The other day we took a look at a Redditor who calls himself AntiFeministMedia. He does not seem to like the ladies very much. Indeed, in some of the posts of his I quoted, he went so far as to say that women are animals, not humans, and suggested that men should pretty much have the final say in anything involving reproduction (as clearly the women have been doing a terrible job of it).
So one might wonder: why have ladies at all? This is a thought that has crossed the mind of AntiFeministMedia more than a few times. And he’s got some ideas about how it could be done.
As he points out in this comment, men have known all along that ladies is trouble. But now, thanks to superior male brains, we finally have the technology to do something about it. Today, fleshlights! Tomorrow, the womb!
Men have known women are the problem right throughout history, and to deny it just goes to show how ignorant and stupid you are.
Religion’s, culture’s, all have there warnings about women.
And all these things will be known again. The dots will be joined, and its my hope that after this current fuck up of allowing feminism to take root, men will never allow it again.
I actually think its time men went foreward alone. We have the hi-technology now to clone little boys into the future, soon we will have female androids with artificial wombs. Identical to women in almost every way, except for the animal nature…
Women should be replaced by better technology.
Consider the many fine benefits of this plan:
If men didnt have to live in this human-female environment, but instead was guaranteed in having his sexual needs met, and his genes live on into the future, there would be a lot less conflict of all kinds.
This two-party system of male and female has served its purpose (in the most brutal way), we are rapidly approaching a time where things could be radically different.
Tell me more about this brave new world of which you speak, in which men can live their lives free of bitches:
Cloning science and female androids may just solve that woman problem for us.
I wouldnt advocate killing women, certainly not, but a gradual fade-out, allow women to live out their natural lives, while we transition to the new technology.
No need for anything as unpleasant as killing, no. Just the elimination of one gender by the other through a little “fade-out,” like they have in the movies. Nothing objectionable about this, not at all.
If you’ve followed any of these links back to the original comments, you’ll see that AntiFeministMedia, like most truly original thinkers, has gotten some resistance to his ideas — even from the normally forward-looking thinkers of the Men’s Rights subreddit. And a few downvotes!
But some of his comments are so clearly and obviously correct, so pithy and wise, that they get upvotes. Like this one, suggesting that female demand for iPads and mobile phones is one of the central driving forces behind war:
Well its nice to hear her comment that western women themselves have been complicit in foreign wars and the rape of native women by soldiers, so that companies can obtain gold and other precious metals for Ipads and moble phones which women seem to like so much.
Oh you evil women with your iPads and mobile phones! We men are of course immune to the devilish allure of computer technology. Indeed, I’m typing this blog post on an old Smith-Corona Galaxie Portable Typewriter.
Spearhafoc, you can get this temporary spray dye around halloween at the drugstore, it looks like a canister of spray paint or shaving cream and comes in a bunch of different bright colors and one of them is white. I used it once when I was being a ghost and it takes a really long time but you can eventually get your hair totally white. Just be careful because it’s flammable.
Well, I’d have to have a cigarette for the costume (he smokes like a chimney), but I wouldn’t actually light it, as I don’t smoke myself.
I’ll try to keep a look-out for the stuff. Do you know the brand, by chance?
I wonder if NWO is aware that the computer he spews his vitriol on was partially invented by a gay man?
I wonder if NWO is aware
all signs point to no
And a woman, Ozymandias. Well, the programming aspect at least: Ada Lovelace and, apparently, Grace Hopper. Who i hadn’t heard of before but sound freaking awesome. From wiki:
“Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906 – January 1, 1992) was an American computer scientist and United States Navy officer. A pioneer in the field, she was one of the first programmers of the Harvard Mark I computer, and developed the first compiler for a computer programming language. She conceptualized the idea of machine-independent programming languages, which led to the development of COBOL, one of the first modern programming languages. She is credited with popularizing the term “debugging” for fixing computer glitches (motivated by an actual moth removed from the computer). Because of the breadth of her accomplishments and her naval rank, she is sometimes referred to as “Amazing Grace”. The U.S. Navy destroyer USS Hopper (DDG-70) was named for her.”
