evil women funny men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny vaginas

I think we have a new [NSFW] catchphrase!

A You-know-whatted Circus in action.

MGTOWers have such a way with words. Here’s MrLahey on MGTOWforums explaining his movement in a nutshell:

[W]e’re voting with our feet, and the best way to say no to the cunted circus is to stop feeding it with your participation.

They’ll only notice you when they’re short your money.

“Cunted circus.” Lovely. I will be working it into as many conversations as I dare. Assuming I can figure out how to use it in a sentence. Can you?

(I’m taking off the “cunt” filter for the occasion.)

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13 years ago

Snowy wrote “Yeah, you didn’t answer my question.

“On the other hand, when an mgtow male becomes a monk or celibate or abstinent or whatever, he is mocked by feminists.”

Where are these feminists? Who are they? Because I haven’t run across any of them, ever.

Snowy,I have heard of a feminist from one of the slut walk blogs that said she disagreed with other feminists that are anti porn and anti lusting at women. She said she was a younger feminist that believed in feminist porn and she participated in the slutwalk,

Snowy, let me ask you a question now You said you were a gay male,obviously gay men even if they are handsome “macho masculine” gay men or effeminate, no matter how sexy a woman is she cannot control a gay man because he does not desire a woman? Have women ever gotten mad at you as a gay man, because you do not desire them and they have no sexual power over you? Just a question from a heterosexual man to a homosexual man?

13 years ago

“Snowy,I have heard of a feminist from one of the slut walk blogs that said she disagreed with other feminists that are anti porn and anti lusting at women. She said she was a younger feminist that believed in feminist porn and she participated in the slutwalk,”

This in no way answers Snowy’s question, Samuel. Where are feminists that mock gay or celibate men? Any links? Names? Anything?

13 years ago

“Since for years unconscious men thought with their Penis constantly, and some still do, now that many man men are choosing to be celibate or abstinent and not watch Porn and lust like an animal after a woman’s breast”

Is it just me or is the phrase “many man men” AWESOME?

I also can’t tell if people are just pretending that the poe is being serious because it’s more fun that way, or what. Either way, this thread is hilarious.

13 years ago

“Snowy,I have heard of a feminist from one of the slut walk blogs that said she disagreed with other feminists that are anti porn and anti lusting at women. She said she was a younger feminist that believed in feminist porn and she participated in the slutwalk,”

Okay, who is she? And what does that have to do with the question I’ve asked what, three times now? I’ll ask you a fourth time: who are the feminists who call men gay wimps?

“Snowy, let me ask you a question now You said you were a gay male,obviously gay men even if they are handsome “macho masculine” gay men or effeminate, no matter how sexy a woman is she cannot control a gay man because he does not desire a woman? Have women ever gotten mad at you as a gay man, because you do not desire them and they have no sexual power over you? Just a question from a heterosexual man to a homosexual man?”

No. No, they haven’t. Why do you ask?

13 years ago


Who is doing this? What feminists are mocking men as wimps or gay?

Of course, most feminist are aware that they shouldn’t explicitly call a man a wimp, but that doesn’t stop them from enforcing traditional masculine behavior and values if it’s convenient for them.

I’ve been called a insecure twit with a small dick from a feminist commenter here, because I slightly made fun of the feminist outrage over Elevatorgate.

And regarding Elevatorgate. In her followup clip Watson used the stereotype of the misogynistic virgin who marries a sex-doll to shame everyone who disagrees with her on the issue. Of course these guys, if they even exist, are easy targets. Who’s going to defend them? They are already despised and feminist like Watson only have to tap into the overall cultural contempt to create a boogeyman for her purpose.

Many feminist are so used their double-standards that they don’t even perceive them anymore. Suddenly, for some reasons body-shaming becomes ok, for some reason shaming ones sexuality becomes ok. Maybe for them the end justifies the means. I strongly disagree. To create a truly egalitarian movement allies and opponents have to be judged based on the same standard.

13 years ago

Many man men. Hee.


Kristin as a woman can you answer my question that I asked “Some woman can control and tempt man by a males need for sex, but if a male becomes celibate and refuses to lust after a women as an object, she may not be able to control him.

No, I cannot answer your question because a) it’s not a question, it’s a statement and b) even if I could figure out what you were trying to ask, your unstated premise – “Women do not feel sexual desire” – is false, so I doubt we’ll get anywhere.

I have a question for you. When you look at/talk to/interact with a woman, do you ask sometimes think “I wonder what it’s like to be her”? Do you understand that women have inner lives and feelings that may have absolutely nothing to do with tempting or controlling you? Do you make any effort to think of things from her perspective, and if you do, do you feel you can successfully do this?

