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AntiFeministMedia 2: Women should be replaced by better technology.

Our glorious future

The other day we took a look at a Redditor who calls himself AntiFeministMedia. He does not seem to like the ladies very much. Indeed, in some of the posts of his I quoted, he went so far as to say that women are animals, not humans, and suggested that men should pretty much have the final say in anything involving reproduction (as clearly the women have been doing a terrible job of it).

So one might wonder: why have ladies at all? This is a thought that has crossed the mind of AntiFeministMedia more than a few times. And he’s got some ideas about how it could be done.

As he points out in this comment, men have known all along that ladies is trouble. But now, thanks to superior male brains, we finally have the technology to do something about it. Today, fleshlights! Tomorrow, the womb!

Men have known women are the problem right throughout history, and to deny it just goes to show how ignorant and stupid you are.

Religion’s, culture’s, all have there warnings about women.

And all these things will be known again. The dots will be joined, and its my hope that after this current fuck up of allowing feminism to take root, men will never allow it again.

I actually think its time men went foreward alone. We have the hi-technology now to clone little boys into the future, soon we will have female androids with artificial wombs. Identical to women in almost every way, except for the animal nature…

Women should be replaced by better technology.

Consider the many fine benefits of this plan:

If men didnt have to live in this human-female environment, but instead was guaranteed in having his sexual needs met, and his genes live on into the future, there would be a lot less conflict of all kinds.

This two-party system of male and female has served its purpose (in the most brutal way), we are rapidly approaching a time where things could be radically different.

Tell me more about this brave new world of which you speak, in which men can live their lives free of bitches:

Cloning science and female androids may just solve that woman problem for us.

I wouldnt advocate killing women, certainly not, but a gradual fade-out, allow women to live out their natural lives, while we transition to the new technology.

No need for anything as unpleasant as killing, no. Just the elimination of one gender by the other through a little “fade-out,” like they have in the movies. Nothing objectionable about this, not at all.

If you’ve followed any of these links back to the original comments, you’ll see that AntiFeministMedia, like most truly original thinkers, has gotten some resistance to his ideas — even from the normally forward-looking thinkers of the Men’s Rights subreddit. And a few downvotes!

But some of his comments are so clearly and obviously correct, so pithy and wise, that they get upvotes. Like this one, suggesting that female demand for iPads and mobile phones is one of the central driving forces behind war:

Well its nice to hear her comment that western women themselves have been complicit in foreign wars and the rape of native women by soldiers, so that companies can obtain gold and other precious metals for Ipads and moble phones which women seem to like so much.

Oh you evil women with your iPads and mobile phones! We men are of course immune to the devilish allure of computer technology. Indeed, I’m typing this blog post on an old Smith-Corona Galaxie Portable Typewriter.

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13 years ago

Voip, if a man and a woman are fucking and reaching orgasm that is one thing but if there is kissing and eye contact and kissing and eye contact and verbal “I love you’s” to each other -someone is going to fall in love.

People can’t look at each others’ eyes without falling in love? People can’t kiss without falling in love? Do people who have sex when they are not in love kiss, or is that just for people who are in love? And why would people who aren’t in love to begin with say ‘I love you” when they have sex?

This is why I think a man and woman cannot be friend ,one person will fall in love and one may just want to be friends

Hold on, you were talking about people having sex and then falling in love. Now you are talking about friends falling in love. Men and women can be friends without having sex!

Is my answer good voip?

Your answer is good for you; it isn’t for anyone else. You have your way to live and other people have theirs.

13 years ago

So now men and women can’t be friends? What planet are you on? Doesn’t look like Earth.

And semen makes you stronger. Huh. Do you also believe in eating the hearts of your enemies?
hellkell asked me this

No i believe a man and a woman cannot ever ever be friends sex will be involved eventuallu and one or the other will fall in love

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

but if there is kissing and eye contact and kissing and eye contact and verbal “I love you’s” to each other -someone is going to fall in love.
Kissing and eye contact and kissing and eye contact do not inevitably lead to love. I’ve had casual sex with kissing and eye contact and kissing and eye contact and it most definitely stayed casual.

As for saying “I love you”–don’t do that during sex unless you mean it! I thought that was obvious!

This is why I think a man and woman cannot be friend ,one person will fall in love and one may just want to be friends Is my answer good voip?
Oh for cripes’ sake.

This makes me feel bad for gay people, who cannot make friends of their own gender, and terrible for bisexual people, who cannot have any friends ever!

But no, Samuel. I have male friends I’ve had sex with and do not love, and male friends I haven’t had sex with and do not love, and it actually goes just fine.

13 years ago

“No i believe a man and a woman cannot ever ever be friends sex will be involved eventuallu and one or the other will fall in love”


Samuel, I have had many cross-gender friendships in my time, and none have led to sex. Am I just weird?

13 years ago

“No i believe a man and a woman cannot ever ever be friends sex will be involved eventuallu and one or the other will fall in love”

This is not my experience!

13 years ago

I’m friends with men and we haven’t slept together or fallen in love. I guess I’m the one doing it wrong, Samuel says so.

13 years ago

No i believe a man and a woman cannot ever ever be friends sex will be involved eventuallu and one or the other will fall in love

Wow, no wonder you sound so lonely. I’m a woman (physically at least; not sure about mentally) and I’ve got tons of male friends and colleagues. I don’t want to have sex with any of them. you are welcome to live your own life the way you want to, but if you’re not letting yourself make any women friends, you’re closing yourself off to a lot of people. That sounds terrible, to be honest.

