
Are MGTOWers all a bunch of closet romantics? In a recent discussion of some research which concluded that men value kissing and cuddling more than women in long-term relationships, a number of the regulars on MGTOWforums.com confessed that they … actually missed the affections of women.
BeijaFlor reported
I’ve gotten along for decades without sex OR cuddling. And I miss the cuddling, the snuggly affectionate feel of a loving partner, FAR more than I miss the sex. That’s one reason why I don’t call the call-girls; all they offer is the sex.
Golem added:
I’m going to have to agree with the touch thing, too. Hell, I can cut my own hair, but I’ll still drop the cash to have it done with a wash and a scalp massage just for the contact.
That’s actually just really … sad.
Even Nightstorm2516 — the legendary theorist of the Mousetrap Vagina – offered a poignant confession of his own:
I don’t know anyone elses reasoning for cuddling over sex but my own personal reason would be a huge deprivation in my life of affection. I get zero from women so thats a no-go for me. My male friends think hugging is gay via society programming so men show affection by “bumping fists” and “being cool”. My dad IS anti-affection. My mom showed me some affection, but she was so busy working to the bones, I don’t think I ever got enough. My sister and brother never showed me any love.
I think I value cuddling just because its something I never got to do. 26 Years without affection.. dam thats a long time.
That’s actually sort of heartbreaking – at least until I remember that this is the same guy who once argued that vaginas were like strange venom-injecting mousetraps:
This poison … creeps into the male brain and literally makes him stupid, it shuts down his intellect, and activates all his hormones for more pussy. She’s got the bastard. Now she can slowly but surely take all his wealth and keep pumping more poison into him.
It sucks – I mean really, genuinely sucks — that you got no affection from your parents, dude. But if you view women as monsters secretly plotting to entrap you with their vagina-poison, you’re not likely to get a lot of affection from them.
If you want to live a life that has more to it than bitterness and misery, get yourself off of MGTOWforums.com and find a good therapist.
And whatever you do, don’t listen to avoidwoman, MGTOWforums’ budding futurist, who thinks he’s got a woman-free solution to the affection deficit: perfectly realistic robogirls, which he predicts will be here in 2030. (Let’s just hope they’re a bit more reliable than the Cherry 2000 model.)
Yep, we’re back to the topic of sexy robot ladies.
In several comments in the thread, starting with this one, avoidwomen explained his waiting game:
I personally don’t even care for sex and I never want it. I would love romance, such as cuddling and kissing but not with human women, only women substitutes! …
I will get the chance to cuddle as much as I want by 2030 with robogirls and probably earlier when VR technology becomes advanced enough for the simulation to feel realistic. …
The few times I got the chance to be romantic with women, I really enjoyed it and never thought of going “further” or being “sexual” whatsoever. …
Then we got a reminder of just why he’s not getting affection from real, live human women:
Nowdays I just avoid women like the snakes they are! …
I am no white knight in real life, I will not protect a woman. But when VR and robogirls come, I will hold them in my arms. My robogirl will protect me outside the house and inside the house, I will cuddle and hold her. 🙂
Someday, his robotic princess will come.
Where’s Antz? He needs to debate DKM stat on the merits of cuddlebots v. virtual reality simulations of women.
I think the cuddlebots will have a superior user interface (at least until we invent Holodecks), but the VR wife will be more customizeable.
I actually assumed the VR wife UI would be easier to use, if it used a computer-like interface, because the cuddlebots would presumably respond mostly to verbal commands and those can be tough to get just right. Imagine trying to cuddle a phone menu, right? :p
Agreed about the VR wife being more customizable though! Hell, she wouldn’t even have to be visible or have apparent mass if you didn’t want, and she could sprout tentacles or fly or whatever you want. VR all the way, yo!
Shaenon@ August 31, 2011 at 6:30pm–“I am now laughing forever at Meller seriously discussing about whether [female invented] cuddlebots will try to steal his money…”
brackets mine DKM
Leave it to a woman to cheer for the possible invention–or perversion of an invention–to steal a man’s money or property, and then LAUGH about it!
