MGTOWers have such a way with words. Here’s MrLahey on MGTOWforums explaining his movement in a nutshell:
[W]e’re voting with our feet, and the best way to say no to the cunted circus is to stop feeding it with your participation.
They’ll only notice you when they’re short your money.
“Cunted circus.” Lovely. I will be working it into as many conversations as I dare. Assuming I can figure out how to use it in a sentence. Can you?
(I’m taking off the “cunt” filter for the occasion.)
Have a look at this comment/fantasy not far below the featured one (one can only imagine what this inadequate was doing whilst writing);
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08-06-2011 04:26 PM #6
I Am Jack’s Agent of Kaos
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I see MGTOW as the greatest weapon against feminism and misandry because it’s a weapon that takes away the enemy’s focus and will eventually turn it against itself. Since we are abstaining from meaningful interactions, we are taking away the focus of their hate. It’s similar to whenever you’d hear a racist caucasian tell an african america to “go back to your own country.” Let’s say that african americans did, it wouldn’t matter because the racist person is still full of hate, he’d just turn his hate to something else. This is what will happen in my estimation.
After years of misandry, men had had enough and the numbers of MGTOW had grown exponentially. Seeing nowhere else to turn, they took their final option.
“Fuck it,” they said. “We’re out of here.”
The focus of their misguided hate being absent, the modern “women” were now forced to do the one thing they’d forgotten how to do, shut the fuck up. After years without men, the women started to notice that their lives weren’t was enriched as they had envisioned. They were lonely due to lack of companionship, stressed trying to provide for their family alone after forcing the father out and this was intensified by their children’s unruly nature as a result. They looked over and saw how much the men’s lives had improved, even the men that were enslaved to child support and alimony’s lives were getting better. The men were also beginning to improve society at great lengths due to their focus being shifted back from the eternal chase for vagina and over to progress for the world. Wanting to reconcile, the women decided to extend an olive branch.
“No, thank you,” the men replied without a second thought.
“Please?” the women asked. “We’re sorry for everything we’ve done, we just want it to go back to the way it was. We’ll even do anal.”
“Well, that it is tempting but we can get that kinda action for an extra $50 at the least. We’re going to have to decline, it was good seeing you though. Take care. Alright guys, back to work, these flying cars aren’t going to build themselves…what? We’ve just developed the technology to have the flying cars build themselves, damn, even talking to women for a minute distracts you. We did not realize that, damn it again.”
As the men were trying to leave, the women grabbed them by the leg in tears.
“Please, don’t go, why can’t we get back together?”
“Hey, it’s not our fault, you didn’t appreciate us, you won so enjoy it.”
Seeing that they weren’t going to let them be, the men appealed to the lesbians in the feminist movement for help.
“Hey, you lesbians wanna get these women of of us please? They’re on us like a fish on a bicycle.”
Trying to save face for their movement, the lesbians got the women to release the men much to their gratitude but they were surprised when the women turned on them.
“This is all your fault!”
Without a second thought, the lesbians struck the women to silence them.
“Shut up, bitches!” they shouted as the men smirked in surprise.
“That’s right, don’t take no lip.”
“Please?” the women asked. “We’re sorry for everything we’ve done, we just want it to go back to the way it was. We’ll even do anal.”
“Well, that it is tempting but we can get that kinda action for an extra $50 at the least.
Who are they getting action from o_O
Listen I cannot speak for every MRA/MGTOW/ I am not here to curse and yell or mock any female anatomy. What bothers me is many feminists state that these MGTOW/Happy Bachelor guys are creepy loser. douchebags who are illiterate and have no life and live in their Parents Basement. That offends me as a male. I know a lot of guys out there who have emailed me on happy bachelors sights( Dave your allowed private emails on the HB siites).
A lot of these guys that have emailed me their hurt and sadness and bitterness at women. I’ve heard from unemployed men and poor men. However, I have mostly heard from Wealthy Entrepreneurs, Artists Teachers,, Attorneys, Construction Workers, Physicians. These guys are far from creepy. These were normal every day guys that somehow have had bad experiences with women.
Also about the Handsome word I use. A lot of feminists claim That these mgtow guys are fat ugly overweight smelly losers. I know that is NOT true. Many of these guys are fit, are well read. Remember, a lot of mgtow guys men in general that post on MRA blogs are interested in Gender roles/Gender relations and are educated. These guys are not fat ugly stupid creepy losers. These are handsome men. This is just my observation from what I have seen on emails.
someone on the mgtow happy bachelor board emailed me this link http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100206181523AAVDs3o
Are these guys emailing you all their pictures too or something? o_O
I don’t think a lot of feminists even know of MGTOW honestly : It’s just the ones here, and I haven’t heard a lot of “they’re fat ugly overweight smelly losers”. (tho I have heard “live in their parents basements”) xD
I think accusing us of insulting the looks of MRAs is PRETTY cheeky!