As well as few good other things, I’m sure. Computers are the convergence of a huge number of technologies.
“What makes a man a man and not a woman? I mean, you’ve gotten mad at feminism before for wanting to “turn men into women” or make them more feminine, but if performance is dictated by biology, how would it even be possible to make men more feminine in the first place?”
Oh my god, this is an excellent point.
NWO, if men are already born strong and superior, while women are born weak and stupid, and both keep those traits until the end of time…why be so angry at Femenism? Isn’t it pointless to go on and on about how Women are destroying the world if your automatically awesome simply for having a Sperm Hose?
It’s like hearing White Supremacists go on and on about how Whites are the Master Race while getting pissed off about the Jews, Blacks and other non-whites…if they’re the master race, why do their enemies run everything? Why be so angry at even the SIGHT of someone different?
In short, hearing a member of the “powerful” freak out about the mere presense of the “inferior” can only mean that whatever power the majority has, it is not by “nature”.
Spearhafoc it’s called Jerome Russell B Wild here’s a picture: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=jerome+russell+white&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=2609557520292669210&sa=X&ei=L1ZHTu3jNO6ssAKRoJSSCA&ved=0CDQQ8wIwAg
Thanks! I’ll check it out.
Now to start working on my Scouse…
I’ve used that hair stuff; I remember that it comes off really easily, like if you touch your hair you’ll get it on your hands, so take care.
“Samuel is NOWslave’s sock puppet, right?”
Relocker stated
No, he’s a real person, all right. One would have to be demented to even THINK of emulating pronunciation/grammar errors, not to mention that Samuel’s “Hey I’m celibate but I want some pussy but I don’t know how to do it HELP” act would probably be criticized as “mangina” behavior by some MRAs.
Redlocker an MRA cannot win, If he is one of the few Mens Rights Activist. willing to debate a on feminist board. he gets accused of getting wanting ti get laid. As mentioned before the Mens Rights movement is not monolithic.
Listen guys like me and NWOslave and Thomas actually get mocked by some really radical MGTOW MRA guys aswho believe debating women is a waste of time. So you do you have a point but MRA leaders here are taking risks of being alienated by radical MRA guys who refuse to debate women.
Some mens rights actvists promote Father’s legal rights(for example custody cases), Some focus on other issues such as social/health issues for men.
While I am very s conscious of the legal aspect of the mens rights movement I like to focus on the sociological hazards of being male.
I am also very very very involved in mens health issues such as Heart disease , Prostate Cancer, suicide ( many men are hurting today and were told as kids you are a wimp to cry).
The lack of men in college universities and the fact that boys as young as kindergarten age are lagging behind skillsm academically. People generally speaking who have poor social skill- conditions such as autism are majority male. I care about these guys who email me that they are either divorced and bachelors and the absolutely struggle with learning how to cook clean. Many mgtow guys that have learned how to cook and clean teach other guys how to do it.
I as a so called leader in the Mens Rights Movement just as NWO Slave is.
Many mgtow/mra/happy bachelor men choose to remain unobtrusive (there is a slang term in the MGTOW community called “Ghosting”).
If you notice even on this forum while there are mra mgtow guys here like NWO slave and a few others it is just a few of us.
Many MRA who are educated about sociology and gender roles want to remain unobtrusive. Other men who wish to dialogue with females ( It was suggested to me to use the term female since not all females are feminists) because they have poor writing skills and have a tough time reading scholarly literature.
I said before, Feminism as a discussion can be intellectual and even involve philosophy. Since me and NWOslave although you maye hate us have an interest in Gender roles and Gender discussions and have adequate writing skills and are intellectua,cerebrall men, we have a responsibility to be an advocate for the mra men who may want to debate.
For example, one MGTOW guy emailed me that he would love to debate females about gender issues but he cannot write and he is dyslexic, This mgtow man is a heating/air conditioning trade worker . He admittedly told me while he is strong in blue collar areas such as construction and carpentry he lacks writing skills and reading skills to be an effective dialoguer. While many blue collar men have excellent writing skills he does not).
