disgusting women evil women man boobz fun time videos men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men racism reactionary bullshit vaginas

Man Boobz Video 6: Are North American white women a bunch of whiney-vagineys?

Well, Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party is back, and you may notice a few changes. First, the bad news: Tiny Bunny and Small Dog are on hiatus. The Good News: I’ve moved on from Xtranormal to a real animation program, Muvizu, and am now using actual human beings for the voices.

This episode takes us to scenic Los Angeles to meet a fellow calling himself John, who offers some reflections on North American white women. He’s not fond of them. Apparently he’s much more fond of African and Latin American women. It’s not clear if any women of any race are fond of him and, if so, why on earth that would be. I found John’s little monologue on the blog Boycott American Women.

Playing the of John from Los Angeles, or at least his voice, is Jack Rose. Big, big thanks to Jack for an excellent job, and on very short notice.



Here’s the somewhat edited version of John’s monologue I used in the video:

Many of the stupidest women i have ever met were white females from North America. Truth is, white north american females are really like the old Ford clunkers our grand-parents used to buy: they are unreliable, expensive, rather grotesque, and dangerously unpredictable.

White women are truly pigs. Can we expedite the caliphate so that they get the come-uppance they richly deserve? …

Ask any man who was stupid enough to marry one of these pigs and you’ll see exactly where I’m coming from. they have emotional problems, are deviants, amoral and just flat-out nasty; plus, they really are overweight, smelly and ill-mannered.

Only losers marry white females.  The tragedy for american women is that they’ve bitched their way right out of the marketplace. Men want something better and the rest of the world offers that. bye, bye, whiney-vagineys; the jig is up and men are looking elsewhere.

More Man Boobz videos are on the way.

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Vanessa Emma Goldman
Vanessa Emma Goldman
13 years ago

oh noez! Teh stoopid sexist loser boys are LOOKING ELSEWHERE!!!!!!! i feel really sorry for Elsewhere.

13 years ago

So you’re not fired, you quit? Okay, bye!

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Good luck with the misogyny, John. You’re going to need it, more places are moving towards gender equality. Fuckers like you should stay lonely.

13 years ago

Okay, I admit I had to look up caliphate. It’s a Muslim leader who rules using Sharia law. That’s right, this jackass wants Sharia law in America to punish white women. Klassy.

Roving Thundercloud
Roving Thundercloud
13 years ago

Long-time lurker, but the phrase “whiney-vagineys” dragged me out of the woodwork. Kiss your mother with that mouth, dude?

I may have to get a band together just so we can name ourselves that–only spelled correctly, of course.

13 years ago

“Many of the stupidest women i have ever met were white females from North America.”

Wait wait wait.

This guy has actually met women?

13 years ago

I heard “whiney-vagineys” in the voice of Borat.

13 years ago

He’s wrong about one thing. If we’re gonna talk about arrogant, self-entitled, loud, ignorant, vulgar, bitchy women who “embrace girl power” by essentially acting like douchebag men, you’ve got to also include Canada and Britain. 😉

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

Oh man, I thought I’d gotten out of being called a whiney vaginey :'( Curse you Johnny B!

13 years ago

Awesome video, David. I miss the tiny bunny and dog of some sort, but not the xtranormal voices. Well done, Jack Rose.

I’m also kind of digging the absolute nature of John from LA’s claims. Not just some American women are smelly and overweight and, um, amoral. Not most of them. ALL OF THEM ARE. Yup! Every single last one of us are all of those things. Is a little nuance too much to ask from misogynists?

I think I want a whiney vaginey t-shirt. I will pick one up at your concert, Roving Thundercloud.

13 years ago

He did include Canada. You don’t even read the people you’re so busy agreeing with, do you?

13 years ago

Oh no! Even the good women of Mexico are whiney vagineys. Que lastima.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I don’t think he’s in much of a position to accuse other people of being whiney vagineys.

I wonder; does this guy not leave the house and thus not know that North American white women have all sorts of personalities and lots of guys are happily dating them, or does he have special Bitterness Filter Goggles on that let him interpret all their actions as evil and all their partners as miserable captives?

“She smiled and told me to have a nice day! Manipulative woman trying to trick me into thinking she wasn’t evil.”
“He looked into his girlfriend’s eyes and kissed her! Poor fool being forced to appease her through these submissive, supplicative gestures.”

