antifeminism evil women man boobz fun time videos misogyny MRA reactionary bullshit self-promotion we hunted the mammoth

And the We Hunted the Mammoth Award goes to …

Ow! Guys, quit it!

 I didn’t bother to watch the VMAs last night, but something in the air has led me to want to give out some awards of my own. So: the coveted Man Boobz “We Hunted the Mammoth” Award this month goes to some comments from MRA oddball Uncle Elmer on women in the workplace that were recently highlighted on the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog. They are, of course, magnificently stupid.

Without further ado, here are some of the choicer bits of Elmer’s rant.

Women are competing for jobs but are not creating them. Other than providing a mass market for their vanity products, they are not forging new industries or technologies. …

Though men shank me and insult me, only men provide me with opportunity. … Only men, and only a small fraction of them, take the risks that create industry and opportunity. Women can only serve as mere functionaries in man-created structures. When an organization becomes feminized, priority shifts from efficient and profitable production of goods and services to development of labarynthine rules for the comfort and security of women. …

No woman can or will provide me or any man employment, yet all western women feel entitled to help and opportunities from men, even as they drive men out of the workplace.

[W]orkplace women are your enemy. They cannot help you but can and will hurt you. Do not look at them, do not talk to them.

And now the “we hunted the mammoth” moment:

Females want to inhabit man-created business structures as if those structures existed before man appeared on the veldt. … When you have pushed the last man out of the corporation it will collapse under its own dead weight.

And while I’m handing out awards, I’d like to give the Man Boobz Whaaaa?! Award for the strangest, dumbest and least true thing said about me in the past week to Wytchfinde (presumably the same guy who used to comment here as Wytchfinde555), who posted this strange and not-altogether-grammatical comment on my latest YouTube video (which you should all go watch if you haven’t already).

David Futrelle is an opportunist that pretends to worship white women (which is true to a certain extent) helps just fuel more fire for hating men.


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13 years ago

See that’s why I support Climate Change deniers cuz when the oceans overtake the coast and drought runs rampant in the fly over states…shoot, we’ll be a’huntin & a’gatherin alley cats by 2030…yehaw!!

(No really we are fucken doomed)

13 years ago

Meat is a very reliable foodstuff. The thing is that we, as agricultural moderns live in a world where the movement of meat animals is circumscribed because of how we’ve made cities, roads, etc.

With a nomadic lifestyle/awareness of what is available someone can live a perfectly easy life as a hunter. “1491 a history of the Americas before Columbus makes a pretty good case for a population in the area presently bounded by the US of somewhere between 200-300 million (before the plagues brought by Europeans wiped out the populace).

Most of those cultures were not primarily agrarian. And, apart from the various llama in the S. American highlands of the Andes (where a puacity of everything meant heavy agriculture was the norm; as was also the case in the Meso-America, where maize was native; the spread of maize was hindered by it’s need to adapt to shorter growing seasons and more variable light.

But the Plains never had agriculture, and the coastal regions of Calif. to British Columbia were also bereft of agriculture, in the form of cereal crops; though they did have (in Calif. which I am very familiar with, by virtue of both living there [in the range of two of the major coastal cultural groups, the Chumash and the Ohlone] and having an anthropology prof, in the range of the Ohlone, who was a fiend for them) any number of local foodstuffs they had manged in ways that made non-domesticable plants a reliable source of food (and acorns are not domesticable either, but an oak is a great provider of food, since it can take tens f thousands of acorns to get one successful offspring).

So those cultures (plains and coastal) were meat dominant, even before they had horses. The only primarily agrarian culture in the area which is now the US was in the Mississippi Valley (the mound people). Even the areas in New England, were about 50/50 animal/crops. They had gotten maize, beans, and sqaushes (which was the basis of the very effective milpas agriculture of Mexico, where an acre is enough to feed a family for a year, though they do have three growing seasons).

13 years ago

I am not a vegetarian. I do, however, know a lot of them. Most are healthy.

The trick is that, as a vegetarian, one has to pay more attention to what one eats. Humans are not cats (which are obligate carnivores; the amino acid taurine is not available in any vegetable source).

