douchebaggery man boobz fun time videos men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys rape rapey sex

Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party 5: A Nice Guy’s plea

Tiny Bunny and Small Dog are trying a new look this week, or however long it’s been since the last one of these. It’s a crass attempt to appeal to space aliens.

This time the horrible misogynist quote comes from an anonymous confession on the web site Group Hug , a site devoted to anonymous confessions. In it, a Nice Guy argues that dating is all about “give and take.” Thanks to Denia for posting the link in the comments!

The full quote can be found below the video. (I did some teensy edits to it in the video.)

Mr. Anonymous 174618126 says:

You want a good guy to fall in love with you. Guys want some hot tail. That’s the game. You give and take, we give and take. It’s impossible for two people to even co-exist happily without this give and take process, let alone have a good relationship. So every time you tell me “Uh? I’m more than just a piece of ass, I’m—-” I don’t even hear the rest. I’m well aware you’re not just a piece of ass, you cunt. If I thought that, I wouldn’t talk to you and try to get your consent; I’d just take you. But to give the famous line “I’m more than just a piece of ass” is pretty much the same as saying you’re not interested in even entertaining the idea of us sleeping together. And that means you’re not worth my time or any man’s time.

I’m being fair. Women like you don’t want a man, you want a slave. Someone you can command to bark, sniff, and roll over. Something you can play fetch with. It would be the same thing if I came over to your house, forced you to give me head, and left. I don’t want to be a slave and you don’t want to be my bitch. So why is it so difficult to meet me half way?

I’m so sick of this shit. So very very sick. If you’re not interested in me then don’t fucking talk to me.

Mr. Anonymous 174618126, I feel safe in saying that no one who has read what you just wrote will ever want to talk to you.

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Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

Do people teach their dogs to sniff? Is that a thing?

13 years ago

I think maybe women teach their slave-men to sniff? Personally I’d find that irritating, but, hey, who am I to judge?

13 years ago

Anyway, hi. Gotta love a feminist site where it’s okay to say “retarded” and the trolls make this place like FSTDT Interactive.

Hi! Welcome!

You’re not on moderation, dimwit. Nor is NWOSlave, and Brandon was perfectly permitted to spew his gold luvin’. Zarat is still not on moderation, IIRC. Was anyone besides Ion even banned?

Marc, because he may have been a Nazi.

13 years ago

Ah, I love Tiny Bunny and Small Dog. They are the best.

Anyways, I’ve noticed a pattern with our resident MRA/troll types: they like to completely misrepresent a person with whom they broadly agree in order to preserve some sort of more agreeable (in their minds) point. MRAL in this thread introduces the idea of a woman saying the “famous line” or the somewhat less famous line “NAHAHAHA I’M NOT A PIECE OF MEAT” as soon as she starts talking to a man. Careful readers will note this immediacy was not in Anon’s confession at all. If anything it is implied that Anon feels frustrated at being (in his perception) led on by women who are talking to him for some time before using the “famous line”. In context it is probably a just response to Anon’s “Guy want hot tail and exchange the appearance of love for sex” attitude.

Also rather disturbing is that Anon and MRAL equate a woman using a man for a power trip with physical/sexual assault. Witness:

When a women says something like “NAAHHAHAHA I’M NOT MEAT” right out of the gate, she’s clearly a Her Holy Highness. What if I walked up to women and shoved my wallet or dick in her face and said “I’M NOT A WALLET” or ‘I’M MORE THAN DICK”! Weird.

MRAL here seems to equate a woman’s withdrawing of the aforementioned hot tail with a man’s inappropriate imposition of his wallet/penis. Almost as though the rightful role of women is acceding to sexual requests. To read Anon’s confession you’d think that women have some sort of magical penis magnet with which they destroy a man’s free will.

13 years ago

I would like to state for the record that I am, in fact, a piece of meat.

When a women says something like “NAAHHAHAHA I’M NOT MEAT” right out of the gate, she’s clearly a Her Holy Highness.

Has anyone actually ever said this to you? I mean, really?


I thought you had to be dead to be just a piece of meat Spear.

