disgusting women evil women man boobz fun time videos men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men racism reactionary bullshit vaginas

Man Boobz Video 6: Are North American white women a bunch of whiney-vagineys?

Well, Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party is back, and you may notice a few changes. First, the bad news: Tiny Bunny and Small Dog are on hiatus. The Good News: I’ve moved on from Xtranormal to a real animation program, Muvizu, and am now using actual human beings for the voices.

This episode takes us to scenic Los Angeles to meet a fellow calling himself John, who offers some reflections on North American white women. He’s not fond of them. Apparently he’s much more fond of African and Latin American women. It’s not clear if any women of any race are fond of him and, if so, why on earth that would be. I found John’s little monologue on the blog Boycott American Women.

Playing the of John from Los Angeles, or at least his voice, is Jack Rose. Big, big thanks to Jack for an excellent job, and on very short notice.



Here’s the somewhat edited version of John’s monologue I used in the video:

Many of the stupidest women i have ever met were white females from North America. Truth is, white north american females are really like the old Ford clunkers our grand-parents used to buy: they are unreliable, expensive, rather grotesque, and dangerously unpredictable.

White women are truly pigs. Can we expedite the caliphate so that they get the come-uppance they richly deserve? …

Ask any man who was stupid enough to marry one of these pigs and you’ll see exactly where I’m coming from. they have emotional problems, are deviants, amoral and just flat-out nasty; plus, they really are overweight, smelly and ill-mannered.

Only losers marry white females.  The tragedy for american women is that they’ve bitched their way right out of the marketplace. Men want something better and the rest of the world offers that. bye, bye, whiney-vagineys; the jig is up and men are looking elsewhere.

More Man Boobz videos are on the way.

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Jill the Spinster
Jill the Spinster
13 years ago

Really AZ? Why not just admit that some MRA websites and some MRA posters care more about sex with Young, Hot, Women than father’s rights or more legitimate men’s rights issues?

John Rambo
John Rambo
13 years ago


And congratulations to the world’s biggest mangina-emasculated-[homophobic slur redacted –DF] David Futrelle for giving more hits to my website. Thanks bro!

Why American men should boycott American women

I am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don’t know how to cook or clean, don’t want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?

American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.

This blog is my attempt to explain why I feel American women are inferior to foreign women (non-American women), and why American men should boycott American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.


Are you a man who is interested in marrying indian women? Please visit, India’s 1st International Marriage Bride Site:

13 years ago

oh cool, antz has moved on to unnecessary caps to make his non-points

* Violence against WOMEN act (men need to protect women)

for the millionth fucking time, vawa is gender neutral. the text does not use gendered nouns. it protects male victims of domestic violence the same as female victims. vawa is just a name. it has no legal significance.

13 years ago

What is with these assholes and their use of the word “marketplace?” People are not items to be bought and sold in marketplaces…unless you’re a woman being analyzed by a misogynist, apparently. No wonder these guys don’t like American women; they refuse to take shit from these guys.

13 years ago

Men, collectively, pay FAR MORE into the Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid systems than they receive in benefits.
Women, collectively, pay FAR LESS into the Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid systems than they receive in benefits.

So you admit there is pay disparity. Good to know.

Men (on average) have higher costs for car insurance and life insurance.

Men (on average) drive motorcycle more. Men (on average) drive sports cars more. Men (on average) drive agressivly.

How come there is no talk of socializing car insurance and life insurance?

You must have missed that little thing we like to the ACA, where feminists asked for single payer and end of life counceling.

Why not have an automatic pay-check tax for these costs?

You must have missed that little thing where feminist fought against the payroll tax holiday and for an increase on the upper income brackets to save and extend social security.

Let’s face it, you ignore everything that doesn’t fit into your pre-established view that women suck. Honestly women don’t OWE you anything. Grow up.

13 years ago

I need to just start using ” marks.

13 years ago

I got out of the boat and took a look.

“American women are manly, they equal emasculation, they’re sluts, they’re fat, they’re stupid, they’re nasty, they’re sluts, they watch Bridezillas, they are Bridezillas, they don’t cook, they’re fat, they’re vicious sociopaths, they’re very dangerous, they’re monsters, they don’t want good men, they don’t want families, they have children, they’re fat, they’re low class, they’re spoiled little brats, they’re bitter, they’re liberal idiots, they’re all bad apples, they give nothing but headaches, they suck, they’re hypocrites, they’re selfish, they’re fat…”

And my favorite: “American women complain too much.”

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

“MRA’s like to say how the wage gap is a myth. Seriously, woman-haters, choose: between the claim that men and women are paid equally and the claim that men pay more in taxes, one of these claims has to go. You can’t have both.”

BOTH are true. Men make more because:
women CHOOSE to work fewer years,
women CHOOSE to work in fields that pay less
women CHOOSE to work fewer hours per week
women CHOOSE to work in fields with lower risk, etc.

