You’ve got to give the Spearhead men credit for one thing: vivid imagination. Browsing through the comments on a recent W.F. Price post on marriage in Asia, I ran across a whole host of little gems, all of them eagerly upvoted by the assembled mob.
Gem #1: Uncle Elmer, a forward-thinking sort, fantasized about the impending arrival of
Asian style whoring here in the U.S., which is inevitable anyway as the world “flattens out” and we become more third-world as China becomes more first-world.
In the not too distant future when a fella goes to the “barber shop” he will be greeted by Heather, Madison, and Chloe, who will be eager to attend his needs in support of paying off their student loans.
Did he think that Idiocracy was a documentary?
A fellow named Will chimed in to ditto Elmer’s contribution, and to offer a most unusual conspiracy theory:
You’re right Elmer, every female student is a potential prostitute in the making, once the economy takes a nosedive and they can’t pay their loans.
Makes you wonder if the primarily Female university attendees aren’t intentionally being sold a “bill of goods” regarding the value of their university “education”.
So young women are being convinced to go to college, even though college education for women is useless (because, you know, they’re women), so that in a bad economy they’ll all start giving handjobs in barber shops to pay off their student loans?
Who exactly is doing this convincing? The American Association of University Women? The Illuminati? Uncle Elmer?
Gem #2: The always charming Oddsock, meanwhile, offered a skeptical take on the value of women’s conversational skills:
Lets be blunt here for a mo. How many men do you think would even bother talking to todays women if she did not have tits and a pussy ? How many women do you know that you could spend many hours or days with engaged in interesting conversation or leisure persuits?
Spearheaders, sparkling converstationalists all. A regular Algonquin Round Table, with the part of Dorothy Parker played by some random internet misogynist who can’t spell the word “pursuits.”
Gem #3: Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c), offers up some reflections on his life as an Australian expat alpha dog in Germany. And some thoughts about, um, agriculture?
Because I am alpha with a great track record of being a “father and husband” and I have the ability to earn money I have women lining up to have a chance of marrying me. It is good to be at the top of the tree for a change. Shame the tree is about to fall but I am ok with that too. Those below me will cushion my fall.
As my new business venture fleshes out over the next few years I see the following happening. Men will band together to corner the income generation for many areas and they will insist on the “women as chattel property” marriage contract if any marriage at all…..men will exert their dominance in all things that are useful and productive in a competitive environment where they operate outside “guvment control” and the assets they corner will provide women galore.
I am with Angry Harry on this one “men farm cattle and sheep, why not women?” Women have always been “attracted” to the one they think will pay for them. Since we were living in caves. Women are no different today than they were 10,000 years ago. It’s just that we had a highly dystorionate PR system telling us “sugar and spice and everything nice” for a few generations.
And no, “dystorionate” is not a real word, at least in any language I or anyone else on planet Earth is familiar with. Google it, and see.
Checking in from Central VA – my back deck nearly shook itself off, but remains stable, as does the house. It was bigger and longer than I’ve experienced here before (lived in NoCal for many years) but hopefully won’t be too bad.
“That, or he’s projecting his insecurities/douchebaggery onto everything and everyone as if it’s a law of physics.”
Bingo! This is a person no one wants to talk to, so he rationalizes that fact with “well *I* don’t want to talk to *THEM*! so THERE!”
People like to talk to people. Intelligent, interesting people avoid his kind of obvious bitterness and hate-mongering. He knows it, we know it. The misogyny thing is a transparent faccid for insecurity, cowardice and stupidity.
Also in Seattle
Hey! I minored in Mammoth Hunting in college! 🙁
“Many men”* are seriously missing out then. The majority of people that I share common interests with, enjoy conversing with, engage in leisurely activities with, the majority of people who are, in fact, my friends, happen to be women.
*Whatever that actually means in practical terms.
The building I was in was evacuated. But no injuries among the near and dear reported so far. There are some problems in the city. It seems to be under control. I am glad to hear that your home is okay.
And it’s true that if women didn’t have their sex appeal, many men would have little desire to interact with most of them.
That just makes you sound like a boring person, who thinks all other men are boring, too. If you’re only conversing with someone because you appreciate their sex appeal, you must not have any really interesting hobbies or ideas that allow you to have deeper communications with other people. If you had something in life to be excited about, enjoying interaction with other people wouldn’t depend on how hard they make your dick. It would depend on if they shared your interests.
…And now I feel sad for a MRA. Ewww. Dirty.
@amandajane, I am so sorry to hear about the earthquake. I just started reading reports of it on the news. I’m glad to hear you are well and your house is still intact. If you need any kind of support or advice on what to do now in the aftermath, let me know. Surviving the disaster is the first part. Coping with the destruction after the shock wears off is the next, and it is very difficult.
Since we were living in caves.
Living in caves, like you do…
Amanda, nob: Glad you guys are OK! I hope the damage isn’t too bad.
@Nobiyamu, I am sorry to hear you are displaced because of the earthquake. It is horrible to be away from your own home and personal possessions. Even though people will tell you it’s only stuff that’s been destroyed, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect you emotionally. Insurance companies and FEMA can replace a lot, but not cherished photo books, love letters, and many other personal items that can’t be bought at a store.
Hey Kendra, I was just a client meeting when the building was evacuated. But I completely understand what you mean about being displaced. I had a apartment building fire last February -ironically right after I’d decided that I was going to free-lance- and I was in limbo for quite some time before I made a plan and settled. And, yes, people will remind you that you have your health, and that you only lost things. It’s something that you try to remind yourself as well. Some days are easier than others.
Are you and your family holding up?
And thanks Katz. So far, so good.
