disgusting women evil women man boobz fun time videos men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men racism reactionary bullshit vaginas

Man Boobz Video 6: Are North American white women a bunch of whiney-vagineys?

Well, Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party is back, and you may notice a few changes. First, the bad news: Tiny Bunny and Small Dog are on hiatus. The Good News: I’ve moved on from Xtranormal to a real animation program, Muvizu, and am now using actual human beings for the voices.

This episode takes us to scenic Los Angeles to meet a fellow calling himself John, who offers some reflections on North American white women. He’s not fond of them. Apparently he’s much more fond of African and Latin American women. It’s not clear if any women of any race are fond of him and, if so, why on earth that would be. I found John’s little monologue on the blog Boycott American Women.

Playing the of John from Los Angeles, or at least his voice, is Jack Rose. Big, big thanks to Jack for an excellent job, and on very short notice.



Here’s the somewhat edited version of John’s monologue I used in the video:

Many of the stupidest women i have ever met were white females from North America. Truth is, white north american females are really like the old Ford clunkers our grand-parents used to buy: they are unreliable, expensive, rather grotesque, and dangerously unpredictable.

White women are truly pigs. Can we expedite the caliphate so that they get the come-uppance they richly deserve? …

Ask any man who was stupid enough to marry one of these pigs and you’ll see exactly where I’m coming from. they have emotional problems, are deviants, amoral and just flat-out nasty; plus, they really are overweight, smelly and ill-mannered.

Only losers marry white females.  The tragedy for american women is that they’ve bitched their way right out of the marketplace. Men want something better and the rest of the world offers that. bye, bye, whiney-vagineys; the jig is up and men are looking elsewhere.

More Man Boobz videos are on the way.

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13 years ago

They are, in other words, FEMINISTS.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, AntZ. You don’t pay my Social Security and Medicare — I pay YOUR Social Security and Medicare, more likely than not.”

Men, collectively, pay FAR MORE into the Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid systems than they receive in benefits.

Women, collectively, pay FAR LESS into the Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid systems than they receive in benefits.

If you are an exception to this general rule, congratulations. There are very few like you.

In case you thought this was “just coincidence, because women live longer, and because women have more health care expenses”, explain this:

Men (on average) have higher costs for car insurance and life insurance. How come there is no talk of socializing car insurance and life insurance? Why not have an automatic pay-check tax for these costs?

Answer: because it is no coincidence. Feminists have been fighting for “socializing” every cost that impacts women more than men — but would cry bloody murder if anyone talked about socializing costs that impact men more than women.


>>> Men and women should both be responsible for the choices that women make.

Which is what I said in the beginning.
Which is also what the “boycott American women” losers believe.


Truth can be an eye opening thing, eh?

13 years ago

Literally, there is nothing in AntZ’s words to address. When you say “people who think women suck are FEMINISTS” there’s literally nothing you can argue with because you can’t possibly rephrase or break down the statement in any way that’s simpler or more obviously untrue.

BTW, AntZ, whatever NWO may say, putting it in capital letters doesn’t contractually obligate it to be true.

13 years ago

AntZ: But what about the wedgie for my ex? Can I really go to court and have a judge issue an order for my ex to undergo a wedgie? Because I control the courts?

13 years ago

Also, AntZ: you are conflating two completely different kinds of insurance. You might as well say that since there is Medicare for old people, why the hell isn’t housing socialized? Especially since women use it so much more?

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

” … why the hell isn’t housing socialized? Especially since women use it so much more? …”

It IS:

Men are 92% of the UNSHELTERED homeless.
Men are 68% of the SHELTERED homeless.
[From PIT survey conducted in January … probably much worse in July]

The difference between these two numbers is because housing IS socialized. A “homeless” man lives on the streets. A “homeless” woman lives in socialized housing.

13 years ago

Ooh ooh ooh! I can define words however I want too! Let’s see… Ah.

femINISTs think that women should be able to do whatever they want, as long as the government isn’t being unfair in supporting their actions. Allowing women free choice over their actions makes you a femINIST!

“Here is what an MRA thinks: Women should make whatever choices they want, AND MEN SHOULD NOT BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THOSE CHOICES.”

I see… Well then. MRAs ARE femINISTs! Antz is a femINIST!

side note: Social Security and Medicare? Completely gender agnostic. Men are paying for women as much as they are paying for other men, and women are paying for both genders. VOWA is a specific law designed to combat a particular problem, namely spousal abuse, just like hate crime legislation, DV, etc. Law is complicated, and pointing to one law that has gendered terms and saying “AHA!” is about as silly as pointing towards drunk driving laws and saying “See? The entire government is against drinking!”

another side note: Antz, I second a question aimed at you. What the hell are you smoking?

