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Um, what?

I found this illustrating a typically incoherent rant about “The Aphrodisiac of the False Rape Claim” on What Men Are Saying About Women, the blog of the infamous MRA double period. Whoever made it needs to stop making Demotivational posters because he doesn’t understand how these posters are supposed to work. Or how to communicate a coherent message to other human beings using language.

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13 years ago

“And yes, I am calling you a liar. You see I have 2 brothers and 1 sister who work in different hospitals. One of them in Philidelphia, so I hear all the stories. You are a liar.”

Oh, really? What do they do? There are lots of jobs in hospitals. Are they oncologists? Lab techs? Do they work in billing? Unless they work in the ER, they probably wouldn’t see rape victims. Are they SANEs? If they’re SANEs they probably have stories about rape victims. If not, even if they work in the ER, they may not have a lot of stories to tell about people who come in for rape kits.

And what kinds of stories do they tell you, Slaveman? ALL the stories? And, I’m sorry to keep harping on this, but … what do they do again?

For the record, I’m on call about twice a month for 24 hours. I cover a much bigger population than Holly– about 390,000 women. I get called out about two or three times a month. I don’t even know how to calculate that or try to average it for the population, but … two rape victims filing a report in 48 hours is kind of shocking and disturbing to me. But it doesn’t shock and disturb you, I guess?

Or are you just gonna call me a liar too?

13 years ago

Friggin’ typos! That have been “a” and “b.”

13 years ago

“For the record, I’m on call about twice a month for 24 hours. I cover a much bigger population than Holly– about 390,000 women. I get called out about two or three times a month. I don’t even know how to calculate that or try to average it for the population, but … two rape victims filing a report in 48 hours is kind of shocking and disturbing to me. But it doesn’t shock and disturb you, I guess?”

At 2 victims filing a rape report in 48 hours that would be 365 a year reported, tack on 90% unreported bringing it up 36,500 a year total. In 11 years there will be 401,500 rapes. Every woman will be raped in approxomately 10.5 years. All men are rapists, thats all they are. It sounds so familiar, doesn’t it?

13 years ago

No one here has stated that all men are rapists or even that most men are rapists.

13 years ago

Slaveman, there was a reason I said I don’t know how to average that out for the population. I probably misspoke, in fact, and should have said that it’s not a big enough data point for it to make sense if it’s averaged out.

Q. Two rape victims filing a report in 48 hours is kind of shocking and disturbing to me. But it doesn’t shock and disturb you, I guess?

A. No, I’d rather overlook the humanity of the people getting raped in favor of indulging my all-encompassing victim complex.

A little bit off topic, but Slaveman: You do realize that I said “rape victims,” right? That includes a few men, actually.

13 years ago

“No one here has stated that all men are rapists or even that most men are rapists.”

According to all the feminist numbers that are pure gospel how couldn’t all men not be rapists? If 1 in 4 women are being raped in college, which I’m going to have to guess is a far safer enviornment than inner cities, bar-hopping, parks, concerts or even the home since the feminist mantra is most rapes happen in the home. The “non-college” rape rate must be astronomical.

So c’mon, lets hear it, don’t be shy. Feminists seem to know the unknown, exactly how many sexual assaults are unreported, the whole wack. So lets fucking hear it. What’s the percentage of men who are rapists? Well straight men anyway, your precious alliance will of course be blameless. Lets hear the number ladies. What are you a bunch of fucking cowards, lets hear it. I’m a big boy, I can take it.

13 years ago


Yea blah, blah, blah. I wanna hear the fucking percentage of men who are rapists, you gutless wonder. Tell me the fucking number.

13 years ago

NWO: have limited internet access while on vacation, but here are some sites for you to read if you really care about the percentage of men who are rapists which I don’t for a fucking minute believe.

Sex Offenses and Offenders: An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual …home · about this site · about MINCAVA · submit info · what’s new … In self-
reported victimization surveys of the public age 12 and older, teenagers report
the … About 2% of convicted rapists received life sentences. … After the
latter half of the 1980’s, the percentage of all murders with known
circumstances … – 182k – Similar pages

CSOM Publications – Recidivism of Sex OffendersAbout CSOM · OJP Grant Sites · Activities · Contact CSOM · Training Curricula
… About 60 percent of all sex offenders managed by the U.S. correctional
system are ….. There has been considerable research on the recidivism of
rapists across various ….. in some studies, unofficial data such as self-
report.) … – 86k – Similar pages

Repeat Rape and Multiple Offending Among Undetected Rapistssonal violence, we report on 120 men whose self-reported acts met legal
definitions …. Although the percentage of rapists within the samples varied
from … on Campus/Repeat

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

NWO, you are doing an amazing job of disproving things NO ONE HAS SAID.

