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Again with the 14-year-old girls

Was Aqualung a Men's Rights Redditor?

So a bunch of the regulars on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit have their collective knickers in a twist about dudes getting called “pedophiles” just for saying they think 14-year old girls are hot. Because that’s “ephebephilia,” dontchaknow, not pedophilia! And besides, thingsarebad argues

Normal heterosexual males will generally have sexual attraction for pubescent females of child-bearing age, from puberty till they start to get old and gross (late 20s, early 30s usually haha).

That’s pretty much “eww.” But so is the rest of the discussion, really, from this “joke” about all women being as immature as children to this heavily upvoted claim that feminists have created a “pedo-scare … to criminalize healthy and normal male sexuality,” to  this Evo-Psych-flavored argument for lowering the age of consent.

Is it just me or are dudes who get indignant when people don’t carefully distinguish between ephebephilia and pedophilia just really really creepy?

Is “the right to lust after underage girls without having to feel icky about it” really a Men’s Rights issue? Why this preoccupation with 14-year-old girls, on r/mensrights and Reddit generally?

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13 years ago

Rutee, why such vitriolic profanityy? Name-calling is just so undignified, even for a forum this, don’t you think? Especially, since the posts you are replying does not contain any flames, it seems uncalled for you to flame in response. Tch tch tch, what a firecracker of a harridan you are hehehehehehe.

13 years ago

JUANDELACRUZ: If you get to bitch about swearing, I get to bitch about you being an asshole. So, please refrain from asshole-ish behavior from now on. (defending sex with minors is definitely asshole behavior, btw.)

13 years ago

Naw, the troll thinks that people on this forum are RUDE and use RUDE words! Omg – the poor sensitive soul who defends adult’s *right* fuck 14 year olds has been offended. Whatever shall we do?

13 years ago


13 years ago

I dunno, Juan, if you stick your dick in a willing teenager, she might yell “Omigod!” or, heaven forbid, “Fuck me!”

13 years ago

So you say, but the problem with that position is WHAT IS A MINOR (SEXUALLY-SPEAKING) DIFFERS FROM STATE TO STATE, BETWEEN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES AND EVEN WITHIN COUNTRIES E.G. U.S.A itself. For instance, what would be perfectly legal and non-criminal in say, Germany or Italy, would be illegal in the USA or Canada. So, does this mean that I would be an asshole in Europe, but not in America? Or if I am an asshole in America, that means I must be an asshole everywhere else in the planet? Hah, US dollars may be the current universal financial standard. but I assure you, US morals is not the current universal ethical standard, at least when it comes to age of consent, if you don’t realize…

13 years ago

OMG – you mean laws have to have bright line distinctions between what’s legal and what isn’t, and that these laws differ in different parts of the world? No!? You know, in some parts of Europe you can smoke and buy pot and in others it’s illegal? Woah!

Juan, you’re right about age of consent laws not being set in stone, that these things are not objectively determined. Still, we’re saying here that fighting/arguing for the right for much older men to fuck fourteen year old girls is a disturbing thing to do. Because there is a power imbalance in this situation (the power imbalance also occurs when a much older woman has *sex* with a 14yo boy as well), such that it’s difficult to see how an equitable relationship can be sustained with the difference in experience – it is, in short, a situation that is ripe for abuse. And that’s bad.

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

Any gals here? What do you darlings think of my gravatar pic?

Now keep in mind, this is the photo of a man who admits that normal heterosexual males are attracted to women. I happen to actually be engaged to one of them who is 4 years younger than me, and I’m in my late 20s.


Things Are Bad
13 years ago

Did I forget to mention my fiancee is not a crazy man-hating feminist fighting against men’s and boy’s rights? Must be why I like her. Lol.

Enjoy, bottom-dwellers.

13 years ago

So, reading between the lines, TAB thinks he’s HAWT. FYI, looks not exactly the most important thing about a person. I don’t care if a guy looks like Brad Pitt (that’s for MRAL, if he’s lurking!), if he’s a misognyist jerk I’m not going out with him! Cos, y’know, I have enough self-esteem problems without going out with someone who hates me because of my gender…

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

Yes, many (but not all, obviously) women find me enormously attractive, especially when considering my intelligence, sense of humor, and charm. But you see, I actually don’t hate women. It just amuses me that man-haters here are so willing to label men they don’t know as bottom-dwelling perverts, when really we’re merely normal heterosexual males who just don’t take kindly to having their quite normal sexuality demonized, just as you would not in our position. I’m an intelligent, attractive male who has no problems with women, but I do have a serious problem with misandry, which the man-hating women and pussy-worshipping males who support this website appear to have a penchant for. The sexism here makes me ill, so don’t be surprised when I respond with disgust at your behavior.

13 years ago

@catuar, that post was wonderful.

@Juan, how young exactly do you think the age of consent should be for a child to have “sex” with an adult? Five year olds? Eight year olds? Eleven year olds? How much of a hardship do you really think it is if an adult is legally banned from sex with those under 14 or those under 16?

