$MONEY$ alpha males antifeminism idiocy marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA sex the spearhead vaginas

Barbershop handjobs and women as chattel: Some Spearhead Gems

Actual barbershop in Poland

You’ve got to give the Spearhead men credit for one thing: vivid imagination. Browsing through the comments on a recent W.F. Price post on marriage in Asia, I ran across a whole host of little gems, all of them eagerly upvoted by the assembled mob.

Gem #1: Uncle Elmer, a forward-thinking sort, fantasized about the impending arrival of

Asian style whoring here in the U.S., which is inevitable anyway as the world “flattens out” and we become more third-world as China becomes more first-world.

In the not too distant future when a fella goes to the “barber shop” he will be greeted by Heather, Madison, and Chloe, who will be eager to attend his needs in support of paying off their student loans.

Did he think that Idiocracy was a documentary?

A fellow named Will chimed in to ditto Elmer’s contribution, and to offer a most unusual conspiracy theory:

You’re right Elmer, every female student is a potential prostitute in the making, once the economy takes a nosedive and they can’t pay their loans.

Makes you wonder if the primarily Female university attendees aren’t intentionally being sold a “bill of goods” regarding the value of their university “education”.

So young women are being convinced to go to college, even though college education for women is useless (because, you know, they’re women), so that in a bad economy they’ll all start giving handjobs in barber shops to pay off their student loans?

Who exactly is doing this convincing? The American Association of University Women? The Illuminati? Uncle Elmer?

Gem #2: The always charming Oddsock, meanwhile, offered a skeptical take on the value of women’s conversational skills:

Lets be blunt here for a mo. How many men do you think would even bother talking to todays women if she did not have tits and a pussy ? How many women do you know that you could spend many hours or days with engaged in interesting conversation or leisure persuits?

Spearheaders, sparkling converstationalists all.  A regular Algonquin Round Table, with the part of Dorothy Parker played by some random internet misogynist who can’t spell the word “pursuits.”

Gem #3: Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c), offers up some reflections on his life as an Australian expat alpha dog in Germany. And some thoughts about, um, agriculture?

Because I am alpha with a great track record of being a “father and husband” and I have the ability to earn money I have women lining up to have a chance of marrying me. It is good to be at the top of the tree for a change. Shame the tree is about to fall but I am ok with that too. Those below me will cushion my fall.

As my new business venture fleshes out over the next few years I see the following happening. Men will band together to corner the income generation for many areas and they will insist on the “women as chattel property” marriage contract if any marriage at all… will exert their dominance in all things that are useful and productive in a competitive environment where they operate outside “guvment control” and the assets they corner will provide women galore.

I am with Angry Harry on this one “men farm cattle and sheep, why not women?” Women have always been “attracted” to the one they think will pay for them. Since we were living in caves. Women are no different today than they were 10,000 years ago. It’s just that we had a highly dystorionate PR system telling us “sugar and spice and everything nice” for a few generations.

And no, “dystorionate” is not a real word, at least in any language I or anyone else on planet Earth is familiar with. Google it, and see.


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Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

Ray Percival said, “I would love to see all these guys who have clearly never been to Asia ever actually marry an Asian woman”?

What have Asian women ever done to deserve such a horrible fate?

13 years ago

They love to mock feminists for talking about the patriarchy. But then they turn around and openly wish for women to literally be chattel again, like in the good old days. Do they even understand that in a patriarchy it’s still the alphas who get all the chicks? They aren’t just passed around to everyone like some commie party favor.

Ray Percival
13 years ago


True. That was unduly harsh to the poor Asian women. My bad.


Heh. I was at World Horror Con this spring. It was fun seeing everybody on the zombie panel rip into the folks who see zombie stories in that way.

13 years ago

You know… there are ALREADY sex workers. There’s nothing stopping them from going out and getting a handjob right now. No economic collapse required.

Admittedly, it’s illegal, but you know who’s working against the illegality of sex work? FEMINISTS.

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago

Magatha, I thought of that, but I didn’t want anyone to bring up the wife of a famously incomprehensible heavy metal legend.

13 years ago

But Ozy, how can they lord it over those snobby educated women if they just go to a regular ol’ streetwalker?

Ray Percival
13 years ago


Of course it’s not about getting laid. As you point out if it was about that there are already ways to do that.

It’s about putting those uppity women who had the sheer temerity to go to college and think they could be educated in their place by showing them the only thing they’re good for. That’s why they are very specifically talking about students here.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I would probably be a survivor in a zombie apocalypse, I think.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I don’t want that to happen, though, because I would miss the computer.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

Looking at PAN’s comment, “It’s just that we had a highly dystorionate PR system telling us “sugar and spice and everything nice” for a few generations.”, I realized that he is the most devoted sovereign citizen yet. Not only has he rejected all laws and courts, he is even starting to reject the English language. Perhaps his common law courts he keeps talking about will make everyone speak in his new PAN language.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

He could also name his country Petoria, even though Family Guy did it first.

