The other day we took a look at a Redditor who calls himself AntiFeministMedia. He does not seem to like the ladies very much. Indeed, in some of the posts of his I quoted, he went so far as to say that women are animals, not humans, and suggested that men should pretty much have the final say in anything involving reproduction (as clearly the women have been doing a terrible job of it).
So one might wonder: why have ladies at all? This is a thought that has crossed the mind of AntiFeministMedia more than a few times. And he’s got some ideas about how it could be done.
As he points out in this comment, men have known all along that ladies is trouble. But now, thanks to superior male brains, we finally have the technology to do something about it. Today, fleshlights! Tomorrow, the womb!
Men have known women are the problem right throughout history, and to deny it just goes to show how ignorant and stupid you are.
Religion’s, culture’s, all have there warnings about women.
And all these things will be known again. The dots will be joined, and its my hope that after this current fuck up of allowing feminism to take root, men will never allow it again.
I actually think its time men went foreward alone. We have the hi-technology now to clone little boys into the future, soon we will have female androids with artificial wombs. Identical to women in almost every way, except for the animal nature…
Women should be replaced by better technology.
Consider the many fine benefits of this plan:
If men didnt have to live in this human-female environment, but instead was guaranteed in having his sexual needs met, and his genes live on into the future, there would be a lot less conflict of all kinds.
This two-party system of male and female has served its purpose (in the most brutal way), we are rapidly approaching a time where things could be radically different.
Tell me more about this brave new world of which you speak, in which men can live their lives free of bitches:
Cloning science and female androids may just solve that woman problem for us.
I wouldnt advocate killing women, certainly not, but a gradual fade-out, allow women to live out their natural lives, while we transition to the new technology.
No need for anything as unpleasant as killing, no. Just the elimination of one gender by the other through a little “fade-out,” like they have in the movies. Nothing objectionable about this, not at all.
If you’ve followed any of these links back to the original comments, you’ll see that AntiFeministMedia, like most truly original thinkers, has gotten some resistance to his ideas — even from the normally forward-looking thinkers of the Men’s Rights subreddit. And a few downvotes!
But some of his comments are so clearly and obviously correct, so pithy and wise, that they get upvotes. Like this one, suggesting that female demand for iPads and mobile phones is one of the central driving forces behind war:
Well its nice to hear her comment that western women themselves have been complicit in foreign wars and the rape of native women by soldiers, so that companies can obtain gold and other precious metals for Ipads and moble phones which women seem to like so much.
Oh you evil women with your iPads and mobile phones! We men are of course immune to the devilish allure of computer technology. Indeed, I’m typing this blog post on an old Smith-Corona Galaxie Portable Typewriter.
NWO: Because time exists. Because the plausibility of something to exist outside of time is low. Because if God was created, when came the creator of God.
Because there are plausible mechanisms for an initial state of self-replicating molecules, and from there time is enough to move those to what we recognise as life.
Because the case can be made for abiogenesis without a leap of faith, and the same cannot be done for god.
Samuel: the average life expectancy, which is closing, takes into account young men as well as old. The life expectancy gap is closing because men, in average, are living longer, not shorter lives.
I can pull up a few examples of women dying young. Does this mean we also have a women shortage, Samuel?
Also, the very think N4 said that you quoted contradicts you here: “the minute a man gets married, his standard of living and his life expectancy goes up, in many cases quite drastically.”
So, it actually behooves men to marry, in terms of life expectancy, not the other way around.
You said there was a dramatic increase in men dying young. Nothing you have said actually corroborates this fact, and we have a few examples of the other case. Why do you insist on saying it is true without any evidence?
And where are the feminists that mock gay and asexual men, Samuel? All you’ve given us one example of a woman here saying that asexual men should find asexual women for relationships, and you still have yet to explain how that is mockery.
ballgame: Equivocation: You mean Francis Baumli,and only Francis Baumli when you refer to MRAs; and no place to which he lends his support, but when you mention Mary Daly you mean her, and any organisation which invites her to speak.
“the minute a man gets married, his standard of living and his life expectancy goes up, in many cases quite drastically.So, it actually behooves men to marry, in terms of life expectancy, not the other way around. ”
This is a false statistic that feminists use so often. When single men die from war that number is rounded into the “single men average age” category. Also, men who have been divorced and lose everything is also correlated into that data. Yea theres a fair stat, take away everything he’s ever worked for and his children or die in a war and you can clearly see how married men live longer.
Wait, married men don’t fight in wars?
Spearhafoc: I was wondering if someone was going to notice my references. XD
NWO: First of all, creationists are not allowed to talk about biology.
Second, I think there probably are aggregate brain differences between people with XX and people with XY chromosomes, and people with male hormones and female hormones. I just also think that the science isn’t in yet for us to say conclusively what differences there are, that there are more differences between invididual men and individual women than men and women as a group, and that the point is immaterial to working to end the social differences between men and women.
