antifeminism creepy douchebaggery evil women misogyny MRA penises reactionary bullshit that's not funny! the spearhead

David K. Meller on women getting cancer: “HA HA HA HA HA…LOL!”

Not reallly the appropriate response to someone else getting cancer.

Those of you who aren’t regular readers of the comments here may not appreciate the true genius of David K. Meller, an excitable and exclamation-point-loving MRA I’ve mentioned once or twice in my posts, but who shows up in the comments here with some regularity – ending each comment with his trademark “PEACE AND FREEDOM!!”

Mr. Meller is a great lover (not physically) of men:

Men, by and large, are a wonderful sex! We are more intelligent than women, more creative, at least in the areas outside the home. We are, also, as a rule, physically stronger as well …

He claims to love women, too – though not feminists, whom he seems to consider something other than human:

Women ARE people, and often wonderful people at that! Feminists, on the other hand, AREN’T! …

Women are people, and properly raised, educated, and loved,, are beautiful, charming, and lovely!

Despite his alleged love of women – at least the non-feminist ones – he often says utterly horrible things about them. The examples are too numerous to catalogue. But let me draw your attention to one rather telling comment of his I found recently on The Spearhead.

In the midst of a discussion of Sharon Osbourne’s now notorious comments about a woman who cut off her husband’s penis, Meller offered the following musings on the subject of women and cancer. I am having trouble finding much love of women in them:

It is .. possible that the breast cancers (not to mention ovarian and vaginal cancers) have a psychosomatic aspect to their development. … The feelings of vicious sadism, brutality, and callous indifference to another’s pain in such harpies must inexorably work on the molecular, genetic, and cellular level to generate consequences! I hope that you girls find these consequences as hilarious as I do when you annoy me with your next women’s health campaign against cancer!

Maybe women don’t strictly speaking, DESERVE cancer, but it will be hard for me to stop laughing at them …

Isn’t the thought of cancer-ridden women going under the knife amusing? Isn’t thought of women losing part, or all, of a sexual organ that is precious to them FUNNY? The pain women experience when recovering from surgery (and radiation or chemo, which is almost as bad) is still less than the agony which that poor man underwent when he underwent castration at the hands of a deranged, sadistic, and vicious she-weasel (my apologies to weasels)!

[F]or every man who is abused and tortured by his woman, it almost warms my heart that the same hatred and spite characteristic of the female human(?) sets THEM up for a similar fate down the road, as that bitterness, vicious sadism, and bloodthirstiness so characteristic of those who would LAUGH AT the suffering caused by a “woman” committing such a vicious crime predisposes them toward cancer, and (I hope) a similar fate!

Karma is always there, girls, and it is a bitch!! HA HA HA HA HA…LOL!


David K. Meller

That “PEACE AND FREEDOM!!!” always gets me.

This being The Spearhead, Meller’s comments garnered more than a few upvotes. Not as many as he usually gets, admittedly, but some.

At some point I will do a Best of David K. Meller post, highlighting some of his “best” comments here. He is one for the ages.

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13 years ago

AntZ; You want to go mining for other comments, to support your opinions, fine. Be honest about them. One, you do care; you say they show how much more vile women’s comments are to men’s (all the while pretending to know the scale on which Dave is measuring them).

Two, you lie about what they said; so as to show how much more vile than men women are.

But fine, let’s take a look at some of the broader DKM:

My replies, while occasionally they may go a little “over the top”, are a thoughtful, measured, lone-overdue response, on the part of several decades,of feminists attacks on ME–on my gender identity, and on my humanity. They are a defence of YOUR humanity too, but too many modern new-age men(?) here on this post, along with many others like it, are too brainwashed, too dense, or too damn cowardly to stand shoulder to shoulder with me and men like me! You prefer to be thought of by those horrid harridan hags as ‘politically correct”, as “progressive”, as “liberal”, or whatnot…The FEMINISTS’ expressed approval of you and your posts is NOT worth it! You gain nothing by being a race of lemmings!

Thoughtful, and and long overdue. Not just one post, but all of them, even the occasional one’s that “go over the top.

PS–Possibly a few especially attractive, alluring, and submissive biological women, who have resisted the plague of feminist and egalitrarian brainwashing and conditoning, MIGHT be kept for (very successful) men for pleasure, breeding, and domestic purposes, and those women may additionally contribute female DNA for reproductive purposes–with their owner”s consent–of course–DKM

Those are his, Thoughtful, measured, responses. That is the context in which his words are measured.

