Those of you who aren’t regular readers of the comments here may not appreciate the true genius of David K. Meller, an excitable and exclamation-point-loving MRA I’ve mentioned once or twice in my posts, but who shows up in the comments here with some regularity – ending each comment with his trademark “PEACE AND FREEDOM!!”
Mr. Meller is a great lover (not physically) of men:
Men, by and large, are a wonderful sex! We are more intelligent than women, more creative, at least in the areas outside the home. We are, also, as a rule, physically stronger as well …
He claims to love women, too – though not feminists, whom he seems to consider something other than human:
Women ARE people, and often wonderful people at that! Feminists, on the other hand, AREN’T! …
Women are people, and properly raised, educated, and loved,, are beautiful, charming, and lovely!
Despite his alleged love of women – at least the non-feminist ones – he often says utterly horrible things about them. The examples are too numerous to catalogue. But let me draw your attention to one rather telling comment of his I found recently on The Spearhead.
In the midst of a discussion of Sharon Osbourne’s now notorious comments about a woman who cut off her husband’s penis, Meller offered the following musings on the subject of women and cancer. I am having trouble finding much love of women in them:
It is .. possible that the breast cancers (not to mention ovarian and vaginal cancers) have a psychosomatic aspect to their development. … The feelings of vicious sadism, brutality, and callous indifference to another’s pain in such harpies must inexorably work on the molecular, genetic, and cellular level to generate consequences! I hope that you girls find these consequences as hilarious as I do when you annoy me with your next women’s health campaign against cancer!
Maybe women don’t strictly speaking, DESERVE cancer, but it will be hard for me to stop laughing at them …
Isn’t the thought of cancer-ridden women going under the knife amusing? Isn’t thought of women losing part, or all, of a sexual organ that is precious to them FUNNY? The pain women experience when recovering from surgery (and radiation or chemo, which is almost as bad) is still less than the agony which that poor man underwent when he underwent castration at the hands of a deranged, sadistic, and vicious she-weasel (my apologies to weasels)!
[F]or every man who is abused and tortured by his woman, it almost warms my heart that the same hatred and spite characteristic of the female human(?) sets THEM up for a similar fate down the road, as that bitterness, vicious sadism, and bloodthirstiness so characteristic of those who would LAUGH AT the suffering caused by a “woman” committing such a vicious crime predisposes them toward cancer, and (I hope) a similar fate!
Karma is always there, girls, and it is a bitch!! HA HA HA HA HA…LOL!
David K. Meller
That “PEACE AND FREEDOM!!!” always gets me.
This being The Spearhead, Meller’s comments garnered more than a few upvotes. Not as many as he usually gets, admittedly, but some.
At some point I will do a Best of David K. Meller post, highlighting some of his “best” comments here. He is one for the ages.
Keep in mind that a movement like feminism (or the MRM) should be working towards positive social change.
* The WORDS of early feminists fighting for basic dignity and freedom (like MRMs today) were often filled with anger.
* The WORKS of these leaders were not.
The early feminist legislative agenda, for example, called for such radical notions as the right to vote and the right to a dignified role within the family.
Today, the feminist legislative agenda involves concepts like throwing fathers into prison for child support non payment:
Feminists have supported campaigns against shared custody, campaigns against the Male Studies Institute, and campaigns to keep males out of college:
THIS is the kind of hate that matters.
What people say when they are worked up is not relevant. It would be beneath any MRA to root around in the garbage bin of “feministe” or “feministing” message boards looking for “misandry”. Yes, I did it in my previous post (and found five calls for mass gendercide of all men in response to A SINGLE ARTICLE), but only to illustrate a point. This is not misandry, it is a group of feminist who got worked up by a well written article about a horrible event. I don’t blame them, I was worked up also.
What makes feminists into bigots is not calling for “mass castration” or “Armageddon of all men” in response to something provocative. It is the cold and calculating use of the violence of the state to subdue, repress, and dehumanize men and boys.
When an MRA wants to find misandry, we look at courts and legislatures, not posts by worked up individuals.
