I found this illustrating a typically incoherent rant about “The Aphrodisiac of the False Rape Claim” on What Men Are Saying About Women, the blog of the infamous MRA double period. Whoever made it needs to stop making Demotivational posters because he doesn’t understand how these posters are supposed to work. Or how to communicate a coherent message to other human beings using language.
*kits, I mean. jeez.
Aw, I killed the formatting. 🙁
From Wikipedia:
“Kruger and Dunning proposed that, for a given skill, incompetent people will:
1. tend to overestimate their own level of skill;
2. fail to recognize genuine skill in others;
3. fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy;
4. recognize and acknowledge their own previous lack of skill, if they can be trained to substantially improve.”
I tell you, it’s eerie…
@Captain Bathrobe
“Long story short, even if every single woman in a town were raped every ten years, it would in no way mean that every man there is a rapist, as one rapist is likely to have multiple victims.”
Well heres a few numbers and you fine folks can pick one. If every single woman is raped in ten years if the perpetrator commits the following number thats the percentage.
1 = 100%
2 = 50%
3 = 33.3%
4 = 25%
5 = 20%
6 = 16.6%
7 = 14.28%
8 = 12.5%
9 = 11.11%
10 = 10%
Now not being the geniuses you folks are, but I doubt serial rapists are all that prevelant. Although I’m usually wrong. I’ll pick the middle of the road number and say 5. Therefore 20% of men are rapists. It’s a fun fact to know. This way as I’ll be on another flight tommorow, with a layover I’ll know that if there’s 125 men on the plane while I’m on the plane 25 of them are rapists.
I gotta be honest with ya, I’m gonna feel a little un-nerved knowing I’m on a plane with 25 rapists and a plane full of women who are either rape victims or future rape victims. I really had no idea.
Ah, here’s the college rapist article link I was looking for:
The post links a couple sources and Jill does a nice rundown on some of the psychology and implications of this profiling.
In short, yes you are wrong again.
I think he should volunteer to be a case study of some sort. He really fits the model perfectly. Of course, we have no way of knowing how his ability to gauge his own competence would change if he were to improve his skill level, as that seems unlikely to happen.
Sorry, urite. Dropped a zero.
I can’t really figure out what in the hell NWO is even saying.
And, back to the idea of colleges underreporting their rape rates, here’s an egregious example of the administration giving exactly zero fucks about their assaulted students/on-campus rapists:
I gotta be honest with ya, I’m gonna feel a little un-nerved knowing I’m on a plane with 25 rapists and a plane full of women who are either rape victims or future rape victims. I really had no idea.
While you’re being deliberately dumb by pretending anyone said “every woman gets raped”, you’re actually not that far off. There probably will be a few rapists and more than a few rape survivors on that plane.
And that should unnerve you.
More from Wikipedia:
“The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled people make poor decisions and reach erroneous conclusions, but their incompetence denies them the metacognitive ability to recognize their mistakes.”
Serial rapists are common, actually; the same study I mentioned in which 12% of men self-reported raping or trying to rape, about 4% of those men (that is, 4% of the total sample) were responsible for a hugely disproportionate number of rapes.
Crap. I only meant to blockquote two paragraphs there, but somehow I got the entire post. Please excuse my clumsiness.
See, I thought I was just being unkind pointing out that your so stupid you don’t know the difference between statistically improbability and statistically impossibility, but your actually just fucking terrible at math. How are you an engineer? I am specifically referring to your screed above that you did yourself. First off, in any population study, your not going to measure occurrences assuming a static population over anything greater then a year, because, pro-tip, people have sex and this can result in babies (in case you didn’t know). Have you heard the term population growth? On top of failing to account for a dynamic population (Hell, it remains static for 50 fucking years?) your idea fails to account for repeat occurrences upon the same individual.
Let me be more specific in the type of surveys that produce the “1 in someone is this” result. They are snapshots of data collection over a point in time. So, when a study finds that one in six women may be raped, several other studies are then conducted. Repeat studies help to confirm the data, as long as you use similar methodology, which many studies do (The biggest issue is that most just use their random sampling from colleges, which is a separate issue because of class/race dynamics of higher education). But hey, considering you fail at math to begin with, I’m sure this will all go over your head.
“In the US, about 12% of men self-report having raped or attempted to rape someone (as long as you don’t call it “rape” but rather “used violence or the threat of violence to force someone to have sex with you,” or something along those lines). There is not a whole lot of research on the subject, but the research that has been done is pretty consistent, and pretty well-done.”
Ahhhh, finally someone with the stones to give me a number. 1 out of every 8 men you meet in this country is a rapist. Good to know, good to know. Apparently in Africa 3 out of 4 men you meet are rapists, (yikes, sounds a little racist, meh, not really. If I’d said it, it would’ve been, but not a feminist like SallyStrange). I never knew that I knew sooooooo many rapists. This has been most informative.
Oh my god. You guys.
This is a winning moment.
NWO does not know that South Africa is a country.
As for this… Ahhhh, finally someone with the stones to give me a number. 1 out of every 8 men you meet in this country is a rapist. […] I never knew that I knew sooooooo many rapists. This has been most informative.
It’s just the perfect illustration of “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.”
In this case, you can lead a horse to water, and it’ll just go “pfft, nice water you got there, bet you’re gonna tell me it’s wet or something.”
Not that I’m ever going to get an answer, but … Slaveman, what is it your siblings who tell you ALL the stories do at the hospital, again? What jobs do they have, where they would have lots of stories to tell you about rape victims, if people actually ever got raped?
@Holly Pervocracy
“While you’re being deliberately dumb by pretending anyone said “every woman gets raped”, you’re actually not that far off. There probably will be a few rapists and more than a few rape survivors on that plane.”
Well I’ve smartened up, I have the numbers now thanks to Sallydearest. Of the 125 men on that plane 15.625 of them WILL be rapists.
Should I call everyones attention to the fact there are at least 15 rapists on the plane?
NWO, multiple posters have provided information and links on studies that attempt to estimate the number of rapists. Multiple posters have provided information, links and accurate analysis to show you why your math is, almost always in error.
Can we just skip the next eight or nine posts of you butchering arithmetic, amply illustrating your ignorance of geography, and showing an 8 year old’s level of skill with sarcasm and move straight to the part where you accuse us all of thinking we’re “perfect”?
That way we can return to a discussion of accountability and you can go watch Monk and be sad. Sound good?
NWOSlave is surprised that 1 in 8 men is a rapist.
To contrast with that, it’s been conclusively shown that 80% of participants in a repeat of the Milgram Experiment would have killed a man with electroshocks if asked to by a TV show host as part of a reality TV program.
I find it very strange that someone like NWOSlave is capable of imagining the worst of evils from a small cadre of elites yet is completely naive about the very real potential for evil in most human beings.
NWO: I honestly can’t tell if you’re being deliberately obtuse in an attempt to troll, or if you really are. that. fucking. ignorant. Because if it’s the former, you’re a grotesque parody of an actual human being, making light of very real suffering. If it’s the latter… well, ignorance is curable. Sort of.
Nobinayamu: But that would deprive him of a chance to show off how wonderfully manly his fourth grade intellect is, compared to people who actually know what they’re talking about! How can you be so cruel to an oppressed male?
Why is it racist to note that 73% of men in South Africa admit to raping someone, whereas that rate in the USA is 12%? It’s just a fact.
Only if you’re used to hearing people call you a racist, because you’re prone to making racist statements, would it occur to you to be paranoid about being called a racist just for making that simple observation. Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much.