douchebaggery man boobz fun time videos men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys rape rapey sex

Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party 5: A Nice Guy’s plea

Tiny Bunny and Small Dog are trying a new look this week, or however long it’s been since the last one of these. It’s a crass attempt to appeal to space aliens.

This time the horrible misogynist quote comes from an anonymous confession on the web site Group Hug , a site devoted to anonymous confessions. In it, a Nice Guy argues that dating is all about “give and take.” Thanks to Denia for posting the link in the comments!

The full quote can be found below the video. (I did some teensy edits to it in the video.)

Mr. Anonymous 174618126 says:

You want a good guy to fall in love with you. Guys want some hot tail. That’s the game. You give and take, we give and take. It’s impossible for two people to even co-exist happily without this give and take process, let alone have a good relationship. So every time you tell me “Uh? I’m more than just a piece of ass, I’m—-” I don’t even hear the rest. I’m well aware you’re not just a piece of ass, you cunt. If I thought that, I wouldn’t talk to you and try to get your consent; I’d just take you. But to give the famous line “I’m more than just a piece of ass” is pretty much the same as saying you’re not interested in even entertaining the idea of us sleeping together. And that means you’re not worth my time or any man’s time.

I’m being fair. Women like you don’t want a man, you want a slave. Someone you can command to bark, sniff, and roll over. Something you can play fetch with. It would be the same thing if I came over to your house, forced you to give me head, and left. I don’t want to be a slave and you don’t want to be my bitch. So why is it so difficult to meet me half way?

I’m so sick of this shit. So very very sick. If you’re not interested in me then don’t fucking talk to me.

Mr. Anonymous 174618126, I feel safe in saying that no one who has read what you just wrote will ever want to talk to you.

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13 years ago

In the second paragraph, he’s saying that doing anything for a woman that is not directly related to wheedling her into “putting out” is a lot like being a slave. Because there is no one set of rules governing exactly how much a woman is allowed to demand of him in exchange for sex (sex is always transactional- first paragraph), he is being overly burdened by all of these nasty harpies who expect him to negotiate with them dynamically and empathically.

I don’t get whatever I want from others with minimal effort. Therefore, normal human relationships are a form of bondage. QED. Is basically what he’s saying.

I would guess that the only women who would date guys like this are either really young, really naive, or both. Maybe that’s why they’re always complaining about statutory rape laws.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Look, the fact is that this guy has a point. When a women says something like “NAAHHAHAHA I’M NOT MEAT” right out of the gate, she’s clearly a Her Holy Highness. What if I walked up to women and shoved my wallet or dick in her face and said “I’M NOT A WALLET” or ‘I’M MORE THAN DICK”! Weird.

13 years ago

MARL thinks the original post had a point. Why am I not surprised? I would like to know who is walking around shoving their privates in people’s faces, then saying they are not meat? Or is merely the act of existing while attractive to others considered shoving privates, if the attractive person is a woman?

13 years ago

MRAL, so you think women are shoving their asses in his face and then saying “I’m more than a piece of ass” by way of introduction?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

MRAL – The only reason to be angry a woman says she’s not meat is if you believe she is, in fact, meat.

And if that’s what you believe, you’ll save women and yourself a lot of drama if you just cut a papaya lengthwise and microwave it for about 45 seconds, making sure to check the warmth with your hand before use.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Look, the fact is that this guy has a point. When a women says something like “NAAHHAHAHA I’M NOT MEAT” right out of the gate, she’s clearly a Her Holy Highness. What if I walked up to women and shoved my wallet or dick in her face and said “I’M NOT A WALLET” or ‘I’M MORE THAN DICK”! Weird.

But this isn’t about random ppl on the street o_O This is in a relationship. And guys DO say “I’m more than just a wallet!” (in fact that seems to be the theme of a lot of trolls who show up here) to their partners… and… it’s not any more wrong or right (since we don’t know the situation, nething can be a legitimate complaint or manipulative in a relationship) than “I’m not just a piece of ass” xD

However, the statements themselves in a vacuum… “I’m not just a piece of ass” and “I’m not just a wallet” are both true… ppl are more than that. xD

So… not seeing the problem here? o_O

I think the REAL issue as to why you see a double standard MRAL, is that you’re comparing a relationship situation w/ random ppl on the street, and of course if you do that it’ll seem weird in comparison xD

Like… you could also say that in a relationship, men might ask “honey, can you wash the dishes tonight?” and then say BUT IF A WOMAN RAN UP TO A MAN ON THE STREET AND STARTED SHOUTING “CAN YOU WASH THE DISHES!?” THAT WOULD BE SEEN AS WRONG AND A DOUBLE STANNNDDDARRRDDD….


13 years ago

MRAL, while it is possible that a woman who says “I am not meat” shortly after meeting someone is a bitch (as an aside, please do not use a substitution cypher for the word bitch, when you mean bitch, say it, do not hide your intentions) it is likely that the woman using that phrase was intentionally treated like meat by the person she is speaking to. Simply yelling “I am not meat” at someone I had just met is not something I would do without any provocation, and it therefore seems likely to me that few others would do this. Since the originator of this rant says that he feels entitled to rape women that he has labeled as “a piece of ass” it seems likely that he does not treat women as people on equal footing with himself, and would therefore elicit hostile responses from them.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Also, I have to second a lot of other posters’ observation that the only time women are likely to say “I’m not just a piece of ass” is when someone has been treating them like a piece of ass.

