antifeminism antifeminst women bullying evil women oppressed men rape rapey reactionary bullshit sluts

Slutwalkers and Saints

Saint ... or sinner?

The SlutWalks have not just driven many MRAs to distraction; they’ve also driven one of the bloggers at the Gates of Vienna to set aside her usual Islam-bashing for a few moments to take on the awful bullies marching in the SlutWalks. Yes, bullies, for how else can we describe young women who go out of their way to highlight their foul sexiness whilst denying their bodies to the helpless males who happen to catch sight of them?

According to the blogger who calls herself Dymphna:

Women who walk around in slutty clothing in order to “voice” their opinion about male sexual aggression are indeed acting out a hugely immature power trip. … Call it for what it is. Strutting your stuff and daring anyone to stop you isn’t real freedom. It’s a sneaking, sadistic bully-girl game.

So evil is the behavior of these slutbullies that if any man decides, upon catching sight of one of them, to grope or otherwise assault her, well, she’s at least as much to blame as the dude who lays his hands on her.

If the act of strutting your stuff results in an equal reaction, a girl must take at least half the responsibility for whatever transpires as a result.

Dymphna seems to mean this quite literally, suggesting that a slut who gets assaulted should be charged

as an accessory before the fact — i.e., if some dolt grabs her, then at the very least she is his partner in crime. And the offense in which they both participate is a serious transgression against civil order. Sadistic provocation is a breach of the peace.

Ironically, Dymphna the blogger has apparently named herself after Saint Dymphna, a 7th century Irishwoman who, legend has it, was murdered by her father after she refused to marry him.

In the light of Dymphna the blogger’s airtight logic, we have to wonder if Saint Dymphna was wearing something really, really slutty. I mean, what else could have inspired her father’s foul desires?


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13 years ago

@qwert: SlutWalk as an event was conceived to change perceptions about rape and rape victims. The object is to make people aware that the way someone is dressed has nothing to do with how likely they are to be raped.

Rapists are not shadowy figures cloaked in shadows. They are not a separate species of human and many of them are not “unhinged.” SlutWalk attempts to bring awareness to these facts and to protest the current attitudes about rape.

13 years ago

NWO: More than one reason, dipshit. Women getting uppity weren’t the sole cause of the collapse of the western Roman empire.

13 years ago

Malcontent, Zarat’s story is completely unverified by anything remotely like an independent source. And as a woman who has been cat-called more than enough, I’m also calling bullshit.

Good night, Holly and I hope for the best possible outcomes tomorrow. I am trapped in my home and I wish for nothing more than that every one in the path of the storm have a dry and safe place to stay and the good sense to stay in.

13 years ago

NWO, why were you defending Meller in the pants thread when he was arguing that all women should dress in a manner that is attractive and alluring to men?

13 years ago

“I’m getting nowhere here as usual. It is probably not good for my mental health to spend so much time arguing the toss with people who hold views which are the polar opposite to mine, especially when I have to address several different counter-arguments simultaneously from different corners.”

You could learn to multi-task, but I’m fine with you just going away.

13 years ago

Holly and everyone on the East Coast: Fingers crossed and candles lit in hopes the Irene will pass peaceably.

13 years ago

Hey NWOslave – I’d like to second Holly’s request for a picture of a woman who is NOT dressed as a slut.

Just one picture, NWO. Please?

13 years ago

Yes, best wishes to everyone on the coast!

13 years ago

Slaveman tries logic:

“NWO: A woman who doesn’t dress, act and flaunt sexuality is exercising sexual control.”

You disagree with this statement?

If that’s the case, a woman who “does” dress, act and flaunt sexuality is exercising sexual control. Gotcha. And here I thought self control actually pertained to self control. What was I thinking?

I think Pecunium and I both answered this question. No. Sexual self control pertains to sexual self control, not to one’s manner of dress. God, I almost feel like that should be simple enough for even a slaveman to grasp. Prolly not, though, huh?

13 years ago

This reminds me of the Christian website that asked their readers what they thought constituted immodest dress in women.

As expected, opinions varied wildly. Also bizarrely.

I third the request for NWO’s idea of a non-slutty woman.

13 years ago

Hmmm. So today I learned that women have an innate, biological drive to dress sluttily. Of course one can hardly blame them, what with all the slutty clothes in the stores. The real fault lies with the clothing designers for tempting these poor women to a life of slutitude, which leads inevitably to rape and the downfall of civilization.

Hey, don’t get mad at me! I’m just telling it like it is.

13 years ago

NWO: Good job ignoring Nobinayamu and I further up thread and willfully misunderstanding KathleenB. I could write you several books on why the Roman empire fell. Why? Because empires collapse for numerous reasons. The main reasons however have more to do with an overstretched military

Please name me a specific Roman woman who helped bring about the collapse of the Empire (with citation).

13 years ago

Johnnykaje: You know what my favorite part of the Modesty Survey is? After hundreds of questions where some not-insignificant portion of male respondents said that virtually everything that a girl could wear or not wear, nearly every pose she could position her body in or motion she could do, any accessory worn in any way, is either completely immodest or a stumbling block to male purity, we find this response to the statement “Bare feet are not a stumbling block”:

[Agreeing that bare feet are not a stumbling block.] Wow, we actually have to tell girls this? Looks like this survey was a good idea! =D

Over 11% of respondents thought bare feet are a stumbling block, of course. STUPID LADIEEZ! Why they not know how to dress? Clothes not confusing! Good thing men around to help them! Har har barf.

