The other day we took a look at a Redditor who calls himself AntiFeministMedia. He does not seem to like the ladies very much. Indeed, in some of the posts of his I quoted, he went so far as to say that women are animals, not humans, and suggested that men should pretty much have the final say in anything involving reproduction (as clearly the women have been doing a terrible job of it).
So one might wonder: why have ladies at all? This is a thought that has crossed the mind of AntiFeministMedia more than a few times. And he’s got some ideas about how it could be done.
As he points out in this comment, men have known all along that ladies is trouble. But now, thanks to superior male brains, we finally have the technology to do something about it. Today, fleshlights! Tomorrow, the womb!
Men have known women are the problem right throughout history, and to deny it just goes to show how ignorant and stupid you are.
Religion’s, culture’s, all have there warnings about women.
And all these things will be known again. The dots will be joined, and its my hope that after this current fuck up of allowing feminism to take root, men will never allow it again.
I actually think its time men went foreward alone. We have the hi-technology now to clone little boys into the future, soon we will have female androids with artificial wombs. Identical to women in almost every way, except for the animal nature…
Women should be replaced by better technology.
Consider the many fine benefits of this plan:
If men didnt have to live in this human-female environment, but instead was guaranteed in having his sexual needs met, and his genes live on into the future, there would be a lot less conflict of all kinds.
This two-party system of male and female has served its purpose (in the most brutal way), we are rapidly approaching a time where things could be radically different.
Tell me more about this brave new world of which you speak, in which men can live their lives free of bitches:
Cloning science and female androids may just solve that woman problem for us.
I wouldnt advocate killing women, certainly not, but a gradual fade-out, allow women to live out their natural lives, while we transition to the new technology.
No need for anything as unpleasant as killing, no. Just the elimination of one gender by the other through a little “fade-out,” like they have in the movies. Nothing objectionable about this, not at all.
If you’ve followed any of these links back to the original comments, you’ll see that AntiFeministMedia, like most truly original thinkers, has gotten some resistance to his ideas — even from the normally forward-looking thinkers of the Men’s Rights subreddit. And a few downvotes!
But some of his comments are so clearly and obviously correct, so pithy and wise, that they get upvotes. Like this one, suggesting that female demand for iPads and mobile phones is one of the central driving forces behind war:
Well its nice to hear her comment that western women themselves have been complicit in foreign wars and the rape of native women by soldiers, so that companies can obtain gold and other precious metals for Ipads and moble phones which women seem to like so much.
Oh you evil women with your iPads and mobile phones! We men are of course immune to the devilish allure of computer technology. Indeed, I’m typing this blog post on an old Smith-Corona Galaxie Portable Typewriter.
Samuel: You do know that regular ejaculations are a significant help in the reduction of prostate cancer risk, yes?
let me ask you this have you ever not trusted a man who wants to be friends with you? You may think the man has an ulterior motive?</i.
Yes, yes I have*.
Wait (checks pants… sees penis): Shit!… I'm a dude. Crap, I'm doing something wrong.
*no, it wasn't a sexual worry.
The “retaining semen makes a man stronger” myth is an old folk belief in Western culture as well, but it mostly died out in North America by the early 20th century. (Have you ever read a Victorian marriage manual? Hilarious.) It’s absolutely not borne out by medical science.
Ignore my second post I pasted the wrong thing thing.David if your moderating this please ignore my second post I made a mistake and I pasted something that has nothing to do with the thread
Good morning people I am back. I realize I do sometimes ignore questions. I work full ime and busy with chores in my life such as cooking and cleaning so sometimes I do not have the time to read throughly all comments
I am now going to try to take my time to answer questions and read all comments. So please be patient with me I cannot read all comments quickly (it can actually get overwhelming.).
o if I do not respond right away realize I will get to everyone and answer Their questions
I am happy I found this website, many women and men and transgenderd people. have asked me much questions it is important now I answers and take my time to write and think lucid.
Allright I will respond to this comment someone made” You must be the leader of a new strain of MRA/MGTOW, because that doesn’t really sound like the Mission Statement, Vision and Mandate of the current strain.”