It is time for women to pay their own way. The “wage gape” would disappear if men were not responsible for paying the difference between women’s CHOICES and the word’s REALITIES.


Men should be responsible for men’s choices
Women should be responsible for women’s choices


Time for women to either CHOOSE hard, dirty, dangerous, brutal, hot, unpleasant, uncertain, unpredictable work OR to face longer working years and higher taxes.

MRM: Equality
Feminism: Pampering

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

“bye, bye, whiney-vagineys; the jig is up and men are looking elsewhere”

I am going to miss that charming gentleman. He was so classy.


13 years ago

“wage gape”


And I reiterate my question: Do you ever consider the possibility that you might be wrong about anything? Ever?

13 years ago

Holy cow on a pogo stick, Anthony. That is such a steaming load of horse pucky, I can’t even wrap my mind around it.

I think my brain has flatlined here. I just…Dude, you do realize there are women in the army nowadays, right? Because they CHOSE to be there and in fact fought for the right to fight for their countries.

There are women as field reporters in dangerous countries, because they CHOSE to take those jobs. They constantly put their lives on the line. They, too, once had to fight for the right to be allowed to do such jobs.

There are women in science, working with deadly diseases, because they CHOSE to work in the field of science. Guess what? That’s right, women FOUGHT to be allowed to be scientists. Fuck, they’re still fighting for that right now, but because of men like you, many of them are still passed over for jobs they’re highly qualified for, because hey, a MAN applied.

Women are doctors, working long, hard hours all through the night. Women are archaeologists and paleontologists, working in hot desert sun or steamy 100+ degree jungles. Women are college professors and game developers and chefs and dentists, etc.

Because women fought for the rights to be able to do those things. Women were kept from jobs for centuries.And it was not our CHOICE that kept us there. It was MEN.

P.S. If we weren’t fighting for our rights to have jobs, we’d still be in the kitchen and you’d STILL be footing the bill, doofus.

P.P.S See, I can use caps too.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Time for women to either CHOOSE hard, dirty, dangerous, brutal, hot, unpleasant, uncertain, unpredictable work OR to face longer working years and higher taxes.”

Dang, take out “dangerous” and that describes my career as a waitress.

I’m not sure if there’s necessarily a correlation between dirty job = high paying job. Construction did not pay very well last time I looked.

13 years ago

Antz:“Men make more because:
women CHOOSE to work fewer years,
women CHOOSE to work in fields that pay less
women CHOOSE to work fewer hours per week
women CHOOSE to work in fields with lower risk, etc.

Men like you CHOOSE to limit your role in the family to working outside the home
Men like you CHOOSE dirty and unpleasant jobs because you are too lazy to find a better one
Men like you CHOOSE not to lift a finger around the house and to do nothing to care for your children
Men like you CHOOSE to work in fields with high risk because those fields offer inflated pay and numerous perks.

You — MRA’s — have to live with the consequences of your choices. You choose to use your wife as a servant — you have to live with paying her back wages when you split up. You choose not to spend any time with your children — you have to live with not having any custody of them, and your children not giving two shits about you. You choose a low-skilled job that pays a high school graduate $80 per hour, you damn well better put your life on the line. You choose to hit your children — you live with the consequence of never seeing them again. You choose to hit your wife — you go to jail and suck it up. You choose to be a lousy husband — don’t whine when the tables are turned. You choose to be a piece of shit who hates women — don’t be surprised if we treat you like a piece of shit who hates women.

Also, you choose to bitch about how women shouldn’t earn more than their husbands — don’t claim that women “choose” to be poor.

So far, I don’t see any evidence that you personally take any responsibility for anything. Whatever bad happens to any man, any time, it’s always the fault of women, or feminists, or Marxists, or whatever. Never your fault.

Feminism: Responsibility and Equality
MRA: Whining and misogyny

13 years ago

Sometimes men and women make choices together! Then what?????

Men make more because:
women CHOOSE to work fewer years,
women CHOOSE to work in fields that pay less
women CHOOSE to work fewer hours per week
women CHOOSE to work in fields with lower risk, etc.

men CHOOSE not to take equal part in raising their children,
men (or I guess we could just say “society” here) CHOOSE not to value fields that women traditionally enter,
(again) men CHOOSE not to take equal part in raising their children
AntZ CHOOSES not to notice that higher on-the-job risk seldom is tied into higher rate of pay, etc.

Gee, this is fun, AntZ! What a great game! Do a few more choices women make, will ya? I didn’t get to do the part where large corporations often systematically overlook women for promotions, and where women who want to enter those dirty, dangerous fields you’re obsessed with often face stereotypes, sexual harassment, and worse.

13 years ago

“Time for women to either CHOOSE hard, dirty, dangerous, brutal, hot, unpleasant, uncertain, unpredictable work OR to face longer working years and higher taxes.”

