MGTOWers have such a way with words. Here’s MrLahey on MGTOWforums explaining his movement in a nutshell:
[W]e’re voting with our feet, and the best way to say no to the cunted circus is to stop feeding it with your participation.
They’ll only notice you when they’re short your money.
“Cunted circus.” Lovely. I will be working it into as many conversations as I dare. Assuming I can figure out how to use it in a sentence. Can you?
(I’m taking off the “cunt” filter for the occasion.)
Dave Futrelle a lot of these viewpoint are private emails and IM ‘s. On the HB site there is a link for private messages. A lot of guys on mgtow Happy Bachelors respond via im emails. MGTOW guys email each other and IM/skype each other and a lot. I have counseled these guys, I want to be an advocate for these guys a liason for the feminist community.
What do you want Holly from MGTOWS Holly? Your always asking me what do I want?
Okay… I want equal pay for equal work. I want equal respect for women who present masculine and women who present “slutty.” I want law enforcement to take domestic violence and sexual assault seriously and stop victim-blaming and attacker-excusing. I want women to have an equal voice in politics, academia, and the media. I want pretty much every human being who hasn’t done anything wrong to have an equal chance at succeeding in life and to be treated with equal respect. I also want to not ever read another article on “men spread their sperm, and women look for a provider!”
Holly I want equal men to be able to cry without being a wimp, I want a man who is trying to be abstinent or celibate not to be called A Faggot. I want a man who is introverted and shy to be able to be considered attractive and desirable as much as a “macho Alpha” I want custody laws to be more fair in the courts. I want the shy kid in high school with Aspargers
to be desirable. I want women to realize not all men are sexual pigs. We do not think about sex all the time. We can control ourselves. We are not sexual pigs. I want men to be able to have a better chance of custody if they choose to be single parents. I want the men who are virgins and shy to not be called Faggots or weirdos. I want men who choose not to have sex and not to objectify women to be celebrated not called a faggot or wimp
“Treating them as objects instead of people is objectifying women.”
What could be more objectifying than treating a father like an ATM? Feminists love to prattle on endlessly about not being seen as human. A man isn’t capable, worthy or entitled to have equal custody of his own children. Is there anything worse you could do to a man that says you’re not human?
“I have to say, in my experience with MRAs, nearly all of them who show up on feminist websites are… rather deserving… of their insults.”
There’s only one possible reason nearly all MRAs could be deserving of insults; feminists/women are always right. The only time MRAs aren’t deserving of insults is if they agree with feminists/women on any particular topic.
“Personally, I dislike being called a “mangina”, “white knight” or “pussy beggar”. Not only are these insults and shaming tactics, they’re… pretty stupid. They tend to reflect badly on the people who use them.”
Yet feminists like yourself feel justified in hurling insults with impunity.
“So your example of a MGTOW being insulted and abused by feminist bloggers/commenters is someone who was ignored?”
Hardly ignored; the manboobz gang goes out of their way specifically to mock MGTOWers.
“I dunno, personally I’m concentrating my education energy on trying to reach people who don’t already hate women.”
Apparently, anyone who disagrees with anything any feminist says is considered hating women. Do men need to be socially educated? You must think yourself quite the sage to illuminate us lowly men. Do tell us men how to act Ozzy. Save us from slogging about in ignorance. You sound suspiciously like virtually every TV advert. Beautiful, brainy woman saves moronic oaf of a man from his own jackassery. Thank you for educating us Ozzy!
A liaison saying what, exactly?
Well, our dispatch from the feminist side is “Women are human beings exactly like yourselves.”
Tell me how it goes over.
If these guys are so reasonable in private, why are their public views so obnoxious and vile? And why should I take what you have to say on faith anyway? You’ve clearly demonstrated flawed and horrifically biased views of the vile things MRAs say that we CAN see.
MRAs I can get on board with now and then (minus the rabid conservatism). For example, I think we should be paying more attention to rape perpetrated against men and boys. There are plenty of ways that gender roles harm men, and we should acknowledge that. They’re certainly correct on that basic talking point.
But this MGTOW stuff just makes no sense. I might wish that “all my needs” could get met by a Tyson Beckford lookalike with the brain of Einstein, the creativity of Picasso, and the business sense of Steve Jobs. That I don’t get those wishes (not “needs”, wishes) met in one ideal vision of manhood is not “discrimination”- that’s life. I’m not entitled to any of those things. Because I know that, I’ve never had any huge problems meeting realistic men with whom I have common interests and goals, though. That’s how that works.
How could an adult fail to realize that getting exactly what you want sexually is not a basic right? Other people do not exist to serve your needs. Period. Not difficult to understand. Even if you have little empathy, it seems that some elementary logic should lead you to this conclusion… is education failing MGTOWs or is it a wider cultural problem?