As I have indicated I am a Man Going His own way. It is not a monolithic movement. I will start posting comments from MGTOW people that may hep feminists understand us.
have a mission, I believe as a MGHOW A man going his own way, is just really saying I do not want to live as a Toxic male.
A man can be strong and macho and be able to cry that is going my own way and not be called a wimp or unable to protect a woman.
A man can be friends with a gay man and not have to be called a faggot or wimp. As an MGHOW, i Love gay men, sure there are MGTOW men who are homophobic But there are some who are calling for gay men to help straight men to join our movement and some are, even effeminate gay men have told me to become gay, that straight guys have it difficult..
. As a MGHOW I refuse to be homophobic. Some MGTOW men are bisexual and have been with other men and not be called a faggot or a wimp.MGHOW men do not care what society thinks. We are willing to deviate from societal norms
As an MGHOW man I still feel if a man chooses celibacy or monogamy he is sometimes called a wimp. The ” Don Juan” type of man in the media is still adulated. While the introverted celibate is called weird
As an MGHOW man I remain a bachelor a happy bachelor. . Society puts pressure for men to and women to get married.Single people are considered deficient, having issues, or lonely.
As an MGHOW man I feel Bachelor mane are ostracized. I read a comment from one woman who would ever date a bachelor guy because they have no experience with relationships and are selfish. How offensive.
Holly mentioned( I hate to keep responding to her but she hates my guts and I really do not care but I just feel this response to her is important for other people.)Read one of the above comments Holly made to me she implied I was on here saying I am celibate and do not wish to lust after a woman, saying I am celibate to appear.”safe” with woman( read her comment on this).
This was so offensive to me I got up from my computer and cried.(Yes a man can cry and not be less of a man). I was so angry I cried.
I just felt that after many women here including Holly believe that all men are not pigs, and do not think with their cocks, The implication that some men want to appear. safe menas she still thinks that many men think with their dicks and are not safe, It really offended me. She contradicted herself I caught her. Women still think many men think with their dicks and are dangerous. She is a hypocrite. I am very very very very hurt and sad at that statement. It is offensive to me as a man-being implied I still think with my dick. I am so sad at that statement by Holly
Finally The MRA movement is not monolithic. You can put a room full of MRA’s together and there will be debates and disagreements. It is not a unified movement. So me as an MGTOW reaching out and being a conduit to feminists to let them know about us can be beneficial.
I can say That A Man Going His Own Way does not just involve gender it involves not caring about society approval, not caring if a man says he loves gay men as friends Read one of the above comments Holly made to me she implied I was on here saying I am celibate and do not wish to lust after a woman, saying I am celibate to appear.”safe” with woman( read her comment on this).
This was so offensive to me I got up from my computer and cried.(Yes a man can cry and not be less of a man). I was so angry I cried.
I just felt that after many women here including Holly believe that all men are not pigs, and do not think with their cocks, The implication that some men want to appear. safe menas she still thinks that many men think with their dicks and are not safe, It really offended me. She contradicted herself I caught her. Women still think many men think with their dicks and are dangerous. She is a hypocrite. I am very very very very hurt and sad at that statement. It is offensive to me as a man-being implied I still think with my dick. I am so sad at that statement by Holly
Finally The MRA movement is not monolithic. You can put a room full of MRA’s together and there will be debates and disagreements. It is not a unified movement. So me as an MGTOW reaching out and being a conduit to feminists to let them know about us can be beneficial.
I can say That A Man Going His Own Way does not just involve gender it involves not caring about society approval, not caring if a man says he loves gay men as friends Non gender issues could include being an individualist. I am a Libertarian politically. I actually love to read Ayn Rand who was a woman but a brilliant writer she spoke about individualism.
I have my very very very strong criticisms as a Mens Rights Leader at Feminism and how women can act(some not all).
But I am equally as tough on men to be more responsible with their sexuality and learn to not think with their cocks,.
So After being on man boobz for a week now I can say that a Man Going His Own way ca n even include being a feminist. Who gives a shit what people think? Everyone has got to deviate and elevate from the norm and mores in society.
