antifeminism antifeminst women bullying evil women oppressed men rape rapey reactionary bullshit sluts

Slutwalkers and Saints

Saint ... or sinner?

The SlutWalks have not just driven many MRAs to distraction; they’ve also driven one of the bloggers at the Gates of Vienna to set aside her usual Islam-bashing for a few moments to take on the awful bullies marching in the SlutWalks. Yes, bullies, for how else can we describe young women who go out of their way to highlight their foul sexiness whilst denying their bodies to the helpless males who happen to catch sight of them?

According to the blogger who calls herself Dymphna:

Women who walk around in slutty clothing in order to “voice” their opinion about male sexual aggression are indeed acting out a hugely immature power trip. … Call it for what it is. Strutting your stuff and daring anyone to stop you isn’t real freedom. It’s a sneaking, sadistic bully-girl game.

So evil is the behavior of these slutbullies that if any man decides, upon catching sight of one of them, to grope or otherwise assault her, well, she’s at least as much to blame as the dude who lays his hands on her.

If the act of strutting your stuff results in an equal reaction, a girl must take at least half the responsibility for whatever transpires as a result.

Dymphna seems to mean this quite literally, suggesting that a slut who gets assaulted should be charged

as an accessory before the fact — i.e., if some dolt grabs her, then at the very least she is his partner in crime. And the offense in which they both participate is a serious transgression against civil order. Sadistic provocation is a breach of the peace.

Ironically, Dymphna the blogger has apparently named herself after Saint Dymphna, a 7th century Irishwoman who, legend has it, was murdered by her father after she refused to marry him.

In the light of Dymphna the blogger’s airtight logic, we have to wonder if Saint Dymphna was wearing something really, really slutty. I mean, what else could have inspired her father’s foul desires?


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Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

“I am not particularly surprised that you think that women should be free to do whatever they want with their bodies, but men should not. The double standard is standard fare for feminism.”
Dude, what you described wa smore than looking to begin with, you stupid tit. That’s even if your representation is true, which you’ve provided no verification of.

Are you always this stupid? Wait, I know this one,a nd the answer is yes.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh, and in school I was in Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat! xD (I was the narrator) What does that make me? O:

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


Trish just said “this is what shunning all culture that isn’t star wars novels gets you”



I think she wins the internets for today.

13 years ago

I was gonna be Evita in High School. Came THIS close to being the unofficial co-dictator of Argentina! Damn, why did we decide to do The Fantasticks instead!

13 years ago

I don’t even care any more, I’m off to find the MURDERER who MURDERED my little brother when he was a minor character in Romeo and Juliet and kill him right back

13 years ago

Trish just said “this is what shunning all culture that isn’t star wars novels gets you”



I think she wins the internets for today.

You are correct. WIN!

13 years ago

I was in a production of Wizard of Oz, therefore I AM A FLYING MONKEY!

13 years ago

I wonder what it must be like for NWOslave, being unable to tell reality from fiction as he is.

Brad Pitt evidently aged backwards to become a 1950s father and then fought in the Trojan War, all while being a figment of Edward Norton’s imagination. Edward Norton is, of course, both the Incredible Hulk and Larry Flynt’s lawyer.

13 years ago

I just sang “Now is the month of Maying” which made it true so we can have summer all over again. If you’re in the southern hemisphere, hard cheese.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Brad Pitt also brought sabermetrics to the Oakland As all the while being a vampire xD And his vampire friend is also a sports agent, so it works out! xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh, @NWO, where did you get the link to that btw? Cuz I’m guessing that you don’t generally go searching youtube for the names of feminists xD So this was prolly linked to in the Spearhead, or r/mr or some place…

I’m curious :3 Where’d you get pointed to this? o:

13 years ago

A vampire sports agent who is also a Navy pilot.

Oh my God, does this mean a possibility of Buffy killing Maverick?!

13 years ago

Just… DON’T ask what’s in my meat pies. Just… REALLY… Don’t…

13 years ago

Some clickthrough detective work shows two recent MRAish comments by a numbered tom and a “MrMuffStench” who also seem unfamiliar with The Cell Block Tango and Chicago, and see it as a “feminist statement.”

From whence do they, and you come to this video, NWO?! You must tell us!

Why, those beer-drinking, having sex with other women bastards! Murder them all and do a coordinated tapdance. It’s like the Manson family formed a dance troop.


tom181071 4 days ago
Its OK to murder a man? Feminist hypocrisy stinks!

MrMuffStench 6 days ago

13 years ago

Ami, I’m guessing it’s from here.

Hey gang, how was everyones day off? My day off doesn’t start till next saturday, then I get 3 whole days a in row.

Wow. I feel privileged! You’re such a busy little beaver, and yet, here you are with all us slackers, pedicure-getters, and bonbon eaters.

I’m kinda busy doin laundry, need suppies from home depot and I still gotta eat.

Do you really? Cuz I could’ve sworn you said you don’t have to do that. Or, like, only once every 180 days or so. Because you’re a tuff MAN, oh yes you are!

13 years ago

My guess is that one, other or both of Tom and the charmingly named Mr Muffstench have been google-stalking the woman in fits of rage because she’s been writing in the Atlantic and the Guardian recently, and she’s young and pretty and went to Princeton and is clearly going to achieve so much more than them that her very existence is like a child waving a cookie in their face and shouting YOU CAN’T HAVE IT. Or something.

13 years ago

Oxygen’s a little thin up there in the ceilings, isn’t it, NWOslave.

13 years ago

Bee… Hmm, I guess it’s possible, but it seems too acknowledgeing that Chicago is a musical, that people have heard of it, and that the authors were men…

13 years ago

For that matter, it puts forth the notion it’s a stealth mra piece!

13 years ago

OH, no wait, bee! You’re right! I only saw one link and not the other! THANKS!

13 years ago

@Ami: I was in Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat! xD (I was the narrator)

The narrator! The most powerful position of all! Ommiscient! The VOICE of the AUTHOR!


13 years ago

Dickens would SO have named a character Mr Muffstench, if he’d thought of it first.

13 years ago

Zhinxy, I think the Fantasticks was a great choice. I just finished playing the Mute in a college production. I guess that makes me a rape apologist now, at least if spectacular costumes imported from the east are involved.

13 years ago

Brad Pitt is a vampire? No wonder all the alpha bitches are after him!