antifeminism creepy evil women homophobia idiocy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rapey sluts

For the love of God, ladies, take off those pants!

It's sinful when dogs wear them, too.

We’re taking a brief trip outside the manosphere today to take a look at a little posting I found on – which, as far as I can tell, is not a joke site — on the evils of women wearing pants.

No need to dilly dally around with jokes; let’s just get right into it:

One of the most controversial subjects in America’s churches today is pants on women; but there is NO controversy if you believe the Bible.  1st Timothy 2:9 clearly instructs women to dress MODESTLY, i.e., of good behavior.  A woman’s clothing says MUCH about her character.  I guarantee you that women who approve of abortion (i.e., murder) also see no problem with women wearing pants. 

Except, one presumes, while they are getting these abortions.

At this point the author, one David J. Stewart, quotes disapprovingly from a song by rapper Chingy, also on the subject of pants, specifically jeans. I won’t bother to quote all of the lyrics; you can get the gist of Chingy’s thesis from this brief excerpt:

Damn Girl

How’d you get all that in

Dem Jeans

Dem Jeans

Here’s the video, if you wish to double-check this transcription.

Stewart continues:

Only a rebellious woman, who deliberately disobeys the Word of God, would wear pants. …   Pants on women are adulterous in nature, and cause men to lust and sin.  Jesus made this clear in Matthew 5:28, “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”  Women who wear pants deliberately cause men to lust, and commit the sin of adultery.  …

The average person today scoffs at the idea that Rock-n-Roll, Satanism, and immoral sex go hand-in-hand, but they certainly do.  When Rock-n-Roll came to America, so did pants on women become mainstream.  Naturally, feminism, witchcraft, abortion, and homosexuality came as well.  Rock-n-Roll is straight from the pits of Hell.  ALL rock-n-roll women wear pants. 

Ah, but it turns out we haven’t really wandered too far from the manosphere after all – and not just because of the mention of feminism. No, what strikes me about Stewart’s argument – aside from the fact that it is completely batshit – is that it is not really very different than the arguments advanced by the critics of the Slutwalks: that the “immodest” dress of women causes men to “lust and sin.”

One of the most common complaints I’ve seen in the writings of the antifeminist slutwalk critics is that women want to “do what they want to, and dress how they want to, without facing any consequences,” as if women who dress in ways these men find arousing have in fact committed some sort of sin that requires punishment from, if not God himself, then from the rapists of the world.

The slutwalk critics invariably insist they’re simply passing along useful advice to women – don’t dress slutty or you’ll get raped – but the talk of “consequences” (and the choice of that word) shows pretty clearly that the real impetus behind the strangely vehement attacks on the slutwalks is the desire to punish women for dressing, and more importantly, doing “what they want.”

Say what you will about the folks behind, but at least their position on the evils of pants is consistent with their overall fundamentalist ideology. The slutwalk critics don’t really have an excuse.

EDITED TO ADD: And, conveniently enough, here’s some douchebag on Reddit making this exact slut-shaming “argument.” Pro-tip: I don’t think “responsibility” means quite what you think it means, dude.

Ah, Reddit, always reliable.


Thanls, ShitRedditSAys, for pointing me to this. And to MFingPterodactyl for the sensible response.

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13 years ago

it occurred to me that the most traditional, conservative, obedient-to-her-husband woman i know wheres pants. probably because its hard to grow crops and maintain a large property in a dress.

13 years ago

I was at a Modern-Orthodox religious event last night. Half the women (including the new bride) were wearing pants.

And we all know how radically non-feminine, and anti-traditional Orthodox Jews are.

13 years ago

Or, you know, wearing pants has absolutely nothing to with femininity and hasn’t been considered even remotely controversial in the West since The Great Depression.*  I mean, Marlene Deitrich scandalized audiences when she wore a man’s tuxedo in the film Morocco… in 1935. Katherine Hepburn? Marilyn-friggin’-Monroe?! Please explain how one of the icons of feminine beauty and sexuality was competing with men by wearing cigarette pants, a style later made incredibly popular by the totally butch, Audrey Hepburn.

