Those of you who aren’t regular readers of the comments here may not appreciate the true genius of David K. Meller, an excitable and exclamation-point-loving MRA I’ve mentioned once or twice in my posts, but who shows up in the comments here with some regularity – ending each comment with his trademark “PEACE AND FREEDOM!!”
Mr. Meller is a great lover (not physically) of men:
Men, by and large, are a wonderful sex! We are more intelligent than women, more creative, at least in the areas outside the home. We are, also, as a rule, physically stronger as well …
He claims to love women, too – though not feminists, whom he seems to consider something other than human:
Women ARE people, and often wonderful people at that! Feminists, on the other hand, AREN’T! …
Women are people, and properly raised, educated, and loved,, are beautiful, charming, and lovely!
Despite his alleged love of women – at least the non-feminist ones – he often says utterly horrible things about them. The examples are too numerous to catalogue. But let me draw your attention to one rather telling comment of his I found recently on The Spearhead.
In the midst of a discussion of Sharon Osbourne’s now notorious comments about a woman who cut off her husband’s penis, Meller offered the following musings on the subject of women and cancer. I am having trouble finding much love of women in them:
It is .. possible that the breast cancers (not to mention ovarian and vaginal cancers) have a psychosomatic aspect to their development. … The feelings of vicious sadism, brutality, and callous indifference to another’s pain in such harpies must inexorably work on the molecular, genetic, and cellular level to generate consequences! I hope that you girls find these consequences as hilarious as I do when you annoy me with your next women’s health campaign against cancer!
Maybe women don’t strictly speaking, DESERVE cancer, but it will be hard for me to stop laughing at them …
Isn’t the thought of cancer-ridden women going under the knife amusing? Isn’t thought of women losing part, or all, of a sexual organ that is precious to them FUNNY? The pain women experience when recovering from surgery (and radiation or chemo, which is almost as bad) is still less than the agony which that poor man underwent when he underwent castration at the hands of a deranged, sadistic, and vicious she-weasel (my apologies to weasels)!
[F]or every man who is abused and tortured by his woman, it almost warms my heart that the same hatred and spite characteristic of the female human(?) sets THEM up for a similar fate down the road, as that bitterness, vicious sadism, and bloodthirstiness so characteristic of those who would LAUGH AT the suffering caused by a “woman” committing such a vicious crime predisposes them toward cancer, and (I hope) a similar fate!
Karma is always there, girls, and it is a bitch!! HA HA HA HA HA…LOL!
David K. Meller
That “PEACE AND FREEDOM!!!” always gets me.
This being The Spearhead, Meller’s comments garnered more than a few upvotes. Not as many as he usually gets, admittedly, but some.
At some point I will do a Best of David K. Meller post, highlighting some of his “best” comments here. He is one for the ages.
And merry Christmas to you too…
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah I’m superior to your lady-brains because I can ignore reality, facts, reports and statistics! Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Look one example from 35 years ago! Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Yeah, DoucheKM, go sell it somewhere where the reality is that one if four women are victims of domestic violence in a developed country.
Better yet…
DKM: Since 1977 (or thereabouts, it is more than thirty years ago!) When a certain Francine Hughes made the headlines by burning her husband alive when he slept, every few months it seems that a woman inflicts a horrible death on a man,
Citation needed!
SRS! Because I keep seeing newstories about men killing their children and/or wives and/or selves because they cannot control the women. So I wonder what newspapers you are reading that I never see.
Weren’t you talking about people both having malaria and being bipolar a while ago? It read like you didn’t believe in germs.”
Certainly I believe in germs. But I suspect that some people may be more attractive to some germs, due to factors innate or acquired, than other people are. We understand/admit this well enough when we say that a person has a “compromised immune system”. I don’t see that the line between “has a compromised immune system” and “looks delightful to a tse tse fly” is 100% hard and fast.
‘Ailments of the body express themselves by means of the body,’ like when a guy who shoots himself up with yellow fever gets yellow fever, proving it’s a virus. That’s about as clear as you can get, causally.
It’s causally very clear in that case, but most people don’t inflict yellow fever on themselves deliberately.
“Anyway, you didn’t say earlier that ‘the whole thing gets reflected in the brain;’ like Molly Ren pointed out, you began by explicitly stating that your point was to ask whether ‘biological causality’ ‘only ran one way;’ whether or not mental states caused illness.”
Taking things out of order:
1) I don’t think mental states cause illness. I think there are some mental states which may invite illness, or may reflect a bodily state which is receptive to it.
2) I say that “the whole thing gets reflected in the brain” b/c so far as I’m concerned the brain is basically a recording device. The brain’s reputation as The Big Initiator is undeserved, IMO.
3) I, like you, am not a big believer in the body/brain dichotomy; I use terminology which insists upon it b/c that’s the terminology I’ve got.
“…or are you equivocating?”
I’m saying that I think illness is equivocal in the sense that illness is a synergy between an ailment, syndrome, or whatever, and the sick person. But I’m reluctant to say so (even though I just did) b/c the context in which I am operating and in which everybody here is also operating makes that sound a lot like: “Sick people are guilty of being sick.” (Which is not what I mean.)
Cynical@11:27 am August 20
Oh, dear, It’s that time of the month, again, isn’t it sweetie!
Treat yourself to some Midol, enjoy some soothing Chamomile tea, and go back to bed! Write back when you are feeling better (and are a tad less psychotic).
Have a nice day. Happy New Year!
David K. Meller
That’s the best you can really do when someone repeatedly points out what bullshit you’re full of, isn’t it?
Rutee Katreya
Your enemies are widespread and highly organized. Despite their subhuman status, they manage to be cunning. And there are more of them than there are of you. They are very cruel, which is what what you want to do to them is justified.