MagicalLaura That is what I hear from a lot of feminists. The the MRA/mgtow happy bachelor guys are creepy losers. These are good, handsome,smart,masculine men, they have just been hurt by women. Yes some of them could be the equivalent of the angry feminist who bashes men. But She still loves men. Same with these guys. These are not women haters
Many of these guys were married, some are still in relationships with women, or want to be.A lot of attractive, wealthy, handsome men who choose to remain Bachelors get accused of being gay or selfish losers, Interestingly a lot of the guys on The Happy Bachelors MGTOW board are actually wealthy and successful but will not marry- they are afraid if a divorce happens since 1 out of 2 now in America end in divorce. they will lose everything. One may call them Paranoid, They are cautious and scared. Feminists reach out to these men.It may change their mind and they will could be good strong educated wealthy boyfriends/ Husband.
I have to say, lesbian separatists may not be the movement for me, but they do spend less time trying to get attention from those they are separating from!
Samuel, people who say things like “cunted circus” and imply that the ONLY reason a woman is with a man is for his money do not love women. They hate them.
Samuel: There is no such things as, “feminist compassion”. There is human compassion. I’ve been hurt by women. I’ve had women who were acting with calculation to make me miserable.
So Fucking What.
I’ve had men do the same.
Some people suck.
That’s not what the MGTOW/MRA types do. They say men are swell, and women suck. Not just some women, all women.
That’s why we get pissy with them.
Samuel: when I think of a MRA or MGTOW guy as “creepy loser”, it’s not because of his looks or social status or job. It’s because of his sexist beliefs. So unless you can tell me that lots of your MGTOW acquaintances aren’t really sexist, then I think you’re barking up the wrong tree.
The parallels with the “Galters” who believe (against all evidence and common sense*) that the withdrawal of a few whiny computer nerds from the economy will… uh, I’m afraid I don’t know how to close this sentence. (Is there an English teacher in the house? 😮 )
Well, anyway, when you combine the Gallup poll’s current figures for US underemployment and underemployment, it works out to 26.8%. That is, more than a quarter of the US workforce is either working below capacity or is completely idle. That has hurt the economy, of course, but it has hardly collapsed. And the “Galters” think that the disappearance of less than 1% of the workforce would collapse it? That’s sheer lunacy.
(Interesting… that “Galter” blog hasn’t been updated in nearly a year.)
So… getting back to the MGTOW’ers, there is absolutely no reason or evidence for the idea that a few hundred whiny losers staying out of relationships with women will make even a dent in the lives of the… 22 million or so women in the US alone. That ratio is so tiny, I’m not even going to bother working it out. 😀
*It works for me. ;D
mediumdave: They suffer from, well they suffer from lots of things; most of which have to do with a complete lack of economic understanding, but they believe in “the great man” theory of labor, and that they are great men.
If you ever want to be amazed… go read some, “rationalist” websites.
Pecunian wrote Samuel: There is no such things as, “feminist compassion”. There is human compassion. I’ve been hurt by women. I’ve had women who were acting with calculation to make me miserable.
So Fucking What.
I’ve had men do the same.
Some people suck.
That’s not what the MGTOW/MRA types do. They say men are swell, and women suck. Not just some women, all women.
That’s why we get pissy with them.
Pecuniun MGTOW is not monolithic There are some angry men that are radical and want nothing to do with them However Many of these guys would be open if some Feminists, like Ozymandias reached out to them to tell them Feminists are not all like that , Of course I am one of the few MGTOW feminists, but many would be open to changing their minds and understanding women if women reached out to them, If any Feminist here wants to starts a blog with me let know I believe it could work or not but if no one attempts to bridge a gap between both mgtow and feminists (radical and moderate). I believe this is necessary.
LOL, Samuel! If these guys want to know what feminists are like (why are you capitalizing a non-proper noun, BTW?), they can make the effort themselves! How egotistical (and typical) for these lazy, whiny, entitled gits to think that women should make the effort to reach out to them! Why on earth should they? If Ozy thinks it’s worth it; that’s fine for her, but I do not.
Mediumdave I am making the effort. I have been mocked cursed at and abused on this forum. A female called wrote to me that she wishes I was dead and would go to hell. I’m trying to communicate. I believe you can be a Feminist and an MGTOW.
If Feminism is about equality then it is good for MGTOW men.Ozymandias reached out to these guys, she was bold she cares. Yes some guys wrote nasty responses to her but She is Still Standing and still trying to make the effort. I’m willing to establish a blog with a feminist to bridge a gap.
Thank you Ozy very much again I will say again THANK THANK THANK YOU OZYMANDIAS for your feminist compassion. Ozy even wrote on her blog she criticized her fellow feminists for not caring about the men. Ozy is bold, she is a feminist who gives a crap about some bitter men who are really sad behind the hurt, to try to help them. Ozymandias even said she thinks Feminism can help organize the mens movement.
I’m not giving up, I believe dialogue and compassion on both sides leads to solutions. If any feminists want to join me in my mission let me know.
mediumdave: It goes “blahblahblah AND THEN THEY’LL BE SORRY!” Think of a five-year-old with better programming skills.
Samuel, I don’t think you understand. These MGTOW want to shun women completely. Don’t you think we should respect their choice? And maybe, you know, even celebrate it a little?
