We’re taking a brief trip outside the manosphere today to take a look at a little posting I found on Jesus-is-savior.com – which, as far as I can tell, is not a joke site — on the evils of women wearing pants.
No need to dilly dally around with jokes; let’s just get right into it:
One of the most controversial subjects in America’s churches today is pants on women; but there is NO controversy if you believe the Bible. 1st Timothy 2:9 clearly instructs women to dress MODESTLY, i.e., of good behavior. A woman’s clothing says MUCH about her character. I guarantee you that women who approve of abortion (i.e., murder) also see no problem with women wearing pants.
Except, one presumes, while they are getting these abortions.
At this point the author, one David J. Stewart, quotes disapprovingly from a song by rapper Chingy, also on the subject of pants, specifically jeans. I won’t bother to quote all of the lyrics; you can get the gist of Chingy’s thesis from this brief excerpt:
Damn Girl
How’d you get all that in
Dem Jeans
Dem Jeans
Here’s the video, if you wish to double-check this transcription.
Stewart continues:
Only a rebellious woman, who deliberately disobeys the Word of God, would wear pants. … Pants on women are adulterous in nature, and cause men to lust and sin. Jesus made this clear in Matthew 5:28, “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Women who wear pants deliberately cause men to lust, and commit the sin of adultery. …
The average person today scoffs at the idea that Rock-n-Roll, Satanism, and immoral sex go hand-in-hand, but they certainly do. When Rock-n-Roll came to America, so did pants on women become mainstream. Naturally, feminism, witchcraft, abortion, and homosexuality came as well. Rock-n-Roll is straight from the pits of Hell. ALL rock-n-roll women wear pants.
Ah, but it turns out we haven’t really wandered too far from the manosphere after all – and not just because of the mention of feminism. No, what strikes me about Stewart’s argument – aside from the fact that it is completely batshit – is that it is not really very different than the arguments advanced by the critics of the Slutwalks: that the “immodest” dress of women causes men to “lust and sin.”
One of the most common complaints I’ve seen in the writings of the antifeminist slutwalk critics is that women want to “do what they want to, and dress how they want to, without facing any consequences,” as if women who dress in ways these men find arousing have in fact committed some sort of sin that requires punishment from, if not God himself, then from the rapists of the world.
The slutwalk critics invariably insist they’re simply passing along useful advice to women – don’t dress slutty or you’ll get raped – but the talk of “consequences” (and the choice of that word) shows pretty clearly that the real impetus behind the strangely vehement attacks on the slutwalks is the desire to punish women for dressing, and more importantly, doing “what they want.”
Say what you will about the folks behind Jesus-is-Savior.com, but at least their position on the evils of pants is consistent with their overall fundamentalist ideology. The slutwalk critics don’t really have an excuse.
EDITED TO ADD: And, conveniently enough, here’s some douchebag on Reddit making this exact slut-shaming “argument.” Pro-tip: I don’t think “responsibility” means quite what you think it means, dude.
Thanls, ShitRedditSAys, for pointing me to this. And to MFingPterodactyl for the sensible response.
it occurred to me that the most traditional, conservative, obedient-to-her-husband woman i know wheres pants. probably because its hard to grow crops and maintain a large property in a dress.
I was at a Modern-Orthodox religious event last night. Half the women (including the new bride) were wearing pants.
And we all know how radically non-feminine, and anti-traditional Orthodox Jews are.
Or, you know, wearing pants has absolutely nothing to with femininity and hasn’t been considered even remotely controversial in the West since The Great Depression.* I mean, Marlene Deitrich scandalized audiences when she wore a man’s tuxedo in the film Morocco… in 1935. Katherine Hepburn? Marilyn-friggin’-Monroe?! Please explain how one of the icons of feminine beauty and sexuality was competing with men by wearing cigarette pants, a style later made incredibly popular by the totally butch, Audrey Hepburn.
So much of Meller’s caterwauling is little more than delusional foolishness but getting your dander up about women in pants? Pants?! Next he’ll delight and entertain us with seven paragraphs of purple prose all about the evils of lip rouge and bobbed hair. Fetch the smelling salts and have the velvet chaise at the ready!