A large number of Indians, Chinese, and Japanese, are vegetarians.

But, were I a nutritionist, dealing with a patient who has meat in the diet is a lot easier than one who doesn’t; primarily because most people don’t go to a nutritionist because they feel great.

13 years ago

Another hugely important pre-agricultural source of calories and nutrients, one almost always overlooked by the “we hunted the mammoth” contingent, is tuberous roots. Of course, to get those, you have to be able to recognize what the aboveground, non-tuber part of the plant looks like, which can be pretty damn hard in the winter when the leaves and most of the stem fall off. And then you have to put in the effort of digging them up, washing them, maybe scraping off a tough rind…

Wait, what am I saying? Everyone knows cavemen did all the work and cavewomen just lounged around the cave eating cavebonbons and getting cavepedicures, Your guess is as good as mine as to who functioned as the cavepedicurist, since the men were off being useful and the women refused to lift a finger. Probably some cavemangina.

13 years ago

“And Kirby brought up an excellent point that bears repeating. MRAs will point to the accomplishments of a tiny minority of men and lay claim to them as if the male gender as a whole is responsible when in reality they personally have done none of the amazing things they attribute to being male in our culture.”

And this entire thread is filled with comments from every one of you doing the exact same thing. Why is that proof positive of the grand genius of all women, yet if a man cites another mans acomplishments the response will be, “you didn’t do shit” plus he’ll be a misogynist to boot?
“That’s um…and interesting theory on the wage gap. Not remotely in touch with reality, of course. Women are not paid less because they are taking different/easier jobs or less hours. They are being paid less for doing the exact same jobs, for the exact same hours, as men.”

Doing the same job doesn’t mean doing the same job as well. Merit counts, except in communism.
“I’ll be glad list some of the ways that girls/women were discriminated against during my 55 years of life in return, and we can compare them.”

Are laws stacked against you across the board? Do you serve more time for the same crime? Do you live many less years because 1/2 as much is spent on your health? Are your unborn children slaughtered? Can a man divorce you and take your children while forcing you to pay for children you’re forbidden to see? Are there countless agencies paid for by your taxes that help only men?

I thought it wasn’t an oppression olympics? Or is it when women feel slighted?
“When you were in history class, was the teacher a small, talking dog with a “way-back” machine and a little boy side kick with a nasally voice?”

You act as if you were a first hand witness to those mammouth hunting days. Why is your guess so factual while my knowlege was gained by a “talking dog with a “way-back” machine and a little boy side kick with a nasally voice?”
“It isn’t a competition, NWO.”

Then why is every comment written as if it were a competition?
“Also, the reason you can’t gather for food now (as much– I do know people who go out and gather food from the woods) is that there are lots of humans, and all the land that used to have wild cereals and grains on it is city, farmland or park.”

And all those extra animals would’ve made short work of those extra cereals and grains. Dontcha ya think?

13 years ago

NWO! Picture! Pretty please?


Everyone else: I am really enjoying the hunter/gather diet discussion!

13 years ago

“NWO! Picture! Pretty please?”

Here ya go!

I wonder if they giggle at the young boys who can’t “control” themselves?

It’s late, only a few more days until I get off for 3 whole days. I sure hope my taxes are being well spent.

13 years ago

So… that’s NWO’s idea of demure/non-slutty women.

I wonder what he thinks is racey.

13 years ago

…based on previous conversations, I do not believe that is your example of what you think is an appropriately modest woman.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Wow, how dare those sluts wear bathing suits…on the beach.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Also, one appears to be an oil painting.

13 years ago

chocolatelipwax: How’s the American Heart Associaton for you?

Money quote: “Many studies have shown that vegetarians seem to have a lower risk of obesity, coronary heart disease (which causes heart attack), high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and some forms of cancer.”

NWO, I have no idea what you’re even trying to say.

