disgusting women evil women man boobz fun time videos men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men racism reactionary bullshit vaginas

Man Boobz Video 6: Are North American white women a bunch of whiney-vagineys?

Well, Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party is back, and you may notice a few changes. First, the bad news: Tiny Bunny and Small Dog are on hiatus. The Good News: I’ve moved on from Xtranormal to a real animation program, Muvizu, and am now using actual human beings for the voices.

This episode takes us to scenic Los Angeles to meet a fellow calling himself John, who offers some reflections on North American white women. He’s not fond of them. Apparently he’s much more fond of African and Latin American women. It’s not clear if any women of any race are fond of him and, if so, why on earth that would be. I found John’s little monologue on the blog Boycott American Women.

Playing the of John from Los Angeles, or at least his voice, is Jack Rose. Big, big thanks to Jack for an excellent job, and on very short notice.



Here’s the somewhat edited version of John’s monologue I used in the video:

Many of the stupidest women i have ever met were white females from North America. Truth is, white north american females are really like the old Ford clunkers our grand-parents used to buy: they are unreliable, expensive, rather grotesque, and dangerously unpredictable.

White women are truly pigs. Can we expedite the caliphate so that they get the come-uppance they richly deserve? …

Ask any man who was stupid enough to marry one of these pigs and you’ll see exactly where I’m coming from. they have emotional problems, are deviants, amoral and just flat-out nasty; plus, they really are overweight, smelly and ill-mannered.

Only losers marry white females.  The tragedy for american women is that they’ve bitched their way right out of the marketplace. Men want something better and the rest of the world offers that. bye, bye, whiney-vagineys; the jig is up and men are looking elsewhere.

More Man Boobz videos are on the way.

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13 years ago

That must have shaken you up, KathleenB.

13 years ago

Magpie: Just a little… where little = a whole lot. That really stomped on my triggers. But the main thing is that she’s okay. And I will be too. Eventually.

13 years ago

Eventually, yeah. I’m glad she’s OK. You and your husband did the right thing. As you say, you have learnt that you would jump in and help in such a situation. That’s something to be proud of.

13 years ago

Magpie: I guess it’s good to know that my principles aren’t for naught. Just wish they hadn’t been needed.

13 years ago

And hey, maybe the snot nosed douchenozzle next door will think twice before being an asshole to me now! /me always look on the briiight side of life…

13 years ago

Just what sort of a neighbourhood do you live in? :]

13 years ago

“Spinless, gormless, chickenshit, hypocritical coward. Hiding behind the skirts of women, because you don’t want to get shot at.

All the various claims of how you think this war or that war to be unreasonaable don’t cancel out the pathetic sophistry of your saying (falsely) that women aren’t willing to get their ass shot off in combat zones.”

Obviously my comment really irked you with good reason, it was true. Resorting to weak insults and shaming tactics like, “Hiding behind the skirts of women” doesn’t work on me, as you must know by now. I guess I’m supposed to feel so insulted at how “women” are so much braver than myself, Oh. The. Pain. You need to do much better than that.

Sophistry? You’re really digging there are’nt ya? Sophistry couldn’t possibly come into play in the context of this conversation. While I’m sure you somehow believe Libya to be a major threat to this country, I find it laughable. Somehow, Hillary thought it’d be a good idea. Now if someone threatens my family or friends, that’s where the line has been crossed.

No one is “willing” to get their ass shot off. The Guv play’s on young mens honor just as you’re feebly attempting to do to me. Those inexperienced young men now kill and die for nothing. How do those adverts go? The US navy, a global force for good! And here I foolishly thought it was about protecting the citizens from a threat to this country. I used to think like you as well, until I grew up and began thinking for myself, instead of allowing the State to think for me.

13 years ago

I love (and by love I mean laugh at) people who bring up the stats about men working more hours than women to explain the pay gap.

And ignore the remainder of the data that shows women actually work more hours a day than men, but it is disproportionately in family care and chores. You know, unpaid labor that directly helps the other people in their lives.

Men have it so hard that they spend an extra 45 minutes a day on leisure activities.

13 years ago

Oops, that was only for the US. Sorry for pretending the whole world revolves around us, rest of the world!

But, I can’t imagine it’s much better elsewhere. However, YMMV if you live in an utopia where everyone does their own damned cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.

13 years ago

NWO: I thought Afghanistan stupid (and needless), Iraq criminal, and Lybia silly.

The sophistry has to do with your saying women aren’t doing something they are, while you posture that in some way you are hyper-manly.