And, of course NWO, limitless imbecile that he is ,jumps right on the band wagon. NWO, siding with the guy who’s asking women to dress in a more feminine and alluring manner. Oh the irony.
Forgot the asterisk: Fundamentalist communities are the main exception.
Johnny B, are you being deliberately obtuse, or does it come naturally? There’s a shit-ton of context that you’re ignoring here. Get caught up before you comment, please.
Thanks for making my point for me. Now I KNOW I’m right. The pattern is always the same, whether it’s myself, NWO, DKM or someone else. They come here with certain ideas and views which disagree with the “gang” here, who then respond with insults and ad hominems. It’s never been the so-called “trolls” who engaged in name-calling and abuse first, it’s always been one of you.
In DKM’s fantasy world, I would be enslaved, or killed for not being pretty enough. Assume he’s thinking about you. How would you react?
So much of Meller’s caterwauling is little more than delusional foolishness but getting your dander up about women in pants? Pants?! Next he’ll delight and entertain us with seven paragraphs of purple prose all about the evils of lip rouge and bobbed hair. Fetch the smelling salts and have the velvet chaise at the ready!
Dude, it’s not only that, he wants us to wear “pretty ribbons,” furs, and be veiled (but just translucent, “flirty” veils). Click back a page or so to find what he wrote, it’s uncomfortably specific.
In case anyone is still wondering, I did a little googling and yes, Mr. David K. Meller has posted on Stormfront and other racist sites. Here are a bunch of his comments.
Oh, and I found a fairly hair-raising comment of his on this site too:
On the ’08 election:
The new KKK sucks, I really think they sold out with their last album:
We don’t “hate” black people, they just look like monkeys (and act like DKM):
My favorite part here is “the almost inevitable profanity.” Gasp! DKM’s offended!
Some more comments by him here:
A few choice ones (there are more):
Wasn’t he complaining at one point that we were slandering him by calling him (well,pointing out that he is) a racist?
“Serious Holocaust research,” eh?
With this post,, he pisses off Stormfront by recommending crank economics websites
Wasn’t he complaining at one point that we were slandering him by calling him (well,pointing out that he is) a racist?
But this isn’t racism!
No, of course it’s not racism!
My favorite part here is “the almost inevitable profanity.” Gasp! DKM’s offended!
Well I’ll be dipped in shit. What a fucking surprise.
White couple gets killed by You Know Who, DKM’s response:
My favorite David K. Meller quote? Glad you asked!
It cracks me up every single time. BONUS: It’s on American Nationalist Union, a racist, anti-Semitic, conspiracy theorist, paranoid, Ron Paul-lovin’ web site, with **EXTRA BONUS** wavy American flags as the background. Color me surprised that Meller hasn’t run into the slaveman before now. How did that happen?
David Irving’s website gets vandalized (I’m getting a PhD in modern European history and I can tell yall that Irving sucks donkey-dong), this is his response:
long night of lies told by your oppressors, huh? what, like how your Hero drove his own economy into the ground to fight a war that he was super-unlikely to win? Oh joy, economic meltdown. Even if I were a bigot (I’m not) I’d hate to be seen with the likes of Hitler.
Huh, actually he hates Hitler too. SORRY I SLANDERED YOU DUDEBRO
Who just says, “Oh yeah, occasionally I visit Stormfront. I’m not really into it.” Does anyone do that?
Why must we be forced to associate with black people? With women? In public, no less!
His Glorious Future is a room with him in it. There is a mirror, but it’s one of those metal ones they put in the really big public high schools.
“Bombama”, I’ll admit, is a slur for the President I haven’t heard before. Thank you Mr. Meller, knowledge truly is power.
Again with the Christian schtick. Do you know how many swarthy gentlemen (and ladies) had a hand in the making of our religion? More than you think.
lol of course hes a holocaust denier
I also don’t know if even his antisemitism didn’t go too far and too recklessly
antisemitism in moderation only guys
Refers to WNs as “us”