domestic, homemaking, and social interaction (including child-rearing) skills as well as being a piece of sexual heaven for her owner! The obsolescence of woman will indeed give men the last laugh!

We do remember, and when we remind you of your desire to see women wiped out (except for the really hot ones you keep as party favors for the ruling class) you get all whiney about how it wasn’t serious.

13 years ago

It won’t be in twenty years, and I am prepared to say it may not even be in the lifetime of anybody now alive, but it will happen! The misery, disposession, and poverty that feminism causes will see to that! The days of feminist (and other egalitarian puking up of human society are numbered, and men’s (especially European men’s) creativity, energy, and brilliance will shine forth again…

Your future’s so white, you’ve got to wear shades.

Brett K
13 years ago

@DKM, Do I have to post a picture of me wearing pants? Because I may not be Grace Kelley, but I look awesome, and you are an asshole.

Also, Spear, you have awesome fashion sense.

Societal Contract
Societal Contract
13 years ago

“It won’t be in twenty years, and I am prepared to say it may not even be in the lifetime of anybody now alive, but it will happen! The misery, disposession, and poverty that feminism causes will see to that! The days of feminist (and other egalitarian puking up of human society are numbered, and men’s (especially European men’s) creativity, energy, and brilliance will shine forth again…”

NOPE! You would have to be having babies. Lots and lots of European male babies, for that to happen.

13 years ago

NOPE! You would have to be having babies. Lots and lots of European male babies, for that to happen.

Yup. Guess what my pasty white ass is continuing to not do~o? ^^ DKM, I am ethnically German/British-American, blue eyed and pale, and completely uninterested in having white babies. I am helping wipe out your precious master race with every unfertilized egg and I’m proud of it.

I’m also wearing pants. 😀

Don Gwinn
13 years ago

“I would love romance, such as cuddling and kissing but not with human women, only women substitutes! …”

Ugh, I know, freakin’ humans, right? Gross. It’s like, get your organic, carbon-based respiration-factory off me!

13 years ago

“What can I say? I tried to keep this from getting personal, but nevertheless, it is long past time for useful comparisons between feminists and real women!

real women–biological or cyborg…”

Real women include cyborgs? Damn! How postmodern of DKM! (Working hard to keep up the exclamation marks!)


13 years ago

So, real women can be biological or cyborg, but not feminist.

Feminist cyborgs!


13 years ago

I’ve got it worked out. NWO came up with an invention, right? He used his expertise with pneumatic tubes and alloys and so on to create a cyborg. Like the one in Alien, that bleeds milk. He calls it DKM, and that’s why they understand what the other is saying when no one else can.

Also Illuminati, fabians, rothchildren and Spear’s reptilian overlords are involved somewhere.

And a white cat on someone’s lap, possibly that robot one.

13 years ago

“And a white cat on someone’s lap, possibly that robot one.”

It’s all getting very Philip K. Dick here. DKM probably would have been a succesful sci-fi novelist in the 70’s. =D

Comrade Svilova
Comrade Svilova
13 years ago

So, real women can be biological or cyborg, but not feminist.

Wow, just, wow.

13 years ago

Don’t forget that real women are supposed to get cancer, so he can be happy about it.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I like how Meller is so sure every woman wants a man. But then again, I’m sure he’d consider my girlfriend horrid too. She’s a feminist woman who’s even smarter than me, and I utterly embarrass him intellectually. He hates that we are both better educated and more intellectual, are capable of well-reasoned arguments, while he’s stuck to his baseless, hateful assertions. That’s why he claims all women who post substantive arguments against him are on their periods. The silly little fool thinks that robots would like him, but I assure you, DKM, robots will hate you as much as the rest of us do, what with the intelligence.

Bruce McGlory
13 years ago

LOL, wow. David – I say with nothing but serious concern – get help. There’s no shame in needing medical attention. It’s not emaculating to talk to a doctor about your clear psychological problems. Get help from a licensed therapist. It will improve your life dramatically.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

People like DKM seldom seek help, since they believe nothing is wrong with them. Still, good advice is good advice.

13 years ago

Hmm. How do I measure up?

soft – fairly
appealing – *bats eyelashes*
cute – I’m like a human Hello Kitty!
affectionate – sure
adorable – *bats eyelashes again*
clever – sure
playful – yep
empathic – do I look like a Betazoid to you? I think you mean “empathetic”.
sensitive – as in “aware of the feelings of others”, I’m OK; as in “touchy”, very much so
vulnerable – aren’t we all in some way?
warm – I do have a normal body temperature, yes
alluring – *bats eyelashes for a third time*
friendly – yep
compliant – to what???
skillful in feminine activities – I’m a very good vegan cook, I sew quite well and do other needlecrafts. I can keep my home in a state of basic hygiene. I know how to can stuff. I’m no good in the garden, though.

However, if you took out “alluring” and “skilled in feminine activities”, you would have an excellent description of my dog Madeline. She is soft, appealing, cute, affectionate, adorable, clever (srsly, this dog knows how to lie), playful, empathic (if you take that to mean “very attuned to human moods”, not “mildly psychic”), sensitive, warm, friendly to a fault, and compliant in the sense that she has learned that giving the right responses to commands results in food and affection.

DKM, it sounds like you don’t want a wife but a dog. I recommend Basset Hound/Beagle crosses. You can’t have sex with it and it won’t clean your house, so you’d still need a RealDoll and a cleaner, but it would take up some of the copious free time you seem to have and keep you company. And a dog is *way* cheaper than a robot.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

kristinmh, please don’t encourage DKM to adopt a pet dog. No dog deserves to live with that guy.

13 years ago

What are feminine activities, anyway? If I am a woman who enjoys my career and do it well, does it not stand to reason that working is a feminine activity? You know, being female?

If women were biologically programmed to be the ideal women that MRA’s want us to be, wouldn’t we be naturally unable to be so different from it? The cyborg vision of womanhood that mysoginists dream of have nothing to do with how things are supposed to be, and is evident of being a control freak.

13 years ago

I don’t know, Kendra, really awful people can make good pet owners. Dogs don’t care if you’re a long-winded misogynist white supremacist with fond hopes for a near-universal femicide, as long as you feed, walk, and love them.

13 years ago

Hell, cats’ll approve.

13 years ago

kristin: If (and I have my doubts) Meller is capable of the care required, I’d say a dog would do him a world of good.

But I tremble to think what would be the poor beast’s fate if the dog didn’t behave itself as Meller thinks it ought.

Ginmar Rienne
13 years ago

He’d shit bricks if he met me. I did twenty years in the military, including combat, and before I joined the Army, I was a ballet dancer. Pro, too.

Pecunium, he wants everybody to behave in a way that benefits him. He just doesn’t see how that’s a bad thing. And I think you’d probably freak him out.

Who’s up for a cage match?

13 years ago

“But I tremble to think what would be the poor beast’s fate if the dog didn’t behave itself as Meller thinks it ought.”

As long as it’s not a female dog, it’ll be alright.