Those are the alternatives? Work in the mines and kill mammoths. Uh, OK.

13 years ago

Fuck AntZ and his derail attempt.

The whiner in the video has a LOT of nerve to say women have bitched their way out of the marketplace. What’s he doing?

13 years ago

Are men boycotting me? I haven’t really noticed.

13 years ago


aw…. poor widdums has people making fun of his position, and encouraging him to go his own way (preferably far away from us, and ours) and he thinks we are depressed.

I don’t think this is the place to make your sales pitch.

13 years ago

It’s a very disorganized boycott. They should probably think of setting up a twitter account.

13 years ago

AntZ, I’m so glad we agree about the causes of the wage gap. Now, why do women overwhelmingly tend to choose these things?


How do we solve this problem?


13 years ago

@ malcontent; now that is some scab work I can get behind…

13 years ago

“If men general pay more for social services, it is because they generally earn more.”

Men make more because they work more. I believe it’s around 11% more hours a week plus they work more years. Men die earlier because of this and other factors such as 2 to 1 private medical expenditure on women, and since Big Daddy has 10 federally funded health agencies for women and 0 for men, well that means many billions more a year for women and none for men.

Men don’t “naturally” die 6 or 7 years earlier in this country there are very tangible reasons. In Russia, the birthplace of modern communist feminism the men die on average 14 years earlier. That’s where were headed in the west.
“Yes, it is unfair that men have to pay more for insurance and live less long. That’s why we should discourage men from associating masculinity with risky behaviors and lack of concern for one’s health. What’s the only major social movement trying to do that? Oh yeah. FEMINISM.”

As I explained above, the “more feminism” you offer was offered in the former Soviet Union, the birthplace of modern feminism. When men are dying in the west 14 years earlier will the solution be even more feminism?
“for the millionth fucking time, vawa is gender neutral. the text does not use gendered nouns. it protects male victims of domestic violence the same as female victims. vawa is just a name. it has no legal significance.”

The power and contol wheel which is the basis of VAWA. You can tell the same lie a million times Goebbels, yet it’s still a lie.
“Dude, you do realize there are women in the army nowadays, right? Because they CHOSE to be there and in fact fought for the right to fight for their countries.”

Women are not placed in the same combat roles as men, they are coddled in the armed forces. They are “given” office, communications, logistics jobs away combat, which are coincidentally the jobs with the fast track to promotion and higher pay. Women make up around 20% of the armed forces yet suffer far disproportionally less casualties then 20%. Anyone who says women “want” to be on the front lines so they can die is a liar.
“Men like you CHOOSE to limit your role in the family to working outside the home
Men like you CHOOSE dirty and unpleasant jobs because you are too lazy to find a better one
Men like you CHOOSE not to lift a finger around the house and to do nothing to care for your children
Men like you CHOOSE to work in fields with high risk because those fields offer inflated pay and numerous perks.”

#1) Supporting your family by working outside the home isn’t a “choice” it’s a neccesity and deserves the same respect as “primary caretaker.”
#2) AA, quota’s and such laws mean men don’t have that choice. When you see teams paving the roads and women holding the stop signs thats a quota, yet those women aren’t shoveling the blacktop, ever wonder why?
#3) Why is the man who installed the rug gets no credit yet the woman who vacuums does? Or the 11% extra outside the home? For every “invisible” hour a woman works towards the family so does a man. So why is his “invisible” work invisible still?
#4) Again, in my job for example I risk death and right now it’s about 135 degrees in the ceiling which is 35 feet. I’ve already told you I didn’t get the higher paying, no risk job at pepsico because a wasn’t a woman. Big Daddy sets quotas, otherwise Big Daddy won’t buy pepsico products. And Big Daddy as 22 million employees and since money is no object when all ya gotta do is raise taxes, Big Daddy is powerful.

13 years ago

the power and control wheel was the basis for vawa? that doesnt even make sense.

owlslave, serioulsy, go read the text of vawa. it consistently says person. not woman. nothing you can say or will say will change the fact that the statutoy text is gender neutral, because it is and any person who can read can see that.

13 years ago

Again, in my job for example I risk death and right now it’s about 135 degrees in the ceiling which is 35 feet.

More tantalizing tidbits in the “what does NWO do?” question.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

It’s about babies.

All this shit about “women just don’t like careers”; it’s because women don’t have time for careers when they’re taking care of babies. (Or if they don’t have a baby, they’re still suspected of being about to pop one out at any moment.) The reason men are able to work hard and long hours at paid work is because they’re not working hard and long hours raising babies.

If we had adequate childcare in this country, and if parents split the rest of the work 50-50 (and that means the work, not the money), I think we’d see the gender gap drop off fast.

Or women could just be spending all day eating bon-bons because there’s something fundamentally wrong with women themselves because we are born to evil. It could totally be that.