Redlocker accused me of waeanting to get “laid”. As I’ve mentioned before I would come her and fake being an”Alan Alda” type of guy.
As a Mens Rights Activist I have brought up issues that mra’s have discussed such as Gender Separatism, Men becoming gay or celibate who have been hurt by traditional gender roles, hurt by women, These topics are very controversial -and can really offend females -definitely not a good way to “get laid”. Also I am a bachelor ,have always been a bachelor, and have absolutely no intention to get married. Also I have been mocked for saying that by women here. Definitely not a good way to get laid.
Many of the issues I care about have nothing to do with women. Again I care about mens health issues. It is a big one for me. I Have had men in my own family die young from this horrific disease.
It is a public health issue.Furthermore, I care about establishing shelters and donating to shelters for men abused by their wives and male rape survivors to have a haven to go to, While I am aware of the PUA movement I know very little about it.
It is not my interest. I am more interested in eliminating “Toxic Masculinity’ as an MRA speaker named Tony Porter talks about. A great book that explains a bit of the mgtow philosophy I have is “Fire in the Belly” by Samuel Keane ( not all mgtow men are monolithic, although many are celibate and avoid women there are many that date but refuse to marry).
Mr Keane intimates in one of the chapters that men have for years sought womens approval without going inward and bonding with other men. Robert Bly’s book :iron john” is also good but I do not agree with all he has to say but it is a great book
The Hazards of being male by Herb Goldberg is also good but I do not agree with all he has to say but it is from the 1970;s.
Anyway while I kept saying I am being mocked here by women and men feminists, I took your suggestion to go through and re read what people wrote, I did that and I reviewed very topic I wrote so far and all the comments and yes there was one female commentator here who reached out to me and commented while she does not agree with me, she does agree with some things. She told me she does not want me to leave this forum. That is one commentator only.
I still feel sort of mocked here. My grammar is not the best but I said I need to brush up on my writing skills. I am trying to learn online how to write more effectively, such as punctuation and grammar and structure. There is also a “blog etiquette” style of writing that is new to me, such as the use of symbols or “blog slang” that I am unfamiliar with.
Lasly I still feel that many people here think of MRA MGTOW guys as closed minded uneducated bigots and as less than human and misogynistic.. Thats so offensive because at least we are interested in discussing gender roles and gender issues. Many people both men and women have no interest in this topic of gender issues.Here are a bunch of MRA guys who you may hate but we are interested in gender , politics, philosophy and .psychology, academic books,and public health issues. I think it is a good thing for a man to be interested in the sociology of gender roles and being an MRA,
inasmuch as enrollment in colleges/academia is declining
just my 2 censt.
Redlocker an MRA cannot win, If he is one of the few Mens Rights Activist. willing to debate a on feminist board. he gets accused of getting wanting ti get laid.
Most MRAs here aren’t–for all we’ve said about NWO, no one here suspects he wants to get laid. (Anyway, this is the Internet, so it would be hard to arrange. It’s not like I can just invite Pecunium or Nobby over to my place if they strike my fancy.)
But you keep talking about celibacy and about women asking men out and various getting-laid-related topics, so we sorta figure you would like to get laid, or at least have some major hangups about the issue.
Listen guys like me and NWOslave and Thomas actually get mocked by some really radical MGTOW MRA guys aswho believe debating women is a waste of time.
Are we supposed to be flattered that you’re even talking to us? Christ.
I as a so called leader in the Mens Rights Movement just as NWO Slave is.
NWO’s not a leader of anything. Where’d you get that impression? He’s so obnoxious he’s actually banned from a lot of MRA sites, and he doesn’t have one of his own.
Your “I’m so naive but I’m trying to extend an olive branch” facade kind of crumbles when you cheerfully ally yourself with NWO, who’s an incredibly hateful (and just plain nonsensical) person.
Other men who wish to dialogue with females ( It was suggested to me to use the term female since not all females are feminists) because they have poor writing skills and have a tough time reading scholarly literature.