For instance, NWO, men are in general taller than women. However, gender roles are like trying to give all men one suit because they’re men, and all women one suit because they’re female. There are a whole lot of tall women and short men who would be stuck with ill-fitting clothing, and that’s wrong.
“And when feminists DO try to help men, we receive a heaping helping of derision and scorn because we’re seen as trying to castrate men…feminize men…not allow men to be men.”
Exactly! You’ve finally said something truthful. Funny how women trying to “help” men always comes down to men having a problem. Just maybe, there’s a problem with modern day women and not men. That thought never crosses the collectives mind, does it?
NF4ever: D’oh, good point! I had a brain-fart there and confused reality with Samuel’s faux-reality where misogynist MGTOW are really only scared little boys on the inside who would blossom into paragons of gender equality if only a feminist would give them a hug.
“NWO: First of all, creationists are not allowed to talk about biology.”
So if I say God made biology and you say Rock made biology, you’re smart and I’m stupid. How tolerant of you.
“Second, I think there probably are aggregate brain differences between people with XX and people with XY chromosomes, and people with male hormones and female hormones. I just also think that the science isn’t in yet for us to say conclusively what differences there are, that there are more differences between invididual men and individual women than men and women as a group, and that the point is immaterial to working to end the social differences between men and women.”
Science does prove conclusively the massive differences. You, “thinking” It doesn’t, doesn’t change the facts. Your ideology doesn’t trump anything. There are more differences between men and women as a group than individual men/women. Why say something so obviously false. The social/mental/physical differences are natural differences, they aren’t constructed. Pretty strange how a creationist accepts and embraces science and biology while an enlightened athiest denies it.
So there ya go, Samuel. Men are dying younger from the hazards of being male because they want to cling to those hazards, so don’t be coming crying the blues about it to feminists anymore.
No one is saying, “Rock made biology”. We are saying, “biology just happens”.
“NF4ever: D’oh, good point! I had a brain-fart there and confused reality with Samuel’s faux-reality where misogynist MGTOW are really only scared little boys on the inside who would blossom into paragons of gender equality if only a feminist would give them a hug.”
Default hating of women (misogynist).
Default shaming, (scared little boys).
Default men and women are interchangable ideology (gender equality).
Why men loathe the all pervasive feminist ideology of modern day society when men are clearly broken boggles the mind. Why do men resist being fixed?
Holy cats, Samuel just exploded o_o Lots of caps xD
Also hey it’s NWO! 😀 NWO, Samuel is okay w/ MGTOW supposedly turning gay, are you?
Samuel wants men to stop being men, and wants to release them from gender roles like Ozymandias. Are you okay w/ this? Samuel is encouraging the break down of the very things you scream at Ozymandias about. Are you ok w/ this? 😀
It seems like somebody w/ such an in w/ men and MGTOW (esp since he’s personal email buddies with everybody) spreading Ozymandias’ ideas of men being allowed to be sensitive and etc etc, taking men away from that natural masculinity, would be more of a threat to men than nething we can do, since men aren’t emailing us and stuff xD
Funny, you’ve said nothing… (are you emailing him too? o: )
Women = bad Men = good huh? xD If it’s a man, you’re fine w/ it! 😀 If it’s a woman, BAD BAD BAD xD
My “Earth-One reality” consists of biology and facts
Where are your biology and facts? 😀 Put them out so ppl can examine them.
Or you can yell a lot xD
(Spear alrdy made the E-1 joke, so I won’t)
Sam (is it okay if I call you Sam?), why do you keep going on about the terribleness of there being fewer marriageable men? People here have told you repeatedly and in so many words that they don’t really care, so what are you hoping to accomplish?
Okay I will say it again I am a Mens Rights Activists. This is one of the few blogs that MGTOW’a are allowed on to dialogue. Okay Pam I’ll stop the topic of the marriage strike and happy bachelors and a man shortage.
You see many men are enrolled in college less these days. Many mgtow mra men want to express themselves and do not want to be leaders in the movement. They would rather be unobtrusive.Some MRA’s like ,e and other MRA”S here are leaders and advocates for men to dialogue. See Pam and all the feminists out there I consider myself a leader in the MRA movement. See some mra’s also would like to express themselves but may not have the skills to. What is pretty cool about MGTOW/MRA leaders who are willing to debate with feminists is that many of us are interested in Academia and public policy. We are educated men us MRA leaders in a society where fewer and fewer men have collegiate degrees.
Moreover, many MRA leaders are interested in gender roles and sociology and even philosophy. So many mra men will defer to us to be their representative to the feminist debating world. The mra men on this blog are educated MRA leaders. I am an MRA leader. I like to attend MRA conferences. I am interested in gender roles and talking and writing about gender. That is what I am trying to accomplish.