Your extrapolation is half-gleeful, half-reluctant, but you didn’t do this all by yourself. Your enemies forced the decision upon you.
Fortunately, once your forces do act, they will be powerful enough to make all their desires reality
You can see things others can’t. You can see things others don’t want to. The writing on the wall. It’s coming. But this isn’t a rant. It’s a warning. Because In the end, it’s not up to you. It’s really up to them.
How many times have I read that mra’s don’t watch t.v or listen to mainstream media.
Then they go on to say how bad the media is, and how they have the right stats on domestic violence.
They might as well be saying my only news source is the stormfront.
Yes, Rutee, that is the very best that I can do, when feminist, ignorant, and venomously hostile people try to show me what “bullshit I am full of…”
Your obscene pishposh, not mine!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Now, as for your daily valium…
Wishing you…
David K. Meller
Dude, you haven’t said one true thing about feminists in this entire thread, I’m pretty sure. That means you haven’t done anything but spewed bullshit; you’re claiming I’m spreading something that’s ‘obscene’, presumably for using curse word, but you have called for deaths, laughed off cancer, and wish to visit what you think happened to you on others. You’re far more obscene than I could ever fucking be, no matter how many fucks I throw into a post.
Ooh, it’s like you’re just teasing the biologists now… :p The factors “innate or acquired” are perhaps the “innate or acquired” immune system(s). Which interact with and reinforce each other in complex ways, and can likewise fail in complex ways. And which also can interact with the nervous system (including the CNS.) So, again, I think you are sort of correct but in an odd “woo” way.
Poor DoucheKM, can’t even rebut the most basic of arguments.
Nicely done, VoiP! (I don’t think it counts as Godwinning when it’s so perfectly constructed. :))
Nicely done, VoiP!
Go Team Venture! *internet high five*
I don’t think it counts as Godwinning when it’s so perfectly constructed.
Perfectly constructed? Every time I try to do something like this I fuck up the html. But thank you.
Why does DKM think it’s Christmas? Did I miss something?
“Ailments of the body express themselves by means of the body,’ like when a guy who shoots himself up with yellow fever gets yellow fever, proving it’s a virus. That’s about as clear as you can get, causally.”
It’s causally very clear in that case, but most people don’t inflict yellow fever on themselves deliberately.
What? This is beginning to really bug me.
This one case proved that the same thing happens in all other cases. Nobody has to infect themselves with yellow fever any more, because now we know that the yellow fever virus causes yellow fever. Nobody has to replicate the Milliken oil drop experiment either, because once that was done, nobody was wandering around any more going “Gee, I wonder if there’s such a thing as a fraction of a charge, let’s do this all over again.” Because now we know.
That’s what “proof” means.
The Gregorian Calendar is a feminist plot.
The Gregorian Calendar is a feminist plot.
I never touch the thing myself.
Cynical, Rutee,et al @ 20 August 2011 7:24pm
I can and I have rebutted your “arguments”, not once, but at least twice! I just don’t want to, anymore! It is easier for me to just assume that you posters are simply having a nervous breakdown, or it is even just your “time of the month”, and let it go at that!
David Latrelle is simply WRONG when he suggested above that my response to two odious and loathsome feminists cheering the mutilation of a man by his wife was inspired by hatred of women who suffer from cancer. On the contrary, it was a RETALIATORY RESPONSE to those two ghastly feminists (and their enthusiastic supporters) and NOTHING ELSE! Nobody, even here, is obliged to defend feminists who behave in a subhuman manner, and nobody is obliged to attack those (of either sex) who call them–and their kind–to account!
You posters were wrong in your agreement with Mr. Latrelle on this issue. I spent far too much time explaining this already, and I am not doing it any more!
Learn to read, calm yourselve down, read my posts again, and you will understand. If it matters to anyone, I wish nothing but a speedy and complete recovery from any women who suffer from cancer who share my loathing of mutilating men! As for others, they deserve what they get!
Happy now!
Learn to read! It really helps when you are trying to criticize material that you disagree with.
David K. Meller
I can and I have rebutted your “arguments”, not once, but at least twice! I just don’t want to, anymore! It is easier for me to just assume that you posters are simply having a nervous breakdown, or it is even just your “time of the month”, and let it go at that!
What about the part where I call you a Nazi, babydoll? Don’t wanna play then?
You haven’t even begun to touch my arguments. You’ve made assertions that are so blatantly contra-reality I haven’t dignified them with the substance they lack. You’ll be touching my arguments when you demonstrate that, for example men are in fact the oppressed gender. Good luck with that, Reality has a feministic bias.
VoiP: While the Orthodox church is cool as all Hell, even you guys celebrate Christmas in the general vicinity of winter.
HTML fail. I’m off my game today.
Rutee@20 August 7:54pm
Men aren’t the “oppressed gender”?
For almost fifty years (more than half a human lifetime), we have had to listen to feminists, haven’t we? In the courts, in the newsmedia, in popular entertainment, e.g. cinema, televison, and radio, in the schools, in the so-called ‘mainline’ churches, and in our jobs,livlihoods and professions, both in private business and the civil service. We have even been afflicted by these harpies in (Lord Help us), the Armed Forces!
Women being inflicted upon one without one’s consent, and out of her proper place, is OPPRESSION! Nobody wanted them out of the home, nobody needed them out of the home, and they could only get opportunities out of the home by invading men’s space, and destroying the economy in the process!
Evidence needed? Look at any Newspaper headline, TV lead story, or economic figures, especially since 2007, everywhere in the world!
David K. Meller
PS-None of this is any reason to wish any women dead from cancer, but it certainly ranks with one of the most revolting oppression of men to be seen anywhere.DKM
Go back to sleep!
David K. Meller
If that is not oppression, what is?