Please try again and use the term “women,” as “females” sounds like we’re livestock or something. And you have terrible writing skills, which makes me doubt that you can read scholarly literature. Especially as you don’t seem to be very good at reading blog comments.
Redlocker accused me of waeanting to get “laid”. As I’ve mentioned before I would come her and fake being an”Alan Alda” type of guy.
It doesn’t work that well anyway, because:
A) Internet, hello.
B) I only sleep with feminist guys, but I don’t sleep with all the feminist guys, if you get my drift. It’s not exactly a guaranteed in.
C) Could you even manage? You can’t even fake making sense.
There is also a “blog etiquette” style of writing that is new to me, such as the use of symbols or “blog slang” that I am unfamiliar with.
It’s called English.
Lasly I still feel that many people here think of MRA MGTOW guys as closed minded uneducated bigots and as less than human and misogynistic.
You’re fully human! But yeah, I’d say most MRAs and all MGTOWs (seriously, how fucking offensive is the entire concept of that?) are uneducated misogynistic bigots.
i just went back to check and yeah, samuel called owlslave a leader of the mrm in the same thread where he had a long derail arguing against the idea that ‘rock made biology’
im beginning to suspect the backbreaking naivete isnt an act with this guy
This from someone who says that he is concerned about men becoming gay or celibate because they have been hurt by traditional gender roles, who says that he wants to discuss the sociology of gender roles and the sociological hazards of being male, but who then exalts and allies himself with the gender essentialist. Who is it that is wasting whose time here.
Holly stated Lastly I still feel that many people here think of MRA MGTOW guys as closed minded uneducated bigots and as less than human and misogynistic.
You’re fully human! But yeah, I’d say most MRAs and all MGTOWs (seriously, how fucking offensive is the entire concept of that?) are uneducated misogynistic bigot
Holly I think your being bigoted and generalizing. Your also being arrogant. The MRA movement is not monolithic. I perused NSWATM site and Ozy wrote that if you put a bunch of feminists in one room there would be as much bloodshed and fighting as a roomful of feminists and MRA’s.
Sure there is a small movement of mgtow guys that call for gender separatism. But it is not monolithic. Some Mgtow guys are bachelors and want to remain bachelors but some date women and some believe in equal rights for all but have been negatively affected by “toxic masculinity.” Many mgtow discussions are not about women at all but about the evils of capitalism or communism. I said before a lot of MGTOW MRA men love discussing political and philosophical issues and are intellectual and cerebral.
As far as my criticism from women here that I have praised NWOslave. I am say we are both MRA leaders but I do not agree with all of his views as he does not agree with me. But I commend him for writing well and being able to have an academic discussion. The MRA movement is Not monolithic and me and MRA are both MRA leaders but have a different areas of interest. I am more interested in eliminating ‘Toxic Masculinity”.
Laslty, you mentioned my poor writing skills. I find that very arrogant Holly. You as a woman were gifted with creative writing and journalism skills. I am not a professional writer. I have read that women naturally have generally better writing skills than men. So your mocking me as a man. I’m offended. So recommend to me a site that teaches one how to blog or improve writing skills. I just was very offended Holly you who have strong writing skills mocking some man has less strong skills.
Sharculese – I don’t believe Samuel’s naivete is entirely genuine. He’ll ask naive things like “Gawrsh, gee whillikers, I heard that male feminists only do it to get laid. What do you guys think? Did you ever hear about something like that?”
But then when we tell him it’s not true, he doesn’t accept or even acknowledge the answer. He just goes on with “Gawrsh, if I wanted to get laid, I guess I should’ve acted like a feminist, golly!”
Which makes me think that he has a lot more pre-decided notions in him than he’s letting on.
You really think that NWO writes well and can have an academic discussion? OK, then.
Why should we do your homework and point you towards a site that will improve your writing skills? Why do you want women do to everydamnthing for you?
