So a bunch of the regulars on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit have their collective knickers in a twist about dudes getting called “pedophiles” just for saying they think 14-year old girls are hot. Because that’s “ephebephilia,” dontchaknow, not pedophilia! And besides, thingsarebad argues
Normal heterosexual males will generally have sexual attraction for pubescent females of child-bearing age, from puberty till they start to get old and gross (late 20s, early 30s usually haha).
That’s pretty much “eww.” But so is the rest of the discussion, really, from this “joke” about all women being as immature as children to this heavily upvoted claim that feminists have created a “pedo-scare … to criminalize healthy and normal male sexuality,” to this Evo-Psych-flavored argument for lowering the age of consent.
Is it just me or are dudes who get indignant when people don’t carefully distinguish between ephebephilia and pedophilia just really really creepy?
Is “the right to lust after underage girls without having to feel icky about it” really a Men’s Rights issue? Why this preoccupation with 14-year-old girls, on r/mensrights and Reddit generally?
No duh. Crop circles are clearly evidence of extra-dimensional life visiting our dimension, with coded messages about how to transition through the coming end of our current incarnation, and emerge into our higher vibrations. Or something.
When I was 14, I thought Gor was a fabulous series. Also, I thought Edgar Rice Burroughs was the bestest author EVAH. Him or Laura Ingalls Wilder. There is not enough money, power, or chocolate in the world to make me want to re-live my teenagerhood.
When I was fourteen, I was suicidal and didn’t understand how social interaction worked.
I “hit puberty” at age 10. I was in elementary school and I was too shy to answer the phone and I slept with a stuffed lamb and nightlight every night and I still thought boys were gross and my favorite animal was ponies. So fuckable amiright?
Exactly, that’s what I’m talking about. Those guys are actually arguing that menarche is an indicator that a girl is ready for sex. Girls start their periods as young as eight years old. They keep talking about, “Is she fertile?” for a reason to justify their bs. Well, some girls are technically fertile much younger than 14. Do they apply that same logic to a menstruating 9 year old? That’s horrifying.
“So fucking screwed up that was.”
Ah, but in Japan at that time, teen porn and prostitution (ENJO-KOSAI) were believe it or not a mostly consensual/voluntary practice among the native girls themselves who engaged in it as an off-hours sideline to earn money for luxury brand-name goods. In fact, they didn’t have pimps at all. Even today, when the Yakuza has muscled into it a bit (after the 1998 bill was passed, for the same reasons Prohibition strengthened the US mafia) this still holds largely true. And if I can recall, the teen girls in Japan felt annoyed, if anything, as the law now allowed cops to arrest them and sent them to juvenile reformatories. So, it really was screwed up because you had a law being passed targetting a victimless practice and eded up creating a victimless crime.
“So fuckable amiright?”
To a certain demographic, yes, because you were so MOE. (Heh, this will be my last Japanese reference)
I* really should posting on this topic…
Whooops, I meant stop posting on this topic.
Peak fertility is hardly fourteen years old, for these losers so obsessed with a girl’s reproductive potential. An eighteen or twenty-year-old woman is more likely to be fertile than a girl who has just begun menstruating. It can take some girls years to establish a regular cycle and become fertile. And though I’m sure these sleazes don’t care, young teenagers generally don’t have the best pregnancy outcomes even when they can become pregnant. And what? They want fourteen-year-olds so they can get them pregnant? These men who don’t think they should have to support the children they conceive, and certainly not the children they conceive off of children.
My great-grandmother had her last child at 43. None of the women in my family have had trouble conceiving in their twenties, thirties, or even early forties for those who have tried. While the women in my family might be more fertile than average, the idea that most healthy women in their late twenties/early thirties are “used up” and unable to conceive is nonsensical.
FWIW, I don’t think Lyn was sucking up to MRAs so much as saying “fuck you, you’re wrong.”
juandelacruz: How to say this in simple terms….
ah, got it.
Japan is not now, and has never been, an egalitarian culture. How much Nihon-go do you speak?
How many people who are culturally suffused in Japan have you spoken to about the social pressures which might be driving this? Since it was legal, how many of the girls who were doing this do you think are likely to say, “I was doing this because I was dirt poor, and this was a way to get things I couldn’t afford?”
How many are going to, in a very male dominant culture, where women have limited access to ways of making money, and younger girls have less. Moreover, since Japan is one of the most culturally isolationist, casually racist, and resistant to outside pressures of any nation save N. Korea or Burma, the idea that Western Feminists(™) forced the men who make the laws to pass this one fails the laugh test so hard my neighbors knocked on the door to see if I was ok.
I like how Juan is choosing one of the most reviled groups of ‘pure’ japanese people to emulate himself on. Otaku are just above non-white gaijin such as Koreans and Ainu, and japanese who are perceived as discarding their japanesehood, such as ganguro in the pecking order. Seriously dude, moe fetishes, as opposed to just liking cute things? It’s a mostly disturbing umbrella of fetishes predicated on ‘innocence’ and subservience. And I remember the death threats sent to the Kannagi author. It’s a disturbing group, only pandered to because of their high disposable income.