A man’s property–including his money–is as valuable to us as woman’s sex is to her! Next time there is talk of an invention that can enable a man to have sex with a woman’s body i.e. “rape”, without her knowledge and consent, I think that will find it just as amusing as you found my post here, and for the same reasons.
Keep on laughing!
PS–I was talking about ‘cuddlebots’ being invented by women, if you recall!- DKM
Rita Hayworth
“Are MGTOWers all a bunch of closet romantics? In a recent discussion of some research which concluded that men value kissing and cuddling more than women in long-term relationships”
What!?!?! Can someones shed some light on this. This has NOT been my experience.
dkm, the funny part is where youve seriously considered the possibility of this happening.
scientist 1: great weve finally finished building a robot that can show affection. were going to make billions.
scientist 2: before we turn it on, install this chip i designed that will teach it the meaning of hate
scientist 1: why does a cuddlebot need to hate?
scientist 2: because im a feminist.
scientist 1: this is a robot it has nothing to do with feminism.
scientist 2: feminism is about teaching robots to hate. its in the manual.
scientist 1: but-
scientist 2: you cant disagree with feminism thats a federal offense.
scientist 1: *sigh* will the robot still be able to cuddle?
scientist 2: until it leaves you and takes all your money, yes.
scientist 1: that happens after we get paid, right?
scientist 2: of course. what kind of feminist do you think i am?
I wonder if there will be a female market base for cuddlebots and VR husbands. Somehow I doubt it. A big hard VR penis with a custom made anatomically correct apparatus for simultaneously rubbing up against our clits during the *ahem* lovemaking? Sure! A VR tongue? Even better!
But a complete man/husband? Naw.
Societal Contract, *someone* has to be buying the male RealDolls…
KristinMH re: comment on August 31@6:51pm–
I am considerably more ambitious on this subject than Antz, or many other male poster critics of manboobz.com. If you recall, I look forward one day to the emergence of what may almost be called “wifebots”–completely realistic female androids (“gynoids?”), custom designed to mesh with and adapt to each particualar owner’s personality, with superb domestic, homemaking, and social interaction (including child-rearing) skills as well as being a piece of sexual heaven for her owner! The obsolescence of woman will indeed give men the last laugh!
I am the first to acknowledge that it will take quite a bit longer than the manufacture and maintainance of mere “sexbots” or “cuddlebots”, but the rewards, IMHO will be well worth it. Unlike what some of my critics have (incorrectly) accused me of advocating or planning, It won’t even be necessary to eradicate you horrid feminists physically; you and your man-hating feminist kind will have become totally irrelevant to our lives, you will probably all end up in womynz taverns doing what you had been doing for hundreds of years, only more of it: Kvetching about what rats we men are, how abusive and cruel we all are, your sexual frigidity is all our fault somehow, and you all getting older, uglier and more hateful by the year, and having nothing but your feminist goofy girlfriends for company! Hey, that kind of sounds like your lives already in a lot of cases even today doesn’t it?
We certainly can’t do anything to you, that you horrid man-haters can’t–and won’t end up doing to yourselves even worse…
Ain’t women’s liberation grand? Who knows, maybe Jonestown type mass-suicides will be the final solution of the feminist problem. I don’t know, and I still really hope that you live women straighten yourselves out before youall can be–and will be–totally and completely replaced, but nature will out!
David K. Meller
Julie Newmar.
So you’re saying that if cuddlebots show up on the market we’ll only be able to have sex with people who don’t want cuddlebots.
And the flaw here is…?
And yet, feminists aren’t the people on this board complaining about being lonely, or missing cuddling. Stranger still, it’s always these self-identified MRAs complaining about not having partners with which to share romance, sex and affection.
Shorter DKM: Ribbit-ribbit*
*It should be noted that toads cannot actually transmit warts to humans through contact with skin. I do wonder how it works over the internet.