Finally As a Man Going His Own way it can mean asking Feminists to join me on my path to help understand how “Toxic manhood” has been detrimental to women as well as men.
A woman who doesn’t care what people think or if she is lesbian or a single lady at 50 or a slutw or childless no kids -she does not care about conformity she is A Woman Going her own way WGTOW.She s a libertarian.
My comment is awaiting moderation it just explains in a long post a response to questions I could not answer.
Samuel has written a long comment in response to questions that he could not answer! I predict that this will not go well…
Oh my dogs. I LOVE Samuel. I’ve been trying to figure out which one of our regular trolls has put on this brand-new ESL disguise to play with us, but ya got me. Whoever you are, you’re brilliant.
Things I love about Samuel:
1. Inability to spell Pecunium’s name correctly, or spell it the same incorrect way twice.
2. Continuous misgenderings of other posters.
3. Random capitalization of words.
4. Misuse of of “female” for “woman.”
5. Stated desire not to objectify women in stark contrast to stated inability to see women as actual humans.
6. Appointment of himself and the slaveman as “leaders.”
7. Insistence that we all write for his blog to reach out to MGTOWers. (With offer of payment even!)
8. Obsession with the attractiveness of other men/potential of “becoming” gay.
9. Has aol account.
10. This: “Nite Nite guys (and Teh Women)”.
Competition is always a good thing 😀 – at least from a libertarian standpoint. It makes the side being competed with have to grow in response.
Why were you so saddened by this? You said similar things about yourself when you were telling us why you didn’t want to carpool with your coworker–you were afraid you’d start “objectifying” her and get an erection (“thinking with your dick”). You were the one who insisted that men and women can never be friends because someone will always want se: more “thinking with their cocks.” These are your own opinions, not Holly’s. And they seem to really bother you.
You don’t care? It sounds to me like you care a lot, and it’s eating you up inside. Get help. You don’t need to suffer so much.
A man can have sex for its own sake and still be a man too, Samuel. It doesn’t make him a pig. The only one here saying it does is you. You seem determined to project your guilt and shame onto everyone around you.
And as far as “thinking with your dick” is concerned, it’s not your dick that objectifies women. It’s your brain. If you choose not see them as people, you have no one blame but yourself.
This was so offensive to me I got up from my computer and cried.(Yes a man can cry and not be less of a man). I was so angry I cried.
First, no one here has ever said that you, or anything you do, is wimpy or not manly. You keep defending yourself when no one is actually attacking you.
Second, you’ve implied that every single man on this forum (and in the world) who isn’t celibate or monogamous “thinks with their cock” and objectifies every woman he’s with, and you’ve dissed every M/F friendship here and elsewhere as being a false pretense. So don’t whine to us about other people making insulting insinuations about you.
Third, if you’re that thin-skinned, you should probably go find a forum where everyone agrees with you.
Fourth, did you not notice that I compared you to the KKK, or do you not care?
Oops, my HTML fail.
For what it’s worth, I tend to use male/female in some contexts. It’s a holdover from 16 years in the army where that’s how we deal with things like cycling who gets the access to limited showers/latrines, etc.
Voip wrote “Why were you so saddened by this? You said similar things about yourself when you were telling us why you didn’t want to carpool with your coworker–you were afraid you’d start “objectifying” her and get an erection (“thinking with your dick”). You were the one who insisted that men and women can never be friends because someone will always want sex more “thinking with their cocks.” These are your own opinions, not Holly’s. And they seem to really bother you..
What do you mean by this Voip?