You don’t say you wouldn’t fight in those wars, you said you wouldn’t fight at all. It’s not that women are braver than you are, it’s that you (again) are a self-admitted liar.

Does it offend me? Yes. Because you… with all your wailing and gnashing of teeth at how hard your life is, as white man, slaving away in the heights of the building, fitting pipe, or inventing alloy evaluators (you never did tell me which american car manufacturer was still smelting its own steel… then again you tell me what you think of Iceland, which has an age of consent at 15, and a divorce rate of 1.7 per thousand. I keep answering your questions, why won’t you answer mine), you have the temerity to sit at home, wax grandeloquent about how those lazy, whiny, women won’t do somehing which they are doing, and you won’t.

They are getting killed, so you can insult them. They are doing what you pretend they don’t (i.e. women going willing to combat).

You pretend to know what motivates them. Why they join is different from why they fight. Why they keep fighting is different from why they started.

But you, safe in your hotel rooms pretend to a lofty superiority. I don’t think you want to know. the facts behind their enlistements. You certainly don’t want to know the reasons why they fight, and keep going back to the fight. Why? Because the motives are, in their strange way, noble and honorable. Being opposed to them can be noble and honorable too (I’ve spent lots of time with Quakers). But you don’t admit to that. You scorn them all, with the same pointless bile you heap upon anyone who isn’t like you.

That offends me. The rest of your nonsense, about capital letter, and international feminism, and the Fed being the source of all financial crises (oh yeah, you never answered me about the panics of 1837, and 1873… nor about the Great Depression; which started before the Fed. I keep answering your questions, you keep not answering mine), is pretty much laughable, and generally ignorable.

If you are so bloody brilliant, with your manly brain, why aren’t you starting your own business? One where all the men will be well paid, and the women unable to compete in the fair marketplace of the NWOSlave?

If men are so superior, how it is that you have fallen so low? What caused men to decide to let the lady-brainz take over?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I wouldn’t be willing to enlist absent a serious military threat to the actual country. That’s kind of a copout in the modern age, but I can’t justify it otherwise. That means that I can’t think of a single period in the past 60 years where, even if I were permitted to enlist, and volunteer for combat, I would feel okay with doing so.

But I’m not going to say no woman feels the same way about combat, or that women aren’t willing to enlist in combat duty, unlike owlslave.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I’m a Kinsey 5 dating a Kinsey 6. Even if it were true that men were boycotting women, and they’re not, it has no effect on me.

But we’re just laughing at you, as far as personal effects. I am concerned about the racism and misogyny you promulgate poorly affecting women from developing nations, but then, you’d just be more of the same at worst, so this may be misplaced.

I don’t think you’ve said a single true thing, unless the qualifications for your litany of insults are “Actually considers herself a human being”, in which case you got us, we do think we’re people.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

If you are so bloody brilliant, with your manly brain, why aren’t you starting your own business? One where all the men will be well paid, and the women unable to compete in the fair marketplace of the NWOSlave?

Oh, oh! I know the answer! It’s something to do with communism, right?

I wonder if it would blow Slavey’s mind too much if he found out that I own my own business?

13 years ago

CB: I own a business too. Several, actually. I do photography, the odd bit of catering, I teach photography (and the odd bit of cookery) and I do technical editing for books on photography.

That’s because I’m so oppressed by feminists. They keep my white ass in slaving away for 20 hours a day, making bon-bons; which they eat while I sit hungrily in the corner.

13 years ago

I’m willing to believe that NWO might have been discriminated against, but I’m inclined to think it was more about ageism than sexism. If he and the woman who got the job had similar educations and could do the job, I bet dollar to a donut that they looked at them both and figured they could hire her at a lower salary because she was recently out of college. (I’m ignoring the two different personalities. Based on how NWO comes across on here, I wouldn’t want him as a coworker, but net personas aren’t always the same as in-the-flesh personalities.)

At a previous job during layoffs, I saw the ages of people let go and those kept on (names deleted, only job titles and ages were visible). Nearly all the people let go were older than 40, while the people kept on were younger. Also, as people age, their medical needs increase and thus the medical insurance rates go up.

Discriminating against people on the basis of age is usually illegal, but it’s difficult and expensive to prove. Also, most companies hold severance pay and benefits until the employer signs an agreement not to sue the company for any reason.

13 years ago

Magpie: It’s notnearly as bad as everyone seems to think. Just… some assholes. As there are in every neighborhood.

