So a bunch of the regulars on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit have their collective knickers in a twist about dudes getting called “pedophiles” just for saying they think 14-year old girls are hot. Because that’s “ephebephilia,” dontchaknow, not pedophilia! And besides, thingsarebad argues
Normal heterosexual males will generally have sexual attraction for pubescent females of child-bearing age, from puberty till they start to get old and gross (late 20s, early 30s usually haha).
That’s pretty much “eww.” But so is the rest of the discussion, really, from this “joke” about all women being as immature as children to this heavily upvoted claim that feminists have created a “pedo-scare … to criminalize healthy and normal male sexuality,” to this Evo-Psych-flavored argument for lowering the age of consent.
Is it just me or are dudes who get indignant when people don’t carefully distinguish between ephebephilia and pedophilia just really really creepy?
Is “the right to lust after underage girls without having to feel icky about it” really a Men’s Rights issue? Why this preoccupation with 14-year-old girls, on r/mensrights and Reddit generally?
“Oh, God Damn right you are privileged, you stupid cunt. Imagine the response if you were a man and I had just called you a stupid dick. Lackluster. But boy, I called you a stupid cunt, and just because you are a man-hating twat! I must be a misogynist, who hates women only! No, bitch, women *are* privileged, and you love it.”
Ah, the privilege. Really feeling it atm.
I’d point out that calling someone a cunt is so terrible becuase women and vaginas are often considered bad – this is why it is a grave insult to call anyone (not just women) a cunt. By contrast, penises have largely been considered the most awesome thing ever – read Freud lately? – so calling someone a dick doesn’t have the same punch. This isn’t right, I don’t like it. I think that using ‘dick’ and ‘cunt’ to insult people is juvenile. And, seriously, I like both penises and vaginas and don’t think devaluing them is a good idea.
Also, I’m not big on the man-hating. I freaking love my partner, from little things like the way he says ‘bye’ with two syllables, to our shared love of fantasy literature, to his being confident enough in his masculinity that he isn’t threatened by my being a feminist. Also, he’s great in bed. And hot.
And, to be fair, I do enjoy many privileges. I am white, lower-middle class, and live in Australia. It’s lovely having privileges that mean I can eat nice food, have nice things, etc. I am less impressed by the fact that my privileges are partly at the expense of lower class people, indigenous people etc., and in my general ‘hey, lets not be a jerk!’ approach to life, I do what I can to help mitigate the suffering of others through donating to charities and trying to fit volunteering into my schedule.
To be honest, I’m quite disappointed in the quality of the responses here. Even a drunk bastard pwns you bitches. It’s like I’m Paul Elam pwning the shit out of David Futrelle. It’s pathetic and sad, really.
Late to the conversation, but Things Are Bad is a moron. He falls into the common evo-psych bullshit that attempts to legitimize men cheating by claiming it’s “natural” for men but that women are “naturally” attracted to status. This has been debunked time and time again if you bothered to look at actual research. In the most general terms, women may be attracted to status and wealth in order to ensure that their offspring will have the means to survive, but when it comes to sex, they are just as likely as men to want to spread themselves around. Again, this is in order to make sure that their offspring has the best chance to survive.
If a woman latches herself onto one guy and he ends up having some kind of time bomb in his genes, then all of her children are screwed. She has just as much drive as your basic guy to make sure that she gets many different genetic types into her children as possible. We wouldn’t have the term “cuckhold” if this wasn’t true. And if you seriously believe that we need to stop demonizing men because it is completely natural for them to want to fuck everything pretty young thing in sight, then you must also believe that we need to stop demonizing women for wanting to fuck every sexy hardbody that walks by. Otherwise, you’re just a hypocrite and a liar.
“TAB, I still don’t see any actual facts. Come on, mr. “99th percentile”. Actual use that supposed all powerful brain. Back up the fake shit you’ve been saying.”
What exactly would you like me to do, my dear? I’m not a liar. My transcript shows I’m summa cum laude. I’ve always been the top of my class. Would you like some stories? Like how I got the highest score on the first exam in a mechanical engineering 200 level course, even though I am not a mechanical engineer, and achieved a median score in the same course, hungover so God damn badly that I felt like death, and finished with an A in the class? Like how I slept through most of my stats classed and aced it? Like how I graduated summa cum laude? Like how I was the brains of almost every project I participated in in college? Like how I contributed to the success of one of the most important products of a major agricultural company? Please.
For some reason the following comment was in moderation:
To be honest, I’m quite disappointed in the quality of the responses here. Even a drunk bastard pwns you bitches. It’s like I’m Pauly Elammy pwning the shit out of Davidy Futrelleyyelle. It’s pathetic and sad, really.
The link to the A Voice for Men article on Domestic Violence and Futrelleyyelle’s utter failure is in moderation: hm, wonder why?
Apparently my comments are in moderation, girlfriends, so I’m afraid I’ll have to move on to other venues. G’day!
Oh look, more made up stories TAB! It’s fiction time!! You are but such a wonderful fantasy story teller! But I have to say, the stories seem to have only a Marty Stu in them. Anyone with literary experience would point out that that gets boring after awhile. Be more creative man.
So, who are you going to pretend to be? I’m waiting eagerly.
Bye, TAB! Be sure to let the door hit you on the ass on the way out, sweetie. <3
So, Things Are Bad. You and I clearly have a different understanding of ‘argument’. You appear to think that it is about demonstrating how smart you are. (FYI – skills at one thing are not necessarily skills at another – the ability to do well in an engineering course or at stats does not actually mean that you forever and for all time no matter what you say are engaging in intelligent argument. See: calling someone a cunt for disagreeing with you). See, I thought that arguments were about actually discussing a point, putting forward a point and defending it against rebuttals. If the rebuttals make sense, you incorporate them into your argument.
