antifeminism antifeminst women bullying evil women oppressed men rape rapey reactionary bullshit sluts

Slutwalkers and Saints

Saint ... or sinner?

The SlutWalks have not just driven many MRAs to distraction; they’ve also driven one of the bloggers at the Gates of Vienna to set aside her usual Islam-bashing for a few moments to take on the awful bullies marching in the SlutWalks. Yes, bullies, for how else can we describe young women who go out of their way to highlight their foul sexiness whilst denying their bodies to the helpless males who happen to catch sight of them?

According to the blogger who calls herself Dymphna:

Women who walk around in slutty clothing in order to “voice” their opinion about male sexual aggression are indeed acting out a hugely immature power trip. … Call it for what it is. Strutting your stuff and daring anyone to stop you isn’t real freedom. It’s a sneaking, sadistic bully-girl game.

So evil is the behavior of these slutbullies that if any man decides, upon catching sight of one of them, to grope or otherwise assault her, well, she’s at least as much to blame as the dude who lays his hands on her.

If the act of strutting your stuff results in an equal reaction, a girl must take at least half the responsibility for whatever transpires as a result.

Dymphna seems to mean this quite literally, suggesting that a slut who gets assaulted should be charged

as an accessory before the fact — i.e., if some dolt grabs her, then at the very least she is his partner in crime. And the offense in which they both participate is a serious transgression against civil order. Sadistic provocation is a breach of the peace.

Ironically, Dymphna the blogger has apparently named herself after Saint Dymphna, a 7th century Irishwoman who, legend has it, was murdered by her father after she refused to marry him.

In the light of Dymphna the blogger’s airtight logic, we have to wonder if Saint Dymphna was wearing something really, really slutty. I mean, what else could have inspired her father’s foul desires?


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13 years ago

@Qwert: Excellent–that’s all I hoped for!

I’m fairly verbose and tend toward complicated syntax myself, often getting lost in my parentheticals, so I understand. The other thing to remember is that linguists estimate that 90+ percent of one’s message is conveyed non-verbally (tone, pitch, body language), so that there are many reasons why discussion online can go awry.

13 years ago

If I failed to make a convincing argument then I don’t believe it was because I don’t understand how to argue, more likely I’m not as good at it as I thought I was. I think the real reason is because I was arguing from a position which I was unsure about being in.

Hey man, it’s OK. Nobody is born knowing how to debate, it’s a thing you learn. You start out sucky—everyone starts out sucky—and then, if you keep working at it, with a lot of self-awareness, eventually you get better.

The thing is not to box yourself in, though. Signing all your posts with “MGTOW!” when you’re not sure about the merits of MGTOW as a philosophy, for instance, is overcommitting yourself.

13 years ago

Also, from your spelling and word choice, I’m guessing you’re from a non-American Anglophone country? If so, I’m sorry for making fun of the time you said “chap.” I thought you were trying to fake being British in order to sound “classier.”

13 years ago

“Even once castrated, it takes animals a while for the testosterone to get out of their systems.”

Interestingly enough, castration will NOT prevent mating behavior, it will prevent territorial behavior (peeing to mark it), and it might prevent mating behavior, if castration occurred before maturity, but not after that.

We had dogs and the big (relative to his breed, they were pretty small relative to humans) male one was castrated once mature, and he still tried to hump and “got locked” into his own mother.

Also, here I have 0 testosterone, nothing, nada, I take T blockers every single day, and I can still get an erection and while I could not impregnate anyone (and I bet I never was able to), I could still in theory penetrate someone completely.

13 years ago

@ VoiP

” Signing all your posts with “MGTOW!” when you’re not sure about the merits of MGTOW as a philosophy, for instance, is overcommitting yourself.”

Yeah, in hindsight, that was a bit fucking daft of me. I definitely need to look at my stance on GMOW, or rather, the use of the acronym and any connotations it may imply.

I think a big part of me wanting to GMOW is based on a desire to understand myself and my position, place, and purpose in the world. It most likely goes far beyond what most MGTOW are interested in discovering.

13 years ago

Schala: Oh, gods, you are so right. Our older (fixed, male) cat sometimes humps the bedclothes. At least it’s not someone’s leg, that would be mortifying. And he keeps it in the back, so guests don’t have to watch him try to mate with the throw on the sofa.

13 years ago

@ VoiP

“Also, from your spelling and word choice, I’m guessing you’re from a non-American Anglophone country?”

Yeah, I’m not an American. I don’t actually use the word chap in normal verbal discourse, I think I just like the way the word looks and sounds in my head (if that makes any sense).

13 years ago

I think a big part of me wanting to GMOW is based on a desire to understand myself and my position, place, and purpose in the world.

That’s what everyone’s on earth for, or should be. My advice would be to start reading and never stop (a good idea is to start with the Iliad (I like Lattimore’s translation) or The Epic of Gilgamesh and keep going forward chronologically), but then again I manage to lose days at a time on the Internet, so maybe I am not the best person to give education-related advice.

I don’t actually use the word chap in normal verbal discourse, I think I just like the way the word looks and sounds in my head (if that makes any sense).

It makes a lot of sense. Do you read more than you talk to people? That contributes to a somewhat stilted style of talking, which I employ as well sometimes.

13 years ago

min0u: Yes. It wasn’t paywalled when I saw it.