So much of Meller’s caterwauling is little more than delusional foolishness but getting your dander up about women in pants? Pants?! Next he’ll delight and entertain us with seven paragraphs of purple prose all about the evils of lip rouge and bobbed hair. Fetch the smelling salts and have the velvet chaise at the ready!

And, of course NWO, limitless imbecile that he is ,jumps right on the band wagon. NWO, siding with the guy who’s asking women to dress in a more feminine and alluring manner.  Oh the irony.

13 years ago

Forgot the asterisk: Fundamentalist communities are the main exception.

13 years ago

Johnny B, are you being deliberately obtuse, or does it come naturally? There’s a shit-ton of context that you’re ignoring here. Get caught up before you comment, please.


Thanks for making my point for me. Now I KNOW I’m right. The pattern is always the same, whether it’s myself, NWO, DKM or someone else. They come here with certain ideas and views which disagree with the “gang” here, who then respond with insults and ad hominems. It’s never been the so-called “trolls” who engaged in name-calling and abuse first, it’s always been one of you.

In DKM’s fantasy world, I would be enslaved, or killed for not being pretty enough. Assume he’s thinking about you. How would you react?

13 years ago

So much of Meller’s caterwauling is little more than delusional foolishness but getting your dander up about women in pants? Pants?! Next he’ll delight and entertain us with seven paragraphs of purple prose all about the evils of lip rouge and bobbed hair. Fetch the smelling salts and have the velvet chaise at the ready!

Dude, it’s not only that, he wants us to wear “pretty ribbons,” furs, and be veiled (but just translucent, “flirty” veils). Click back a page or so to find what he wrote, it’s uncomfortably specific.

13 years ago

On the ’08 election:

It is only by the most charitable stretch of the English language that McCain and Palin could be considered “White” candidates. There, as always, the interest was in the furtherance of the New World Order agenda, the impoverishment and further dispossession and disenfranchisemnt of White people, and the further erosion of our remaining White country’s sovereignty into a World Government combining the worst features of socialism and “capitalism” for the benefit of a criminal corporate/media/political elite of renegade Whites.

Brother ‘Bama will do the same job for the same kind of people more easily and visibly. At least we will see who our adversaries are more clearly for the next four years!
In addition to getting our messages out regarding our dispossession (and prelude to our racial extermination?) we will have to find ways to evolve a new direction and meaning to our politics. Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty might be one way, local groups like Council for Conservative Citizens may be another, and there might be other groups where we will learn to vote for and organize for our own interests, like nonwhites have been doing. They have been doing it with the assistance and approval of the NWO elites, whereas we will be encountering their formidable political opposition, but this can’t be avoided.

David K. Meller

13 years ago

The new KKK sucks, I really think they sold out with their last album:

At this late date, one should certainly consider the possibility that the KKK–and other organizations like it–have outlived their usefulness to White Christians or anyone else. Since the ’60s (at least) known cells or “klaverns” have been so thoroughly infiltrated by provocateurs, journalists of renegade White media, and even “law enforcement” that they couldn’t do any work for White people, our culture and our identity, especially in the South, even if you wanted to. They would, and could, only end up serving our enemies!

Instead of the KKK, why not work with credible, honest, and easily vetted organizations that eschew violence and stupidity, present the case for White Christians intelligently and thoughtfully, continue to educate ourselves and our fellow Whites, and continue to develop our identity against the New World Order and its criminal corporate/media/diplomatic stooges.

It just ain’t your great grandfather’s KKK, and frankly, there are much better alternatives today!

Nathan Bedford Forrest RIP

David K. Meller

13 years ago

We don’t “hate” black people, they just look like monkeys (and act like DKM):

Most White Nationalists don’t “hate” black people, they try to view them realistically. Africans have features and characteristics common to less civilized people of any race or nationality anywhere, but (with Africans) often in an exaggerated and intensified form, which civilized people of ANY race find unpleasant and repugnant.