13 years ago

Truth can be an eye opening thing, eh?

You are utterly unqualified to make that statement.

13 years ago

AntZ: Tax laws are gender neutral. If men general pay more for social services, it is because they generally earn more. Which is funny, because MRA’s like to say how the wage gap is a myth. Seriously, woman-haters, choose: between the claim that men and women are paid equally and the claim that men pay more in taxes, one of these claims has to go. You can’t have both.

And your comment on socialized comment is completely incoherent.

13 years ago

AntZ: All the feminists I’ve been intimate with sucked. I kind of liked it.

Oh… you weren’t talking about sex? Never mind.

13 years ago

Interestingly, this pamphlet defines homelessness in such a way that people living with family (like parents) are not considered homeless. The same survey states that “single men comprised 51% of the homeless population and single women comprised 17%” in a study done in 2005.

A couple questions follow:
* Do women tend to live with family if they can’t hold housing of their own?
* What percentage of women that would be homeless have kids?
* Does having kids play a role in the type of aid you can receive?

My guess is that those last two would account for a lot of the discrepancy.

[/trying to expose a kernel of a point that the troll brings up]

13 years ago

Raise your hand if you don’t trust statistics without citations.

13 years ago

“Men (on average) have higher costs for car insurance and life insurance.”

There’s a reason for that. Their behavior is far riskier.

13 years ago

[raises hand]

13 years ago


“Men are 92% of the UNSHELTERED homeless.
Men are 68% of the SHELTERED homeless.”


Erm… So women are 8% of the unsheltered homeless, and 32% of the sheltered… That’s not exactly overwhelming…

Furthermore it completely ignores any possible confounds, such as children involved, whether the men and women are part of families, how many of the men are veterans (my guess is veterans are usually male) and suffering from PTSD, mental status… In other words, it ignores pretty much everything to get a single figure that you didn’t bother to link to.

Just because figures between the genders are unequal doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily a result of bias. I think something like 35% of the homeless population is white, while 1% is asian. Does that mean asian people are veritable gods among mortals in the US? No. The numbers alone don’t show bias, you need to point out the mechanism as well, then provide evidence for that mechanism. Otherwise its taking what could be an actual problem and describing it as conspiracy nonsense.

13 years ago

AntZ, has it ever occurred to you that you might be wrong? Ever? About anything?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

This is the most bizarre argument I’ve yet heard against feminism.

“Feminists actually agree with the ‘Boycott American Women’ dude (what?!) so that’s why I hate feminists and why I’m boycotting American women.”

There’s like eight things in there I can’t possibly understand.

And one that I can: go ahead and boycott us. Have fun with that. We won’t miss ya. We weren’t actually retailers to begin with.

13 years ago

99.9% of AntZs hate elephants.

13 years ago


It might help to know that he agrees that American Women should be boycotted, but the dude in question is actually a feminist and doing it the wrong way. Good luck with the other 7 things. 😛

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Services like Medicaid and TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families) are typically given disproportionately to families with children. Poor families with children tend to be led by…wait for it…women! In my experience, this is overwhelmingly due to the father being voluntarily absent–i.e., running off and not paying child support. In other cases it’s due to there being active domestic violence, which often involves stalking or other forms of harassment. In still other cases, it’s because the father is in prison or is actively using drugs.

Admittedly, this all anecdata, but I’ve worked with a fair number of low income families over the past 10 years, and this pattern repeats again and again. I can count on one hand the number of cases where a father has wanted to see his kids but was totally prevented from doing so. I’ve seen more than few fathers receive visitation even when engaged in actively stalking and harassing their ex-spouses.

So, yeah, MRAland is not the world I inhabit.

13 years ago

@Captain Bathrobe:

Yeah, but you’re a feminist. You’re actual going out and doing shit biases your opinion. MRAs don’t actively help men, and thus may remain unbiased on made-up statistics and repeated assertions. Anec-data doesn’t count ever, unless you are relaying other people’s anecdata, and they are MRAs.

13 years ago

Yes, it is unfair that men have to pay more for insurance and live less long. That’s why we should discourage men from associating masculinity with risky behaviors and lack of concern for one’s health. What’s the only major social movement trying to do that? Oh yeah. FEMINISM.

13 years ago

You leave the Spice Girls alone.

I’ll TELL YA what I want, what I really really want!

So TELL ME what ya want, what ya really really want!

I want ah I want ah I wanna use the apparatus of the state to oppress menz! Aah~!

13 years ago

Insurance, how does it work?!

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago


Yeah, and most of the money for my work comes from Big Daddy Government, so you know it’s all tainted. Maybe I should study juice machine repair, instead.