As far as my criticism from women here that I have praised NWOslave. I am say we are both MRA leaders but I do not agree with all of his views as he does not agree with me. But I commend him for writing well and being able to have an academic discussion.
cough giggle splutter giggle laugh (snort, oops) laugh guffaw
This is a man who had a long discussion on whether “Rock created biology.” The fact that he can (sort of) spell should not make you confuse him with an academic.
Also, “leader”? Does he (or you) have any followers? What exactly are you leading?
Laslty, you mentioned my poor writing skills. I find that very arrogant Holly. You as a woman were gifted with creative writing and journalism skills. I am not a professional writer. I have read that women naturally have generally better writing skills than men. So your mocking me as a man. I’m offended.
This is what I mean by “fake naivete,” everyone.
No way does he believe this shit.
Seriously, Samuel, there’s a lot of guys on this site and elsewhere who have figured out how to type comprehensibly. This is not remotely a gender thing.
I am getting more and more convinced that Samuel is a bot. At least, I hope he’s a bot. What does it mean for AI if we have humans who can’t pass the Turing test? Is Skynet here already?
As far as my criticism from women here that I have praised NWOslave. I am say we are both MRA leaders but I do not agree with all of his views as he does not agree with me. But I commend him for writing well and being able to have an academic discussion.
a couple of people have already commented on this but its worth repeating: there is no way you can read owlslave and think what hes doing is ‘academic discussion.’ he baldly asserts that the evidence supports him, with absolutely no proof, because he cant imagine the possibility that hes wrong. seriously take a look at this post of his from the sti thread:
no data, no experience but he guesses the evidence must support him. and of course if you produce data that contradicts his assumptions he screams at you for using biased feminist science and asserts (again with no support) that if ‘real’ science was done the results would support his dogmatic worldview. thats not academic discussion, thats ideology.
Laslty, you mentioned my poor writing skills. I find that very arrogant Holly. You as a woman were gifted with creative writing and journalism skills. I am not a professional writer. I have read that women naturally have generally better writing skills than men. So your mocking me as a man. I’m offended. So recommend to me a site that teaches one how to blog or improve writing skills.
as a fellow testicle-have, you can take a flying fuck off a rolling donut for this horseshit. nobodys asking you to be a nobel laureate, were asking you to have basic competence. you say you want to be a leader but youre totally uninterested in taking the time to express yourself clearly. whos gonna follow you? why should they even care? you dont seem to. go down to your local bookstore. buy a copy of the elements of style. read it. read it again. read it one more time for good measure and then take a stab at writing again.
Why should we do your homework and point you towards a site that will improve your writing skills? Why do you want women do to every damn thing for you?
This is exactly Holly why the majority of Mens Rights Activists do not wish to debate females ( I will use the term female or women since you women here are so adept at conveying to me that not all Feminists are women)
Go women and read some MRA blogs. You have seen it and NWO knows this that every time an mra goes on a feminist site they are mocked. On this site I have been mocked by feminst men as much as the women. Mediumdave has said horrific things to me. Some other men such as Snowy has mocked me. If I am accused by medium dave of wanting attention as well as snowy (who is a gay man) The only hugs I want would be from Snowy, or any men here not the women.
Moreover ., Holly I do not want women to do anything for me. you are so arrogant. I was just responding to you arrogance about my writing. I have my mra friends to help me with anything. Read my comment to you, I do not need your help. Although I will say you made a valid point that even if a guy came here and faked being a white nigh feminist to get laid, your on the internet- it is not like we are in a face to face debate.
Once again I am a mens righst activist who is interested in sociology and gender issues. I have no other motive. MRA’s get mocked a lot by women, I hear that all the time.
we make fun of owlslave because hes a nutjob who says insane things. last week he claimed that kids were being lined for fluoride shots to make them stupid. again, in this very fucking thread, he spent several posts picking apart the nonsense idea that “rock made biology”.
and no were not gonna take his word about being mocked, because he spews hateful shit from sunup to sundown. he called ami a “boy pretending to be a girl” for fucks sake. and if you correctly point out that hes being an intolerable bigot, he complains that youre ‘shaming’ him.
you on the other hand, i honestly believe want to have a discussion, but you seem intent on focusing on the people who are more suspicious of you and outlining the myriad ways in which you feel youve been wronged, harmed, wounded etc. without offering an ounce of substance. and then of course theres all the energy you put into making excuses for yourself.
im tryin to reach out to you man, but it is not a one way street. for the fifth time or something, you have to put effort in too. honestly, owlslave may be a psycho, but at least hes a psycho who knows what he wants and stands up for it.
one last thing:
you are so arrogant.
somebody who spends as much time as you do talking about what a brilliant and inspired leader he is with absolutely zero evidence should not be calling other people arrogant.