I can play this game too!

“Aardvarks aren’t reptiles!”
“Democrats don’t favor establishment of a base on Neptune!”
“Napoleon Bonaparte was not a vegan!”
“A triangle doesn’t have five sides!”


NF4ever – In the interests of accuracy, I think you lost a decimal place. My experience is roughly 1 in 500 (note that this is already more than NWO thinks, and this is only reported assaults in a single year), which with a 90% non-reporting rate would be 1 in 50.

However, that’s only in a single year, and people are vulnerable to sexual assault their entire lives. Factoring that in, 1 in 5 almost looks low.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

P.S. No one exactly knows the proportion of men who are rapists (although nobody here is claiming “all of them,” particularly not the men here, hello), because they tend to be a bit unreliable on surveys and often haven’t even admitted it to themselves.

However, we can pretty safely say that it’s well less than 1 in 5, because most rapists have attacked multiple people.

13 years ago

Another Math FAIL from NWOSlave, who is assuming that if there are 2 victims of rape every 48 hours, that the total number of rape victims is a linear progression over time, which only makes sense if you expect that a woman only ever gets raped once.

Let’s do some *totally* radically feminist thing and assume that Bee, a woman, actually might know what she’s talking about that there’s on average two rapes every 48 hours in that city. We’ll thus figure that the measured odds of getting raped in that city during a 24 hours period is 1:390000 (that’s probably off but we can use that as an estimate).

Now since we’re not completely math illiterate, unlike NWOSlave we’ll assume that the odds of Woman A and Woman B getting raped are *statistically independant*, and that each day is *also* statistically independant (the fact you got raped one day does not save you from getting raped some other day, or make it more likely).

The odds P of being raped in 24 hours are 1/390000.
The odds Q = (1-P) of NOT being raped in that period are 389999/390000 = 99.9997%.

There are 365 days in a year. We are going to assume that medical technology is awesome and that a woman will live a period of 100 years under the threat of rape. That is 365000 days.

The odds of not being raped in that period are thus Q^36500 = 91.0656%, thus over 100 years only about 10% of the women in that town will be raped, where you thought 100% would be raped in 11 years.

That jumps to 17% if you assume all rape victims are women. Interesting coincidence… that just happens to be roughly 1 in 6.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I don’t know specifically about rapes, but it is generally the case that most crimes are committed by a relatively smaller number of criminals. In other words, 400,000 crimes does not correlate to 400,000 separate, unique criminals, or even 400,000 separate, unique victims (as many victims are victims multiple times). It stands to reason that 400,000 rapes wouldn’t even mean 400,000 unique victims, let alone 400,000 unique rapists.

Long story short, even if every single woman in a town were raped every ten years, it would in no way mean that every man there is a rapist, as one rapist is likely to have multiple victims.

13 years ago

Holly, the one in 1877 figure comes from this article, by a man using the self-published rape statistics of three Pittsburgh college campuses to disprove the one in four number.

Self-published? That seems legit. I can’t think of a reason in the world why a college might lowball it’s rape rate.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

The Dunning-Kruger effect strikes again.

13 years ago

“Yea blah, blah, blah. I wanna hear the fucking percentage of men who are rapists, you gutless wonder. Tell me the fucking number.”

But once I reach that goalpost, you’ll have to move it again — and you already have so much to do, Slaveman, what with working those 97-hour days without bathroom breaks, in unsafe conditions …

Here is a report. It’s actually a synopsis of the report I mentioned earlier. Again, please feel free to point out any problems you see with the methodology of said report. According to the report, multiple studies of self-reported rapists peg the number at between 4.8% and 14.9% of respondents. Anything else I can help you with, Slaveman? Can I describe the pedicure I got last week?