A question for the women: Since I previously thought Kirby and mediumdave were women, Do you think men who support feminism have an ulterior motive to get laid? Be honest ladies. Mediumdave and Kirby are men. I did not realize they were men.
Preconium wrote ” Samuel: The person who said that (about MGTOWs needing to meet me halfway, is me),I’ve been told the only reason I support feminism is that it’s the only hope an omega like me has for getting laid. I’ve been told I’m too stupid to see the vast female conspiracy to castrate and disenfranchise men, so they can invert the natural order of things and be the dominant players in the matriarchy they have already created.
I’ve been told the only reason I support feminism is that it’s the only hope an omega like me has for getting laid. I’ve been told I’m too stupid to see the vast female conspiracy to castrate and disenfranchise men, so they can invert the natural order of things and be the dominant players in the matriarchy they have already created.
Dave I am not hear to avoid questions I want to contribute to your blog. There are so many commentators and so much to read that I may overlook some posts.. But I will be more conscientious to answer questions.
Ami I will look on your project website and contribute if it is a worhwhile project/charity
Holly btw you asked what do we as mra’s/mgtow want? Here ladies I lined this before but if you have about 5 minutes or so check this video out ttp://www.ted.com/talks/tony_porter_a_call_to_men.html
“A question for the women: Since I previously thought Kirby and mediumdave were women, Do you think men who support feminism have an ulterior motive to get laid? Be honest ladies. Mediumdave and Kirby are men. I did not realize they were men.”
Why in the name of spoons would I even think that? It’s not even vaguely plausible on internet sites, and activism is substantially more effort than hookup culture in general. Absent actual evidence that this is the case, I have no reason to suspect it of any given person.
N4ever wrote “MRAs I can get on board with now and then (minus the rabid conservatism). For example, I think we should be paying more attention to rape perpetrated against men and boys. There are plenty of ways that gender roles harm men, and we should acknowledge that. They’re certainly correct on that basic talking point.”
Also why is it that the female teacher who seduces the 12 year old boy is celebrated as teaching him love and passion as opposed to being chastised for molesting a traumatizing a young human being.
Liaison I spelled it wrong. I want to be a Liaison between the MGTOW and Feminists. Holly and others asked what does that mean. If you have a few minutes check this MRA guy out, he just nails it. Someone linked it on Ozy’s siteh ttp://www.ted.com/talks/tony_porter_a_call_to_men.html
I’ve seen Tony Porter’s TED Talk before. If you want toxic masculinity to end, your movement should STOP FUCKING SELLING TOXIC MASCULINITY. Seriously this claim that this is your goal holds no fucking water. Porter wants people to stop selling the harmful stereotypes that negatively affect men; you guys sell harmful stereotypes that negatively affect men. We’ve got it at the top of the newest article, with a dude insisting that men have to do everything.
I’ve seen Tony Porter’s TED Talk before. If you want toxic masculinity to end, your movement should STOP FUCKING SELLING TOXIC MASCULINITY. Seriously this claim that this is your goal holds no fucking water. Porter wants people to stop selling the harmful stereotypes that negatively affect men; you guys sell harmful stereotypes that negatively affect men. We’ve got it at the top of the newest article, with a dude insisting that men have to do everything.
Rutee thanks for taking the time. I never heard Porter before. But this is the dialogue I would like to have with women. What do you mean Rutee “Toxic Masculinity”?
Also MGTOW men also want people to selling the harmful stereotypes. Porter stated for years men have objectified women as sexual objects. However as an mgtow male who is celibate I have chosen not to objectify women. I would think this would be a good thing to feminists . But when a man says he is celibate or if he sees a sexy girl he turns his head away like a monk because he does not want to have lustful objectification of women thoughts he is mocked as a wimp or gay as feminists do. Good insight. I like dialogue
“But when a man says he is celibate or if he sees a sexy girl he turns his head away like a monk because he does not want to have lustful objectification of women thoughts he is mocked as a wimp or gay as feminists do.”
Who is doing this? What feminists are mocking men as wimps or gay? I’m a gay male feminist, so I’m definitely not doing it. I haven’t been mocked by any feminists here, or anywhere else for that matter. Please give me an example of the feminists who’re doing this, I’m really interested to know who they are.
