It seems the evil feminist-controlled media is ignoring a critical aspect of the Hurricane Irene story: the monster hurricane’s effect on the intrepid Man Going His Own Way who calls himself MarkyMark. More specifically, the effect it had on his radio listening pleasure.
MarkyMark, who lives somewhere on the East Coast away from the areas most impacted by Irene, was settling down yesterday to listen to a rebroadcast of Glenn Beck’s radio show. But alas, his favorite radio station chose instead to simulcast the local news station’s coverage of that pesky hurricane instead. Even worse, there were actual women involved!
It’s obvious that some anchor babe is overseeing all the coverage, coordinating field reports, etc. Man, those bitches are ANNOYING! They have shrill voices. They have an arrogant, know-it-all attitude, not to mention filled with their own self importance. …
I was like, enough already! I wanted to serve these news bitches a big, steaming cup of STFU. I’m serious! I have my radio off … now, because I just don’t want to LISTEN to these obnoxious wenches. I may put on the sports station, or I’ll tune in a station from the Midwest; that way, I don’t have to listen to INCESSANT Irene coverage. … I’m like ENOUGH ALREADY! Leave it to women to create drama where there is little or none.
Women! I hear ya, Mark! Hearing them talk about weather is even worse than hearing them talk about shoes! Al day long today today it’s been bla bla, storm surge, bla bla, flash floods in Vermont, bla bla, four million without power, bla bla, 19 deaths. Enough! What drama queens!
And all MarkyMark wanted to do was to listen to Glenn Beck, a man who is not at all a drama queen in any way whatsoever, nope!
I’ve been reminded why I no longer own a TV-these OBNOXIOUS, arrogant, know-it-all, self-important anchor babes. If they had some basis for the arrogance, that’d be one thing; if they actually KNEW WTF they were talking about, I could understand it. What I cannot tolerate is arrogance with no basis. I guess these chickes believed all their feminazi programming in college-silly girls…
Damn chickles and their fancy-pants college educations. You might as well try to train a chimp to wash cats!
Oh wait, they did that. Bad example, Never mind.
On a more serious note, I hope all Man Boobzers in the affected areas (and everyone else, for that matter) made it through Irene ok.
MarkyMark’s little rant reminds me of that Chinese girl, Zhang Ya, who posted a video on Youtube complaining that all that coverage of the recent Sichuan earthquake ruined her mood, deprived her of the opportunity to watch her favorite shows, and anyway, why can’t all those Sichuan victims just fucking die already, so the world can go about its business and stop wasting any more of the spring season on sad and upsetting things. It has to be seen to be believed.
(Zhang Ya was 21. Not exactly a child, but still. I wonder how old MarkyMark is.)
Yeah, when Diane Sawyer walked around the rubble in Joplin talking to survivors, we were like, “Hey, we don’t want to talk to a screechy woman! Bring us a man!” Thankfully, Anderson Cooper came and saved the day by being a news MANchor. Then we realized there were more pressing issues than gas leaks, looting, fungal infections, and a lack of infrastructure. How on earth could we watch Glenn Beck scribble bizarre conspiracy theories on his chalkboard if our homes were reduced to rubble? Oh the humanity!
Fred Phelps and Pat Robertson also informed us that we brought the tornado upon ourselves by being so tolerant of our gay community. It’s like assholes have a part of the brain that gets activated during disasters, and they are compelled to make everyone more miserable than they already are.
On a serious note, though, I want to tell Holly and anyone else affected by Hurricane Irene how sorry I am for your loss. I’ve never been in a hurricane, but I can relate to having your life turned upside down by nature. Right now you may be in such a state of shock you won’t feel anything. If the shock wears off and the magnitude of what you’ve seen hits you like a ton of bricks, feel free to talk to me. I’ve seen some unimaginable horrors, too, so hopefully I can be helpful.
The ironic thing is that MarkyMark is the arrogant (and selfish) one, thinking his desires to listen to his unimportant radio shows are more important than coverage for a natural disaster.
Arielle Shander:
Not to mention the fact that he sees listening to Glenn Beck as way to avoid people who “create drama where there is little or none.”
I am not at all surprised, though, that MRA’s love Glenn Beck. They, just like Beck, are usually angry, irrational, and paranoid. Perhaps NWOSlave also has his own chalkboard. It would have feminists written in capital letters and circled, with lines linking it to CIA, One World Government, Antichrist, and gold standard. It would be your run of the mill conspiracy nonsense with an MRM twist.
Dear Glenn Beck,
Could you please hire a female co-host? I think one of your fans would appreciate it.
Cynickal, thanks so much for putting that Weird Al song in there. I just laughed so hard, I almost cried. You have just won yourself an Internet.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Unlike you, I am no fan of Glen Beck, although like other rightwing squawkradio blabbermouths, he has his moments. He is far too tied in with the neocon war lobbies and war party (both R and D) along with their links to NATO and Israel, to be of much use to real Americans. He is also far less interested in the criminal NWO disposession of men (especially White men) in contemporary society to be of much use to Men’s Rights advocates like yourself! Observe his spotty, if not outright disrespectful coverage of Ron Paul for additional evidence.
You are–and have been, for many years, absolutely right about “anchorbabes”. They are all morons, even by journalistic standards! Their endless twitter and silliness is extremely irritating to any man with an IQ above that of his shoe size. They never cover even the most significant news and only trivialize and gossip filler–including hurricane Irene ad nauseum.