I don’t greet people with “Hi, I’m Holly, I’m not just meat,” and I don’t know another human who does.

13 years ago

“This is a good example of what the comments section is like with all the dissenters, like me, now on moderation- boring and samey, with the goal basically to repeat the same obvious criticisms over and over.”

Of course, you can always go on strike, if you choose.

13 years ago

“Look, the fact is that this guy has a point. When a women says something like “NAAHHAHAHA I’M NOT MEAT” right out of the gate, she’s clearly a Her Holy Highness.”

The described exchange has NEVER actually happened to this guy. I guarantee it.

13 years ago

MRAL agrees with this? Must die of shock, BRB.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

But… you’re *not* a wallet, MRAL. Or a dick. You’re a person.

By the same logic, women aren’t just vaginas, even if they say it in an annoying way.

It’s really not as hard as you’re making it out to be. XD

13 years ago

“Also, I have to second a lot of other posters’ observation that the only time women are likely to say “I’m not just a piece of ass” is when someone has been treating them like a piece of ass.”

Yep. Agreed.

Both “I’m not just a piece of ass” and “I’m not just a wallet” are perfectly valid things to say when one has been made to feel like just a piece of ass or just a wallet.

13 years ago

13 years ago

What woman has ever said “I’m not just a piece of meat,” to you? MRAL, you never in talk to women.

13 years ago

I’ve never made the statement “I’m not just a piece of meat”. Not to the ass-grabbers, the gropers, the “nice-tits” shouters, the thugs demanding my phone number in a parking lot, the handsy guys, the oglers–not to any of them. I remain skeptical that there are women who leap to that hackneyed phrase at any provocation.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

“This is a good example of what the comments section is like with all the dissenters, like me, now on moderation- boring and samey, with the goal basically to repeat the same obvious criticisms over and over.”
You’re not on moderation, dimwit. Nor is NWOSlave, and Brandon was perfectly permitted to spew his gold luvin’. Zarat is still not on moderation, IIRC. Was anyone besides Ion even banned?

“Anyway, hi. Gotta love a feminist site where it’s okay to say “retarded” and the trolls make this place like FSTDT Interactive.”

Don’t say retarded. I’m not kidding.

“Look, the fact is that this guy has a point. When a women says something like “NAAHHAHAHA I’M NOT MEAT” right out of the gate, she’s clearly a Her Holy Highness. What if I walked up to women and shoved my wallet or dick in her face and said “I’M NOT A WALLET” or ‘I’M MORE THAN DICK”! Weird.”
Why would you believe this guy is representing what happens accurately? I’ve seen a lot of creepy guys, but I’ve literally never seen someone say “I’m not just a piece of ass” randomly at the beginning of the conversation. I have seen guys do shit like stare at tits and be told, quite swiftly, “Eyes up here” or similar, though.

13 years ago

“You want a good guy to fall in love with you. Guys want some hot tail. That’s the game.”

Ohh, so the only incentive for males to be in an intimate relationship is to receive a steady supply of sex? Gosh, us silly women-folk with our irrational concept of “love”! “Companionship” and “common interests” must be a total crock as well. Man, I’m learning so much today and school hasn’t even started yet =D

“Women like you don’t want a man, you want a slave.”

You know that a guy is a catch when he considers any activity that you can do as a couple outside of having sex to be the equivalent of slavery.

“It would be the same thing if I came over to your house, forced you to give me head, and left.”

Having conversations or cooking dinner together is just like being raped.

“I’m so sick of this shit. So very very sick.”

UGH. Holding up a conversation, going on a date, god, just watching television together is so….difficult…I don’t know how this poor guy can take it.

“If you’re not interested in me then don’t fucking talk to me.”

Finally, someone who gets it. Us women aren’t actually people that are worth doing anything with outside of fucking. How is it possible that this man seems to be having a hard time getting laid? I simply can’t wrap my head around it, how such an aptly self-proclaimed NiceGuy is not out there right now having great relationships. From the sound of it, he has it all. And if you put out, he’ll even (begrudgingly) spend time with you!

13 years ago

Cynikal – that video is based off of my favorite short story ever.

13 years ago

“Look, the fact is that this guy has a point. When a women says something like “NAAHHAHAHA I’M NOT MEAT” right out of the gate, she’s clearly a Her Holy Highness.”

Last I checked, there was quite a step between being a piece of meat and being royalty. Like, being treated like a fellow human, I think that would land somewhere between ‘meat’ and ‘royalty’. Unless Mr. Al thinks that women being treated like human beings/not like meat is tantamount to be treated like royalty, given that they don’t deserve respect etc.? The ‘nice guy’ in this post clearly thinks that women he’s attracted are being treated with kid gloves if he isn’t raping them. Yich.

13 years ago

It’s fun to see how many really good stories come in at under 100 pages.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Lyn – MRAL says “Her Holy Highness” when he means “bitch.” Because he was told to stop saying “bitch,” so he just substituted in another phrase instead of actually, you know, not throwing gendered insults at women.

I actually find it more hurtful (accusations of acting like “her royal highness” were a part of abuse in my past), but then again I don’t find anything MRAL says to be all that hurtful on account of, you know, consider the source.

13 years ago

Oh, so a woman who wants to be treated like a human being and not meat is a bitch…I guess that’s the level of discourse our *dissenters* offer.

13 years ago

‘”MRAL says “Her Holy Highness” when he means “bitch.”’

But…”NAAHHAHAHA I’M NOT MEAT” is how I greet people every day!
