The other day we took a look at a Redditor who calls himself AntiFeministMedia. He does not seem to like the ladies very much. Indeed, in some of the posts of his I quoted, he went so far as to say that women are animals, not humans, and suggested that men should pretty much have the final say in anything involving reproduction (as clearly the women have been doing a terrible job of it).
So one might wonder: why have ladies at all? This is a thought that has crossed the mind of AntiFeministMedia more than a few times. And he’s got some ideas about how it could be done.
As he points out in this comment, men have known all along that ladies is trouble. But now, thanks to superior male brains, we finally have the technology to do something about it. Today, fleshlights! Tomorrow, the womb!
Men have known women are the problem right throughout history, and to deny it just goes to show how ignorant and stupid you are.
Religion’s, culture’s, all have there warnings about women.
And all these things will be known again. The dots will be joined, and its my hope that after this current fuck up of allowing feminism to take root, men will never allow it again.
I actually think its time men went foreward alone. We have the hi-technology now to clone little boys into the future, soon we will have female androids with artificial wombs. Identical to women in almost every way, except for the animal nature…
Women should be replaced by better technology.
Consider the many fine benefits of this plan:
If men didnt have to live in this human-female environment, but instead was guaranteed in having his sexual needs met, and his genes live on into the future, there would be a lot less conflict of all kinds.
This two-party system of male and female has served its purpose (in the most brutal way), we are rapidly approaching a time where things could be radically different.
Tell me more about this brave new world of which you speak, in which men can live their lives free of bitches:
Cloning science and female androids may just solve that woman problem for us.
I wouldnt advocate killing women, certainly not, but a gradual fade-out, allow women to live out their natural lives, while we transition to the new technology.
No need for anything as unpleasant as killing, no. Just the elimination of one gender by the other through a little “fade-out,” like they have in the movies. Nothing objectionable about this, not at all.
If you’ve followed any of these links back to the original comments, you’ll see that AntiFeministMedia, like most truly original thinkers, has gotten some resistance to his ideas — even from the normally forward-looking thinkers of the Men’s Rights subreddit. And a few downvotes!
But some of his comments are so clearly and obviously correct, so pithy and wise, that they get upvotes. Like this one, suggesting that female demand for iPads and mobile phones is one of the central driving forces behind war:
Well its nice to hear her comment that western women themselves have been complicit in foreign wars and the rape of native women by soldiers, so that companies can obtain gold and other precious metals for Ipads and moble phones which women seem to like so much.
Oh you evil women with your iPads and mobile phones! We men are of course immune to the devilish allure of computer technology. Indeed, I’m typing this blog post on an old Smith-Corona Galaxie Portable Typewriter.
“Sorry I spelled Prostrate cancer wrong.”
Obviously not that sorry, because here you are, doing it again.
“Snowy and other made fun of men with Prostrate cancer something about men lying dow.”
Yes, I (and we) did. Because “Prostrate” cancer does not actually exist, Samuel. You are misspelling the word “prostate”, an organ which can become sick with, you guessed it, prostate cancer. It is far more common in men. This is a very sad thing, and not something I would ever mock. Prostrate, on the other hand, is a word that means “lying down”. You’re really not helping yourself come off as some well-educated, erudite leader of men when not only can you not spell prostate correctly, you don’t even know what prostrate means.
At least by refusing to acknowledge my gender, he can at least console himself that he wasn’t beaten by a girl xD (he was prolly panicking about that until he found out I’m trans and then is like “OH THANK GOD! THAT EXPLAINS IT! It’s Ami’s giant male brain that keeps defeating me!” xD )
Add “History of Family Structures” to the list of subjects NWOslave knows nothing about.
Say, that list is getting pretty long. How about we switch to a list of things he knows a lot about?
Um…uh…I got nothing.
He knows he doesn’t want to sleep with his own father.
That’s something xD
Side note: post illustration is from the cover of the September 1954 issue of Galaxy magazine, artist Emsh, titled “Robots Repaired While U Wait”.
Johnny, sleep with me. xD
Actually this is the song that probably expresses him best. John Linnell looks kind of like a deranged conspiracy theorist, too.
Cyber laughing aside, let’s talk about the study. It’s pretty straight-forward, solid work. Good job. They didn’t account for body size, however, which is a problem.