What real news is being covered up while trivia and girlygossip is being twittered and sqeaked across the aether–Inquring minds want to know!!
All you get with girlienews–even if it is deliverd by “men(?)– is whose divorcing wnom in Hollywood, who is starring in next seasons TV flops, and who is inflicting the latest “sex harassment” or false rape charge to get TV notoriety for herself! Female newscasters,,,YECCH!!
Maybe if we restored some sanity in news coverage and delivery. Men would then deliver REAL news, and women can delivery “girlynews”, to wit, news of interest to women. “News” dealing with sewing, cooking, cleaning, gardening, baby and childcare, flower arrangements, baking, elementary nursing, and other items of a strictly domestic nature. Men’s news, on the other hand, can be news pertaining to matters outside the home, from science and medicine, to politics and law-enforcement, from investment and business activity to space travel and undersea exploration (and habitation?).
Of course, since the entire purpose of news broadcasting is to SELL junk to (guess who), the likelihood that news can be reformed as long as there is overpriced, useless, and tawdry garbage to sell to las mujeres, and they are all dimwitted and tasteless enough to buy it, the chances of us–and men like us–getting the kind of news we need or even want, is almost nil, isn’t it?
Once again, thank you Marky-Mark for a small flicker of light in an immense void of darkness!
David K . Meller
David Knownothing Meller,
You are so right! I am illuminated! Only women purchase things, and especially only women purchase things that are frivolous! Men have never done this, and things certainly aren’t specifically marketed at men so they will spend money on things they don’t need!
Thank you for being a force of darkness in an immense void of light!
Amanda Jane Five
Hey, it’s DKM.
Ron Paul? Undersea habitation? Are you Andrew Ryan?
No, but he is an Internet Nazi conspiracy theorist IN SPACE
Today, the latest headlines in undersea habitation: Still nothing. Back to you, Commenters.
Isn’t Glenn the one who was being not subtle enough about hyping gold when every second commercial shown during his show was from gold sellers?
>>Only women purchase things, and especially only women purchase things that are frivolous!
*Hides his new box of Magic:The Gathering Core 2012 boosters*
I wonder if DKM has any inkling that male and female newsanchors are just reading from the same teleprompter.
Apparently if a man and a woman read the same text, it’s about undersea exploration when the man reads it, and about sparkle pony unicorn shoe makeup when the woman reads it.
@Kendra, thanks. If college taught me anything, it’s how to find people smarter than I am and cite them.
I have to say I’m really enjoying Bioshock. I’m not really a FPS kinda gamer, but the story is engaging. Not so strangely, DKM can’t tell the difference between a video game and news. It must be his ginormous man-brain getting in the way… Or Plasmids…
Now girlz, I nowhere said that men talked on existing newsmedia about scientific or medical breakthroughs ( undersea exploration was merely an example) while the little ladies chirped about womanstuff…
I simply agreed with MarkyMark that the overall quality of news for everyone was badly compromised by having women as “newscasters” and news “editors”. The result is that worthless trivia is being broadcast for everybody–on the general IQ level of the “anchorbabes” and their (mostly) women editors and advertising executives, and therefore that nobody has a chance to listen to real broadcasts discussing real subjects for real people!
Even knuckleheads like amandajane5 or (even worse) Voip and cynickal will, I should think, concur with me that the real reason that this is so, is the imperative that so-called “news” be BROADcast, i.e. that it be transmitted to the greatest number of people to sell the greatest quantity of overpriced trash, to the greatest number of women, on the level of the lowest common denominator! Women are needed to buy such tripe to keep a debt-pyramided and thoroughly corrupt and fiat paper ‘money “economy” running with the ever more superficial appearances of prosperity and growth. Finally the bills come due, and you have either a super-recession, or more likely a hyperinflation. That is material for another website, however!
David K. Meller
PS-My suggestion was simply–to repeat the obvious–that women should squeak “women’s news”, concerning primarily domesticity and family around the home, and men should transmit news of interest to men, concerning matters and our interests outside the home.
That way, everyone will be happy,:-) except feminists like amandajane5–who are ALWAYS unhappy, and seek to foist their misery upon others.DKM
Dear Mr. David K. typical loser-libertarian fantasist, your bullshit about not wanting listen to “anchorbabes” is setting off massive CREEPquakes in Alaska, so posters are treating it with the non-respect it deserves.
Sometimes I wonder if DKM and NWO talk to each other and they understand each other perfectly. I wonder if Moonbat is actually an internally consistent dialect, once you understand the unique grammar and vocabulary.
We agree, however you seem incapable of it.
Don’t worry about it Holly Pervocrazy,
“Moonbat” does indeed have an internal grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, almost as much as hateful, over-educated, bitter, man-hating, badly twisted feminist “bitchspeak” has! The only difference is, on the internet, “moonbat” as you call it, is the language of rationality, evidence, logic, and acuity of observation, and “bitchspeak” is the language of feminists (very much like yourself)!
Feel better now?
Wishing you…
David K. Meller
I like that “over-educated” got dropped in there.
Beats the reverse.
DKM: No one is making you stay. Once again, you can fuck right off and no one would try to stop you. If us bitches annoy you so much, go your own damned way already and leave us to chatter at each other in peace.
Dear David,
I knew you’d say that.
Trollin’ MRAs