A widespread history of poor impulse control, an unwillingness to respect private property or the integrity of “public spaces”, an appalling degree of violent, and needlessly confrontational behavior, both with other blacks, and with Whites, and a childish lack of self-control along with what impresses Whites as poor reasoning ability makes a black presence unpleasant, in the workplace, in schools, on roads and highways, in movie theatres or shopping malls, etc. A certain forwardness and explicitness about sex, while widely accepted among blacks, both male and female, also becomes most offensive to many Whites, especially when accompanied by the almost inevitable profanity.

The usual excuse from blacks, and renegade egalitarian whites, is that White people also misbehave, but when we do, appropriate discipline may be exercised against the miscreants without endless crybabying about “racism” and “Profiling”.

It hasn’t been extensively examined, but the phenomenon of the widespread moves of “middle-class” blacks to more civilized and pleasant neighborhoods, even when the newcomers were uninvited and unwelcome, certainly showed that even such blacks found the presence of large numbers of their own people disagreeable,if not intolerable, for much the same reasons as supposedly “bigoted” Whites! They were even willing to brave determined opposition from Whites rather than live among themselves peacefully!

David K. Meller

My favorite part here is “the almost inevitable profanity.” Gasp! DKM’s offended!

13 years ago

The banning of serious holocaust research in Europe and Canada by law, the advocacy and passage of State and Federal “hate speech” legislation, and the nomination of appellate and Supreme Court wizards who will ratify the NWO agenda. That is what concerns the likes of JDL or Mossad!

“Serious Holocaust research,” eh?

13 years ago

With this post,, he pisses off Stormfront by recommending crank economics websites

13 years ago

Wasn’t he complaining at one point that we were slandering him by calling him (well,pointing out that he is) a racist?

But this isn’t racism!

There is no “racism” on this site, nor is there any on these thread. It is the misbehavior associated with a (greatly disproportionate) number–and percentage–of Africans which Whites feel uncomfortable with. As mentioned at my post, even decent Blacks are willing to undergo considerable inconvienence and expense to escape from the almost animalistic manifestations all too commonplace among lowerclass blacks! The reasons for this behavior no doubt have SOME genetic and even racial foundation, but it is the behavior which is “hateful’ not the race!


13 years ago

No, of course it’s not racism!

This constant reference to “all” blacks don’t misbehave in the manner described in is getting somewhat irritating! Nobody says that they do!

Even when a small percentage of a group who misbehaves in a violence-prone, inconsiderate, and extremely present-oriented manner, they will make any community uninhabitable. Even a small percentage of pilferers or vandals (of any race) can drive firms out of business, and prevent other firms from opening up, to the detriment of everyone! Even a small percentage of ineducable children in a school can make education all but impossible and drive out capable and gifted teachers.

Needless to say, when the unwanted and destructive interracial associations are MANDATED by a corrupt and renegade government, the problems cited become much worse!

You are absolutely correct, 21st century black, that sociopathic and dysfunctional individuals come in all races, including Whites, but the percentages are horribly skewed in the direction of blacks, and in addition, with the rise of political correctness, many Whites are prevented by renegade media and courts from dealing with the problems to us caused by such blacks in an effective and disciplined manner. This is in no way a comment on the people who AREN’T dysfunctional, stupid, or sociopathic, but a first step in working toward any solution is an accurate diagnosis and targeting of the problems we encounter!

The fact, that, as illustrated in your post, even successful and intelligent blacks act as covers of,and apologists for, the destructive minority of blacks, and unfortunately makes you a target where you shouldn’t be.

David K. Meller

PS–I, at this late date, DON’T know all about you, and until your behavior changes (as a group), I am not sure that I even want to! DKM

13 years ago

My favorite part here is “the almost inevitable profanity.” Gasp! DKM’s offended!

Well I’ll be dipped in shit. What a fucking surprise.

13 years ago

White couple gets killed by You Know Who, DKM’s response:

Our African “friends” are trying to tell us something. When will more White people start listening?

You can take an African out of Africa, but you cannot take…

David K. Meller

13 years ago

My favorite David K. Meller quote? Glad you asked!