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

I also don’t *really* think all women above the age of 25 are old hags; I simply wanted to point out the ridiculousness of older women thinking they can compete with young college students in the looks department. Seeing as our culture has convinced most people to believe that it’s sick for an old man to get involved with a young woman, whereas old women who get involved with young women are glorified as cougars, consider my response a result of my angst toward the hypocrisy of this society. Just today on the VMA awards I saw a 60+ year old women tell a young man that she was DTF (Down To Fuck) him. Laughter abounded, though the young man seemed somewhat uncomfortable. I imagined the response if the sexes were reversed, and laughed at the ridiculousness of this blatantly sexist society – against men and boys.

13 years ago

For someone who doesn’t hate women, you do an amazing impression of someone who does. Are you an actor?

To be honest, it’s very difficult for me to take a man who thinks misandry is a real problem, feminists are “man-haters” and then claims in the same breath to have no issue with women (just with us wanting rights, apparently) seriously.

I’m not going to comment on your photo, since I don’t think insults about your appearance have any place in this discussion.

13 years ago

Enjoy, bottom-dwellers.

I grew up next to (not in) a lake. Several lakes, in fact. I know what bottom dwellers look like, and no one here is one. (and really, the lowest for of life in the Great Lakes doesn’t actually live on the bottom, they’re called zebra mussels, and they’re evil, nasty invasive critters that are as sharp as knives. i have the scars to prove that)

… penny in the air

… penny drops

Oh, you meant proverbial bottom dwellers! Sorry, your sarcasm nearly flew over my little ladybrain.

13 years ago

[blockquote]such that it’s difficult to see how an equitable relationship can be sustained with the difference in experience – it is, in short, a situation that is ripe for abuse. And that’s bad[/blockquote]

And yet Hugh Hefner continues to have his own ever-replenishing harem hehehehehe…

Seriously though, do all intimate heterosexual relationships have to be perfectly equitable in order to be happy? Even in America alone, they have the Taken In Hand/Promise-Keepers for the religious far-right and BDSM/Gor for the secular far-left.

13 years ago

I don’t really like BDSM being lumped in with Goreans, since BDSM (when done right) is based around the idea that both partners are inherently equal and one partner chooses to relinquish control some of the time because they enjoy it. Goreans, in my experience, are of the mindset that a) the submissive partner is always female and b) they relinquish control because they’re naturally programmed to be second class citizens to men.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

It just amuses me that man-haters here are so willing to label men they don’t know as bottom-dwelling perverts, when really we’re merely normal heterosexual males who just don’t take kindly to having their quite normal sexuality demonized, just as you would not in our position.

What part of your normal sexuality do you feel is being demonized? o:

13 years ago

Thingsarebad, why would you say that about your soon to be over 25 year old fiance? Are you getting a divorce the day after she hits 26? Or will you be kind enough to wait until she turns 30 before you dump her?

Because to say something so nasty about the woman you presumably love is disgusting.

13 years ago

Juan: And yet he manages to fuck women who are of age! Funny, that. (I don’t disagree about the power dynamics there: he literally holds all the cards – controls their money, transport, usually future employment, etc. That’s not an equitable relationship and I would argue that the inequality verges on abusive, except each and every woman in that mansion should bloody well know what they’re getting into, and are all of legal age to sign away those rights. I don’t like it, but it’s their choice.)

No, no human relationship is every going to be perfectly equitable. But equality in sexual relationships should involve: Consent (obvs), equal power (one person not able to use work, play or pictures to coerce the other into sex), and – possibly – equality of experience, but that’s my own choice.

HTML tags need to be in brackets, btw. I know the straight ones work on some sites (and confusingly, not all the ones that use square bracket accept the pointy ones, despite the pointy one being HTML standard. lo, the oddities of the internet).

13 years ago

Okay, the renderer vanishes pointy brackets that aren’t even attached to code? Eh, what a pain.

13 years ago

“Seriously though, do all intimate heterosexual relationships have to be perfectly equitable in order
to be happy?”

Well, I guess it depends on your definition of ‘perfectly equitable’. I, for instance, think that mutual respect is required for happiness in a relationship. Also mutual care, trust, etc. This would be how I would define perfectly equitable – this does not mean that each partner is the *same*, as it is in fact better if partners bring different skills and knowledge to the relationship. However, I think that mutual respect for each others’ abilities and agency is not going to be easy when one partner is 30 and the other is 14.

13 years ago

Oh, btw, 14 seems to be reasonable, since it did work for that utopia, Canada, for the longest time, until the Conservatives changed it fairly recently.

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

“What part of your normal sexuality do you feel is being demonized? o:”

Will you ever let go of your childish use of silly faces? 😛

Everything about normal heterosexual male sexuality is demonized. Men are perverts for being attracted to young, fertile, attractive women. Men are perverts for being naturally polygamous. Men are perverts for not valuing status to the degree that women do, rather focusing on fertility and physical beauty. Men treat women as sex objects (let’s not talk about the fact that women treat men as status objects).

Are you really this blind?

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

“Thingsarebad, why would you say that about your soon to be over 25 year old fiance? Are you getting a divorce the day after she hits 26? Or will you be kind enough to wait until she turns 30 before you dump her?

Because to say something so nasty about the woman you presumably love is disgusting.”

She’s well aware about how I feel about her. I will be with her until the day I die because she is a good, faithful woman, and I adore her. But she will lose her attractiveness at some point; I merely value her person more than I do her physical body. To be honest, I’m more attracted to who she is than how she looks.

But most women who are old and think they still deserve my attention- no thanks. They lack personality AND they lack looks, and that is not a combination that will garner even a glance from me.