13 years ago

And -and!- prove that rape is caused by sexual arousal and frustration. Should be simple enough.

13 years ago

It’s not uncommon for Christians to blame the fall of Rome on homosexuals or some other sexual ne’er-do-wells.

Christians. Blaming the fall of Rome on non-Christian things. Yeaaaaaaah.

13 years ago

I find women who wear human-sized paper bags to be a stumbling block. It forces men to use their imagination and think sinful thoughts. It’s like how Jaws was so much scarier when you couldn’t see the shark.

13 years ago

All I know is, when I think of ancient cultures where it was great to be a woman, I definitely think of the empires of Greece, Rome, and China. I mean, foot-binding. Total girl power thing.

(Ancient cultures where it was pretty good to be a woman, comparatively speaking: Viking-era Scandinavia, ancient Celtic cultures… a lot of warrior cultures, actually. You let women have sharp objects, there’s a limit to how much you can oppress them. Oh, and most Native American cultures. Anyone got any more?)

13 years ago

“I mean, foot-binding. Total girl power thing.”

Yeah, women not being able to walk properly is a total stumbling block.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I hate it when women dress like large pieces of wood and lie down as my feet. Talk about stumbling blocks.

13 years ago

How could an empire, which ruled the world, where all roads led to Rome fall so easily. You do know at the end of the Roman Empire in a last gasp attempt to save Rome the State was offering gold for men and women to marry, remain faithful and raise a family.

Roman Empire? Fell? What are you talking about? We hung around for a thousand more years after Late Antiquity.
You mean the Western Empire (and you’re still wrong)
OK, honey. You run and play now.

13 years ago

Anyone got any more?

My history isn’t too good, but I think Sparta was better on women’s rights than other Greek city-states. Which is weird, considering the culture’s ulra-masculinity.

This is all relative, of course.

I was reading the Viking Answer Lady’s site, and she was talking about Norse “birth control”, which was just setting unwanted children outside so they’d die of exposure. Like modern China, it was mostly girls who were unwanted. This left the population with more men than women.

But women’s rights were still far better than other cultures at the time. They could divorce, windows could own their husband’s property, etc.

13 years ago

Also, these women managed to do just fine for the Empire.

13 years ago

My history isn’t too good, but I think Sparta was better on women’s rights than other Greek city-states. Which is weird, considering the culture’s ulra-masculinity.

Not necessarily weird; someone had to keep shit running while the Spartiates went to war. Commodities won’t purchase themselves.

13 years ago

NWO, are you sure you don’t want to blame the fall of Rome on the races mixing?

13 years ago

Damn time zones. I miss all the fun.

NWO, that you fail history forever and ever and ever does not surprise me, but it does amuse me. Those stories you talk about? In Rome and Greece, they were propaganda tools, used to keep women in line. They are, in fact, exactly what you’re doing: If a woman does X, then Y is her fault, and men are never responsible. That was the purpose of the Amazon legends. Amazons were strong, independent women who, without exception, came to bad ends i.e. women, be obedient and subservient and docile and you’ll be just fine, but exercise your own free will and something bad will inevitably happen to you.

See the parallel? The statement “women get raped because they dress/act like sluts” is equal to “Amazons get killed because they don’t follow the rules of men”. Both are wrong. (Incidentally, the women who were probably the basis for the Amazons were those who lived among the Russian steppe tribes, some of which may have matriarchal).

Those stories are propaganda and lies, not facts. Not history. In truth, places have prospered under female rule–but it is almost always men who bring their nations to their knees. Really, dude, crack open an actual history book or two. It won’t kill you, I promise.

Now, as to this:

“Slutwalker, feminists and the indoctrinated will say there’s no excuse for sexual assault. Fair enough. There’s also no excuse for girls/women conciously causing sexual frustration. Everyone knows virtually all living things have the drive to survive and the drive to reproduce. If you torment pretty much any male animal of any species with sexuality while telling them no, control yourself you filthy pig, you’ll wind up with some pretty mean animals.”

Horse pucky.

I keep rabbits–two of them. We got the male first, and named him Einstein because he looks like Einstein. We soon discovered that Einstein would be lonely all by himself without anyone else to talk to, so we made plans to get a female bunny for him to be friends with. Now, we live in a small fourth floor apartment and cannot afford to breed bunnies, so we had to get Einstein castrated.

Even once castrated, it takes animals a while for the testosterone to get out of their systems. For a long while, Einstein would still try to hump Ada (our female). You see, it’s true animals have instincts, and for Einstein, his instincts said “Girl bunny! I should hump her!” But my rabbit lacks sentience and therefore abstract thought. He does not have the capability to recognize that it is wrong to hump Ada against her will, no matter what she’s doing at the time.

If you cannot recognize that it is wrong to have sex with a woman against her will, completely regardless of what she is doing or wearing at the time, then I must assume that you, like my bunny, lack sentience and the ability for abstract thought. That you are not smarter than my bunny is a given–HE is actually capable of learning.

So tell me, NWO, who’s the misandrist here? Me, or you? Your the one who thinks men have no more sentience than bunnies.

P.S. Not being allowed to hump Ada has not made Einstein even remotely mean. A little confused at times, but then, he does go at it from the wrong end on occasion. No wonder that’s confusing.

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