Somehow I don’t think that guy, or any of his loved ones, care that domestic abuse and rape are “more common” than castration.
you do realize, don’t you, that what happened to him actually IS “domestic abuse”? That the reason it isn’t called “wife-beating” any more is because feminists wanted the instances where wives abused their husbands to also be included? Do you not think ‘that guy’ and his loved ones actually CARE A HELL OF A LOT about domestic abuse at this point?
I don’t like providing links, it’s too much work.
I worked on building a deck all day Sunday, and my feet and knees hurt.
HOW DARE you feminists deny my pain?
The common media narratives will ensure you remember that men are individuals who have their own goals, so even if that man is there for sexual objectification, he is the exception.
Excellent current demonstration: The Republican Presidential primary.
Zarat, we already devoted a thread to your derail.
AZ, No seriously what about the menz?
@Anthony Zarat: “Keep in mind that a movement like feminism (or the MRM) should be working towards positive social change.
* The WORDS of early feminists fighting for basic dignity and freedom (like MRMs today) were often filled with anger.
* The WORKS of these leaders were not.”
There are feminists who ARE working towards positive change.
Plus, I don’t recall Susan B. Anthony or any mainstream activist in the 1st Wave writing an equivalent of S.C.U.M. Manifesto (What would something like that look like, anyway?)
@MRAL: “I don’t like providing links, it’s too much work.”
Then don’t state generalizations about feminism without links. It’s that simple. You want to be taken seriously? You want in on the conversation? Then do the work and educate yourself before you speak.
Meller did not say those things in the heat of anger. He may certainly have been angry at the Talk episode, although I find it difficult to believe he watches it; but he wrote those words over a considerable period of time, thought about them, (maybe) edited them; and then posted them for publishing.
“No link? And this is supposed to excuse YOU saying nasty shit just because you have anger problems?”
Oh my. Alll of the comments were in response to a single article. Can’t I just link the article? It is not too hard to find the comments. Search for “holocaust”, “house arrest”, “castrate”, “face of the earth”, and “nuclear weapons”.
The article is called “Why men rape”, by Jill on 11.29.2010.
Keep in mind that all of these calls for mass extermination of all men were made in response to just one article. If I root around the garbage bin of angry posts at “feministe.us” and “feministing.com” I would be there until the end of time. People get angry, especially when an issue is important to them. So what? I don’t blame feminists for getting worked up about a nasty assault. It means nothing. It is certainly not misandry. It is … people getting angry about something that matters to them.
Also too,
Let me come to your party! I brought Straw-Feminists and Red Herrings!!!
Pay attention to meeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
“Meller did not say those things in the heat of anger. He may certainly have been angry at the Talk episode, although I find it difficult to believe he watches it”
The specific section of “The Talk” where the hosts make fun of the victim, as well as the audience reaction, were linked to the story in a you-tube video. Here it is, in case you want to see it:
No, you say that any feminist who doesn’t denounce your hobby horse is awash in blood, because some men might go to a low/medium security prison for longstanding contempt of court.
Then when someone on your side of the aisle happens to live his online life entirely off the rails; gleeful in the suffering of tens of thousands of women, some actually dying from it, and saying it’s the just desserts of not agreeing with him, that you are willing to whitewash as no big deal.
If people think something bad about me, it is their own business.
If people petition the state to do something bad to me, it is my business.
Hate has two forms:
What you think (I don’t care)
What you do (I care)
The MRM has no pending petition before any state or the nation to force more women to have breast cancer or uterine cancer. Therefore, Meller’s angry opinion should not be relevant to feminists.
Similarly, feminists have no pending petition before any state or the nation to exterminate all men through holocaust, war, mutilation, or bombs. So, the angry opinion of the feminists who were calling for mass murder of all men on “feministe.us” are not relevant to the MRM.
The other issues I posted about, are different. YOUR movement is currently moving actively to pass legislation that will deprive men of the ability to attend college, deprive men of the benefits of the FIRST academic institute to study men’s issues, deprive men of liberty due to non-payment of child support, and deprive fathers of contact with their children:
There is a big difference. We MRMs are fighting for the most basic of liberties and dignities. Feminists are fighting for hatred, anger, and revenge.
Zarat, making a blog is free and easy.
