
A reader alerted me to this post on a very interesting blog I haven’t written about before. Regular readers of Man Boobz may find some of these, er, arguments to be a bit familiar:
Our culture is absolutely fucked up. Girls and women hold all control of sex. … [F]rom the first interest in girls, we’re expected to pursue them, and they’re expected to reject us. …
I’m a perfectly healthy man. I’m stronger than a lot of other men, more intelligent, more competent, I think I’m reasonably good looking, and I’m very well endowed. None of that matters though. Somehow, women go for men that fail on a comparison on multiple accounts. …
There are things like rejecting a woman, or pretending to be uninterested that make her even more interested. … Women subconsciously measure a man’s performance in bed by his dancing and posturing. If only they knew how fucking stupid and wrong they are.
I don’t know what happened with me. I’ve always had a strong sex drive, but I got fucked over socially. I wasn’t even “in” in the reject crowd. All girls rejected me, and most rejects rejected me. People made fun of me, laughed at me, picked on me, and all the girls that I lusted after were either repulsed by me, or didn’t know who I was. Even the girls that were “friends” with me, wouldn’t have sex with me. Meanwhile, they went around whoring themselves out to whatever man played this fucking dumb-ass social flirting game. They [crude sexual remarks redacted —DF] like the dirty little whores they are. I’ve been available my whole life, but the only person that ever chose me as a mate were paid prostitutes, and my wife, who is emotionally and mentally fucked up beyond comprehension.
On the surface, this reads like almost every “nice guy” lament I’ve ever seen on the internet. Oh, it’s a bit more bitter than most, but this “nice guy” hits all the right notes: like the Holocuast-trivializing “nice guy” we looked at last Sunday, he complains that women get to actually choose whom to have sex with; like the “nice guy” Redditor we looked at Monday, he still holds a grudge against former crushes who chose to go out with (and have sex with) guys who weren’t him.
The difference? For one thing, this new guy is a bit more self-aware than most “nice guys,” in that he doesn’t actually describe himself as “nice.” For another, he is (or at least claims to be) a sociopath. As might have been immediately apparent had I quoted these comments, which immediately follow what I quoted from him above:
This is the reason I don’t care about people. Why the fuck should I? Everybody [wears] a mask. I want to rape and murder people, and I pretend I’m “normal.” Normal people wear a mask where they pretend they’re friendly and honest; whereas, they’re really deceptive, insecure, and emotionally hostile.
This posting comes from Sociopathworld, a fascinating blog written by a sociopath who is basically trying to explain to non-sociopaths how people like him or her think, to clear up misconceptions about them, and to help sociopaths themselves deal better with their disorder. (The author of the blog didn’t write the comments above; they were sent in by a reader.)
For those not intimately familiar with abnormal psych, “sociopathy” (often used synonymously with the term “psychopathy”) is a term commonly used to describe what is known clinically as Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). The blogger at SociopathWorld quotes a journal article that gives this useful capsule description of psychopaths as people
characterised by an absence of empathy and poor impulse control, with a total lack of conscience. … They tend to be egocentric, callous, manipulative, deceptive, superficial, irresponsible and parasitic, even predatory.
So are “nice guys” a bunch of sociopaths? Well, no. They may be egocentric – like the “nice guy” on Tumblr who compared his lack of dates to the Holocaust. They may lack empathy – like the “nice guy” Redditor who couldn’t feel sympathy for a female “friend” who had been raped. They may be manipulative – hoping that by being excessively “nice” and doing favors for women they will earn themselves some sex.
But they lack, among other things, the impulsiveness and routine deceitfulness that tend to characterize real sociopaths. Sociopaths can be deceptively charming, but very few people would ever describe them as nice. (Indeed, if anything, it’s pickup artists that act the most like real sociopaths; indeed, I’ve heard “game” described before, I think accurately, as an attempt to get guys to think and act more like charming, conscienceless sociopaths.)
So why do “nice guy” laments make them sound so much like sociopaths? I think their egocentricity and their almost total lack of empathy are key. “Nice guys” get crushes on a lot of girls and women, but these crushes often seem to have nothing to do with the objects of these intense feelings: the “nice guys” have whipped up a romantic and sexual drama in their own head, and simply projected it onto some convenient romantic object . The “nice guy” Redditor was once obsessed with his female “friend” – but when she was raped he did not react as a true friend would, with sympathy and sadness. He responded with a callous “she had it coming.”