“Pecuniun MGTOW is not monolithic There are some angry men that are radical and want nothing to do with them However Many of these guys would be open if some Feminists, like Ozymandias reached out to them to tell them Feminists are not all like that…”
I’m calling bullshit, Samuel. Ever heard of NAWALT? NAFALT? They’re shorthand dismissals for the sentiment that Not All Women/Feminists Are Like That. Unless nearly every Men’s Rights Redditor, every Spear Head commenter, and every MRA and MGTOW visible to David is a radical, then your assertion that “many of these guys would be open if feminists reached out to them” is baloney.
No group is ever monolithic, if by monolithic you mean every member thinks and agrees with each other. However every groups has its trends, its vocal proponents, and its majority opinion (the three are not necessarily the same, but could be). Given the great deal of feminist blogs and members that disagree with radical feminists, it can’t be said that the radical opinion is the dominant one, or even the vocal one (notice that the same names keep cropping up over and over again, Dworkin, Marcotte, etc… and never from the feminist side). It’s the MRAs that keep bringing up the radical people as if they were representative.
On the flip side, notice how difficult it is to find blogs with moderate MRA and MGTOW opinions. I’m not gonna trust myself to judge what the trends and vocal proponents think in the MRM are, but from people who are much more informed than I (David, Holly, Ami, and Ozy just to name a few), the trends seem to be violent, the vocal proponents misogynistic, and the majority opinion that women suck.
You don’t have to be part of that group if you don’t agree with it. You can adopt the label if you desire, but insist through your actions and your words that you are not like the others. That’s fine. But ignoring the mountains of evidence that the movement you ascribe to is essentially a hate group ain’t gonna fly, as will dismissing everyone you disagree with in the movement (which seems to be just about everyone) as a radical.
Many of these guys are emotionally stuck at three years old. An adult would realize that externalities are not the whole of any problem. The complete lack of self awareness that are constantly displayed are sad. They need to cut the apron strings and stop looking for a mommie to take care of their every need so they can live in perpetual childhood.
I’ll say this again Mythago MGTOW Happy Bachelors MRA MRM is not monolithic. Just like Feminism is not monolithic.I think and this was discussed on this site before many of these guys are ‘”Threatening to go their own way.” If you want to celebrate it mythago and just these mgtow guys just die and go to hell like some have told me then that is okay.Mythago you go in your corner then we go in ours and no one bothers each other.
But if some bold feminists here want to reach out as this courageous female Ozymandias is doing, join me on my mission. I think feminism or many men call it “equalism”, can actually better these guys and change their minds and these guys may become great husbands to some women one day which helps better society.
In regards to the the bit above written by I Am Jack’s Agent of Kaos (sorry, I don’t know how to do the quotey things…) Wow. That’s got to be the most over-the-top ‘and then they’ll be sorry’ fantasy since the SOAP POISONING!! scene from A Christmas Story.
Also, hardly the main point, but…
“It’s similar to whenever you’d hear a racist caucasian tell an african america to “go back to your own country.” Let’s say that african americans did, it wouldn’t matter because”
… they would still be in America? I mean, it’s right there in the word…
If MGTOW’s want to stop going TOW and rejoin normal society, good for them (although they don’t get a cookie for doing what normal men were doing all along).
If they don’t, that’s their problem. Or not their problem, if they’re genuinely happy going TOW and don’t bother anyone about it.
To be honest, feminists don’t really care that much if these guys have relationships with women or not. We just care if they’re going around saying ravingly misogynist things or advocating discrimination against women. But we have absolutely no motivation to make them into anyone’s husbands.
It’s not like there aren’t plenty of nice single guys out there who haven’t given up on an entire gender.
Well, Samuel, you’ve been mocked and abused, but mainly by me (and you may have guessed that I’m a man). And, you are not making much of an effort if you still think that the onus is on feminists to “reach out” to you and other MGTOW’ers. Have you been cursed? I don’t know…
OK, I think that qualifies… now. Despite all the scorn and cursing and whatnot, I don’t want you to die and go to hell. Firstly, you’re already in hell. Or as close to it as an agnostic like me believes in. Secondly, if you die (literally, that is) you’ll never get out of hell. Again, metaphorically speaking. I don’t want you to suffer, Samuel; I’m not a cruel person. I want you and your fellow woman-haters to take some responsibility and GROW THE FUCK UP. Which you’ll never be able to do as long as you sit there and whine, “Help me! Help me! I’m a helpless manchild who can’t do anything for himself!” If you expect women to rescue you, it’ll never happen.
Amanda is radical? Wow, I had no idea that I was following, reading and agreeing a lot with a radical.
So… uhm… Go me! /burns bra
@Samuel If someone came up to a black man and said “Hey, i’m a racist. I think it would be better if all the blacks just went back to africa. But I can learn! Please, come show the other racists that you’re a good guy! Sure, they may curse you and be jackasses, but you can do it Show them you’re good!” Do you think it would get any kind of good response? Do you think it would be up to the black man to show the racists that he’s actually a good person?