But here’s the thing. No one (I don’t think?) has denied that there are anatomical differences in the brains of men and women (though really, when you think about the various forms brains do take, they are not all that large). However, you still need to demonstrate how this leads to different function. As an engineer, I am sure you are aware of the fact that there are multiple ways to complete the same task.
Because here’s the thing. The exact relationship between structure and function in the brain is not clear. Sure, if you whack someone in the occipital lobe their vision gets all funny, and if you take out the hippocampus you have serious episodic memory impairment. But subtle changes in size or density? We’re not really sure.
And here’s the kicker: That study you posted? The brain structure of those kids was not immune to environmental influences.
Here’s the thing. It seems fairly likely that there may be primarily genetic differences in male and female brain anatomy leading to slightly different behavioral predispositions. “Fairly likely” and not “established fact.” But given the different hormonal environments in utero, it’s not implausibly that–either due to evolutionary mechanisms or just as a spandrel.
It’s possible, but we don’t have a lot of evidence for it. If you’ve got something better than “hey look anatomical differences in kids!”–perhaps something linking specific anatomical differences to functional differences and explaining the genetic and developmental pathways leading to this difference–I’d love to see it.
You know what we have a TON of good evidence for? The effects of social environment on behavioral phenotypes. So any theory you come up with for genetic-based differences needs to incorporate that.
Jan Scholz, Miriam C Klein, Timothy E J Behrens, & Heidi Johansen-Berg. (2009) “Training induces changes in white-matter architecture.” Nature Neuroscience 12, 1370 – 1371
Jain, Neeraj; Qi, HX; Collins, CE; Kaas, JH (October 22, 2008). “Large-Scale Reorganization in the Somatosensory Cortex and Thalamus after Sensory Loss in Macaque Monkeys”. The Journal of Neuroscience 28 (43): 11042–11060.
De Vries, G.J. (2004). “Sex differences in adult and developing brains: Compensation, compensation, compensation.” Endocrinology 145. 1063-1068.
Aboud, F. E., & Doyle, A.B. (1996) “Parental and peer influences on children’s racial attitudes” International Journal of Intercultural Relations 20.
Ambady, N., Shih, M., Kim, A, Pittinsky, T.L. (2001). “Stereotype susceptibility in children: Effects of identity activation on quantitative performance.” Psychological Science 12, 385-390
Blackwell, L.S., Trzesniewski, K.H., Dweck, C.S. (2007) “Implicit theories of intelligence predict achievement across an adolescent transition: A longitudinal study and an intervention.” Child Development 78, 246-263
Davies, P.G., Spencer, S.J., Steele, C.M. (2005). “Clearing the air: Identity safety moderates the effects of stereotype threat on women’s leadership aspirations.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88. 276-287
Good, C., Aronson, J, Inzlicht, M. (2003). “Improving adolescents’ standardized test performance: An intervention to reduce the effects of stereotype threat.” Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 24. 645-662
Do you want more?
Neuroplasticity, beetches!
i actually dont really care about proper spelling and grammar so much on blog comments as long as people are making themselves understood. like aside from the fact that everything he says is anti-intellectual paranoid goosh i have no problem understanding owlslave and i think beating him up over his awful spelling is just a distraction. id rather focus on the fact that things he says are totally bugfuck
that said, samuel, just like it isnt anyones job to provide you with female companionship or ego boosting, it isnt anyones job to respond to your ideas. you want to be a part of the discussion, thats great (im not convinced that you really want to have a discussion and not just air your grievances yet, but im willing to give you the benefit of the doubt). but its your job to put your ideas out there. your first couple dozen posts i just scrolled right past because the lack of paragraph breaks and the irregular punctuation/grammar made it not worth my time to read. youre getting better, but your poor writing still makes your posts hard to read.
im sure spearhafoc wasnt trying to make fun of you by asking if english isnt your first language. i wondered that too, and i think i speak for most people here when i say i was prepared to give you more leeway and put in more effort if you were doing the hard work of communicating in a language you werent totally comfortable with. but youre not, and the level of clarity in your writing really isnt acceptable for a native speaker who is putting time into what he says. i know you said you were a bad “typer” (the word is “typist” by the way), but thats not excuse for taking the time to reread what you write and make sure it makes sense if you need to take that time. (and you do). people here a lot less likely jump down your throat for responding too slowly if they know its because youre making sure youre saying what you want to, than they are for hastily shitting out something that makes no sense. thats lazy, and why should WE put time into reading something YOU didnt care enough to put time into writing?
clear, powerful language goes a long way. look at winston churchill- dumbest motherfucker on the face of the planet, but lots of people never noticed because he was a well spoken moron. you dont have to be churchill, but at least get up to lets say… john grisham level. plain, but readable.