13 years ago

People can’t look at each others’ eyes without falling in love? People can’t kiss without falling in love? Do people who have sex when they are not in love kiss, or is that just for people who are in love? And why would people who aren’t in love to begin with say ‘I love you” when they have sex?

responding to a post by voip I just believe men and woman are biologically wired to be attracted to each other physically. I feel it would be really really difficult for me to be friends with a woman, although I did have a few women friends in college but college is different.

I just thin one or the other person will fall in love

13 years ago

“This is why I think a man and woman cannot be friend ,one person will fall in love and one may just want to be friends”

Samuel…are you basing this on any real evidence, or are you just so afraid of women in general that you think this way?

13 years ago

“I just believe men and woman are biologically wired to be attracted to each other physically. ”


Didn’t you just acknowledge the existence of gay people moments ago? Doesn’t that fly in the face of what you just stated?

13 years ago


This makes me feel bad for gay people, who cannot make friends of their own gender, and terrible for bisexual people, who cannot have any friends ever!

Note, however, that this it contradicts his paeans to relationships with gay men, which he portrays as relaxing and drama-free. It’s not just sex he’s scared of, it’s contact with women specifically, and probably in general.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Samuel you called NWO a great MRA leader. Do you believe that? :]

13 years ago

hellkel asked and semen makes you stronger. Huh. Do you also believe in eating the hearts of your enemies?

Read any eastern mysticism book and eastern mystical principles and conservation of sexual energy makes a man lucid. Semen is my seed. It is my life as a man. Preserving it gives a man strength/ An orgasm is nirvana -it is energy. Tantric principles stress sex as holy, as energy. A man who preserves his semen is stronger that is why many NFL football players refrain from sex before games

13 years ago

I feel it would be really really difficult for me to be friends with a woman, although I did have a few women friends in college but college is different.

If you try, you might find that it’s not as difficult as it seems. What did you think was going to happen when you built bridges between feminists and MRAs? I know that not all feminists are women but a lot of them are, and some of them might have become your friends.

13 years ago

I’d still like to know if a vasectomy counts 😉

13 years ago

“A man who preserves his semen is stronger that is why many NFL football players refrain from sex before games”

[Citation Needed]

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Read any eastern mysticism book and eastern mystical principles and conservation of sexual energy makes a man lucid. Semen is my seed. It is my life as a man. Preserving it gives a man strength/ An orgasm is nirvana -it is energy. Tantric principles stress sex as holy, as energy. A man who preserves his semen is stronger that is why many NFL football players refrain from sex before games
“Eastern” isn’t a religion. It’s a half of the world.

“Nirvana” doesn’t mean “energy.”

The NFL thing is just a superstition; although you might be a bit sapped if you had sex ten minutes before the game, it doesn’t make a difference if you have it the night before. And certainly not if you have it ever.

Anyway, if you don’t want to have sex–or only want to have sex under certain conditions–that’s fine. It’s your choice. But it’s your choice, not a grand statement on how everyone’s gender roles are everywhere. Your life is not my life, and my non-Tantric sex is suiting me just fine.

13 years ago

Do you know a woman who is:

a) unattractive to you; and

b) already in love with someone else.

Maybe you could try being friends with her?

13 years ago

replying to a comment said What if you’re friends with a woman and don’t say “i love you” or kiss them? I mean, i may be wrong here, but I don’t think that happens very often in platonic friendship

Yes a man and women can be friends guess if no one is attracted to each other. But if a man is attracted to a woman he is friends with or she is to him he or she will fall in love or end up in bed.
I just feel casual sex can be empty. If I am going to have sex I want it to be a holy experience. People call orgasm “the little death” your like in heaven, sex is sharing body parts energy. Definitely not casual stuff.The Tantric stuff is pretty cool

It is very difficult for me as a man to be friends with a woman. If I am attracted to her or she to me we will surely end up in bed together

13 years ago

Magpie said to me you know a woman who is:

a) unattractive to you; and

b) already in love with someone else.

Maybe you could try being friends with her?

Absolutely not. A man and women have little in common with each other. Men love to bond with other men. The movie “I love you man” was about this. Male bonding is great. I love hanging out at a sports bar on Sunday afternoons with my male buddies and we hang out eat buffalo wing w blue cheese and watch the football. I love football, I love to play hockey and baseball. I cannot so these things with a woman.

13 years ago

Ah, so it’s not so much that you can’t be friends with women, more that you don’t want to.

13 years ago

Also, what’s stopping you doing those things with women?

13 years ago

“It is very difficult for me as a man to be friends with a woman. If I am attracted to her or she to me we will surely end up in bed together”

What if you are attracted to her but she is not attracted to you? Will you still end up in bed together?

“I love hanging out at a sports bar on Sunday afternoons with my male buddies and we hang out eat buffalo wing w blue cheese and watch the football. I love football, I love to play hockey and baseball. I cannot so these things with a woman.”

What if a woman also likes football and hockey and baseball? I know a few who do.

13 years ago

I just feel casual sex can be empty. If I am going to have sex I want it to be a holy experience. People call orgasm “the little death” your like in heaven, sex is sharing body parts energy. Definitely not casual stuff.The Tantric stuff is pretty cool.

If that’s what you believe, that’s fine. That’s great, even. But not everyone agrees with you. They have their own lives. It’s OK that you and they have different opinions.

It is very difficult for me as a man to be friends with a woman. If I am attracted to her or she to me we will surely end up in bed together.

“Surely”? This is a projection; it might not turn out that way. you keep saying “it is very difficult,” but have you ever tried being friends with a woman? You don’t have to end up in bed with everyone. It sounds like you’re scared of your own capacity for desire, but aren’t you learning self-control through your interest in Buddhism? What do you have to fear, then?

13 years ago

Samuel, just wanted to say your spelling and grammar were very good in your last comment to me. 🙂

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