That is the person you are defending. One who, emphatically, claims he is not writing in the heat of the moment, but in a carefully thought out way.

And to counter that, you say you forgive people for things they didn’t say (because you presented their words in ways contrary to their meaning).

In short, you defended Meller’s words, by lying abut other people’s, to make a false equivalence and make Meller’s crap look like some sort of tattered roses.

13 years ago

Telling a woman an unkind thing rates as a 7 on your “vileness” meter.

No, rejoicing in the very real suffering of another human being rates about a 10 on my personal vileness meter. Thus, what Osbourne did was vile as all fuck (who the hell makes fun of domestic violence?). I don’t know what that poor man went through, but I hope he can find the peace and respite he needs. Thus, also, gloating at the thought of a person going through cancer treatment is vile as all fuck. This, I have some experience with (from the outside) and can say with all honesty that I would not wish cancer treatment on anyone. Ever.

13 years ago

Telling a woman an unkind thing rates as a 7 on your “vileness” meter.
Calling for violence against a man … maybe a 5, maye a 9 … but only a 5, since maybe it was partly a joke. Calling for incarceration of all men … well, that would be a 5, because it was not (even partly) a joke, but it is only incarceration.

Interesting. Tell me more about how this scale works.

13 years ago

Interesting. Tell me more about how this scale works.

well you see there are alpha vile comments, the good looking ones that get all attention and the mras collapsing on their fainting couches, and then there are the beta vile comments which are totally just as good as the alphas but their kind of shy and you would be just as offended if you would just give them a chance, and then there are…

actually fuck this, that’s enough of that

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Those days are long gone. You need to let them go.

“Getting rid of mutual dependency is the best thing feminism ever did. It looks great in fairy tales, but there is a story of tears between the lines. The story of solitude, unreached potential, and moral confinement is never told. Dust from the fairy tale covers all this up.”

Days of what, AZ? Days of when people sacrifice themselves to care for others?

The rest of your comment is just as confusing. It’s not “mutual dependency” when one person is expected to be the breadwinner for both–that’s bloody one-sided. Or do you mean “mutual dependency” in terms of “two people have an emotional tie to each other”?

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

“Anthony, I don’t know about you, but I see a comment fantasizing about violence as being roughly in the same category as one that fantasizes about the suffering of a group of people with glee.”

I think this is a fair statement. The excessive glee is enough to equate passive enjoyment of suffering (spearhead comment) to a much less enthusiastic call for actual violence (feministe comment).

Honestly, I like to think that we can cut some slack to people who make stupid comments, on either side of these issues. It is human nature to over-react when angry.

The spearhead post is awful, and should have been deleted. It is more serious than anything we are talking about, clearly crosses the line, and should have been delted with a warning to the author (just like the castration post on feministe).

13 years ago

I think this is a fair statement. The excessive glee is enough to equate passive enjoyment of suffering (spearhead comment) to a much less enthusiastic call for actual violence (feministe comment).

Honestly, I like to think that we can cut some slack to people who make stupid comments, on either side of these issues. It is human nature to over-react when angry.

except its already been established that you either dont understand or are intentionally lying about the feministe comments, so… sorry about your false equivalency, bro?

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

Honestly, I like to think that we can cut some slack to people who make stupid comments, on either side of these issues. It is human nature to over-react when angry.

Nope. Accidental statements are one thing, but when repulsive, over the top crap like this shows up, “whoah, just satire, folks!” doesn’t cut it and it’s time to push back.

In fact, WAY past time to push back,

As far as making stupid comments, the MB commentariat have already allowed you continued posting rights, so how can you complain about not enough slack?

And, no, human nature is not blanket approval for saying stupid and vile shit. In civilized society, most of us have learned the perfectly achievable skill of considered, rational responses to others, even when they are objectively trying to elicit an emotional overwhelming response (see: every comment by AZ)

In real life, I have learned that it is most easy to disarm these folks by not reacting emotionally, as they expect. Usually, it throws them into their ‘B’ strategy, and in some cases, they don’t actually have a backup strategy, and are left nonplussed.

Again, see AZ comments, and his inability to make people freak out.

