Are MGTOWers all a bunch of closet romantics? In a recent discussion of some research which concluded that men value kissing and cuddling more than women in long-term relationships, a number of the regulars on MGTOWforums.com confessed that they … actually missed the affections of women.
BeijaFlor reported
I’ve gotten along for decades without sex OR cuddling. And I miss the cuddling, the snuggly affectionate feel of a loving partner, FAR more than I miss the sex. That’s one reason why I don’t call the call-girls; all they offer is the sex.
Golem added:
I’m going to have to agree with the touch thing, too. Hell, I can cut my own hair, but I’ll still drop the cash to have it done with a wash and a scalp massage just for the contact.
That’s actually just really … sad.
Even Nightstorm2516 — the legendary theorist of the Mousetrap Vagina – offered a poignant confession of his own:
I don’t know anyone elses reasoning for cuddling over sex but my own personal reason would be a huge deprivation in my life of affection. I get zero from women so thats a no-go for me. My male friends think hugging is gay via society programming so men show affection by “bumping fists” and “being cool”. My dad IS anti-affection. My mom showed me some affection, but she was so busy working to the bones, I don’t think I ever got enough. My sister and brother never showed me any love.
I think I value cuddling just because its something I never got to do. 26 Years without affection.. dam thats a long time.
That’s actually sort of heartbreaking – at least until I remember that this is the same guy who once argued that vaginas were like strange venom-injecting mousetraps:
This poison … creeps into the male brain and literally makes him stupid, it shuts down his intellect, and activates all his hormones for more pussy. She’s got the bastard. Now she can slowly but surely take all his wealth and keep pumping more poison into him.
It sucks – I mean really, genuinely sucks — that you got no affection from your parents, dude. But if you view women as monsters secretly plotting to entrap you with their vagina-poison, you’re not likely to get a lot of affection from them.
If you want to live a life that has more to it than bitterness and misery, get yourself off of MGTOWforums.com and find a good therapist.
And whatever you do, don’t listen to avoidwoman, MGTOWforums’ budding futurist, who thinks he’s got a woman-free solution to the affection deficit: perfectly realistic robogirls, which he predicts will be here in 2030. (Let’s just hope they’re a bit more reliable than the Cherry 2000 model.)
Yep, we’re back to the topic of sexy robot ladies.
In several comments in the thread, starting with this one, avoidwomen explained his waiting game:
I personally don’t even care for sex and I never want it. I would love romance, such as cuddling and kissing but not with human women, only women substitutes! …
I will get the chance to cuddle as much as I want by 2030 with robogirls and probably earlier when VR technology becomes advanced enough for the simulation to feel realistic. …
The few times I got the chance to be romantic with women, I really enjoyed it and never thought of going “further” or being “sexual” whatsoever. …
Then we got a reminder of just why he’s not getting affection from real, live human women:
Nowdays I just avoid women like the snakes they are! …
I am no white knight in real life, I will not protect a woman. But when VR and robogirls come, I will hold them in my arms. My robogirl will protect me outside the house and inside the house, I will cuddle and hold her. 🙂
Someday, his robotic princess will come.
“you guys are really motivating me to do a video” – a video would make it much clearer than a photo, who is the creep 😉
It’s a good thing I never posted that picture of me eating those puppies.
Dare NWO to agree that eating puppies is wrong 🙂
Yes, we feminists are clearly the shallow ones here.
Aw, TAB. It’s great that you took a picture of yourself where you think you look pretty good, and where your receding hairline isn’t immediately obvious,
“Going by just the pictures, I’d say I’d talk to #2 before #1. Because #1 looks like a douchebag.”
Hey, TAB, isn’t your totally-not-fictional hot fiancee waiting for you?
I was partly serious, asking for his definition of creepy. The trolls must be using a different definition to the regulars, but I’m buggered if I can work out what it means to them.
It is not magically okay to be an asshole about other people’s appearance just because they are not standing in front of you. I guarantee you Ampersand would not be a jackass at you, even if you said shit like that first.
That is because he is actually one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, and is kind to both women and men beyond all necessity.
He’s certainly kind to MRA douccheblisters beyond all necessity as there is no such necessity to begin with.
“I was partly serious, asking for his definition of creepy.”
I’m guessing equal parts A) disagrees with me, and B) has some attribute I can mock.
Aw, come on Johnny, even you must have smiled at “it’s amazing how NOT shallow I am”
It’s not shallow to say someone looks like a douchebag when they are, in fact, looking like a douchebag. It’s just honesty.
Now, if TAB was smiling in a genuine way that actually reached his eyes and didn’t proclaim how superior he thinks he is to everyone else, I wouldn’t think he looks like a douchebag. It’s not about his looks, it’s about his attitude. A man can be the best looking man on the planet and if he’s a smug douche, his body language will give him away.