13 years ago

Has anyone else noticed how, perhaps unwittingly, BDSM metaphors pop up again and again in the typical MRA screed?

Slaves. Trained like a dog. Forced to sniff at women. Etc.

This is probably not a coincidence. Just find a club or something already and get it over with…

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago


13 years ago

I once had to tell a guy that I wasn’t a prostitute, but I’ve never had to say the meat thing.

He stopped me on the street and asked to talk to me. Just talking, he said. Only 10 minutes or so. So I said I would talk to him since I was on my way home anyway and had nowhere to be. After about 2 minutes of talking he started touching me and trying to kiss me. So I said my thing and got away from him asap. The end. It wasn’t a literal sort of “he thought I was a prostitute” situation, but with the language barrier I figured it would get the point across.

No, I generally do not run up to men and shout, “I’M NOT A WHORE!” or “I’M MORE THAN A VAGINA, THANK YOU!” If I say something like that, there’s very definitely a context where it was appropriate. If your girlfriend keeps asking you to pay for shit, saying, “You know, I’m more than just a wallet,” might be appropriate. Context context context. If a guy is hearing a lot of “I’m not a piece of meat!” he’s obviously doing something REALLY REALLY WRONG.

13 years ago


I like that she’s cackling evilly while proclaiming she’s not meat. It’s all part of the nefarious female plot, not being meat.

Molly Ren
13 years ago


“I like that she’s cackling evilly while proclaiming she’s not meat. It’s all part of the nefarious female plot, not being meat.”

Feminists are actually made of TOFU! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

13 years ago


I like that she’s cackling evilly while proclaiming she’s not meat. It’s all part of the nefarious female plot, not being meat.

No doubt she says it while literally waving her vagina in his face.

13 years ago

Like a sandwich in front of a hungry man. How dare she.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

IO was on moderation bccceause I was a dissenter Futrelle don’t ui forgot it. i drank bofd vodkia ttoda7b and 9 like doning this every few weeks. WHY!!!!!!

13 years ago

Off topic, but the aliens in They’re Made of Meat… clearly know what meat is, but the idea of a lifeform made out of it is baffling to them. So in what form are they encountering all this meat they’re slapping and flapping to make noises?
I just imagine a society of robots living on a planet of beef oceans and bacon lawns.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

who’s brandon?

13 years ago

MRAL, seriously? Hitting all the keys at once does not make temper tantrums look any better. Maybe lay off the vodkia ttoda7b.

13 years ago

“IO was on moderation bccceause I was a dissenter Futrelle don’t ui forgot it. i drank bofd vodkia ttoda7b and 9 like doning this every few weeks. WHY!!!!!!”

Wow! You drank bofd vodkia ttoda7b and 9 like doning this every few weeks. WHY!!!!!!????? I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!!!!!!!!! It must be like, really something special!

13 years ago

MRAL: Um, wtf? Have you seen the light and come to Eris, that she may light your path with nonsense? Have you come to appreciate the freeing joys of hot dogs without buns? Or are you just a dipshit?

13 years ago

IO was on moderation bccceause I was a dissenter Futrelle don’t ui forgot it. i drank bofd vodkia ttoda7b and 9 like doning this every few weeks. WHY!!!!!!

That’s a great point, but have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

13 years ago

MRAL: Um, wtf? Have you seen the light and come to Eris, that she may light your path with nonsense? Have you come to appreciate the freeing joys of hot dogs without buns? Or are you just a dipshit?

Dude, he’s just drunkposting and emo. WHY!!!!!!

13 years ago

I guess MRAs can always be counted upon to bring the crazy to the party.

13 years ago

Every once in a while David digs up a single line that defines the entire MRA movement by itself, and “I’m well aware you’re not just a piece of ass, you cunt” is one of them.

That said, “NAAHHAHAHA I’M NOT MEAT” would look better on a T-shirt.

13 years ago

I imagine it delivered like “YOU’RE STUCK HERE!”

13 years ago

MRAs take note: A feminist is going to admit she was wrong.

DKM is not the only only person who responds to criticism with incoherence.