BTW thanks for taking my correction about the spaces after the periods. Could you review the uses of the comma next?

13 years ago


“Snowy, let me ask you a question now You said you were a gay male,obviously gay men even if they are handsome “macho masculine” gay men or effeminate, no matter how sexy a woman is she cannot control a gay man because he does not desire a woman? Have women ever gotten mad at you as a gay man, because you do not desire them and they have no sexual power over you? Just a question from a heterosexual man to a homosexual man?”

Good lord, man. Are you trying to make us think you’re being horrifically dishonest? Your last question I recall was to women, saying “Do you think men only side with you because they want to get laid?” Now its “Are women mad at homosexuals for being uncontrollable through sexy means?”

Next you’ll ask “does your mom know that you abuse cats?” You may call yourself a feminist MGTOW, but you don’t know women very well, do you?

13 years ago

“I’ve been called a insecure twit”

Oh really, Thomas? Are you sure it wasn’t me? Because if it wasn’t, then consider yourself twice called an insecure twit on here, you backwash drinking own fart-smelling insecure twit.

13 years ago

Samuel: You just insinuated that you think women are interested in using sex to control men and that they are angry/hateful toward men they can’t use sex to control.

This is so wrong on so many levels. It’s anti-female, and anti-male.

The first assumption, about women, is foul. It’s untrue as well.

The next is that men are so driven by their peckers that women can control them with it.

Dude… that’s hateful of women, and men.

The whole thing about abstinent men having this, “look away” when a pretty woman shows up, and a lack of sexual desire… So Much Bullshit.

Try talking to a cloistered monk, or a parish priest. They will tell you that’s not the way it works.

13 years ago

Why do misogynists in general want to believe that women do not have a “need” for sex in the same way that men do? They repeat this over and over, to the point where it seems that they’re trying to convince themselves; as if the truth that many women also like sex just for sex, and not always just as the Ultimate Expression of Lurve, is too difficult for them to handle. So they have to deny the very possibility. Over and over. Until even they believe it.

On the other thread we have most of the trolls accusing women of being the animalistic, sexually insatiable gender of evil temptresses. Now it’s men who are sexual beasts and women just have to suffer the natural consequences.

Make up your minds already. Or acknowledge to yourselves that we’re all sexual “animals”, but with frontal lobes to help us tamp down anti-social sexual impulses. (But then they’d have to take responsibility for their own behavior and stop blaming “sluts”… Oh it’s all so confuzzling!)

13 years ago

Thomas wrote “Of course, most feminist are aware that they shouldn’t explicitly call a man a wimp, but that doesn’t stop them from enforcing traditional masculine behavior and values if it’s convenient for them.

I’ve been called a insecure twit with a small dick from a feminist commenter here, because I slightly made fun of the feminist outrage over Elevatorgate.”

Thomas, Thank you thank you than you for that brilliant statement. As much as feminists are conscious that they should not call a man it does not stop them from enforcing traditional masculine behaviors and values.” These feminists say they want a man to cry and be sensitive.” Once a guy does be sensitive they fear he may not be able to protect them. What a double standard.

Kristinmh asked me
have a question for you. When you look at/talk to/interact with a woman, do you ask sometimes think “I wonder what it’s like to be her”? Do you understand that women have inner lives and feelings that may have absolutely nothing to do with tempting or controlling you? Do you make any effort to think of things from her perspective, and if you do, do you feel you can successfully do this?

kristinmh, I understand women have inner lives and feelings.I just am trying to be a celibate responsible MGTOW masculine male instead of a perpetually horny, Stereotypical promiscuous “Don Juan” male. I am a man still. I am wired with a potent sex drive. I am heterosexual so for me attractive women tempt me. I think women are beautiful and feminine and soft. So for me I just feel like I am tempted daily by the media with lustful images of females and also by how some women dress. In today’s time sleeping around can be dangerous anyway, it is safer to be monogamous or celibate for a man. I hope this answers your question. If I start t let my guard down, if I interact with a woman in a public place, I could fall into temptation and then become an irresponsible, unconscious, promiscuous male. thinking only with his dick as opposed to a responsible MGTOW male.

As far as commas Kristin, I heard from an old collegiate Proffesor “When in doubt, leave out”

13 years ago


“As far as commas Kristin, I heard from an old collegiate Proffesor “When in doubt, leave out””

Then for all that is holy please educate yourself so there will be no doubt. Seriously.

13 years ago

Still waiting Samuel. Fifth time I’ve asked, please link me to the feminists who call men wimps and gay.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Samuel wrote, “Since for years unconscious men thought with their Penis constantly…”

Is that when you sleepwalk with an erection?

13 years ago

“Once a guy does be sensitive they fear he may not be able to protect them.”