Dude, he’s fat. Who the hell cares? He seems a lot more ethical than you, which is all I care about. But keep going with your SICK BURNS BRO
going back to the topic of the post – I really, really find it very sad that they have this lack of affection. I, some time ago, spent few years when I almost had no physical contact in an affectionate way with anybody. I remember it was hard, sad, kind of depressing and very, very isolating. Sometimes, even painful. Maybe this isolation is behind part of the whole MGTOWers thing? don’t get me wrong, in no way is this an excuse for the hatred they spit in every post and comment.
So the State government has divided the health services up into little districts, put them in charge of their own budget, on a contract with the Department of Health, which is now called the Ministry of Health and doesn’t provide any health services anymore … does this mean we are about to be sold off and privatised?
I must confess to being baffled by TAB’s latest shtick. Does he honestly think that the photo makes David look like “a mentally disturbed pedophile” in any objective sense?
Is he going on about it simply to provoke some kind of hysterical reaction? In which case, doesn’t he see that it isn’t really working?
Or is this TAB’s way of throwing a tantrum, because he thought that we would instantly turn on David and tear him apart for not being particularly attractive?
Actually in this case I agree with both. TAB has that “smug asshole” expression, while Futrelle looks like somebody who buys women’s used panties online.
How do you know Johnny? Do you ask for a photo with the order form?
What is it that makes him look that way to you? I explained pretty clearly where I got smug douchebag from in the case of TAB. What body language, what non-verbal communication do you see in David’s picture that reads as “buys women’s used panties online”? What, in his attitude, makes you feel that way?
What is it that makes him look that way to you?
Easy. From appearance to facial expression, a picture is worth a thousand words as they say. But even if I listed the characteristics, you’d just respond with “nu-uh, that’s not true” or “I don’t see that” followed by semantics and arguing every minutiae to death. So I’ll just let everyone see what they see, even if some won’t admit it out loud.
I love the “admit it out loud” line of argument. It’s very good third grader logic. It’s like “lurkers are supporting me in email” but somehow combined with “YOU PERSONALLY ARE CURRENTLY SUPPORTING ME IN EMAIL AND YOU CAN’T PROVE OTHERWISE NYAH”
That’s…very convenient. For you, I mean. You get to charge around acting like you’re right, without ever having to explain why.
If you’re going to make assumptions about what I would and would not do, I guess I’ll make a few about you. Since you can’t explain why you think that about David, I must assume that it’s because a) you don’t like him and the fact that he points out MRA bullshit and b) you like enforcing the stereotype that overweight people are automatically gross. Extra creepy points if they wear glasses, right?
I’m new here. I would have listened to you, if you were willing to explain yourself. I would have given you that courtesy, but since you can’t be arsed to do the same for me, I guess there’s no point in bothering. I’ll just operate like you and make a bunch of assumptions about what you’d say. Deal? 🙂
Actually, the appearance game is fun generally since you can basically:
A) Draw some conclusions about a person.
B) Find a picture of that person.
C) Argue that A & B are inextricably linked.
D) Act smug.
But hey, if this method is so foolproof, then you should be able to sustain it through scientific experiment. So if I provide you with ten photographs, you can give me psych profiles of them? No need to share your basis for drawing conclusions; we’ll just check your accuracy against actual psych profiles. I mean, you’re giving us a hypothesis here, one that can potentially be made falsifiable.* We could actually test it.
One notes, of course, that since even NT’s “reading the mind in the eye” scores aren’t all that hot, and various experiments indicate that humans are trivially fooled into misreading people entirely, JB’s non-argument has already been disproven.
*Your attempts to get out of being falsifiable by tugging the “you sekritly agree with me” bellpull aside.
Actually the third-grader analogy is apt when you consider that talking about Futrelle’s picture here is like arguing with fanboys that their favourite console/game/band/actor/comic-book character has flaws. You just can’t expect a rational or objective answer.
btw, thanks for the support email 😉
But even if I listed the characteristics, you’d just respond with “nu-uh, that’s not true” or “I don’t see that” followed by semantics and arguing every minutiae to death.
Prediction made, prediction fulfilled. I think we’re done here.
There’s a quiz show on with a segment called “musician or serial killer?” where they show a grainy B&W pic and the panel have to work out if it’s of a musician or a serial killer (clever name, eh). They end up guessing, cause it’s impossible to tell from a photo.
“Prediction made, prediction fulfilled. I think we’re done here.”
In what way? You didn’t actually explain yourself, dude. Holy crap, that’s lame. You know, I realize it’s hard being a zebra, but you probably shouldn’t declare yourself the winner while the hyenas are busy munching on your legs.
“Oddly, when I act like a jackass by insulting people’s appearances rather than their arguments, based on magickal psychic powers I refuse to prove in any way, people write amused comments telling me I’m full of shit. THIS IS SO CONFUSING.”