13 years ago

PS–Possibly a few especially attractive, alluring, and submissive biological women, who have resisted the plague of feminist and egalitrarian brainwashing and conditoning, MIGHT be kept for (very successful) men for pleasure, breeding, and domestic purposes, and those women may additionally contribute female DNA for reproductive purposes–with their owner”s consent–of course–DKM

Some women “might” be allowed to contribute their “female” DNA? This guy is clearly making totally rational and very scientific plans for the long term survival of humanity innit he? 😀

13 years ago

“Some women “might” be allowed to contribute their “female” DNA? This guy is clearly making totally rational and very scientific plans for the long term survival of humanity innit he?”

Am I the only one who thought of the Scientist from “Dr. Stangelove” when reading DKM’s…vision?

13 years ago

Am I the only one who thought of the Scientist from “Dr. Stangelove” when reading DKM’s…vision?

Awesome movie idea? “Dr. MRA or How I Never Learned to Stop Hating and Love the Ladies” — naturally there would be a character whose dick keeps rising uncontrollably and he has to slap it down. Because he’s secretly attracted to the FemiNazis… or something… And women would nuke all the men, like we’ve intended all along, obviously.

13 years ago

“Awesome movie idea? “Dr. MRA or How I Never Learned to Stop Hating and Love the Ladies” — naturally there would be a character whose dick keeps rising uncontrollably and he has to slap it down. Because he’s secretly attracted to the FemiNazis… or something… And women would nuke all the men, like we’ve intended all along, obviously.”

Box office gold. Or, at least, a DVD/Netlfix Cult Hit. 😀

13 years ago

““Some women “might” be allowed to contribute their “female” DNA? This guy is clearly making totally rational and very scientific plans for the long term survival of humanity innit he?””

So, in DKM’s world, are babies clones of their fathers?

Also, does he know that genetic diversity is important? And that humans, as a species, are already pretty lacking in genetic diversity?

13 years ago

dkm apparently believes that being angry can cause cancer. his grasp of biology is probably not that great.

13 years ago

Also, does he know that genetic diversity is important?

Genetic diversity? Not inbreeding to exclude undesirables? That sounds like femiNAZI talk to me!


(Also, all deleterious mutations and harmful recessive genes are from the mother’s side. Because father’s have pure manly essences. True fax.)

13 years ago

No no no, according to Samuel they only have true manly essences if they DON’T become fathers 🙂

13 years ago

Anthony Zarat

We have not been introduced. I’m going to tell you a little bit of my story and the mra.

Normally a person like myself would never have heard of the mra, and frankly wouldn’t be posting on any message boards linking stranger to stranger.

I have a schizophrenic brother who about 10 years ago started latching onto those kind of places. At first his interest was mild like any other conspiracy theory he’s gravitated towards, and then with the encouragement of his fellow mra’s he pronounced himself not mentally ill and his problems were all his wife’s fault.

He went off his meds and progressed to first thinking his wife was out to get him, to his children, and on more then one occasion threatening all of their lives.

His now ex-wife stayed married to him for two years after he fell off the cliff. Once she left him we as a family had to put her and their children into non-virtual hiding. (Meaning daddy has said he wants to kill his children who are just like their mother so we sent them overseas).

So that’s been my last decade, basically stalking my brother online in order to see what kind of mindset he has at the moment to keep my niece and nephew safe and yes also their mother.

In all that time with my brother being a regular on many boards that call themselves mra have I seen anyone call him on his delusions. In fact I would suggest that his delusions have fed your “movements” illusions of conspiracies which originated is his mind.

My brother complained about child support on mra boards. He’s never paid a dime but he did make you think that lots of men were going to jail and bankrupt because of his fantasies.

My brother is a violent paranoid schizophrenic who found on mra boards people who thought like him.

What does that say about your movement?

13 years ago

Anthony Zarat:

When my grandfather got Parkinson’s, my grandmother took care of him around the clock. In his last decline, she literally almost never left his bedside. During this time, she got breast cancer, but refused to have it treated; she said it would take too much time away from Grandpa’s care, but I always suspected she wanted to die with him. After he died, we persuaded her to get chemo, operations, etc. She had let it go for so long that when my mother drove her to the cancer center, there was a smell in the car like rotting meat from the open wound in her breast. This year it spread to her brain, and last month she died.

Peace and Freedom to you too, Mr. Meller.


Those days are long gone. You need to let them go.

Getting rid of mutual dependency is the best thing feminism ever did. It looks great in fairy tales, but there is a story of tears between the lines. The story of solitude, unreached potential, and moral confinement is never told. Dust from the fairy tale covers all this up.

Let it go. It was not nearly the dream you think that it was.