I don’t want to be protected, by a boyfriend or anyone else. I want to be respected and have my company enjoyed. Simple as that. If men did more respecting, we wouldn’t need to be “protected” from disrespectful men.

Now stop thinking you’re a Mel Gibson character who can read womens’ minds, like in that shitty movie. If that’s what you’re trying to do, ur doing it wrong. Since just about every woman I’ve ever encountered on the planet begs and pleads for men to stop posturing that they’re tough and protective and instead to start acting like a human being with a full range of human emotions. You’re enslaved to your own set of ridiculous and contradictory demands, which you continuously project onto women. See? Just stop doing that. There, now you feel better, right?

13 years ago

“And regarding Elevatorgate. In her followup clip Watson used the stereotype of the misogynistic virgin who marries a sex-doll to shame everyone who disagrees with her on the issue. Of course these guys, if they even exist, are easy targets. Who’s going to defend them? They are already despised and feminist like Watson only have to tap into the overall cultural contempt to create a boogeyman for her purpose. ”

She didn’t say anything about marrying a sex doll. She said, quite simply, that if you can’t see any possible issue with cornering a woman at 4am in an elevator and propositioning her despite her professing both tiredness and a desire not to be propositioned, that you’re not going to go far with ladies. This isn’t to do with stereotypes, but the fact that if you repeatedly fail to listen to women, you’re not going to be liked by many women. Quite simple really. And yes, she uses snark, but nowhere does she say anything about marrying a sex bot. Shes just saying that, if you want to have sex, but cannot comprehend the idea of listening to the objects of your desire, that you may need to look into other solutions.

Please point out the double standard here. Does she elsewhere say that women who don’t listen to men deserve to get laid by them? Or that women who go and leave misandrist comments all over are upstanding human beings?

13 years ago

N4ever wrote “don’t want to be protected, by a boyfriend or anyone else. I want to be respected and have my company enjoyed. Simple as that. If men did more respecting, we wouldn’t need to be “protected” from disrespectful men.”
I ask you this Lets say a man is respectful as you say. He was a great man caring respectful but did not want sex. Maybe holding hands hugging but the man was celibate would you date him? I doubt so most women wouldn’t what a double standard.

Snowy, I think Holly made the comment ( I cannot find it but it was this morning ) go look she said Feminists are not trying to quell (she used that term) men from objectifying women. Ask her about that. Her comment is up there in the threads

13 years ago

Uh, no, sorry Samuel, you were the one that made the comment that I am asking you about.

“But when a man says he is celibate or if he sees a sexy girl he turns his head away like a monk because he does not want to have lustful objectification of women thoughts he is mocked as a wimp or gay as feminists do.”

That right there? That was all you Samuel. Maybe you should look “up there in the threads” at your own comment.

13 years ago

“I ask you this Lets say a man is respectful as you say. He was a great man caring respectful but did not want sex. Maybe holding hands hugging but the man was celibate would you date him? I doubt so most women wouldn’t what a double standard.”

How is this a double standard, precisely? If the man doesn’t want any sex ever, he should not be in a relationship with a woman who does. This works exactly the same in the reverse. Couples with largely mismatched libidos are hard enough to keep together unless extra-relationship sex is okay with the couple.

13 years ago

samuel: Do you think any of the insults Thomas has gotten here were simply because he disagreed, or is it possible that he engaged in provocative behavior and got a response?

I mean that. Take a look at Nobby’s response, wherein the lack of fair representation of Skepchicks actual position is made clear.

The problem isn’t that Thomas is being unfairly called an ignorant twit, it’s that he is an ignorant twit who misrepresents other people’s points of view.

As to, “senstive/manly”… more bullshit. One, it’s not my job to protect my female friends (any more than it’s my job to protect my male friends). Have I ever engaged in protective behavior? Yes. I have training/experience which causes me to take some specific actions in response to things like gunfire, and when those have happened I’ve told people to do things.

None of that has anything to do with any levels of sensistivity I have.

13 years ago

Putting spaces inside parentheses is wrong.

Sometimes putting spaces inside parentheses is well-nigh unforgivable.

13 years ago

Anyone else notice how Samuel slipped the “feminine” right in there with “beautiful” and “soft”… anyone else starting to notice how binary thinking is the default mode for these guys?

Yeah, me too.

13 years ago

Then for all that is holy, please, educate yourself, so there will be no doubt.


13 years ago

Cynickal, thankyou for the Count video. That made my day! I’ll never look at him the same way again 🙂

13 years ago

Anyone else notice how Samuel slipped the “feminine” right in there with “beautiful” and “soft”… anyone else starting to notice how binary thinking is the default mode for these guys”
Binary thinking? what does that mean? MGTOW guys have Binary thinking?