So a bunch of the regulars on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit have their collective knickers in a twist about dudes getting called “pedophiles” just for saying they think 14-year old girls are hot. Because that’s “ephebephilia,” dontchaknow, not pedophilia! And besides, thingsarebad argues
Normal heterosexual males will generally have sexual attraction for pubescent females of child-bearing age, from puberty till they start to get old and gross (late 20s, early 30s usually haha).
That’s pretty much “eww.” But so is the rest of the discussion, really, from this “joke” about all women being as immature as children to this heavily upvoted claim that feminists have created a “pedo-scare … to criminalize healthy and normal male sexuality,” to this Evo-Psych-flavored argument for lowering the age of consent.
Is it just me or are dudes who get indignant when people don’t carefully distinguish between ephebephilia and pedophilia just really really creepy?
Is “the right to lust after underage girls without having to feel icky about it” really a Men’s Rights issue? Why this preoccupation with 14-year-old girls, on r/mensrights and Reddit generally?
I do actually castrate goats, but it’s purely a hobby.
Ginmar, when you go on with all that “I’m a baby-eating bla bla bla” you are in fact letting the discussion be defined by the antifeminists. And you’re giving them an excuse to trot out more bullshit (“you guys tell dick jokes”) that they sometimes pull out but that wasn’t being talked about here until you brought it up. And you’re derailing the thread so it becomes in part about you rather than about creepy pedos. I actually find all that completely unhelpful and rather tedious.
I find it much more helpful to refute their most egregious stereotypes in a sentence or two, and then to go back to the real discussion.
Lyn: I think Ginmar is just saying “Don’t behave as though they’re shit has been substantiated”, but I may be wrong.Don’t try to put yourself in exceptional terms for having a boyfriend. Let me think, how would I do it in a non sarcastic or caustic way… that’s not in my general repertoire, but hey, I’m thinking.
Let’s say “No no, that isn’t what feminism about, and aside from a rare few individuals, has never been anything but a false narrative sold by people who don’t like treating women as people. Oh, and by the way, my boyfriend is always amused when people tell him about what I must be like” or whatever.
I don’t think you have to be mean, but I do think you have to treat the untrue BS as laughable, however you choose to.
Of course, I don’t know if Ginmar agrees, but that’s my take on the matter at least.
Ginmar doesn’t let anyone define the discussion except Ginmar. She is 100% herself wherever she posts. and this is a good thing. It’s like when Ami first posted, easy to be put off by a different style, but hang in there, it’s worth it.
Everyone should present their arguments in whatever way they see fit. There’s more than enough room.
Exactly, Nobinayamu. For example, I present mine like an ignorant bushie 🙂
Johhny B: I said you got a big-ol wedgie because (as you admit) no one here was making dick jokes.
So you just made that shit up, and blamed us for something we didn’t do, pretending that justifies (in the idea that two wrongs make a right, when everyone knows it’s actually three lefts that make a right), the abuse you heap on women.
But hey, if you want dick jokes, I know lots, 16 years in the Army (one of the most broad-minded groups I know for offensive jokes) has given me ammunition.
But really, it’s hard to tops MRAs for being both dicks, and jokes.
Nobody tell Johnny B. about our annual Make Fun of Guys with Small Penises Convention in Des Moines this year.
Shhhh, CB. I’ve got my flight and room booked, how about you?
Well, considering that neither the MRAs nor Ginmar will be convinced by anything they read online regarding “the right way to do feminism”, why not just say exactly what you like to? I sure do. Share fetus-smoothie recipes while babbling about how delicious cock is, then rasp your stubbly legs together like a grasshopper as you compose an ode to that cute smart guy at work. Knock y’all selves out.
On a site named “manboobz” I can’t take this discussion terribly seriously; save it for Feministe or somewhere like that, where we can joyfully and finely police the minutiae of our every written sentence.
“rasp your stubbly legs together like a grasshopper” I so wish this was a real thing 🙂
I like to think of it as an old time defense.
Some shield holders refuting the basic idiotic advances, some pikers jabbing at them and the occasional rock thrower lobbing comments over peoples’ heads.