I’ll mock you, Samuel. I’ll bloody well stand in line to mock you. I am a professional writer. No, I was not born with an innate grasp of syntax because I have a uterus. I worked at it. I read. I imitated the writers I liked. I have other people read my work and tell me how I can improve it. I read Garner’s “Guide to Modern American Useage” in bed at night like it’s Harry freakin’ Potter.
And I do it because if I have ideas I want people to listen to, it’s up to me to make those ideas comprehensible. To do otherwise is lazy and disrespectful in the extreme. And to suggest that a hard-won skill is some sort of biological privilege … well, that is so far past “lazy and disrespectful” that it would take the light from “lazy and disrespectful” a million years to reach it.
Yeah, don’t use your gender as an excuse for your poor literacy. Every dude on this blog (including NWOslave) can write better than you.
Another thing Lets say it was face to face debate. let us make believe there was a weeend conference at a hotel where both MRA men and Feminists could debate. Let us just I preached on a topic about mgtow celibacy or how some men are actually becoming aware that conserving sexual energy can strengthen a man-by conserving his sexual energy free a man to pursue other hobbies lie fishing, opera, skiing, poetry, or whatever. ( I am not religious but consider myself a Buddhist) and mane Buddhist leaders lie the Dali Lama advocate that celibacy can be freeing for men).
I then preach hoe being celibate can make better men because we are no longer sex crazed animalistic pigs that view women as sexual objects to be owned. Tony Porter talks about this “Toxic masculinity” how men thining with their cocks is torturous because your in bondage to sexual addiction and some women will try to control a man with their sexuality.
After the conference there is a luncheon or a banquet or socializing in the hotel lobby between MRA’s and feminists. Let us pretend I met a women at the conference and asked her out and asked her to go up to my room at the hotel with after the banquet to have sex.
This would destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy any validity and authenticity for my message. I would be as hypocritical as the Christian Preacher lie Ted Haggard who preached how wrong gay sex is but he was found out to be sleeping with men. Mr. Haggard who was a Pastor at a large Church in Colorado was asked to step down and his ministry career was demolished.
Of course that was a hypothetical situation. we are on the internet and many people here use avatars and have never even seen each other.
“Go women and read some MRA blogs. You have seen it and NWO knows this that every time an mra goes on a feminist site they are mocked. On this site I have been mocked by feminst men as much as the women. Mediumdave has said horrific things to me. Some other men such as Snowy has mocked me. If I am accused by medium dave of wanting attention as well as snowy (who is a gay man) The only hugs I want would be from Snowy, or any men here not the women. ”
You’re an arrogant jackass who keeps whining and puling about how the POOR MRAS ARE MOCKED, LOOK AT POOR NWO SLAVE and missed the vile shit he spewed about, well, everyone (Women, men, gays, trans…) and expect us to not mock him for it? And then you defend him, and expect us to not mock you for it?
No, no, I don’t think so.
“Moreover ., Holly I do not want women to do anything for me. you are so arrogant.”
Bullshit. You expected us to find you creative writing courses, to blog with you, and to ‘try to meet the MRM halfway’.
“Once again I am a mens righst activist who is interested in sociology and gender issues. I have no other motive. MRA’s get mocked a lot by women, I hear that all the time.”
If you’re legitimately interested in those things, you’re incredibly lazy. I mean, I’m lazy too but I don’t whine and complain when people don’t spoon feed everything to me. If you were both interested and not-lazy, you’d go learn this shit yourself, there’s plenty of sites for it.