My point was that a lot of people, some of them people I like, get cancer. Whether or not you believe a certain thing, act a certain way, or think nice happy thoughts (sorry bekabot, there’s no evidence that cancer has anything to do with your “spirit”), there’s a chance that your cells will start growing uncontrollably and eat up the rest of your body.

What the fuck were you trying to say? I know you were trying to patronise me, but your remark is mostly gibberish. It doesn’t even make sense as a response to my post, starting with the fact that my grandmother died last month, not in “days…long gone.”

13 years ago

“The US Senate has 17 out of 100 who are women. 76 out of 441 in the House of Representatives.”

We have a black president, argueably the most powerful man in the world. Does this in anyway translate to all blacks having that kind of power? This is probably the most used feminist arguement. There are more rich men/CEOs than women. Completely foolish statement that feminists have lived off of for far too long, and it doesn’t work. Who put less thought into what they said, you or the person this article is about?
“It was disgusting when Sharon Osbourne, the other hosts, and the audience laughed at what happened to that poor man.”

Yes it was disgusting, yet it happened. The question is why did it happen. Even you feminists can’t picture a show where 5 male hosts and an all male audience laughed at a story of cutting out a womans vagina an tossing it in the garbage disposal.
@Dave Futrelle

Perhaps you’d like to clear the air on this one for us Dave. Maybe you could run a little article about that here. This seems to be a real sticking point for many MRAs. If misandry isn’t so indoctrinated and accepted by society why was there universal laughter on the show? Was it mob mentality? Could something like that ever happen regendered?

To just say after the fact, aww that’s a shame, or that was mean doesn’t really mean all that much. If I say, aww that’s a shame, or that was mean about this article it really won’t mean shit, will it? So what MRAs want is the same thing, an explaination of “why” it happened. The only answer I can come up with is acceptable misandry indoctrinated into society. Being our hosts were feminists, and I’m sure some of the well fleshed out as far as diversity audience were feminists. Whats the manboobz feminists take of “why” it happened?

13 years ago

Zarat: <i.The spearhead post is awful, and should have been deleted. It is more serious than anything we are talking about, clearly crosses the line, and should have been delted with a warning to the author (just like the castration post on feministe).

Are you then willing to admit that the MRA has a lower standard than than feminists?

13 years ago

“Are you then willing to admit that the MRA has a lower standard than than feminists?”

Surely you jest! Femininst have been preaching violence for so long they simply see it as a right and any disagreement is misogyny. When you command the violence of the State while washing your hands of any wrong, feminism has given women the power to be nothing less than a gender of Pontius Pilates; commanding other men to commit violence on their behalf while washing the stain of blood from their hands.

13 years ago

“Surely you jest! Femininst have been preaching violence for so long they simply see it as a right and any disagreement is misogyny.”
Reality, you do not live in it. The feminists deleted the violent rhetoric, telling the poster not to repeat that shit. The MRAs celebrated the violent rhetoric.

“We have a black president, argueably the most powerful man in the world. Does this in anyway translate to all blacks having that kind of power?”
Are you an idiot? Oh wait, you are. If a disproportionate majority of people in positions of power share a trait, there’s a pretty good chance that the trait is specifically biased towards. Black people are amazingly underrepresented in a number of key areas; it’s not just the presidency they’ve lacked, and even getting there we had a lot of racist bullshit, botht he obvious ‘secret muslim’ stupidity and the more insidious “Is America Ready for a Black President?”.

“Yes it was disgusting, yet it happened. The question is why did it happen. Even you feminists can’t picture a show where 5 male hosts and an all male audience laughed at a story of cutting out a womans vagina an tossing it in the garbage disposal.”
2 and a Half Men only fails the “5 hosts” part of this. Well, it fails ‘all male’, but The Talk isn’t an all-female audience so it’s not a double standard that 2.5 men fails this either.

13 years ago

Oh, what? Now feminists have made it so that cancer isn’t funny?

Jezus. Is there nothing that they won’t censor?

13 years ago

Yeah, saying that Meller is a vile misogynistic fuck is exactly like censorship. You can tell by the way the post was deleted.

Oh wait…

13 years ago

Oh, what? Now feminists have made it so that cancer isn’t funny?

Sure, sure, but at least we can still laugh at mastectomies and hysterectomies! They are the best:

Isn’t the thought of cancer-ridden women going under the knife amusing? Isn’t thought of women losing part, or all, of a sexual organ that is precious to them FUNNY?

And really, isn’t laughing at life-threatening surgeries on desperately-ill innocent people what freedom of speech is all about? 🙂

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