13 years ago

Ladies: You are all slutty slut sluts, and gentlemen (except NWOaf), you are all perverts. Of course the women in those pictures are all contemptible sluts. The beach? Excuse me?? Okay, first of all, what are all those girls doing on the beach? The beach is only for men, who deserve plenty of rest for the hard work of inventing stuff and hunting the mammoth. Women should be busy cooking them meals, sewing their clothes and thanking them non-stop for, you know, inventing stuff and hunting the mammoth. For every one of those girls prancing around on the beach, there is a man somewhere working 26 hours per day, 12 days per week, for no wages!! Seriously, it should be, like, the other way around.

Secondly, the attire. Obviously slutty. Even if — theoretically — women were to go to the beach (even though, as discussed, women haven’t earned the right to enjoy any leisure because they’ve never invented anything and never hunted the mammoth), even if they theoretically go to the beach, they should use a goddamned bathing machine, so that the fact of their existence would not upset any nearby male trying to enjoy his hard-earned rest. Here is a picture of a woman wearing a minimally acceptable (though still racy) bathing attire and using a proper bathing machine: feast your eyes on this. She’s still a slut though, wantonly exposing her arms, calves and waist, and clearly laughing at some poor young boy, OMG crime against humanity!!

Therefore, to be completely frank, probably the most proper female swimming attire ever invented is a wearable bathing machine. Although, their heads are still exposed in a slutty fashion. Perhaps, a helmet and goggles to go with the crinoline? What do you think, NWO?

13 years ago

NWOslave, once again you fail to respond to the request actually made of you. It should be a very simple one. Post a picture of a woman that you consider to be demurely and properly garbed. We are all waiting.

13 years ago

Hi, lurker here, who is currently working on a thesis dealing with the sexual division of labor in hunting and gathering societies. Since I’m still in the desperately wanting to talk about it phase, here goes:

NWO, if you are legitimately interested in learning about modern hunting and gathering societies, I’d highly recommend Bob Kelly’s _The Foraging Spectrum_. It’s pretty much the Bible for the subject, and he’s coming out with a new edition soon, so it’ll be pretty cheap. Dr. Kelly is by no means into ev psych, which is what you’re espousing, but he is a dude who is somewhat suspicious of gender archaeology. It’s an excellent cite for much of what people are saying in this thread. Plants are the main source of calories unless you’re in the Arctic Circle, hunting and gathering is a healthier way of life than agriculture, and women did their fair share of work back in the day – roughly as much as men, although in some places, men get more lazing around time. Also, fun fact: women do hunt. Among other things, women are integral parts of communal hunting methods. These are likely the methods used to kill mammoth. Those documentaries showing men running after mammoth with spears, shouting? That’s a good way to get yourself killed. Better way? Get your tribe to work together to lure one mammoth into an arroyo or other place it couldn’t escape. With bison, you can just drive them over cliffs and stuff. Much easier, much bigger hauls.

By the way, unless they had to use them, h/gs are most likely to go after those tubers someone mentioned. Wild grains are harvested, but they’re kind of a pain to deal with, in terms of gathering.

13 years ago

Really, I’m desperate here. How does a woman who isn’t teasing men with her sexuality dress?

13 years ago

Meat is murder. This wisdom should transcend politics. If we must eat meat, let it be our own..

Molly Ren
13 years ago


13 years ago

Juan: Just declaring something doesn’t make it so. Seriously, has no one taught you the difference between fact and opinion? /me mutters about how much better schools were in my day

13 years ago

JUAN vs NWO round 1 *ding!*

You are obligated to fight because your names are in capitals.

13 years ago


I’ll bring the ketchup.

13 years ago

random6x7: Excellent point about grains. Having actually seen what Some Native tribes used to grind corn (being used as a doorstop by one of my archaeology profs*), I should have thought of that sooner.

*This is also the professor who handed around really, really old potsherds and told us not to worry about breaking them – “it’ll increase the sample size!” Somehow I doubt she would have been as sanguine if I’d managed to break one of the Univ’s priceless collection of Mississippian pottery when helping rearrange the display case…

13 years ago


Young lady, you spit that right out! Who knows where it’s been?? *goes after you with a WetWipe*

13 years ago

aughhh, ‘some’ should not be capitalized. damn multitasking…