Basically, if you demonstrate your intelligence that is incidental to the actual argument, not the point of it. If you argue to prove your intelligence, that makes it juvenile posturing, rather than an argument. This may not be what you’re here for, but it is implied by your comment.
TAB, we’re not interested in hearing the “proof” of how great you were in college. What we’re interested in is citations for the claims you’ve been making here in this thread (like that little nugget about half of rape accusations being false).
I guess they didn’t teach you reading comprehension back at college however many years ago.
Naw, our dancing troll has gone. 🙁
It’s always interesting to read the thoughts of the different MRAs who come and visit here. In some ways I can understand the bitter divorcees, fathers and dateless/sexless, but what of the fatherless, non divorced, dating MRAS like TAB?He firstly established himself as a self confessed attractive lad, who has a fiancé, thus distancing himself from the creepy, ugly, sexless MRAs.
What brought him to the MRA websites I wonder?
Yoon, that “half of rape accusations are false” thing, comes, I suspect, from a story making the rounds of the MRAsphere; some Bavarian police chief said something to that effect, so they’ve adopted that as gospel.
There are plenty of indications that half of all rape accusations are false, Futrelle.
Care to cite any, TAB?
Regarding this ridiculous contention that women’s suffrage was no big deal because “most men” couldn’t vote either, the land owning requirement for white men was abolished in the early 19th century. Women still couldn’t vote for another hundred years. Black men still couldn’t vote until 1870. But yes, let’s go on about how white men are the ones who are actually oppressed.
Boom – another comment I made regarding the author of this site and his pathetic attempts and fighting the arguments of another MRA were ultimately defeated was censored. Pathetic, indeed.
LOLOLOL I swear to god my last statment was merely malE lauP in reverse. The author of this site is so pathetic that he censors any comment that mentions malE lauP (in reverse)! go ahead, try to mention him.
false rape: http://falserapesociety.blogspot.com/p/informative-sources.html
Is this the Britain where a large number of their young people, primarily lower and middle classes, both lads and lasses of all races, recently decided had a week(s)-long wilding all across the Island, primarily because they were extremely pissed that they couldn’t afford expensive brand-name luxury goods (which already constituted the very nadir of poverty to them) and decided to acquire said goods extra-judicially? THAT BRITAIN? Hah, I assure you, what you think passes for “lower-middle” in your country is actually already “upper-middle” in many other countries, based on my own personal experience.
Don’t expect entitled princesses to actually listen to you, Juan. They’re too enamored of their misandry.
“Normal heterosexual males will generally have sexual attraction for pubescent females of child-bearing age, from puberty till they start to get old and gross (late 20s, early 30s usually haha).”
I’d say that the latter half of this sentence is a bit off, at least for me anyway. There are plenty of women late 20’s to early 30’s whom I find attractive. But the first part:
“Normal heterosexual males will generally have sexual attraction for pubescent females of child-bearing age”
I think I can understand what he means here. I think it also important to note the distinction between ephebophilia which is a sexual PREFERENCE for adolescents and what I’m going to describe below.
I think that the current age of consent laws in my country (16) are necessary in order to protect children from the kinds of men and women who intentionally seek out sexual relationships with children, or teenagers who are not on the same level of emotional or intellectual development as them (these would be the ephebophiles or pedophiles). But I think there’s a massive difference between me wanting to have a sexual relationship or encounter with a fourteen year old (whom I know to be fourteen) and me finding a fourteen year old physically attractive.
When you take into account the fact that different girls go through puberty at different ages and rates and that quite often you have girls over the age of sixteen who look younger than some who are under sixteen it only complicates the issue. Add to this the fact that many of these under sixteen year olds wear clothing and makeup which make them appear older than they are and it becomes even more difficult to distinguish between them visually. It can’t really be as easy to say that a man being physically attracted to an 18 year old is fine and dandy but the same man being attracted to a 14 year old is creepy, if in fact the 14 year old looks 18 and the 18 year old looks 14.
But the attraction I’m specifically talking about here would be on a purely biological or physical level. As I’m a man, not an animal, there are more things about a woman that attract me to her than just her appearance. I’d have very little in common with, or find interesting about most 18 year olds, let alone a 14 year old.
A purely anecdotal point but when I was back in school most of the girls my age were dating boys/men who were much older than I was. There were only a select few boys of their age whom these girls were prepared to date. It could be the case that these girls were simply not attracted to these particular boys, or even possibly were being manipulated or coerced in some way by the older boys/men, but I personally believe it was more likely because these boys/men had jobs and cars and were able to take them out to places which I, and others like me, wouldn’t be able to do.
As to whether or not this is a men’s rights issue: only in that it could be seen as shaming men for something which is, in my view, biologically driven.
Shorter TAB:
I graduated summa cum laude from one of the top engineering universities, so alls I need to know about history I can learn from Paul Elam.
P.S. Oh, btw, did I mention how I graduated summa cum laude from one of the top engineering universities?
Juan, you obviously know nothing about the riots. I don’t want to steer the subject away and on to them, but my city was affected by them. My flat is in the city centre. I sat and listened to the sound of police helicopters, breaking glass, screaming people, and sirens outside. Let me tell you something: those riots were about a lot more than just people wanting to loot luxury goods. A lot more. You don’t understand, so be quiet.