Any movie that is produced by a REAL man like Mel Gibson could only be corrupted and degraded by the likes of new age male Leonardo (or should it be Leonora) DiCaprio! I’m am sure that there are FAR more suitable actors–not necessarily located in the People’s Republic of Hollywood–which can be hired to play in Gibson’s new film! As to Mr? DiCaprio and his objections to Gibson’s so-called “domestic violence”, all one can say is: Good Riddence! There are always movies from Sharon Stone, Jill Clayburgh, Meryl Streep or Barbarous Streisand which DiCaprio can star in. (S)he would fit right in! PEACE AND FREEDOM!! David K. Meller

It cracks me up every single time. BONUS: It’s on American Nationalist Union, a racist, anti-Semitic, conspiracy theorist, paranoid, Ron Paul-lovin’ web site, with **EXTRA BONUS** wavy American flags as the background. Color me surprised that Meller hasn’t run into the slaveman before now. How did that happen?

13 years ago

David Irving’s website gets vandalized (I’m getting a PhD in modern European history and I can tell yall that Irving sucks donkey-dong), this is his response:

uch infantile misbehavior on the part of some, maybe even most, of the renegade Whites only demonstrates in the clearest way that their idea of “refutation” of any ideas with which they disagree can be expressed only by their vandalism of pro-White nationalist (and other dissident, politically “incorrect”) websites. Obviously, after more than six decades after history’s most destructive war, they have nothing better!

This is, however, a warning for and other like minded independent URLs, websites, and blogs to upgrade security as much as possible (and what they can afford)! It is also persuasive evidence of how truthful such targeted sources are, compared with the managed news such vandals try to spoonfeed us everyday.

I hope that Dr. Irving’s websites are restored as quickly and thoroughly as possible, and that news of the vandalism on the part of renegade whites can spread to as many people as possible, so that viewership on the part of independent-minded viewers may grow exponentially!

This will defeat the purposes of the simpletons who imagine that the way to refute a scholar–regarding their disagreements with him about the “holocaust”, or anything else–is to mangle and disrupt his website!

Ideas can NEVER be defeated by vandalism, censorship, or even terrorism! They can only be defeated by better ideas. If the only way that holocausters are able to dispute their critics is by hacking websites and preposterous legal harassment, then they (and their lies) have long since seen better days! The establishment is certainly afraid of something!

That more and more White people are waking up to the frauds characterised by “Global warming”, “stimulus packages and bailouts”, racial and gender “equality”, so-called American “democracy”…, along with the exposure of countless other lies being perpetuated by the corrupt and often brutal oligarchy of the NWO, in the pursuit of their criminal and loathsome global agenda, strongly suggest that the long night of lies by our oppressors might well be coming to an end!

“Know the truth and the truth shall make you free”!

David K. Meller

long night of lies told by your oppressors, huh? what, like how your Hero drove his own economy into the ground to fight a war that he was super-unlikely to win? Oh joy, economic meltdown. Even if I were a bigot (I’m not) I’d hate to be seen with the likes of Hitler.

13 years ago

Huh, actually he hates Hitler too. SORRY I SLANDERED YOU DUDEBRO

There is a natural reluctance to show approval or admiration for any politician and a German politician voted into office during troubled times should be no exception. One interesting point is that World War II, brought about primarily through the Hitler-Stalin pacts in Aug 1939, was, like its predecessor, WWI, an autogenocidal war among WHITE NATIONS!! Slavs, Nordics, Magyars, Frenchmen, (Both Gallic and Frankish) and Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Celtic people were White Christians!! The fact that there were jewish elements (of varying degrees of influence) doesn’t change the fact that countless millions of European Whites were maimed or killed to fulfill Hitler’s vision for Germany.

The viciousness and barbarism characteristic of any war was intensified by Hitler and his National Socialism ideology. This war and its aftermath unavoidably created a self-defeating reaction among decent Whites of all nationalities against ANY racial conciousness on our part. To this day, the worst thing you can be called by a European is a “neonazi”.

A wise and prudent ruler tries to take account of the likely conseqences of his actions, both to his current subjects, and their posterity. Hitler lived for the moment, saw his war as “a glorious adventure”, and the White race is suffering for it to this day.

