The SlutWalks have not just driven many MRAs to distraction; they’ve also driven one of the bloggers at the Gates of Vienna to set aside her usual Islam-bashing for a few moments to take on the awful bullies marching in the SlutWalks. Yes, bullies, for how else can we describe young women who go out of their way to highlight their foul sexiness whilst denying their bodies to the helpless males who happen to catch sight of them?
According to the blogger who calls herself Dymphna:
Women who walk around in slutty clothing in order to “voice” their opinion about male sexual aggression are indeed acting out a hugely immature power trip. … Call it for what it is. Strutting your stuff and daring anyone to stop you isn’t real freedom. It’s a sneaking, sadistic bully-girl game.
So evil is the behavior of these slutbullies that if any man decides, upon catching sight of one of them, to grope or otherwise assault her, well, she’s at least as much to blame as the dude who lays his hands on her.
If the act of strutting your stuff results in an equal reaction, a girl must take at least half the responsibility for whatever transpires as a result.
Dymphna seems to mean this quite literally, suggesting that a slut who gets assaulted should be charged
as an accessory before the fact — i.e., if some dolt grabs her, then at the very least she is his partner in crime. And the offense in which they both participate is a serious transgression against civil order. Sadistic provocation is a breach of the peace.
Ironically, Dymphna the blogger has apparently named herself after Saint Dymphna, a 7th century Irishwoman who, legend has it, was murdered by her father after she refused to marry him.
In the light of Dymphna the blogger’s airtight logic, we have to wonder if Saint Dymphna was wearing something really, really slutty. I mean, what else could have inspired her father’s foul desires?
If ya tease men with reproduction, (sex) you’ll get some pretty pissed off men.
So you’re contradicting the first part of your reply and saying that men can’t control their erections and women are to blame if they get sexually assaulted? Noted. If this isn’t your claim, then quit dancing around and flat out say that you don’t blame rape victims for their rapes, because you’re sending some seriously mixed messages – and you KNOW what happens to people who send mixed messages…
“The fact is women dress in less, perfume, make up, clothes that “flow” just right and everything else specifically to sexually arouse any man/boy within eyeshot. This is a womans sexuality, why do you continually deny this? So when women do this, as most women in the west are apt to do, this is a lack of sexual control. As I continually try to tell you, history shows this folly happening over and over again. When women show a complete lack of sexual control, eventually, so will men.”
NWO, my sexuality is made up of my desire for sex with men. I am a heterosexual female and I am attracted to men. I am attracted to men when I am in my sweat pants, I am attracted to men when I dress to go to work, I am attracted to men when I am dressed to work in my garden, I am attracted to men when I am dressed up for a night out on the town.
I am attracted to men whether or not my hair is done, whether or not my I have on makeup or perfume, whether or not I am in high heels or sneakers. I am sexually attracted to men and that is the sole determinant of my sexuality.
You cannot just make a word mean anything you’d like.
The way that I dress -and I am, admittedly, a woman who enjoys clothes and fashion- can be an expression of that sexuality. It is, on occasion. I also dress to express my mood, my creativity, sometimes (though rarely) simply for efficiency. But that is always a conscious decision over which I have complete control. I do not, nor have I ever, dressed to cause arousal in any “man/boy within eyeshot”. Their arousal is their reaction. My clothes are my clothes.
Your continuous conflation of sexual arousal and sexual assault is not just wrong, it’s disturbing, misandric, and confusing. How can you assert, on the one hand, that rape is a natural expression of men’s sexuality and their response to sexual frustration… while on the other hand being outraged when we present you with statistical information on the number of men who are rapists? Aren’t all men sexually frustrated at some point? Aren’t you, right now, arguing that all women are consciously causing men to sexually frustrated?
And, again, why were you defending Meller when he was arguing that women should constantly be dressed in a manner that attracts and allures men?
If the act of strutting your stuff results in an equal reaction, a girl must take at least half the responsibility for whatever transpires as a result.
I will never get this logic. How is attacking people an “equal reaction” to wearing a sexy outfit? Wouldn’t the “equal reaction” be for the guy to put on some skimpy clothes and strut his own stuff?
NWO, Qwert, that’s what you should do when you see one of those rutting sluts walking around like it’s not even a thing. Strut your funky stuff, brothers.
A question, Slavey: do you feel the same level of resentment towards the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders? Models in Playboy? Hooters waitresses? Are they all asking to be raped, too? I haven’t heard you say word one against porn. Why, pray tell, all the anger against the Slutwalkers when women in any of these professions is at least as likely to arouse lust in men?