…My level of ridiculous Laplace fangirling just went up a couple of notches.
Yeah, my question to Samuel had nothing to do with his grammar, punctuation or spelling. The structure of his sentences just seem off to me somehow, like he’s been brought up with another language (or that he’s an alien or robot in a cheesy sci-fi show).
I was wondering what was going on. I’m still wondering.
NWOslave reads like a native English speaker (albeit, not terribly erudite), but Samuel doesn’t. I’m just confused, is all.
@TheLaplaceDemon I’m betting that NWOslave is going to dismiss all of that as feminism in science xD Like he did w/ the last part of his study xD
He can’t even tell the personality of a cat based on its sex… and he thinks that sex determines the personality and interests of a human being? xD
Once again Samuel, who is mocking you here? I really don’t think Kristin recommending you look for an asexual partner if you yourself identify as asexual counts as mocking.
That was me, not Kristin (Samuel mixed us up), and I wasn’t mocking at all. I’m a little baffled that Samuel considers “try pursuing girls who want the same kind of relationship you do” to be mockery, but at this point I’m baffled by many, many of his statements.
Meanwhile… OMIGOSH YES NWO PLEASE TELL US ABOUT THE BIRDS AND THE BEES! After hearing your scientific views on evolution, super-dogs, flouride vaccines, and lionesses running to get male lions to fight hyenas for them, I definitely, beyond the shadow of a doubt, want to hear how you think sex works.
…and that, Samuel, is mockery.
see sometimes when a man loves a woman and a woman believes she can profit by manipulating the mans natural impulses they do a… very special thing. and then nine months later the man goes to prison and the woman gets all his money.
Sharculese wins xD
Off topic question from someone who’s never dyed his hair:
How would I temporarily bleach my hair blond? I mean, for a day or so. I’m trying to work out the logistics of a possible John Constantine Halloween costume.
My hair is very black.
*hands sharculese an Internets*
And no, I refuse to go as the Keanu Reeves version.
Spearhafoc – you can’t temporarily bleach your hair, but you could bleach it and re-dye it something close to your natural color.
I always had success with the sorts of bleaching kits you can buy at the drug store. Do definitely make sure you have another person there to help you put it on and make sure it’s bleaching evenly, though.
You can’t temporarily bleach it : Once it’s bleached, it’s bleached… :
like theLaplaceDemon says… the closest would be to bleach it then re-dye it back later…
Yeah, I don’t want to do that.
Oh well, I thought it would be the perfect use for my new trench coat. Plus it would be warmer than my 11th Doctor costume from last year.
It would have been too difficult getting the Scouse accent right anyway.
What makes a man a man and not a woman? I mean, you’ve gotten mad at feminism before for wanting to “turn men into women” or make them more feminine, but if performance is dictated by biology, how would it even be possible to make men more feminine in the first place?
Look at history, you say? GLADLY.
Check out this couple: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khnumhotep_%26_Niankhkhnum#Proposed_homosexuality
Achilles, while he didn’t fuck Patrokleos (in the original poem at least), had sex with lots of other dudes.
Socrates and Alkibiades had a (HA!) platonic relationship.
The Spartans and the Theban Legion
Alexander the motherfucking Great.
Meh, fuckit: Every single classical Greek man that we know of except Aristotle and Aristophanes was into dudes. SAY THANKS FOR THE MATH, INGRATE
David and Jonathan
Julius Caesar
Emperor Hadrian
Edward II
Queen Christina of Sweden.
Fredrick the Great was so gay he went to his wedding night in tears. Also, this happened to him (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fredrick_The_Great#Crown_Prince)
Possibly Lincoln.
Almost certainly Buchanan
Also, many Renaissance artists, like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti, were most certainly gay.
I consider the Renaissance a successful time in history.