douchebaggery man boobz fun time videos men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys rape rapey sex

Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party 5: A Nice Guy’s plea

Tiny Bunny and Small Dog are trying a new look this week, or however long it’s been since the last one of these. It’s a crass attempt to appeal to space aliens.

This time the horrible misogynist quote comes from an anonymous confession on the web site Group Hug , a site devoted to anonymous confessions. In it, a Nice Guy argues that dating is all about “give and take.” Thanks to Denia for posting the link in the comments!

The full quote can be found below the video. (I did some teensy edits to it in the video.)

Mr. Anonymous 174618126 says:

You want a good guy to fall in love with you. Guys want some hot tail. That’s the game. You give and take, we give and take. It’s impossible for two people to even co-exist happily without this give and take process, let alone have a good relationship. So every time you tell me “Uh? I’m more than just a piece of ass, I’m—-” I don’t even hear the rest. I’m well aware you’re not just a piece of ass, you cunt. If I thought that, I wouldn’t talk to you and try to get your consent; I’d just take you. But to give the famous line “I’m more than just a piece of ass” is pretty much the same as saying you’re not interested in even entertaining the idea of us sleeping together. And that means you’re not worth my time or any man’s time.

I’m being fair. Women like you don’t want a man, you want a slave. Someone you can command to bark, sniff, and roll over. Something you can play fetch with. It would be the same thing if I came over to your house, forced you to give me head, and left. I don’t want to be a slave and you don’t want to be my bitch. So why is it so difficult to meet me half way?

I’m so sick of this shit. So very very sick. If you’re not interested in me then don’t fucking talk to me.

Mr. Anonymous 174618126, I feel safe in saying that no one who has read what you just wrote will ever want to talk to you.

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13 years ago

What, do you live in Vanuatu or something? It’s four in the afternoon.

against timezones

13 years ago

What, do you live in Vanuatu or something? It’s four in the afternoon.

Sure, American women are awake right now, but Asian women are starting to go to bed/sleeping now. And everyone knows Asian women are way way way better.

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago


I don’t greet people with “Hi, I’m Holly, I’m not just meat,” and I don’t know another human who does.

Zie’d have to be named “Holly,” for one thing.


Pure speculation on my part. There is no evidence of his putting women on a pedestal, he obviously doesn’t state this is his comment, I just assume that this is what led him to his state of mind.

So, um, why is it not equally kosher to assume misogyny led you to yours?


oooooomigoooood you are the biggest fucking herb on the planet. who does this kind of petulant smarm actually work on.

I still think he’s Ignatius P. Reilly. Even after all the intervening comments.

13 years ago

Of course it’s the wide-brimmed 50′s style not the modern brimless pin stripped type that hipsters wear.

Fedoras with narrow brims are called trilbies. They’re not actually fedoras at all; they’re a completely different kind of hat with their own separate history.

I own two fedoras (a black one and a grey one), as well as a black trilby. They are all in classic styles. They are all awesome.

I wear nothing in my wardrobe ironically.

13 years ago

“VoiP and Sharculese, I hope that between my moments of peaceful slumber, I’ll dream of you sweet, sweet, ladies. Even though I know not the beauty of your faces, I hope to bask in the radiant glow of your inner beauty which you have shown to me by your kind and inspiring words. Good night.”


Whiny ass titty-baby.

13 years ago

Fedoras with narrow brims are called trilbies. They’re not actually fedoras at all; they’re a completely different kind of hat with their own separate history.

I own two fedoras (a black one and a grey one), as well as a black trilby. They are all in classic styles. They are all awesome.

I wear nothing in my wardrobe ironically.

Yeah, well, you’re awesome. I was referring to people who dress like Young Republicans, if you get my drift.

13 years ago

@ Noinayamu

From Urban Dictionary:

“titty-baby” : One who is so whiny that he would likely be seen sucking a nipple such as an infant.

I can often be found sucking women’s nipples, what’s your point?

@ Hershele Ostropoler

“So, um, why is it not equally kosher to assume misogyny led you to yours?”

Oh but it is, or rather, it is equally non-kosher to do so. The difference being that I can recognise and accept this. Others here can’t.

Developers who like to play with fire (and trolls)....
Developers who like to play with fire (and trolls)....
13 years ago

You know, it almost looks like there’s more misandry in the source material than the comment thread. What, would that be like a first for Manboobz? I mean, I thought you guys were supposed to promote misandry and mock misogyny, but it seems that you folks are mocking a post that is reeks of misandry. After all, he’s suggesting that men can’t (or, shouldn’t) fall in love. How insulting is that?

Slightly more seriously, I’m trying to understand how this guy falls under the designation of being a “Nice Guy ™”. I thought that “Nice Guy ™”s were guys who have difficulties asking complete strangers for sex or a relationship, and thus try to form some other connection with a woman before asking for sex or a relationship. This guy really doesn’t seem interested in any such connection. In fact, you might say that he’s specifically disinterested.

13 years ago

I’m getting whiplash as qwert jumps back and forth from smarmy superiority to playing along to NWO-style “I’m just not as smart as you geniuses!”

13 years ago

“I can often be found sucking women’s nipples, what’s your point?”