Okay so more confirmation of why I think EVERY WOMEN HAS SOME FEELING or fear even if it is a small fear of every man as dangerous. Cmon Voip stop it, it is bullshit, many articles I have read that women complain men think with their dicks. Even if a man states he is celibate, EVERY WOMEN STILL THINK OF MEN CELIBATE OR NOT AS POTENTIALLY WANTING SEX. YOU EVEN ACCUSED ME OF HAVING A CRUSH ON HOLLY
I have never seen her do not know who she is. See even a celibate man who refuses to objectify women as sex objects gets accused of secretly wanting to get laid. This is why I avoid women. I will remain a happy bachelor, Feminists offend me women offend me accusing me of an ulterior motive. EVERY GUY HERE FEMINIST OR NOT SHOULD BE OFFENDED HOW WOMEN THINK MEN ARE AFTER ONE THINK. FUCK NO NOT THIS MGTOW MAN
‘See even a celibate man who refuses to objectify women as sex objects gets accused of secretly wanting to get laid.’ Samuel
Self proclaimed celibate, sure. Not objectifying women? Hardly. You’re the one who can’t tell the difference between women, females, and feminists, right? The same guy who keeps telling a group of women what they think, regardless of what they say. Because you, as a man, know what women think better than they do. Or you’re calling them all dishonest.
You’re coming across as willfully obtuse and more than a little dishonest.
Yeah, except you’re the only one saying that. The women here have repeatedly told you they DON’T think men are after one thing. But what do those bitches know, eh? amiright?
Kristin wrote The “retaining semen makes a man stronger” myth is an old folk belief in Western culture as well, but it mostly died out in North America by the early 20th century. (Have you ever read a Victorian marriage manual? Hilarious.) It’s absolutely not borne out by medical science
No never read a victorian manual. I will google it.
I am not a scholar on this subject. But semen is energy and male power. If a man is celibate or even if he is married or has a girlfriend he will refrain from sex for a few weeks to become more lucid and strong. Think of a horny man and he retains that semen. He is aggressive powerful and strong. He has all that sexual power converted to physical,mental, and spiritual.
A celibate mans eyes have a glow a light to them exeplufying masculine vigor.
Samuel, semen is produced in abundance by the testes from adolescence on. It does your body no good, no good whatsoever to keep it in there. In fact, if you do, you will ejaculate in your sleep (the “wet dream”). Unless you’re trying to conceive a baby semen is basically a waste product.
I’m appending one big giant “Citation needed” to that.
Also, I can’t believe I’ve been sucked into debating “Semen: Essence of Manly Man Man-ness or biological substance of limited utility and endless supply?”
“Competition is always a good thing 😀 – at least from a libertarian standpoint. It makes the side being competed with have to grow in response.”
Not very familiar with how competition works in an unregulated environment, either economic or biological, are you?
“But semen is energy and male power.”
No, it’s a bodily fluid you yutz. Life is not a kung fu movie that functions according to Yin-Yang dualism, or any other mystical voodoo. It’s just a bodily fluid that has no power, that can provide an X or a Y Chromosome to an egg.
Exepulfying? What the fuck is that? Is that the glow you get after a huge bong rip?
Yaz wrote “Yeah, except you’re the only one saying that. The women here have repeatedly told you they DON’T think men are after one thing. But what do those bitches know, eh? amiright?
Yaz I hear what your saying. I do not believe the women. I hear that women want men to be more emotional, communicative,
I hear this constantly from articles, even when I was in college and the “campus date rape” scare was big then. Many women in my dorm room were afraid to walk alone at night. I remember a women who lived on the opposite end of our dormitory. We wer talking and she said that she thinks men think of one thing-sex. She told me some men put pills in womans drinks so they can rape them if the woman passes out. She said women are always on guard with men. Thinking back on it, she was a insightful attractive woman
I just think the woman on man boobz are not saying how they really feel in order not to offend the feminist men here
Oh, right, we TOTALLY don’t say what we think around here. Jesus wept.
Why is campus date rape in scare quotes? Do you not think it exists?
Kristin Also, I can’t believe I’ve been sucked into debating “Semen: Essence of Manly Man Man-ness or biological substance of limited utility and endless supply?”
it is a stupid topic I agree I was just responding to a post
Hellkell wrote xepulfying? What the fuck is that? Is that the glow you get after a huge bong rip?
I meant exemplifying vigor. A celibate man has a glow in his eyes that is beatiful.
Ive gone one enough about this topic. I am outa here
Stick the flounce, be strong.
Why is campus date rape in scare quotes? Do you not think it exists?
Yes I do Fucking animalistic non celibate men putting pills in girls drinks to get them to pass out how sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!It was a huge problem on campus