“By sexually frustrating boys starting at an early age, western women take pride in building the finest rapists in the world.” – NWOSlave
Wow… I guess the only thing I have to say to that is:
Let me try this: NWO, I have men who are trying to hit on me when I’m wearing my glasses tell me that they think my glasses are sexy. Am I consciously attempting to arouse and then frustrate them, or am I trying to see?
Haha, NWO’s such a misandrist he doesn’t think men are able to decide not to rape someone.
If men are really that volatile and vulnerable, maybe we really shouldn’t trust them with major responsibilities. If NWO’s right, female domination is saving the world from chaos right now.
(Discussion question: if women are so good at manipulating men, why are we manipulating them to rape us?)
“1: Why should Nobinayamu say that society isn’t founded on such a thing.”
Thanks for picking that up where I dropped it, Pecunium. I was too busy pointing out so many of the other fallacies and bullshit and I wouldn’t want anyone thinking I’d conceded his opening statement.
@ Holly Pervocracy
“(Discussion question: if women are so good at manipulating men, why are we manipulating them to rape us?)”
It is not men who are rapists though is it? It’s rapists who are rapists, even though most of them happen to be men. Men are no more rapists than they are murderers or bank robbers.
@Qwert666: care who a woman has sex with, how many people she has sex with, where she does it, what she does etc. etc. Well, bully for you–an acknowledgement that lesbians exist! Go, you.
However, why are you only worried about the impact on society of women having sex with more than one person? After all, since lesbians are not the majority of women, most of the women choosing to have sex with people are having sex with men–why aren’t you criticizing the impact on society of men being promiscuous?
Is it because men who sleep around are called STUDS and not SLUTS?
This right here is an example of misogyny–assuming that women and men who do the same thing (i.e. sleep with more than one partner) are categorically different–that women’s sexual behavior is a PROBLEM for society, with never a mention of the PROBLEM of men’s sexual behavior.
*chalks up one point for the queer woman who gave up having sex with men in 1982 WOOT*
Hey Antz, the first thing that I thought of when I read your story was “uh, did you ever think that that could have been someone she has an restraining order against? As in it is against the order for him to communicate with her in any way verbal or nonverbal?” Because I have seen orders where it quite literally said for neither side to communicate-verbally, non-verbally, via vehicle, via third parties and via written or any other method of imparting one’s thoughts to another person. So the next time you are complaining about officers enforcing the law, think about the fact you have no fucking clue why someone calls the cops in the first place. Then shut up.
Qwert, that entire comment only makes sense in NWOland, and people from Earth are better off not thinking too hard about it.
“The fact is women dress in less, perfume, make up, clothes that “flow” just right and everything else specifically to sexually arouse any man/boy within eyeshot.”
I don’t think you understand why women wear what they do. Have you heard of this thing called, “fashion”? It’s a concept where people put on these clothes for a number of reasons, including what sub culture they follow (if any), what sort of clothing is comfortable based on the climate, what colors/cuts of clothing they like best, and what’s “trendy”. And no, “trendy clothing” =/= “clothing designed to make men suffer”. For example, I was at the mall the other day and couldn’t help but notice that ponchos and drape-y sorts of clothes seem to be getting popular. It’s woe unto me, since I have a petite frame and even the smallest size in these styles make it appear that I’m wearing a curtain.
“So when women do this, as most women in the west are apt to do, this is a lack of sexual control.”
What is it when guys wear skinny jeans? Are women being made to suffer when they go to the beach and are surrounded by shirtless men, flaunting their muscles? Are muscles-fitted tee shirts motivators of female sexual frustration?
Maybe you weren’t aware, but men are capable of (and quite often exercise their ability to) dress in a way that is construed as sexy/cute by women. And while I can’t speak for all women, I personally don’t have any complaints about that. Nor have I ever heard any from other women.
You feel that men are forced to control their sexuality while women aren’t, right? Yet men dress and behave in ways that are sexually appealing to women. You also discuss how women tease men on purpose, and that behavior illustrates how unrestrained female sexuality is. If you perceive teasing men then denying them sex to be how women demonstrate their absence of sexual control, and you perceive men raping women to be how men act when they don’t have any control over their sexuality, then I think that you don’t really understand sexuality at all. Male or female. This makes me sad for you.
NWO is also using some women’s behavior to justify raping all women. Those slutty slutty sluts are making men sexually frustrated, so if some guy rapes a nun, it’s still women’s fault.
@qwert: I think you’re completely missing Holly’s point. Her point isn’t that all men = rapists. She’s saying that if women were as manipulative as MRAs claim, why wouldn’t they keep rapists from raping them?