Holly I want equal men to be able to cry without being a wimp, I want a man who is trying to be abstinent or celibate not to be called A Faggot. I want a man who is introverted and shy to be able to be considered attractive and desirable as much as a “macho Alpha” I want custody laws to be more fair in the courts. I want the shy kid in high school with Aspargers
to be desirable. I want women to realize not all men are sexual pigs. We do not think about sex all the time. We can control ourselves. We are not sexual pigs. I want men to be able to have a better chance of custody if they choose to be single parents. I want the men who are virgins and shy to not be called Faggots or weirdos. I want men who choose not to have sex and not to objectify women to be celebrated not called a faggot or wimp
Feminists do not believe these things.
People from feminist blogs are very unlikely to espouse these views.
And nobody. here. is. saying. that.
If a feminist did say that s/he supports celibate men being shunned, etc, SHOW. US. or we will not believe you. You haven’t backed up ANY ONE of your previous claims, why the hell should we believe you now?
Meh, ninjaed by Snowy.
So Samuel comes back with another round of, “Well, I haven’t done any work or research, and I’m not quite sure what you’re talking about, but feminists should totally do all of my work for me because look at me here talking to you! Teh wimminzs! Even though several of you have clearly identified yourselves as men!”
Samuel, no one is interested in blogging with you because you have no clear premise, no idea what you want to blog about, and have serious difficulty clearly expressing yourself in coherent English. If you want to blog, blog. If we don’t want to listen, visit, or participate, well that’s how blogging works. You don’t get a free penis pass.
I’m not surprised this guy has an AOL address.
However as an mgtow male who is celibate I have chosen not to objectify women.
What does “objectify women” mean to you? o: And how are you not doing it? I dunno why being celibate has nething to do w/ it. There’s a TON of ppl who have never and will never sleep w/ a trans woman and still objectify us like f-. xD
Samuel, if you want to be celibate, be celibate. That’s fine.But don’t act as if your celibacy is some sort of noble gift to women.
Most women actually like sex with men (some prefer women, some don’t want sex at all). Sex is not inherently degrading to women. You thinking about sex with women isn’t inherently degrading to women.
Again, if you want to be celibate, that’s a perfectly fine option, but don’t act like sex is inherently bad.
The problem comes when the motivation for “going one’s own way” is misogyny. Or, as it seems to be in your case, misandry — the assumption that male sexuality is inherently toxic to women.
Snowy said “Who is doing this? What feminists are mocking men as wimps or gay? I’m a gay male feminist, so I’m definitely not doing it. I haven’t been mocked by any feminists here, or anywhere else for that matter. Please give me an example of the feminists who’re doing this, I’m really interested to know who they are.”
Some woman posted before, about that the different waves of feminism. I believe( I am not certain), that while some feminists are very anti porn inasmuch as it objectifies women, some feminists organize a “slut walk” where one of the objectives is that a woman can dress any way she wants and be free and “Yes means yes, no means no”. I just think the “slut walk” can be degrading to women. I mean some men are trying not to lust after women and conserve their sexual energy so they can sublimate it into creative pursuits. Some men who are Christians, Buddhists, or whatever realize objectifying women as lust objects is not morally right. So I am confused as a man.
On One hand some feminists say “Don’t objectify us” as porn can do. On the other hand, when an mgtow male becomes a monk or celibate or abstinent or whatever, he is mocked by feminists. Since for years unconscious men thought with their Penis constantly, and some still do, now that many man men are choosing to be celibate or abstinent and not watch Porn and lust like an animal after a woman’s breast but not look at her eyes and see a human being, Do many Women see this as a threat to their sexual power? Some woman can control and tempt man by a males need for sex, but if a male becomes celibate and refuses to lust after a women as an object, she may not be able to control him. Snowy, tell me what do you think?
Yeah, you didn’t answer my question.
“On the other hand, when an mgtow male becomes a monk or celibate or abstinent or whatever, he is mocked by feminists.”
Where are these feminists? Who are they? Because I haven’t run across any of them, ever.
Samuel is only marginally more coherent than a Turkish spambot. *eyes hurt now*
Seriously, dude, are you a bot? Is this some kind of MRA Turing test?
@Samuel, we don’t give a rats ass if you become celibate. It just doesn’t give you a liscense to police women’s clothes or discriminate against them. Also, for the four millionth time it has been said to you sexual attraction does not automatically equal objectification.
Kristin wrote “Samuel is only marginally more coherent than a Turkish spambot. *eyes hurt now”
Seriously, dude, are you a bot? Is this some kind of MRA Turing test?
Kristin what do you mean by this wtf?
Kristin as a woman can you answer my question that I asked “Some woman can control and tempt man by a males need for sex, but if a male becomes celibate and refuses to lust after a women as an object, she may not be able to control him. Snowy, tell me what do you think?” Read my post thoroughly I could be wrong I need a womans perspective?
Samuel, I see you’re here, so how about answering my question that I already asked twice? Who are these feminists who call men gay wimps?