Okay Pam and all no more talk on the man shortage. It saddens me that many of my compatriots of my gender are dying young of Prostrate cancer, heart disease. I volunteer and donate money to mens health organizations. I am a man. That is why I am here.
Finally I am not here to “get laid” as percunium accused me of. If I did that I would just fake being a feminist male and try to pick up ladies. I brought up topics like men turning gay at their anger at women or men wanting gender separatism not exactly a way to “get laid”. I have been mocked by females here on this blog. I have engaged in criticisms at women, who have insulted me here not exactly a way to “get laid”. I talk about the growing mens celibacy movement not a very politically correct topic.
I am interested in gender studies. I am interested in my progress as a Mens Right Activist Leader. It is still a new movement relatively. While I am not the best writer as I am educated and will take a course online to better my writing skills to be able to blog more efficiently,
Especially since the feminists are the group who are saying “fuck this, this is stupid” about the high rate of men dying while everyone else is being all “boys will be boys, what can we do? *flail of helplessness*”.
Samuel, feminists DO ask men out. Honestly, so do non-feminist women. Women like people too. And when we like ppl, what do you think we do? Sit around, looking pretty, hoping that the ppl we like notice we exist and ask us out? xD Even if women were approaching your friends, it prolly won’t be the women they want… then what? They’d still have to approach xD
Also, just b/c the guys emailing you aren’t being approached doesn’t mean we’re not xD You seem on a quest to get feminists to date MGTOW o_O You keep telling us how handsome and successful they are, what great husbands they’d make, and now you don’t believe we approach men b/c THOSE men have not exp’d it, and so the only way we could prove is if they start getting approached xD
And then you start moving around and being shifty, not answering questions again (esp about the whole gay thing xD )
Samuel, let’s just make this easy :3
What do you want feminists here to personally do? :]
Especially since the feminists are the group who are saying “fuck this, this is stupid” about the high rate of men dying while everyone else is being all “boys will be boys, what can we do? *flail of helplessness*”.
Ozy what do you mean by this statement?
“I have been mocked by females here on this blog.”
Once again Samuel, who is mocking you here? I really don’t think Kristin recommending you look for an asexual partner if you yourself identify as asexual counts as mocking.
Also again, where are the feminists who’re calling men gay or wimps? Or do you take that back?
“We are educated men us MRA leaders in a society where fewer and fewer men have collegiate degrees.”
Dear David Futrelle:
Movie movie movie movie movie movie movie please please please please please.
“So there ya go, Samuel. Men are dying younger from the hazards of being male because they want to cling to those hazards, so don’t be coming crying the blues about it to feminists anymore.”
Yes, we cling to women leaders sending men to die in wars.
Yes, we cling to western women chearleading men to die in foreign lands to “save” girls who can’t get a degree in womens studies, while those women cheer for their men to die to protect them from the foreign invaders.
Yes, we cling to the right of women to divorce and take a mans wealth and children.
Yes, we cling to the right of having no rights of reproduction.
Yes, we cling to the right to have our wealth transferred to women thru both taxation and by law.
But somewhere theres a woman whose feelings have been hurt. What a trajedy.
NWO’s recent string of posts proves the axiom that you can’t argue with ignorance. You have to talk over it.
Science doesn’t prove any “massive” differences in ability between the sexes. There’s one (barely) statistically significant and established difference between male and female performance on standardized testing. On a single specific measure of spatial intelligence (the ability to rotate 3D objects) men tend to score slightly better, on average, than women. And that doesn’t hold across cultures: Asian women are much better than white men and women at it, iirc. On others tests of spatial ability, no statistically significant difference is observed. Men tend to follow a bimodal distribution while women follow Gaussian distribution when it comes to IQ scores. Average IQ score, however, remains steady across groups: men and women both have an average IQ of 100. (I won’t even address the question of whether IQ measures anything but the ability to do well on IQ tests, or how stereotype threat can affect performance…) Men and women use different navigational strategies, but perform to the same level in tests of their navigational skills.
None of this looks like “massive” differences, more like slight statistical blips or variations in fMRI images.
If ya want a monsterous huge laugh about women helping men, here, enjoy.
No, Seriously, What About Teh Menz?
I hope NWO is going to all the other sites he trolls and also sharing NSWATM for “laughs” :3
actually bachelors could live longer less stress of being the breadwinner which kills many guys young.
So your rebuttal of the statistics showing that married men live longer is “actually bachelors live longer?”
Here last time I give a site for any brain differences
Here is the last paragraph
“Differences in brain size between males and females should not be
interpreted as implying any sort of functional advantage or disadvantage.”
This goes to show the all pervasiveness of feminist ideology. The differences show exactly the opposite of this statement. Nice patriarchy you ladies have been building where lies become gospel and truth is irrelevant.