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

This is what I found on the FEMINIST site “Boycott American Women”:

* American women are manly
* American women are so fat
* Andrew says American women are basically useless
* Brian says American women are spoiled
* An American Woman admits most American women are stupid
* Frank says American women have nasty attitudes
* Canada male thinks American women are whores
* Matthew says American women are sluts
* Kenneth says American women don’t make good wives

It defies comprehension that a site called “Boycott American Women” can miss the bullseye so often. Here is why every American man should boycott every American woman:

* American laws, courts, and government practices give American women unlimited power over the property, income, freedom, children, and lives of any American man who is stupid enough to interact with an American woman.

It does not matter if American women are, or are not, (attach long list of “nice guy” grievances here).

The point is, any American woman who wants to behave in an abusive, violent, or predatory fashion has the FULL SUPPORT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AND THE COURTS.

Consequently, it is the right and duty of every American man to avoid any contact, relationship, or legal ties with an American woman.

It is so simple, and yet the blue pill FEMINIST fools at “boycott American women” can’t see this. They seem to believe that the “answer” is to shame every woman into behaving the way that the “nice guy” loser’s club wants them to. This makes them FEMINISTS.

The MRM:
>>> Men should be responsible for the choices that men make.
>>> Women should be responsible for the choices that women make.

>>> Men and women should both be responsible for the choices that women make.

Every breath out of the “nice guy” loser’s mouth confirms the fact that they are FEMINISTS. They think men should be responsible for the choices that women make, so they think that women need to make “better” choices.

Here is what an MRA thinks: Women should make whatever choices they want, AND MEN SHOULD NOT BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THOSE CHOICES.

So, I agree completely. I loath the FEMINISTS at “boycott American women”.

13 years ago

I know it’s a small thing to pick at, but their inaccurate metaphors always bug the crap out of me. Older cars were on the whole far better made and far more reliable than anything today, thanks to the emergence of planned obsolescense.

Wow, Anthony, what planet are you from, exactly?

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

“They seem to believe that the “answer” is to shame every woman into behaving the way that the “nice guy” loser’s club wants them to. This makes them FEMINISTS.”

Antz…what are you smoking? o_O

13 years ago

He’s wrong about one thing. If we’re gonna talk about arrogant, self-entitled, loud, ignorant, vulgar, bitchy women who “embrace girl power” by essentially acting like douchebag men, you’ve got to also include Canada and Britain.

You leave the Spice Girls alone.

13 years ago

This just lends further proof to the fact that almost any time someone uses the word “females” to refer to women (especially when they talk about “men and females” or “a man and a female”) will turn out to be a gigantic neckbeard.

13 years ago

AntZ, go tell it over there, then.

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

>>> Men and women should both be responsible for the choices that women make.

Some examples of recent issues that NOW feminists have self identified with:
* Violence against WOMEN act (men need to protect women)
* Social Security (men need to pay for women’s retirement)
* Medicare/Medicaid (men need to pay for women’s health care)

Conclusion: People who complain about the choices that women make are implying that men should be responsible for the choices that women make. They are, in other words, FEMINISTS.

13 years ago

Never mind, I figured it out. Planet Nowhere-Near-In-Touch-With-Reality. Got it.

13 years ago

Don’t get ahead of yourself, AntZ. You don’t pay my Social Security and Medicare — I pay YOUR Social Security and Medicare, more likely than not.

And courts supposedly giving women whatever women want, granting every application and so forth? Jesus, AntZ, where were you when I got divorced? Because if memory serves, my ex-husband took everything we had, cleaned out the bank accounts and left me in debt for HIS personal expenses. Also, he didn’t get a wedgie — which I would, like, totally order the court to do to him if I were as fully in control of the system as you claim I am.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

“they have emotional problems, are deviants, amoral and just flat-out nasty; plus, they really are overweight, smelly and ill-mannered.”

Hey, who is he calling ill-mannered?!

13 years ago

Smelly, he says? Well, I know someone who hasn’t been to a crowded Italian piazza on a hot summer day.

13 years ago

Expedite the caliphate! Expedite the caliphate! Expedite the caliphate!

That was fun.

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