Yeah, I guess we’re getting back to a new sense of normalcy. Oddly enough, I have never cried since the tornado, but I do feel down from time to time. I keep thinking about all the death and destruction I saw. I also feel weird when I look at the empty lots around me where houses used to be. In my neighbor’s lot is a cross, because she did not survive, and I feel bad that I didn’t bring her to my basement before it hit. I am also terrified of storms, and I have frequent nightmares. My son has nightmares, too, and runs to me whenever he hears thunder, the poor little guy. My kids are the reason I won’t cry, because I have to be strong for them.
The news reports of this earthquake made me remember it all like it was yesterday instead of three months ago. That’s why I wanted to make sure you and amanda knew I was thinking about you and what you’re going through. People from Tuscaloosa have helped us in Joplin, so it’s time for us in Joplin to pay it forward.
“The greatest trick Ayn Rand ever pulled was convincing people with skills that are only useful in a highly structured society — financiers, CEOs, middle managers, engineers, computer programmers — to hate the very social system that allows their jobs to exist.”
True. Here’s why I’m unready to take on faith this guy’s claim that he’s the Market Miracle he says he is: for some reason, he couldn’t make it in Australia, a country where the economy is comparatively open; IOW, there are fewer regulations, protections, etcetera, than you’ll find in Western Europe; if you fall you’re free to fall; if you fail you’re free to fail. For some reason, Our Hero needed to transplant himself to Germany, where the economic system is highly specialized and reified and where something like a guild system prevails, in order to make it big. What’s up with that? My guess (again, assuming that he’s telling the truth about his monetary success) is that he’s an engineer whose head was hunted and that he’s now sheltering under the wing of a large automotive or aeronautical firm. And, hey, that’s not exactly like inventing the hyperdrive, is it? But to get back to my original point: why couldn’t he peddle his skills with equal effectiveness in Australia? I’ll tell you why: b/c Germany is fiercely protective of her industries and always has been, b/c she doesn’t outsource tech jobs, but, instead, woos technically talented people who live outside her borders, and b/c she charges huge tarriffs, so as to keep the home firms at home. That’s why. Our Hero’s talents found a home where a place was made for them, not where a refuge just happened to dig itself out of the ground. But guys like him never think of acknowledging things like that (if, once again, one accepts that he’s being factual about his biography).
It was a bit of a shock. I wasn’t really expecting one in NJ. I was making jokes last week, as we were assembling bookshelves, that there would be an earthquake (the shelves came with wall anchors, and I was told they were, “for California”).
Some stuff rattled, but nothing damaged.
Oops, sorry to derail. I was thinking about what Uncle Elmer said about prostitutes, and I wonder why these guys care about prostitution. They keep saying porn and VR is where it’s at, so why would they pay real women for sex? Actually, if they want prostitutes so bad, why don’t they travel to Nevada and visit a legal brothel?
“Actually, if they want prostitutes so bad, why don’t they travel to Nevada and visit a legal brothel?”
I think that costs too much money for them and the legality would take all the fun degradation out of it.
Kendra, if you need anything, PM me on the forum.
bekabot said, “if, once again, one accepts that he’s being factual about his biography”. When you’re talking about PAN, that is a very important thing to note. Of all the MRA’s, he may be the most full of shit, and that is saying a lot! He also keeps claiming that he was the world’s greatest husband and father before his divorce, and before he publicly disowned his own children. Another one of his whoppers is that he dates Eastern European models. When he starts bragging about his financial success, I assume he is just being full of it again.
Amused, I was just thinking the other night about how so many MRAs and MGTOWs sound like Randians or Libertarians, constantly complaining about society and threatening to ‘go Galt’ or go live on some structure out in the ocean. I bet if we were to examine the politics of them, we’d find that a lot of them do identify as Randian or Libertarian.
I’m glad to hear that people affected by the earthquake are doing OK. Be prepared for aftershocks that can be nearly as strong.
PAN doesn’t date models, he dates supermodels.
And over the years he has declared himself to be the number one/top three/top five data warehousing computer programmers in the world.
I don’t follow. I mean, Carrot assures everyone that he’s found a really lovely place to stay with Mrs. Palm (and boy she has a lot of daughters!) but he never mentioned anything sexual about it.
Sure I was initially disgusted by this, but then I started really thinking about how it would work: a boy would be sent out every morning with an attractive flock of women, who would be the sheep, and maybe the more athletic ones could be the Border Collies? Would feminists be the wolves? Anyways, while the boy takes a nap all the women could frolic around in the sunlight and play, and there would be occasional feminist incursions on the flock, which would mean lots of mudwrestling and pamplet-handing-out and probably a bit of women throwing other women over their shoulders and stealing them away, and eventually all the flock (including the Border Collies) would be seduced/kidnapped away by the sexy wolves and they’d make plans to revolt (awesome plans) but first they would need to clean up a bit after all the naughty wrestling and–
Well, ahem, it painted an okay picture, is what I’m saying. <_<
Wow, I somehow managed to completely misread the cattle comment. “Men raised cattle and pigs, so why shouldn’t women raise cattle and pigs?” was the one in my head. I’m not sure how that happened, in retrospect.
@hellkell, thank you. You are very kind.
@bagelsan, that was hilarious.
Bagelsan, that is indeed a lovely picture.
AZ had a quote held in moderation way back at the start of the thread; it’s up now. Here’s a link:
Don;t get your hopes up; it’s a rehash of a very old complaint about this blog: that it’s unfair to quote commenters at the Spearhead because they’re victims of violence from evil feminist courts.
Rutee, your comments were being held too, they’re all up now.