The pitiful thing is that Germany under National Socialist leadership didn’t even NEED to pursue warfare. It was fairly clear well before 1939 that Germany would be in a position of leadership in Europe, and perhaps even the world, in their scientific, industrial, political, and diplomatic achievements without war. Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia (or its constituent parts) Bulgaria, etc would almost certainly have gravitated under German protection, partly against Russian designs in the region, and partly because of superior German abilities in science and entrepreurship throughout the region (which predated Hitler and NSDAP by many generations).

I could go on, but I think that I have made my point. Hitler could have got what he wanted (or at least what he said that he wanted) without WWII, and probably even without militarism and warmongering. I also don’t know if even his antisemitism didn’t go too far and too recklessly, depriving Germany not only of communtist-jewish parasites, (which Hitler and the NSDAP could have rid themselves and Europe of in any event) but the large number of jewish Germans (and others) who WERE UNDENIABLY NATIONALISTIC and committed to a New and better Europe.

If you consider that the real powers behind the War for Southern Independence, 1861-1865, the Great War of 1914-1918 and its Versailles “settlement”, and the continuation of 1939-1945 were all autogenocidal, killing millions of productive, intelligent, and decent White people, and these renegade-Whites (no, not only Jews) aided and abetted the Bolsheviki (who killed millions more, even without Hitler), the presence of a leader who was in a good positon to free Europe from this Banking/Academic/Diplomatic axis of renegades makes Hitler and his NSDAP especially disappointing.

Hitler and his nazis were a sad part of European history and no credit to our race and people!! We haven’t recovered to this day, almost seven decades later!


13 years ago

Who just says, “Oh yeah, occasionally I visit Stormfront. I’m not really into it.” Does anyone do that?


Simple negativity seldom accomplishes anything! It is easy enough to be against “socialism”, but a committed White activist really should promote his vision of alternatives to this deeply flawed “New World Order” and its criminal Corporate/Media/Political elites. Informing more (White) people of better alternatives is especially important when they are obviously committed to reducing us to slavery on a global plantation where Whites (if we are permitted to exist at all) will be degraded to the level of third world nonwhites!

Simply saying that you love “America” as it once was is also inadaquate! Obviously,our ancestors’ country had many serious flaws, and they made serious mistakes in dealing with them for us to be in the terminal mess we are in today!

I think that the failures in many areas, especially in education, race relations, gender and marriage “equality”, and foreign policy–perpetual war for perpetual peace–of policies and ideology promoted so shamelessly by the egalitarians, humanists, and phony neocons over the past decades, are glaring enough so that articulating worthwhile ALTERNATIVES by and for White people (and free of NWO White renegades) can and should be highlighted whenever possible. Hogtrash, try being more energetic in expressing alternatives and not just being agin’ everything!

David K. Meller

13 years ago

Why must we be forced to associate with black people? With women? In public, no less!
His Glorious Future is a room with him in it. There is a mirror, but it’s one of those metal ones they put in the really big public high schools.

White Nationalists, for the most part do not “hate” black people–or anyone else–as such. Much of Black people’s behavior (as a group), however, is exceedingly disagreeable, and to be required by law to associate with them on a basis of “equality” frequently exposes Whites, our families, our neighborhoods, our schools, and our parks to vandalism, danger, and general unpleasantness. This problem is greatly intensified when your advocates deny the extent,or malignancy, of such misbehavior, or even worse, assert that “they are not ALL that way”. Nobody ever said that you were!

Even a small percentage of blacks–or anyone else–need to be antisocial to make their company or association exceedingly unpleasant, if not dangerous! All of the rest of you, may be very good people!

The efforts made by White Nationalists, and others, to remove this unfriendly element from our environment are understandable. It is not “racist”, and Colin, you and your friends would make a better case if the word “racist” was deleted from your vocabulary! Name calling and slander is very babyish and obnoxious, and should be left up to mere politicians and MSM who are good at it, and nothing else!

David K. Meller

13 years ago

“Bombama”, I’ll admit, is a slur for the President I haven’t heard before. Thank you Mr. Meller, knowledge truly is power.

Again with the Christian schtick. Do you know how many swarthy gentlemen (and ladies) had a hand in the making of our religion? More than you think.