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

“I really enjoyed AntZ story: victory for feminism! Harrassment is illegal, and the cops will respond to complaints. That’s awesome! How widespread is this phenomen?”

As far as I know, “glaring” is only illegal in New York City. The Taco Bell incident occured outside of the city limits, and the responding vehicle carried a Suffolk County tag, so possibly my information is incorrect.

Street harassment is illegal in many places, but usually requires something more than looking.

I am not particularly surprised that you think that women should be free to do whatever they want with their bodies, but men should not. The double standard is standard fare for feminism.

13 years ago

@ VoiP

I am most definitely intent on doing a lot more reading in future.

“(I like Lattimore’s translation) or The Epic of Gilgamesh and keep going forward chronologically)”

I will add these to my reading list.

I think I’ve been neglecting my mind for quite some time now, spending too much time on somewhat stupefying activities which I won’t go into. I also have a tendency to spend way too much time pissing about on the internet which doesn’t help matters.

“Do you read more than you talk to people? “

It’s not so much this: more like I have my writing style which, to this point, has rarely been read by anyone but me, and I have my “verbal” style, so to speak which is my normal way of expression that everyone else is used to hearing. If I start throwing out words that I use when I write, or have read, in conversation with people they tend to either not know what the word means and look at me all confused, or take the piss!

13 years ago

I think I’ve been neglecting my mind for quite some time now, spending too much time on somewhat stupefying activities which I won’t go into. I also have a tendency to spend way too much time pissing about on the internet which doesn’t help matters.

I hear you, man. If you find a way to keep people off the Internet when they should be writing a paper (NOT THAT I HAVE ANY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH THIS PROBLEM), let the rest of us know.

If I start throwing out words that I use when I write, or have read, in conversation with people they tend to either not know what the word means and look at me all confused, or take the piss!

Remember what ilithiana said: most information conveyed in conversations (at least if you’re normal; I’m not) is actually nonverbal, so in an entirely written medium like this it’s better to err on the side of clarity.

13 years ago

I am not particularly surprised that you think that women should be free to do whatever they want with their bodies, but men should not. The double standard is standard fare for feminism.

Not me, though! I think that harassers, victimizers, predators, abusers, and rapists should be prevented from doing bad things to other people, and punished when they do. I think that people should be able to leave their houses unaccompanied, wearing whatever they would like, and do things that please them as long as they don’t harm other people — and should be able to do all that without being harmed themselves.

Funny, though. I’ve found that most feminists agree with me on this one. MRAs? Well, that’s a different story.

13 years ago

I don’t think it’s acceptable for women to glare and make threatening gestures at men, honk their car horns at men, stalk men, shout things at men, or grab at men’s bodies. Are you aware of feminists who feel otherwise, Anthony?

13 years ago

Hey gang, how was everyones day off? My day off doesn’t start till next saturday, then I get 3 whole days a in row. I’m kinda busy doin laundry, need suppies from home depot and I still gotta eat.

Anyhoo, this might be a bit off topic, but since feminism is never off topic I figure it works. It seems out at feministing one of your leaders (editors) by the name of Chloe Angyal decided to dabble in making a play. It’s all about murdering men and how that’s just ducky! My guess is, it’ll be called “satire” by women, (cause women are good) and the critics will just love it. Here it is, consider it a “gift” from the slave for your viewing pleasure.

13 years ago

Voip: LeechBlock add-on for firefox. You can set it to kick you off manboobz from 9 to 5, stop you twittering at weekends, or whatever. I think it saved my career.

13 years ago

Apparently Antsy thinks it is a double standard for women to have the right to dress however they want, but for men not to have the right to harass people in the street. “Double standard,” you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

13 years ago

Wow, NWO, Chloe Agnyal wrote that? Then she’s got a lucrative lawsuit coming when she sues John Kander and Fred Ebb who used the exact same music and lyrics in the hit 1975 musical Chicago. Bastards, appropriating women’s work!

Oh, hang on – is it just that a writer was once in a university amateur dramatic production and you’re being completely and utterly ridiculous?

13 years ago

I was once in The Importance of Being Ernest (hence the name) so I approve of the abandonment of baby boys in handbags at railway station cloakrooms.

13 years ago

Hey NWOslave, you know that’s from a musical called Chicago, right?

You can read more about it in the Bible, I mean Wikipedia:

Here’s a helpful hint for any literary analysis you do in the future: not everything a character says is supposed to be taken as approved of or propounded by the author of a work. In fact, sometimes characters say things that authors think are completely immoral.

13 years ago

Come to think of it, at primary school I was in ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and therefore condone selling girl-children into slavery for the price of a few cut flowers. OH I’M SUCH A HYPOCRITICAL SHIT

13 years ago

Having memorised the lyrics to I am the very model of a modern Major-General, I sing it often. I never realised before that that means I’ve reached a very high position within the British military.

Good thing I never bothered to learn Oh, better far to live and die. Being a Major-General and a Pirate King would be a severe conflict of interest.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

*dies laughing* XDDDD

My day just got better xD I suspect NWO’s just got worse xD

13 years ago

Why, Spearhafoc! I sing “Go, you heroes, go and die” because it reminds me that throughout history, men have been the disposable sex, while women lounged around in a chorus.

13 years ago

Having memorised the lyrics to I am the very model of a modern Major-General, I sing it often. I never realised before that that means I’ve reached a very high position within the British military.

Ask me about my suicidal tendencies.

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