Combine this lack of empathy with a sense of wounded entitlement – I DESERVE a cute girlfriend! – and you have a recipe for a pretty noxious stew.
“Nice guys” may not literally be sociopaths. But sometimes they think and act in some pretty sociopathic ways.
@Denia- This makes me simultaneously wish for and glad that I don’t have telepathic powers.
Denia, thanks for that … horrible … thing.
That may go in the next MB super fun video.
Denia: eeeewwwwww… Now I need to find my brain bleach. one of these days, I will learn not to click links willy-nilly…
You can also strip down a “natural” organ like a heart into a scaffold, and then rebuild it with donor cells… at least in rats. :p So something like that would also probably make more sense than trying to build a uterus entirely from the ground up. See the rat heart here:
Er, if you’re super squeamish about hearts don’t watch the video on the linked page, but otherwise do ’cause it’s fucking awesome. ^^
“You can also strip down a “natural” organ like a heart into a scaffold, and then rebuild it with donor cells… at least in rats. :p So something like that would also probably make more sense than trying to build a uterus entirely from the ground up.”
Interesting. Also, that link is awesome.
There’ve been a couple of successful organ transplants using the recipient’s stem cells, including where the organ was entirely lab-made: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory?id=14020120
Well, I think you are a bit off on this one.
Conflating “Nice Guys” with Sociopaths—I don’t know about that….
One of the often mentioned characteristics of sociopath’s is their “promiscuity”–usually a few lines after glib, superficially charming….
Isn’t one of the determining characteristics of “Nice Guys” their inability to get sex?
As far as Sociopathworld…. interesting site but I wouldn’t take things left by readers there super serious. There is a checklist by Dr. Robert Hare to measure sociopathy–wouldn’t just go by what someone seeking attention on the internet is saying to determine a diagnosis….
If you want to read some of the aftermath stories of those unfortunate enough to get involved with sociopath’s go to lovefraud.com…..
Anyways, this just seems to be one more example of your twisted worldview where you try to putt one group of people you don’t like next to another group generally reviled by society….
Interestingly enough, you called sociopathy a disorder, it is considered a pathology by some but there are those who think there are evolutionary benefits and it is another mode of being….
In the book On Killing, David Grossman postulated that sociopath’s make great soldiers during wartime as they have little reluctance to kill and don’t seem to suffer from PTSD or shellshock….
I have also heard people mention that (yes, I know he is a fictional character) Dr. House may be a sociopath but his lack of empathy allows him to see clearly and also bend rules and ethics to get things done-perhaps benevolent sociopathy…..
Stonerwithaboner, Nice Guys(tm) are closeted sociopath. Real sociopath/psychopath (like Ted Bundy) are handsome guys that have no problems attracting victims – and that’s why they are promiscuous. Nice Guys(tm) have asperger or are social retard, they cannot attract anyone. But they have the same opinion about women that sociopath/psychopath have.
Woah, having Aspergers does not make one a Nice Guy (TM). And please don’t use the R word.
Aspergers is a totally different thing than sociopathy–and while we’re at it schizophrenia is another thing entirely……
Don’t conflate things that are separate…..
How do you “know” that a “Nice Guy” is a closeted sociopath? Did you run Dr. Hare’s checklist on him?
If you have a problem with someone’s attitude towards women, then, by all means address that–don’t make a “diagnosis” you are unqualified to make……
Just an observation, someone may watch a movie like “American Psycho,” do some basic reading after about three or four hours scouring the web then go to a site and “claim to be a sociopath.”
Just like someone can go to a PUA forum and “claim to sleep with a hundred women”–just throw in a few buzzwords like kino, sarging and cold approach then go on to write some bad erotica…….
stonerwithaboner: Do you actually have something more constructive to say than, “dude, yer wrong… and sorta shallow…”
Because if you do, given the nature of the actual conversation that went on here, I can’t see it.
Woah, having Aspergers does not make one a Nice Guy (TM). And please don’t use the R word.
Seconded. MrB has Aspergers, and he is an actual nice guy.
I didn’t say that Aspergers are sociopath, I said that most Nice Guys(TM) have Asperger and therefore are not very handsome so they cannot be sociopath like Ted Bundy, they can only fantasize online about being sociopath.