13 years ago

36500 days. Extra 0 slipped in in the post but the math was sound. Interestingly, this means over 1000 years you’ll still have only 60% chance of being a rape victim, under the statistical independance assumptions.

Also, I’ve just realized NWOSlave basically multiplies that by 10 for some reason, because he assumes every one of the victim Bee encountered must have reported the rape, meaning that’s only 10% of the total? That’s such an idiosyncratic understanding of that statistic that it didn’t even occur to me that someone would think that.

13 years ago

Oooh, NWO’s getting all worked up. Just think about pedicures and silky garments and you’ll be fine.

“That’s such an idiosyncratic understanding of that statistic that it didn’t even occur to me that someone would think that.”

That’s our NWO.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I should add:

If I really believed the rate of sexual assault was 1 in 1877 or whatever, I’d be happy. This would be awesome news! It’d be a huge win-win for feminists and for humans in general. So I’m not primed to be resistant to it.

However, I don’t want to delude myself. I want rape to be actually rare, in real life. I only want to hear that rape is rare if it’s true.

Do you understand this at all, NWO (and buddies)? I don’t like the fact that women are victimized. I just want to stop it by stopping the victimization, not by pretending it doesn’t happen.

13 years ago

Yea blah, blah, blah. I wanna hear the fucking percentage of men who are rapists, you gutless wonder. Tell me the fucking number.

seriously? You expect us to do your fucking research for you? Presumptuous asshat much?

It’s called Google. It’s your friend. But I doubt anyone could get such statistics, because how many rapists are actually going to admit it to themselves, much less to someone doing a survey?

13 years ago

NF4ever – In the interests of accuracy, I think you lost a decimal place. My experience is roughly 1 in 500 (note that this is already more than NWO thinks, and this is only reported assaults in a single year), which with a 90% non-reporting rate would be 1 in 50.

However, that’s only in a single year, and people are vulnerable to sexual assault their entire lives. Factoring that in, 1 in 5 almost looks low.

And like you said earlier, these are assault victims that go to the ER. I imagine most of those would be (in the immortal words of Whoopi) the “rape-rape” cases more often than the just-plain-‘ol “rape” cases, which might not be forceful or even something the target initially acknowledges as a rape. As we saw from that study a while ago comparing survey methods, you can get people saying “no” in response to questions like “have you ever been raped?” while subsequently answering “yes” to questions like “has anyone ever initiated intercourse while you were unconscious?” or “has someone ever continued having sex with you after you asked them to stop?” and the like.

13 years ago

I just noticed that NWOSlave went from 365 reports a year to 36500 rapes, when 90% unreported would actually be 3650, in which case even with his naive linear approach it would take 110 years for every citizen to be raped, not 11.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I just noticed that NWOSlave went from 365 reports a year to 36500 rapes,
I think that’s his idea of a “joke,” because feminists claiming rape occurs is just hilarious, I mean, dude, what if they claimed infinity zillion rapes happened, haw haw!

13 years ago

“And like you said earlier, these are assault victims that go to the ER. I imagine most of those would be (in the immortal words of Whoopi) the “rape-rape” cases more often than the just-plain-’ol “rape” cases, which might not be forceful or even something the target initially acknowledges as a rape.”

Just as a point of reference … I’m not sure how this works in all municipalities, but in my area SANEs only report to ERs. So if you want to report a rape and/or have a rape kit done (which some people do without filing a report), you do go to the ER, regardless of how serious your injuries are, or whether there are any injuries, even.

Other areas may have different systems in place, though.

13 years ago

In the US, about 12% of men self-report having raped or attempted to rape someone (as long as you don’t call it “rape” but rather “used violence or the threat of violence to force someone to have sex with you,” or something along those lines). There is not a whole lot of research on the subject, but the research that has been done is pretty consistent, and pretty well-done.

A recent study in South Africa showed that 73% of men reported having raped someone.

That’s off the top of my head.

The figures in the first paragraph have been mentioned several times on this blog alone, by myself and others, so NWO is, predictably, revealing nothing except his own willful ignorance and dishonesty if he claims he’s never heard those numbers before.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Bee – Rape kids can only be done in the ER in my area. However, some people report to the police and don’t have a rape kit done (if it’s been more than 72 hours, or if they refuse to consent to the process, which is very extensive and intrusive), and many people don’t report to anyone at all.

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