Barack omaba is merely the symptom of decay and corruption. The disease–the dispossession and disenfranchisement of the White Christian majority–goes much deeper, and was well underway long before Mr. Bomamba was a gleam in his father’s eye.

That he should be considered as a Presidential candidate tells us what kind of a government we are living under, and what kind of elite is battening off of it.

Maybe we were all being softened up by the likes of Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, DaddyBush, the Filthy One, with the horrid harridan hag of his feminist wife as “co-President”, and finally the wretched Presidency of STUPID for preparation of this.

There is also Hillary Clinton…

I have long suspected that one reason that the criminal and renegade elite of what was once Christendom, especially what was once the USA, (including, but certainly not limited to Zionist Jews) is SO terrified of White Nationalist power is because they KNOW that a racially and historically conscious White community would NEVER tolerate these vagabonds and disrepuables among us as dog catchers, much less for leadership in our Republic’s highest offices!

The Al Gores, Barak Omabas, Hillary and Bill Clintons, Dick Cheneys, John McCains and dtheir ilk would all be on street corners with little tin cups.


13 years ago

lol of course hes a holocaust denier

I also don’t know if even his antisemitism didn’t go too far and too recklessly

antisemitism in moderation only guys

13 years ago

Refers to WNs as “us”

The White Nationalist movement and the libertarian movement seem to be parallel lines which (in Euclidean geometry) will co-exist but never meet! If either of us are to have a future, either as libertarians or as WNs, we MUST ask, Where do we go from here?

Let us look at what exists in America–and even more, in Europe–today:

Under the joint pressure of both neocons and “progressives”, any expression of Whiteness for us is for all practical intents and purposes against the law!

When whites defend themselves against nonwhite crime, they are held up as “white racists”, even if nonwhites started it. If nonwhites invade our (private) property and misbehave inconsiderately, or even destructively, WE are the “bigots” for trying to enforce rules of conduct for the peace and benefit of everyone! If White parents try to educate their children in a pro-White, racially secure environment, the parents are accused of “brainwashing”, and the children are taken away to be dumbed-down, guilt ridden renegades and self-hating caricatures of White Men and women. Ron Paul, and people like him, would certainly agree with you that this is an outrageous abuse of State power, they would support the integrity of white families, and they would stop it immediately! Have either Democrats or Republicans stopped it, or even held it up to condemnation?

Needless to say, nonwhite parents are not only permitted, but even encouraged, in our bizarre society, to foster hatred of Whites in their children! I could go on, but I think that I have made my point.

Libertarians and Ron Paul supporters, whatever their disagreements with WNs, nevertheless emphasize the WNs absolute RIGHTS to their property, the integrity of their families, and their right of personal, business, and home defence! We call for starters, the repeal of the 1965 voting rights act, the 1964 Civil Rights act, the 1968 Fair Housing act, along with the Federal and State enforcement apparatus and many of us even are willing to look at the 14th Amendment to the Constitution which has been (mis)interpreted by the Supreme Court in such mischievous and anti-White ways! They insist on the absolute right of Whites to their own sovereignty, their safety, and their freedom of action! “Conservatives” and “Liberals” WILL NOT!

You won’t get anything like this from the Party of Obama or from the party of Nixon, Reagan, and Stupid I and II!

Libertarians and Ron Paul constitutionalists will also work to (with your help) expose and defund the massive government funding of egalitarian and antiwhite foundations and tax-exempt public policy groups. These groups, and the media and educational institutions they control, generate enormous antiwhite bias in law, custom, and even language in what was once our country. They can’t–and shouldn’t–do all the work alone, however!

Libertarians, “paleoconservatives” and Constitutionalists don’t have to like White Nationalists; they don’t have to even agree with each other, even on the importance of racial nationalism, to work together on many issues of common importance. If you doubt this, look at how egalitarians and antiwhites on the other side have worked together to wage war successfully against BOTH OF US for the past six or seven decades, despite great suspicion and hostility between themselves. Libertarians and Constitutionalists can help you get what you want (to some degree) and I think that WNs can help them get what they want, in certain areas.

David K. Meller