Also cat videos because
All of these dudes who are crying for the age of consent to be lowered are not even dating girls at or above the current age of consent. If they cannot pull a 16 year old, what makes them think 14 year olds are going to get the hots for them?
That’s why the spearhead is filled with such miserable sods. Not enough cat videos.
Is JohnnyB squeeling like a stuck pig again?
Nobody tell Johnny B. about our annual Make Fun of Guys with Small Penises Convention in Des Moines this year.
Shhhh, CB. I’ve got my flight and room booked, how about you?
What’s funny is that you actually think you’re clever when you basically sound like a gang of schoolyard bull.. wait, haven’t we gone over this already? ffs.
Johhny B: I said you got a big-ol wedgie because (as you admit) no one here was making dick jokes. So you just made that shit up, and blamed us for something we didn’t do, pretending that justifies (in the idea that two wrongs make a right, when everyone knows it’s actually three lefts that make a right), the abuse you heap on women.
Now you’re just being glib and dishonest. I expected better from you. Once again, when Ginmar said “WE make dick jokes”, I responded to that. If YOU in particular did not, in fact, make dick jokes, then you shouldn’t have felt targeted or felt the need to respond. So what exactly did I make up? The fact that I took Ginmar at her word? Oh, and since we’re talking about lies and dishonesty, where do I “heap abuse” on women? Do you have a quote on that, or are you just full of shit as well as a hypocrite?
The day I see a meaningful argument from a misandrist will surely be my last.
Anyway, remember guys n gals.
MRA: http://en.gravatar.com/jeremiahmra
Misandrist: http://msmagazine.com/blog/wp-content/themes/news_10/images/team/368.jpg
And who’s the fucking *creep*?
TAB no one gives a fuck how hot you are or are not. That’s not the way WE judge people.
And being a creep has nothing to do with how you look, it’s to do with your views and behaviour. You are creepy because of the things you say about women.
Also, your ridiculous self-inflated ego shows, and does not do wonders for your attractiveness.
And yeah, this was already covered on the other thread, but seriously TAB you look super creepy there. Your closed-mouth smile and eyes that don’t show a speck of good humor send off all my “sketchy” instincts like whoa — that is the face of someone who I avoid being alone in a room with, no joke. I’m not being mean, I’m being honest; your photo is unsettling even without knowing what little I do of your personality, and god knows that isn’t doing you any favors in getting the ladies either.
TAB, congratulations on being younger than David Futrelle! I know that’s a tough thing to pull off.
“The day I see a meaningful argument from a misandrist will surely be my last.”
Do you often talk about arguing with imaginary people?
“Let’s see… Ginmar said: “MRAs whine like stuck pigs when WE make dick jokes”.
Now according to your special wisdom, what is the grand meaning here which escapes me? Unless, of course, you were just desperately searching for a reason to take a jab at me… although I’ll admit your responses are quite funny when read out loud in a lispy femme voice, so feel free to continue”
Christ, how do little boys as dumb as you and Tab manage to get dressed in the morning? Does mommy still do it for you?
The “grand meaning” was that you douchey cowardly bigots say shit that is a lot worse about women, then pretend it was just a joke, or pretend that straight up (and well debunked lies) – like Tab’s 100% of rape accusations are false thing (which, seriously dude, thanks for showing us what a complete moron you are) – and then WHINE LIKE FUCKING STUCK PIGS when you THINK someone said something “misandrist”.
Thanks for amping up your totally worthlessness as a human being by adding in some homophobia with your festering misogyny. Cuz all gay dudes have lispy femme voices, right cuddlebum? I’d LOVE for you to have the opportunity to say it to my face, so I can watch you piss your pants instead, babycakes.
Jump off a bridge already.
David’s, um, not exactly hiding that picture of himself. It’s not like you uncovered some big secret.
Johnny B: Let’s look at the difference between Ginmar’s comment, and yours.
She was making a comment on the meta level. That anti-feminists say feminists make all sorts of wild claims about feminists; “That they complain when “we” (i.e. feminists, as a class), “make dick jokes”. She then says she pre-empts that by making mock of it with comments about castrating men and serving up boiled baby for supper (not that there is anything wrong with boiled babies.
You then pretended this was an admission that manboobz engages in dick jokes. You took the meta, to the local.