antifeminism evil women manginas misogyny MRA sex sluts

Dudes, watch out: Sex is a feminist plot to make your penis get sick and fall off

This is how they get you!
This is how they get you!

The dude at What Men Are Saying About Women – you may recall him as the inventor of the MRA two-dot period – remains my favorite illiterate MRA blogger. To be fair, the illiteracy is really just the icing on the cake of his ridiculous opinions. In a recent post he wrote about a new study that purports to show that there is more sex in countries with greater gender equality. (Probably true; the study itself, probably bullshit.)

Here’s the two-dot blogger trying to make some sort of point about it all:

Feminists have always promoted shagging as some type of recommended behaviour that should be allowed at random without limitation or indeed have any limits attached to it. Probably explains why most of the feminist mangina sites have little tags like “I support Porn” or “I support BDSM” as they would heartily agree that the promotion of free sex on demand would allow them unlimited access especially if there is a feminist female involved. Brainwashing does apparently have it positive side..

What surprises me the most is the lack of information concerning  sexually transmitted diseases of all types. Those nasty disease like HIV or those others that munch your body at random. Not really something you want to be told after a night of debauchery with some slut feminist ( they promote themselves to be sluts now) willingly spreads her legs for some horizontal tango..

So apparently having more sex is bad because feminists..

And then you get AIDS..

And sentences should always be ended with not one but two periods..

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13 years ago

“I’m guessing the emperical evidence that STDs are much more rampant in countries with loose sexual mores and high indexes of gender equality would be the emperical evidence.”

Uh… what empirical evidence brosef?

You mean this evidence that is specifically counter to what your saying? That is well researched, has the WHO and many other health based NGO’s that are working at preventing the spread of? I understand if you want empirical evidence to be your magic sky fairy, but that’s not how language works, young one.

13 years ago


Also, maybe STD’s were largely unheard of before sex ed, but they certainly weren’t nonexistent as a consequence. Gonorrhea as a public health issue, for example, probably dates from at least the Middle Ages.

13 years ago

@theindigolmon: “I’m guessing the emperical evidence that STDs are much more rampant in countries with loose sexual mores and high indexes of gender equality would be the emperical evidence.”

Betch, honestly. You cannot be serious.

Ah, Africa. Bastion of liberalism and feminism.

Also, empirical! empirical!”

Unfortunately, you’ve missed the bit where NWO has set himself up as the arbiter of truth, it’s only empirical evidence if is says “that STDs are much more rampant in countries with loose sexual mores and high indexes of gender equality ”

Seriously, he say it right there. That is the only way it could be evidence, if it lines up with his preconceived notions. Usually he tries to hide it better, but he’s been a little off kilter lately. I blame the fact that he’s off moderation, it’s gone to his head.

Oh, and welcome, by the way. Er, assuming you haven’t been around previously. I haven’t noticed your handle before, but that’s hardly a reliable measure, in my case.

13 years ago

Er, *theindigolemon, not theindigolmon. Sorry about that.

13 years ago

“Seriously, guys, am I wasting my time? Is this guy a joke?”

Yes on both counts.

13 years ago

In my teen years, there were ads on buses and billboards with cartoons and slogans like “if it’s not on, it’s not on” and “no balloon, no party” and “no cover, no lover”. When I finally got around to having sex, it never occurred to me NOT to use a condom.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

Okay, here’s another fact about oxytocin overlooked by the abstinence only education advocates. Oxytocin is released by the body during childbirth and breastfeeding, not just from orgasms. I breastfed both of my children for over a year for both, and every time they drank my milk, my body was producing oxytocin to trigger my letdown reflex and release the milk. By the logic of those anti sex moralizers, my breastfeeding actually caused me to bond with my children at the expense of my husband. Of course that is crap, though. I could bond with my children as well as my husband. You can be attached to more than one person at the same time.

If oxytocin was a finite resource, I would have used it up by now, since I fed each baby at least 6-10 times a day for over a year. Some women have and breastfeed 10 or more children and the children don’t wean until they’re four or five years old. Once again, there is that idea that a woman can be used up. In the other context, people act like the vagina can be used up. In this, it’s that her hormonal bonding and attachment hormones can be used up.

13 years ago

But don’t ya know women are meant to have LOTS of children (except…not) and only one man, ever (except, not). And our oxytocin knows it, too! Wow, smart stuff. (sorry I don’t think I can roll my eyes any harder)

On a different but somewhat related note (seeing as how it deals with MRA misogyny) this rip off appears to be making the rounds at the moment

13 years ago

Skyal – so, is the implication there that he, the NiceGuy(TM) should have spoken up on behalf of the rapists and stalkers? …classy, that one. And by “classy” I mean “wtf????”

13 years ago

“On a different but somewhat related note (seeing as how it deals with MRA misogyny) this rip off appears to be making the rounds at the moment

If ever one doubted that MRAs like him have a supreme lack of perspective…doubt no more.

13 years ago

theLaplaceDemon, yep. Apparently criminals and “nice guys” are exactly the same to this guy.

13 years ago

He has to use two dots because the scariest thing to an MRA is a period haha haa hahahha HAHAHA!!!!ELEVEN!!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


13 years ago

^^Ba bum psh!

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“What surprises me the most is the lack of information concerning sexually transmitted diseases of all types. Those nasty disease like HIV or those others that munch your body at random. Not really something you want to be told after a night of debauchery with some slut feminist ( they promote themselves to be sluts now) willingly spreads her legs for some horizontal tango..”

Don’t any of these guys know how to use condoms? Get tested?

13 years ago

Ah, Africa. Bastion of liberalism and feminism.

Where they obviously manage to get along just fine without Sex Ed, because breast ironing is a much more reasonable and successful alternative measure.

13 years ago

Ozymandias: “HPV and the hep both have vaccines.”

I am not disagreeing with your general point. However, I think it is important to point out that the HPV vaccine does NOT protect against all strains of HPV:

(On the other hand, it is perfectly possible to be infected with HPV and to never develop cervical cancer… Plus, regular pap-smears are a pretty good protection. Oh, and while condoms don’t protect against HPV as well as against other STDs, they still reduce the risk of becoming infected.)

Sex has some health benefits but it also carries risks, even if every possible precaution is taken. This is also true for many other normal and healthy behaviors, however, some of which are necessary for survival. For example, you can reduce the risk of food poisoning, but no matter what you do, as long as you eat anything at all a small risk will remain – but then the only other option is not to eat at all, and of course not eating at all will result in starving to death. So the point is not so much to avoid possible dangers completely, but to know the risks and benefits and to make informed decisions.

(By the way: Hi – this is my first comment.)

13 years ago

Thank you, Dave. I remembered that one pretty clearly.

James Dominguez (@jamesjdominguez)

I think I’ve solved the double-dot mystery. Ya see, a full stop is known as a “period” in some weird countries with insufficient Us and an overabundance of Zs. The period is also the monthly uterine bleeding practised by feminazis as a form of sexual terrorism. Ending every sentence with one of these so-called “periods” is a tacit admission that women must always have the final word!

Cleverly, this brave defender of the Y chromosome has turned the tables by doubling this punctuation mark, changing it from a symbol of feminazi oppression into a pair of proud, masculine testicles, thereby reasserting man’s dominance in social discourse.

And you all just thought it was a product of his fourth grade writing level. For shame!

13 years ago

These guys believe that the more women have sexual freedom, the more women will fuck other guys.
And they’re right.. “sexual freedom” is worse than worthless if you’re not getting any of the sex.

Probably no sex until marrage and then monogamy after? Or maybe no sex until a committed relationship hopefully leading to marriage?
…how dare they?