“It is not men who are rapists though is it? It’s rapists who are rapists, even though most of them happen to be men. Men are no more rapists than they are murderers or bank robbers.”
Tell that to NWO. He’s arguing, right here on this thread, that sexual assault and rape are an inherent aspect of male sexuality and a perfectly natural response to sexual arousal.
If men are really that volatile and vulnerable, maybe we really shouldn’t trust them with major responsibilities. If NWO’s right, female domination is saving the world from chaos right now.
You beat me to it, Holly. I was going to say that Slavey must be pretty damn fragile if he can’t tolerate the sight of an attractive woman without flying into a sexually frustrated rage.
Even as a adolescent, the sight of a hot woman was the kind of thing that made my day, whether or not I was actively having sex with her. It’s always odd to hear from men who are so angry and resentful towards women that they literally cannot stand the sight of them.
@ ithiliana
“However, why are you only worried about the impact on society of women having sex with more than one person?”
I’m not though am I?
“After all, since lesbians are not the majority of women, most of the women choosing to have sex with people are having sex with men–why aren’t you criticizing the impact on society of men being promiscuous?”
I thought I made it perfectly clear that I was talking about the ‘slutty behaviour’ of people i.e. both men and women. I don’t call promiscuous men “studs” any-more than I call promiscuos women “sluts”. It’s the ‘slutwalkers’ who want to call women sluts remember, not me.
@Holly Pervocracy
Don’t get all pissed at me Holly, I’m advocating nothing. I’m just telling you with full certainty what will happen if things continue on the present course. Really read history, particualrly the social aspects. Greece, Rome, Egypt, Persia, Ming. Every dynasty followed the same pattern.
In every single one women began to wield the power of the State. One of the final plays in Greece was the story of the kings daughter was a lesbian, (lesbians having a high status, higher than a man). The play told the tale of the daughter climbing to the top of the mountain with all the other lesbians to dance naked during some festival. The king wanting to see this spectacle climbed the mountain to watch. The story ends with the lesbians cutting of the kings head and dancing in his blood. Homosexuality was of course most welcome. Promiscuity was rampant. In the end, complete social collapse, rape was extremely rampant.
Every single society, that has followed the path we in the west are running to embrace, has met the same fate. They all became quite “liberal.” They all gave women great power within the State. They all allowed women unrestrained sexuality. And every single one of them met the same destructive fate.
@ Nobinayuma
“Tell that to NWO. He’s arguing, right here on this thread, that sexual assault and rape are an inherent aspect of male sexuality and a perfectly natural response to sexual arousal.”
Yes and he’s talking complete shit.
I’ll admit that seeing Matt Smith in full formalwear was… somewhat distracting. Evil man! Setting out to distract me from… erm… watching Doctor Who? Okay, that doesn’t make much sense. But I managed not to fall all over anyone and make them have sex with me today, despite the distractions of The Doctor. And Rory. And I assume MrB was equally distracted by Amy and River, and he managed to avoid raping me. So, if MrB and I can avoid raping people, so can anyone! NWO, you’re kinda full of shit.
That’s nice, honey.
Do you have any suggestions or are you just here to see the world burn? (and not-so-secretly enjoying it? I get the impression you’d be hideously disappointed if you learned society wasn’t disintegrating.)
I’m really curious to see a picture of a woman you WOULDN’T consider slutty.
Wow Slavey way to pervert history. I believe the pattern you are looking for actually has more to do with being overstretched politically, militarily, and monetarily. Or bad management and corruption at the head of the state.
I think you’re the one who needs to really take a look at history.
No. Actually, a woman who doesn’t sexually harass, grope, or sexually assault other people, and who makes sure she has consent before any sexual acts, is exercising control — in much the same way that a man who does the same is.
The way a woman — or a man — dresses is something else completely. It may be indicative of good fashion sense, bad fashion sense, a lack of fashion sense, a lack of interest, high self-esteem, low esteem, a sense of humor, a love of colors or certain trends or fabrics, an eye for detail, or any number of things, but it has absolutely nothing to do with one’s exercise of sexual control.
Slaveman: Do you even know what sexual control means?
Do you know any women? I’m just curious. I know that you know 1200 women, aunts, cousins, wives of friends, etc., but seriously. Do you know any women?
NWO: Call me crazy, but I seem to recall that the rampaging Goths has a good bit more to do with the collapse of the western part of the Roman empire. And something to do with lead in the pipes… But hey, I’ve only got a ladybrain, what do I know?