I’m going to just say that while I stood quiet while we said narcissism, and sociopathy, Asperger’s is where I have to draw the line. This is, by far, the most popular internet armchair diagnosis. It is almost certainly inaccurate. Cite a serious claim that self identified NIce Guy status correlates to Asperger’s, or drop it. You don’t need a disorder to be an entitled douchebag, and no disorder is the most parsimonious case in general.
I… think that literally every part of this is wrong:
1) Most Nice Guys don’t have Asperger’s (and the reverse is true as well.)
2) Asperger’s has nothing to do with physical attractiveness…
3) …and neither does sociopathy.
4) Nice Guys/ guys with Asperger’s don’t all fantasize about being sociopaths.
Whew. That was some high-density clueless there.
Yeah, I’ve known tons of Aspies and they aren’t like that at all. It’s an insulting comparison.
y’know years ago I learned that there was a name for someone who enjoyed putting others down who had “social difficulties,” it was called BULLY…..
I guess you will have to call it “Bully TM” to make it kewlz on teh interwebz…….
Stoner, did you actually read my post? I didn’t claim that “nice guys” are sociopaths; indeed I specifically said they weren’t. I noted that some specific things about a posting by a sociopath reminded me of things I’ve seen “nice guys” say. (And by “nice guys,” I’m referring to a specific sort of guy who thinks he’s nice, but really isn’t, in part because he seems to have no empathy for the women he fixates on.) I could explain more, or you could jsut go back and read what I actually wrote.
And I’m most definitely NOT mocking people with social difficulties for having social difficulties. I’ve had social difficulties; practically everyone I know has dealt with them. Including women, of course.
I am mocking (or at least criticizing) guys with social difficulties who turn around and blame women for it all, getting angry that women actually — gasp! — get to choose who they go out with. Or feeling sort of glad an old crush got raped because she “had it coming.”
If a guy has social difficulties, and instead of turning into a misogynist creep, actually develops empathy for others with the same difficulties, that’s fantastic. It’s the awkward dudes who turn into hateful misogynist creeps I’m not so fond of.
Dude, I’ve been over this in other threads. I have Asperger’s. I can’t control that. What I can control is whether or not I’m a total knob to other people. When you say that, you are assuming that we can’t control our actions, or learn, or be ethical, which is very insulting.
I have Asperger’s too. Fuck off.
I have Asperger’s too. Fuck off.
Hi five, Spearhafoc (if you feel like being touched right now).
I don’t think NiceGuys necessarily have autism and/or Aspergers, although I’m sure it’s possible.
Personality disorders like NPD aren’t caused by organic dysfunction as far as scientists can tell, so it’s not strange to cite them. When it comes to personality disorders, which are determined by and diagnosed based entirely on behavior, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. Whether the symptoms are clinical or subclinical is another matter…
People with anti-social personality disorder are perfectly capable of using empathy “selectively”, afaik. Empathy and sympathy are different; someone can empathize with someone without sympathizing enough to care about their welfare.
I think people get the wrong idea if they try to look at symptom checklists online and interpret them very narrowly applying them without any clinical experience. Which is why it’s better if laypeople refrain from playing diagnosticians.
I did read your post.
I also read the post at Sociopathworld where many on the thread questioned whether the post was written by an actual sociopath or someone merely seeking attention. As I mentioned above, someone could easily claim to be a sociopath just as someone could easily go to a PUA forum and claim to have 100+ sex partners-doesn’t mean that either are authentic…..
“And I’m most definitely NOT mocking people with social difficulties for having social difficulties. I’ve had social difficulties; practically everyone I know has dealt with them. Including women, of course. ”
Maybe you didn’t specifically mock someone but No More Mr. Niceguy’s comments about Aspergers seemed to do so and there has been blowback in the thread–hence the bullying comment…..
“I am mocking (or at least criticizing) guys with social difficulties who turn around and blame women for it all, getting angry that women actually — gasp! — get to choose who they go out with. Or feeling sort of glad an old crush got raped because she “had it coming.”
Thanks for the clarification. I believe that you and Amanda Marcotte need to be much more clear when you describe “Nice Gus TM” as you may be trying to portray a “Shallow Hal” character and your readers, or at least I was seeing more of a “Forty Year Old Virgin” character. The view I get is that the “Forty Year Old Virgin” character doesn’t necessarily deserve tons of pity but it is extremely unfair to treat him with scorn…..