@Anthony and MRAL:
One thing you both seem to be forgetting here, and this is a slight clarification on my part. Black humor might be funny, but it isn’t necessarily right. “The View” got called out big time, even though the people who did it weren’t calling them subhuman monsters in the process. Talk to the writers of those comments, Anthony, and I’ll bet every single one will admit that they don’t actually want to kill all men, and will gladly back-pedal on the statement. My guess? DKM will not back-pedal. He means what he says, even though it is horrible, even though he might have said it in anger. Intent: it actually is sometimes fucking magic.
Ah… but you care about what some feminists are not doing.
Those who don’t work to stop the things you don’t like (i.e. who don’t join your cause, even though great swathes of the people in your cause actually hate them, and have said that someday the need will come to kill women) are evil and awash in blood.
Those same people are working to prevent the remedy of actual harms (such as wage gaps, and domestic violence; the latter an issue which also affects men, but which the MRA doesn’t want to correct for men, merely remove the remedies available to women. Working, it seems on the principle that banning sleeping under bridges is fair because the rich and poor alike are denied).
When it comes to thing like prison rape… feminists are actively working against it, and MRAs are talking about how horrid it is.
And you, the great bearder of dragons, brave enough to tell us how evil we are (as if NWO and Meller weren’t holding up their end) are willing to derail threads; won’t answer questions about how you would see to it that the needed result (people obeying court orders) can be accomplished while preventing the harm you are accusing us of being blood-covered in not preventing (never mind that there is no affirmative duty to save people from their own folly).
Nope. That’s not the point. The point is to twist facts, distort statistics and abuse those who disagree with you, while performing apologia for people who advocate killing women.
No hypocrisy there.
We MRMs are fighting for the most basic of liberties and dignities.
like the liberty to beat a small child until she bleeds? Because that is your MRM martyr.
You most basic of liberties and dignities are unaltered, except in the case where you have fathered a child; then your freedom to leave that child and mother to starve is being restricted, and rightly so. they don’t deserve to starve because the mother didn’t pick husbands very well, and now the guy is being a dick. as you said, That is the point that I care.
Don’t father a child, if you aren’t willing to accept the attendant responsibilities, MRAs. Leaving that child destitute is not a right.
YOUR movement is currently moving actively to pass legislation that will deprive men of the ability to attend college, deprive men of the benefits of the FIRST academic institute to study men’s issues, deprive men of liberty due to non-payment of child support, and deprive fathers of contact with their children:
None of that legislation does that. It reduces the threshold for non-payment of child support. Non payment of child support already IS a felony. But you have yet to point out a case of a man going to violent offender prison for non-payment.
Also, that legislation is in Rhode Island.
Also, you’ve completely misinterpreted the post on feministe.
This is dumb, I’m leaving.
wait, wait MRAL! We can talk about short people! Don’t go!
Men’s Rights Activist Lieutenant | August 16, 2011 at 2:42 pm
I don’t like providing links, it’s too much work.
But you have them right? o_O Or do you mean it’s too much work to go looking for evidence to back up your conclusions? xD
Also, you do know that everybody here was angry about “The Talk” thing, and at least 2 feminists here blogged against it xD
Do you fear being castrated by women in your daily life? o: (and did you fear it before “The Talk”)
Aw, no one’s paying attention to him. Bye, MRAL!
Geez, Anthony, we get it. You want to be able to abandon your children to starve without legal reprisal. Why don’t you go discuss that with your wife and stop derailing every damn thread here?
Anyway… Meller’s cancer analogy is really strained, isn’t it? Obviously men get cancer, too, and no one laughs about it, so his post makes no sense. Why didn’t he compare castration to female genital mutilation? That’s a much closer analogy, isn’t it? Or do MRAs not believe FGM exists or something?
A friend of mine is currently going through cancer treatments while pregnant (they found the cancer during one of her prenatal exams). I’m sure Meller would be happy to tell her husband that his wife’s suffering and the endangerment of their unborn child are hilarious karmic retribution against womankind. As a fellow man, he’d have to laugh, right?
David, you aren’t the David who left the second comment on that Feministe article, are you? Because it’s clearly being satirical…