“I like how Juan is choosing one of the most reviled groups of ‘pure’ japanese people to emulate himself on”
Just as the Muslims have their Global Ummah, so too do we 21st Century “Database Animals” of all nations and races have our own concept of International Solidarity, just like in that Cleveland Brown episode with the SDCC 😀 (the Japanese are to a certain species of nerd, what the Arabs are to Muslims) Clearly, though your logname suggests otherwise, you seem to apparently not be one with us no? Tsk tsk tsk…
More like tsundere, if the boys I kicked in the nuts had anything to say about it. But sure, let’s have an “otaku off” to determine whether 10-year-old girls can legally consent to sex with old men, ’cause that sounds legit. :p
I’m pretty sure visible physical disabilities feature in there too, somewhere. Small kids in wheelchairs, or using crutches. etc. Because getting a hard-on for tiny shy little girls who are physically incapable of escaping isn’t creepy at all. Keep it classy, weeaboo pedos. :p
MOE inspires the finer chivalrous impulses of men, like “I want to protect/cuddle her” and such.
“MOE inspires the finer chivalrous impulses of men, like “I want to protect/cuddle her” and such.”
Either this is a wannabe rapist’s attempt at snark, or you jerk off daily to loli hentai till it hurts to pee and have deluded yourself into that lie so you don’t feel bad when your Ma takes your socks for laundry.
NWO probably still believes this, so perhaps it’s a match after all.
Juan, if you don’t see how creepy everything you’re saying is, I can’t explain it to you.
You may find it creepy, but I assure you, that’s what MOE sincerely evokes in it’s fans. Once again, you see the demonization and villification of heterosexual male sexuality. No wonder why chivalry died in the West, where the knightly instinct is confused with that of the rapine instinct.And that, in a nutshell, is why there is, has, and always be a segment of men who prefer virgin maidens: they are still not yet already jaded, so they can appreciate romantic love in the courtly tradition ex. Bella in Twilight.
…Yup, wannabe rapist it is.
Also, cannibal? I think cannibal.
“…Yup, wannabe rapist it is.”
Heh, are you saying that Edward Cullen is a wannabe rapist?
“Also, cannibal? I think cannibal”
Actually, I’m vegan by preference, but a freegan by practice.
Juan is just gold, greasy greasy gold, I mean with bits like this how can one not be entertained?
“so too do we 21st Century “Database Animals” of all nations and races have our own concept of International Solidarity”
Yes youngling! Join your peers in kinship!
You can just tell with this kid (even though it’s possible he is well into his middle age) that the “heterosexual male sexuality” he tries to rep does not remotely apply to him. Given it’s obvious that actual social interaction with non animated females has never happened.
But to end on a note in regards to a personal pet peeve of mine, if this loser was even an iota less ignorant about history, he would know that all his spew about “the knightly instinct being confused with rapine instinct” is utter bullshit since those “gallant” knights were little more then foul-smelling bandit rapists in hill forts.
The more you know.
“so they can appreciate romantic love in the courtly tradition ex. Bella in Twilight.”
“Heh, are you saying that Edward Cullen is a wannabe rapist?”
“Actually, I’m vegan by preference, but a freegan by practice.”
Can I finish the sentence please?
“Juan eats garbage before creeping on teenage girls at the Twilight premier.”
“I mean with bits like this how can one not be entertained?”
Well, now that you’re entertained, my life finally has meaning … not! 😀
“even though it’s possible he is well into his middle age”
Believe it or not, but I can assure you I am still firmly on the calendar…
“is utter bullshit since those “gallant” knights were little more then foul-smelling bandit rapists in hill forts”
Not a fan of the Knightly Ideals or Chivalric Romances eh? I bet you don’t like superheroes either no? Ah, how ironic that there are still far too many fools willing to play the White Knight in the modern age for feminists, considering how much these amazons actually despise the genuine gallantry of gentleman tsk tsk tsk. And yet women (even and especially White Western Women) are fond of complaining of wondering where have all the good men gone? Gone ghost, that’s what, gone their own way, because why bother with women who are neither appreciative nor grateful? And they tend to become more unappreciative and ungrateful the older they get kekekekekeke
Is…is that an actual question? Could I answer anything but “yes”? Could anyone answer anything but “yes”? He’s a wannabe murderer to boot, but (like a knight!) gallantly restrains himself to merely stalking her, sniffing her, and fucking her ’til she bruises and than eventually biting a vampire baby out of her uterus.
How romantic! No one’s ever offered to bite a vampire baby out of my uterus; truly chivalry is dead.
Hey it’s the famous/infamous/outfamous Ginmar! O:
I know nothing about you except that some trolls mention your name and think you and Rutee know each other xD