DKM, in case you didn’t know, Stepford Wives is fiction.
Dear David K. Meller and other Robosexuals,
I hope we all can fuck a beautiful, subservient, slavebots in 20 years. That would be awesome.
Now shut the fuck up and wait for your electro-pussy, masturbate to VR women in your dark ManCave, and leave feminists who are trying to improve reality for humans alone. 🙂
Trollin’ MRAs
To be fair, I was.
Oooh…. the millionaire mangina who at night masquerades as a greater alpha manly man and saves the citizens of MGTOWn from ameriskank sperm thieves! It’s the MRA superhero ManMan!
Spear, you’re right and I didn’t mean to be insensitive. The truth is I don’t think that being a feminist is a guarantee against loneliness. For that matter, I don’t believe that identifying as an MRA is guarantee of loneliness. Not necessarily.
But I do feel it necessary to point out how absurd Meller’s predictions/fantasies/wishes in the fountain of his own putrescent bile of lonely feminist women are, when you consider that it’s a bunch of MGTOWs in the original post, complaining about being alone and missing affection. It becomes even more ridiculous when you consider the number of people on these boards who identify as feminists who are partnered.
Still, I wouldn’t be deliberately insensitive to you andI apologize if I was. You’re a good egg.
DKM: When the revolution comes, women will be able to go off somewhere with out manginas and not have to deal with assholes like you?!? Sign me up! Keep your fucking stepford wifebot, that way none of us uppity, opinion-having women will ever, ever have to deal with you again.
Stepford Wives IS fiction. For now!
It can, and will inspire men to a better future, or if feminists keep on ruining humankind, running us into the ground, castrating men and orphaning children, the vision in the Stepford Wives will, in any event, force us out of desperation, to eventually develop “stepford wives”–or something even better!
When that finally happens, a much better time will occur for human beings–in our billions–far outside and beyond a small town in Connecticutt! We may even transcend the next step in human evolution, although exploring these speculations would be, of course, a matter for other posts on other websites!
It won’t be in twenty years, and I am prepared to say it may not even be in the lifetime of anybody now alive, but it will happen! The misery, disposession, and poverty that feminism causes will see to that! The days of feminist (and other egalitarian puking up of human society are numbered, and men’s (especially European men’s) creativity, energy, and brilliance will shine forth again…
As for feminists, they will either die off, or reassert their natural and loving femininity, in all its glory, being as soft, empathic, sensitive, beautiful, vulnerable, joyful, and tranquil as women can be and ought to be; and for their contemptible renegade male(?) housepets, youall will probably either join us, rediscovering your masculine glory, enjoying your full manhood, or your kind will disappear along with them–the feminist haters–,and good riddence to rubbish!
David K .Meller
you know he might be a racist, a misogynist and a creepy violent loser, but dkm is actually kind of adorable when he goes into his nonsense predictions about a woman free future
Okay, the new best part is that, when Meller quoted me, he felt duty-bound to add “female invented” in brackets, just to make it clear that ONLY the cuddlebots invented by women will try to steal his money.
I didn’t think it was necessary to specify “female invented” in my original post, as the idea that all cuddlebots will steal money is just plain silly. Of course only female invented cuddlebots will steal money. Male invented cuddlebots will steal shoes, and occasionally gum.
Anyway, I approve of this future now that I know I’ll be spending it in a womynz tavern. I’m picturing a Viking shieldmaiden thing, with mead. Lots of mead.
So how much do you think these cuddlebots will go for? I’m not sure the average MRA could afford one. Will there be DIY kits? Financing?
Sharculese, it is pretty cute. Like a cross between the sad-eyed guy at the strip club and the Looney Tunes Abominable Snow Man:
“I will have my very own robot-wife one day! And I will hug her and pet her and squeeze her and love her and pat her… and call her George!’
Marlene Dietrich.
Dietrich in the tuxedo… classic!