disgusting women evil women man boobz fun time videos men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men racism reactionary bullshit vaginas

Man Boobz Video 6: Are North American white women a bunch of whiney-vagineys?

Well, Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party is back, and you may notice a few changes. First, the bad news: Tiny Bunny and Small Dog are on hiatus. The Good News: I’ve moved on from Xtranormal to a real animation program, Muvizu, and am now using actual human beings for the voices.

This episode takes us to scenic Los Angeles to meet a fellow calling himself John, who offers some reflections on North American white women. He’s not fond of them. Apparently he’s much more fond of African and Latin American women. It’s not clear if any women of any race are fond of him and, if so, why on earth that would be. I found John’s little monologue on the blog Boycott American Women.

Playing the of John from Los Angeles, or at least his voice, is Jack Rose. Big, big thanks to Jack for an excellent job, and on very short notice.



Here’s the somewhat edited version of John’s monologue I used in the video:

Many of the stupidest women i have ever met were white females from North America. Truth is, white north american females are really like the old Ford clunkers our grand-parents used to buy: they are unreliable, expensive, rather grotesque, and dangerously unpredictable.

White women are truly pigs. Can we expedite the caliphate so that they get the come-uppance they richly deserve? …

Ask any man who was stupid enough to marry one of these pigs and you’ll see exactly where I’m coming from. they have emotional problems, are deviants, amoral and just flat-out nasty; plus, they really are overweight, smelly and ill-mannered.

Only losers marry white females.  The tragedy for american women is that they’ve bitched their way right out of the marketplace. Men want something better and the rest of the world offers that. bye, bye, whiney-vagineys; the jig is up and men are looking elsewhere.

More Man Boobz videos are on the way.

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13 years ago

@holly- whatever floats your boat

13 years ago

NWOslave, how do you dress? What’s in your wardrobe? Do you wear ties?

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I’m going to ask my credit card company to put a picture of the Goatse guy on my credit card. And you know what? I bet they won’t do it. Damn feminism.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

While many of you might consider Libya, Afganistan and other countries where our forces are deployed an imminent threat, I, on the other hand, think for myself and can see no foreign threat what-so-ever.

Wow…Slavey said something I actually agree with. Maybe it’s time to re-think my position on this.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Sorry for the triple post, but “whiney vagineys?” Seriously? What is this guy, about 6 years old?

13 years ago

Captain – with slavey, it’s kind of like the million monkeys typing – sometimes something comes out that imitates rational views 🙂

13 years ago

Hi Spearhafoc! My 18yo godson was wearing a cool suit yesterday. Black with a black shirt and grey silk tie. He looked v classy. All to go for lunch with Nan and Aunty in the western suburbs. He asked me to get him a plain red satin tie for Christmas. Reckon that would look good with the black suit?

13 years ago

NWO: I figure I’ll just use KathleenB’s comment to answer all of you since her sentiment encompasses most of your comments. Let me start by saying I’m not willing to take any bullets for “my” country for several reasons.

Then sit down and drink a ton of Shut The Fuck Up about how you think women aren’t doing it.

Spinless, gormless, chickenshit, hypocritical coward. Hiding behind the skirts of women, because you don’t want to get shot at.

All the various claims of how you think this war or that war to be unreasonaable don’t cancel out the pathetic sophistry of your saying (falsely) that women aren’t willing to get their ass shot off in combat zones.

They are, and you aren’t; and that makes all the difference, because not only are you lying about them, you are making an invidious comparison between them, and your “manly” self.

You aren’t worth a piece of spent chewing gum under one of their boots.

13 years ago

it’s kind of like the million monkeys typing

Yeah, bu’, ‘ave they read Shakespeare before?

Wouldn’t ‘appen. There hasn’t been one publication from a monkey.


13 years ago

He asked me to get him a plain red satin tie for Christmas. Reckon that would look good with the black suit?

Yeah, it can work.

Please ignore the fact that the guy in the picture doesn’t know how to button a jacket – the colours look okay, I think.

13 years ago

“Wow…Slavey said something I actually agree with. Maybe it’s time to re-think my position on this.”

I wouldn’t worry about it, Captain. Broken clocks and all that sort of thing.

13 years ago

Please ignore the fact that the guy in the picture doesn’t know how to button a jacket

lol. i actually hate the black suit black shirt look. your shirt should be color that plays off well against your tie.

13 years ago

Conspiracy theories are so entertaining!

Conspiracy theorists, on the other hand …

13 years ago

Yep, that red tie / black suit looks like what he’s going for. I wonder if I could talk him into a hat? That might be a bit much, though.

Where godson lives, no one wears a suit at all, except to go to court. He has just this week moved into his own flat, after 3 years in a refuge for homeless kids. I’m pretty impressed that he cares about how he dresses. It helps that he is handsome as hell (says the totally unbiased Aunt). 🙂

13 years ago

“henious acts of tom-foolery”

And two counts on Aggravated Hi-jinx in the first degree, but we think we can cut a deal; testify against the other Little Rascals and the judge is willing to reduce the charges to a single shenanigan.

Re: the original video, I love the acting; it really made the character come alive, unlike the previous ones, where the computer voice didn’t add much. More like this, please!

13 years ago

I heart black suit/black shirt/red tie, personally. Solid colored ties are the way to go.

My husband wore an ascot at our wedding, and it was good.

13 years ago


Solid colored ties are the way to go.

totally disagree. being dressed up as a guy usually means that the only real place to have something that really stands out is your tie, so i like to wear ties that really grab your attention

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

getting high

just talk about smoking weed here

13 years ago

Hold up. You get high and decide to post on Manboobz? Do you get out, like, at all?

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Spinless, gormless, chickenshit, hypocritical coward. Hiding behind the skirts of women, because you don’t want to get shot at.

Private Slavey of the 101st fighting keyboarders, not reporting for duty of any kind.

Living up to his name, Slavey gets pwned once again.

13 years ago

David, have you been getting high with MRAL?

13 years ago
13 years ago

I’ll admit that I wouldn’t be willing to take up arms unless my home were threatened, but that’s as much a religious objection as it is fear of pain. You’d think ‘An it harm none, do as you will” would be pretty freeing, but it’s not always.

Okay, I guess I know that I’d take up arms to keep another from harm. Learned that the hard way tonight when a woman was yanked off the street screaming. The guy’s lucky she was between him and my husband, though, because I’ve never seen him more angry. Hells, he’s lucky he didn’t come out my way, or I would’ve beaten him up, too. She’s fine, but he got away. And I kinda wish I had some of MRAL’s weed right about now…

13 years ago

Don’t mean to trigger anyone, I just… need to tell someone, and the internet is up right now.