13 years ago

As my new business venture fleshes out over the next few years I see the following happening. Men will band together to corner the income generation for many areas and they will insist on the “women as chattel property” marriage contract if any marriage at all.

Yeah, we kind of already tried things that way and it didn’t work. That’s why now we have equal rights for women.

The greatest trick Ayn Rand ever pulled was convincing people with skills that are only useful in a highly structured society — financiers, CEOs, middle managers, engineers, computer programmers — to hate the very social system that allows their jobs to exist. Fortunately, 99% of them are too busy proclaiming their superiority on the Internet (which would totally continue to exist in the Mad Max future) to do any damage.

I have to admit I’m curious about what Nolan’s paradigm-shattering new “business venture” might be. All my ideas about Australia come from movies, so I’m assuming a wacky but lovable traveling drag show.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

Shaenon, I’m guessing that PAN’s new business venture is his way of trying to put a positive spin on getting fired from his job or getting kicked out of Germany. He can’t go back to Australia or Ireland anymore because his “lawful notices” and threats have gotten him in trouble with the law. Try to contain your shock that a sovereign citizen finds himself on the wrong side of the law. Anyway, he’s probably going to flee to another country and start a new job soon, because the Germans are getting tired of his crap. He will then bitch and moan about being a political refugee from feminist secret agents, while the truth is he is a criminal that hops from country to country spreading bullshit everywhere he goes.

13 years ago


I take offense at your snide derision of computer programmers. We code monkeys actually are superior to just about every other profession, as nearly every other profession requires a computer.

So there. [/snark]

Anyway, I too am curious about what PAN’s new business venture might be. I’m also curious as to exactly what or who he thinks will cushion his fall when his tree topples over. I think I’m gonna imagine him as a self-satisfied pear from now on, with his own little branch on his own little tree in the middle of nowhere.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Because I am alpha with a great track record of being a ‘father and husband’ and I have the ability to earn money I have women lining up to have a chance of marrying me.”

Wait, I thought only betas got married?

13 years ago

Since we were living in caves.

This is going to be my new answer for everything.

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

“Lets be blunt here for a mo. How many men do you think would even bother talking to todays women if she did not have tits and a pussy ? How many women do you know that you could spend many hours or days with engaged in interesting conversation or leisure pursuits?”

But this is true. There are many more men out there capable of having a meaningful conversation than women. Sure, there are women, too, they are just quite rare in comparison to men. And it’s true that if women didn’t have their sex appeal, many men would have little desire to interact with most of them.

13 years ago

You seriously think the troglodytes who wrote the above commentary are superior companions? To anyone?

13 years ago

@Things Are Bad:

Can’t tell if snark, or if serious…

Short answer, no it isn’t true. Long answer, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it isn’t true.

More useful long answer: not every conversation, even with the gender you’re attracted to, must be couched in terms of sex appeal. There are people I enjoy talking to but would probably not screw, and probably the opposite as well. This guy, and you, are implying that women are mentally incapable of interesting conversation, that the only reason a guy would ever dialogue with her is to try to get in her pants. If you believe this, you are either socially backwards or have simply never interacted with women.

13 years ago

“More useful long answer: not every conversation, even with the gender you’re attracted to, must be couched in terms of sex appeal. There are people I enjoy talking to but would probably not screw, and probably the opposite as well. This guy, and you, are implying that women are mentally incapable of interesting conversation, that the only reason a guy would ever dialogue with her is to try to get in her pants. If you believe this, you are either socially backwards or have simply never interacted with women.”

That, or he’s projecting his insecurities/douchebaggery onto everything and everyone as if it’s a law of physics.

13 years ago

There are some ladies I would find very annoying if I weren’t staring at their chests. There are some gentlemen I would find very annoying if I weren’t staring at their chests. Annoying hot people is not a gender thing, it’s a people thing.

13 years ago

“There are some ladies I would find very annoying if I weren’t staring at their chests. There are some gentlemen I would find very annoying if I weren’t staring at their chests. Annoying hot people is not a gender thing, it’s a people thing.”

Good point.

13 years ago

“But this is true. There are many more men out there capable of having a meaningful conversation than women. Sure, there are women, too, they are just quite rare in comparison to men. And it’s true that if women didn’t have their sex appeal, many men would have little desire to interact with most of them.”

You know, when you write things like this all you’re doing -besides making a broad and erroneous generalization- is revealing that you aren’t an interesting enough person to attract an interesting person.

13 years ago

Also, for all the Mid-Atlantic residents: you cool?

13 years ago

And it’s true that if women didn’t have their sex appeal, many men would have little desire to interact with most of them.

Have you tried? I mean, have you ever actually had a conversation with a woman that didn’t revolve around getting into her pants? Or how horrible women are when compared to the absolute paragon that is the male sex? You might discover that women are more willing to share conversation options when you aren’t acting like an ass around us.