13 years ago

“I’m willing to believe that NWO might have been discriminated against, but I’m inclined to think it was more about ageism than sexism. If he and the woman who got the job had similar educations and could do the job, I bet dollar to a donut that they looked at them both and figured they could hire her at a lower salary because she was recently out of college. (I’m ignoring the two different personalities. Based on how NWO comes across on here, I wouldn’t want him as a coworker, but net personas aren’t always the same as in-the-flesh personalities.)”

The discrimination I faced was purely for being a man, no other reason. The woman applying for the same position had a degree in mangement, that’s all. No electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, design or troubleshooting. My hands on experience in comparison along with customer relations and managing teams of workers placed me in a league she couldn’t begin to approach. We know the State does enforce quotas for those they employ. The State will only deal with companies that comply with their “standard.” So if pepsico wants to continue to have a contract with the 22 million State employees, they’ll comply. The State is the #1 purchaser of virtually every product. And that is power.

Saying I’m flush with sophistry means nothing. I’m stating facts alone, 20% of the armend forces are women while 2% of the casualties are women. There can only be two reasons for this, they are unable or unwilling to engage in front line combat. How can a fact constitute sophistry? Meanwhile, you consistently point to supposed personal examples of women always being better, braver, more courage, more valor, basically better in every way. Never even just “equal,” always better. Why is it the feminists cheered Jane Fonda for calling the bad soldiers in Vietnam baby killers, yet the feminists here cheer for women in the army today? Aren’t they “baby killers” as well? It seems when a man kills he’s a macho thug murderer, when a woman kills she’s brave and courageous.

I’ve lied about nothing, I’d fight to protect my own and to overthrow a tyranical Government, since there are no foreign threats. I don’t fit pipes, invent elevators, or care to know which car copanies smelt their own steel. I’ve never been to Iceland so I can’t say if I’d like it or not.

Feminist is internationally exported by the UN, this is also a fact. Go to the UN site, it’s not a secret. Capital letters are corporate, again, this is a fact. The Federal Reserve was founded in 1913, the great depression was 1929.

I’ve had 2 businesses and failed, a machine shop which did well for a few years, and installing digital readouts on milling machine, lathes, grinders. After a while all the machinery was either updated or was offered with digital readouts. The machine shop, if you knew anything about the Philadelphia suburbs you’d know that area has been devestated economically. Perhaps in your privileged little world things come easy, for the bottom feeders like myself, things are much tougher.

Have I answered all your questions?

13 years ago

Capital letters are corporate, again, this is a fact.

owlslave still waiting for you to explain what you think corporate means

13 years ago

If you are so bloody brilliant, with your manly brain, why aren’t you starting your own business? One where all the men will be well paid, and the women unable to compete in the fair marketplace of the NWOSlave?

VAWA… duh!

I’m stating facts alone, 20% of the armend forces are women while 2% of the casualties are women. There can only be two reasons for this, they are unable or unwilling to engage in front line combat.

Just keep ignoring facts and reality…
“Women are barred from joining combat branches”

forbidden by law
not allowed
off limits

13 years ago

I’ll give him this: no one can wallow in victimhood like our Slavey. I can feel the bitterness right through the Web.

13 years ago

I love how NWO is proudly undereducated and can barely add but is absolutely, 115% certain that the only reason the management position went to a woman out of college is because she was a woman.

Comrade Svilova
13 years ago

And…feminists are the ones pushing for women to be allowed into those branches of the service. And if there is a draft, to include women. Go figure.

13 years ago

NWO: Saying I’m flush with sophistry means nothing. I’m stating facts alone, 20% of the armend forces are women while 2% of the casualties are women.

Which is sophistic Bullshit. Women are prohibited from being in Combat Arms MOSs, which means the law forbids them from being on the direct conflict missions.

I have not said women are better soldiers than men. I have said they are better human beings than you. That they happen to have more courage, honor, integrity, dignity and self-respect just happens to be part and parcel of that.

You don’t care to know which companies smelt their own steel, but you invented a machine to test the alloy of steel in manufacture. That’s a smelting test.

Have you answered all my questions… no, but you’ve done better than you usuall do in terms of responsiveness; if no better in logical construction or grasp of history and fact

13 years ago

In WWII, women reporters were not allowed to report on combat stories. Lee Miller was unexpectedly caught in a combat situation while on assignment–and afterwards was briefly arrested for violating these terms.

She was pretty awesome.

13 years ago

Also, while it’s incredibly generous to suggest that NWO didn’t get the job because of ageism, or even because he didn’t have a college degree, vastly the most probable explanation is that he started ranting about capitalization in employment contracts partway through.