13 years ago


any day now

13 years ago

Oh crap, I’m an agnosticish left anarchist libertarian who likes Chesterton… I don’t have a fedora, though. And I have boobs…

13 years ago

Really, who would say something like, “I’m more than just a piece of ass.” That rates right up there with, “you don’t see women as human” or “you objectify women.” You’d have to be some assinine ideology worshipper to say anything so damn stupid.

Woman logic:

Dress in tight, revealing clothes. Complain about being objectified.

Use sex as a reward/punishment system to control men. Say “I’m more than a piece of meat!”

Also, this: (hey, this blog is about mocking, right?)

There are some techniques I can’t bring myself to perform… no matter how effective they are. No way, that’s just not something I can bear the thought of having done.

“I have learned… the terrible secrets of the kung-fu masters of the east! But the White Demon Palm technique is too powerful for any mere mortal! I must… vow never to use it! With such great power comes great responsibility! Yet I will remind people I know it, for I am a pompous self-aggrandizing windbag!” 😛

13 years ago


any day now

Yep, once he manages to pry himself off that teat he’s totally striking out on his own!

13 years ago

Use sex as a reward/punishment system to control men.

Punishment? That’s some sex right there.

13 years ago

Could be, I guess… but I meant “sex and the withdrawal thereof”. 😛

13 years ago

Could be, I guess… but I meant “sex and the withdrawal thereof”.

Even if some women do this? Not just in the “they’re women, so of course they do, hur hur amiright” way, but genuinely mess with their partners by withholding their affections? Believe it or not, there are relationships where men withhold sex as a control trip too. Turns out both men and women can be manipulative.

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago

qwert, if such attribution of motives isn’t kosher, you’re going to retract your defense of him, right?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

“Dress in tight, revealing clothes. Complain about being objectified.”

Even when men are sexual creatures, they are not objects, they are people. Women should always complain about being objectified.

“Use sex as a reward/punishment system to control men. Say “I’m more than a piece of meat!””
So you’re just a garden variety MRA who managed to maintain a facade of caring about reality for about a full day longer than the others. I’m not surprised.

Women as an aggregate do not use sex as a reward/punishment system, you stupid twit.

“Also, this: (hey, this blog is about mocking, right?)”
It’s about mocking misogyny, but you knew that, you just wanted to take a cheap dig at someone.

13 years ago

Believe it or not, there are relationships where men withhold sex as a control trip too.

Yes, although that can be solved by douching with Lysol.

13 years ago

Dress in tight, revealing clothes. Complain about being objectified.

Heaven forbid women show up in swimsuits at the pool.

13 years ago

You really can’t understand the difference between attraction and objectification can you?

13 years ago

I wonder how these jackasses would manage to dress themselves if they suddenly had a woman’s body. Would they only wear long frumpy dresses that are three sizes too big? Saggy overalls? But wait, that’s how the apocryphal feminazis dress. Women are supposed to be appealing to the eye and conventional and eager to please men. So, that would lead us to the conventional clothing for women. You know, fitted clothing that reveals the shape of the body. So, I guess they better hope to have a body that leaves men indifferent.

I have an hourglass shape, and it’s almost impossible to hide it. The breasts and hips are obvious. There are a zillion things I can’t wear without looking trashy. I sometimes order my dresses from a company that caters to Mormon women who want to dress modestly. The dresses still look a bit racy on me because of the way I fill them out. However, I learned at fifteen that I’d be dealing with inappropriate behavior from certain men no matter what I wore. It’s not the clothes; it’s just men without social boundaries. I like flirting just fine. I don’t like feeling threatened or pursued after I have communicated my lack of interest.

13 years ago

Woman logic:

Dress in tight, revealing clothes. Complain about being objectified.

Use sex as a reward/punishment system to control men. Say “I’m more than a piece of meat!”

*eye roll* *facepalm* *bang head on desk*

What is it with misogynists? Are they deaf? Do they take stupid pills? Have they been doing so much penile tip gazing, they are oblivious to the reality around them? Some combination of the three?

For the umpteen-millionth time, for those whose heads are apparently filled with particle board:

Lusting after someone: NOT objectification
Wanting to touch a woman’s breasts, ass, whatever: NOT objectification
Having sex without commitment: NOT objectification

Denying the humanity of the person you are lusting after: objectification
Regarding oneself as someone who acts and the object of one’s lust as someone who is only to be acted upon: objectification
Regarding the object of your lust as someone who has no moral right to reject you once you feel attracted to her: objectification
Seeing the other person merely as a tool for gratifying your desires and giving no consideration to gratifying theirs: objectification
Therefore, forcing a woman to dress in a burka so that she doesn’t “control” you with her tits: a form of objectification
Expecting women to render themselves less attractive in order to avoid being treated as pieces of meat, then mocking them for being insufficiently alluring to you = treating women as pieces of meat

Bonus material:

Wanting to look attractive to the opposite sex =/= wanting to control members of the opposite sex

Wanting to look attractive to the opposite sex =/= wanting to be treated like shit

Is this “woman logic” sufficiently clear for you, or do you need a diagram?

13 years ago

Woman logic:

Aaaaannnd Johnny’s mask finally slips.

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